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How To Use Registrar In A Sentence

  • The world's registrars and registries didn't agree.
  • The health service grew up in the tradition of autonomous consultants who could refer to ‘my patients, my registrar, my houseman, and my beds.’
  • The statements are needed in order to take forward a class action lawsuit against the domain registrar.
  • This submission was made before the registrar, but later abandoned before the hearing was concluded.
  • Consequently in Self v Self it was not lawful for a county court registrar to overrule an assisted party's choice of counsel where counsel had been selected by the assisted party from the appropriate panel.
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  • Returning to Cardiff, he became a supernumerary registrar to the medical school before leaving to become a general practitioner in the Swansea Valley.
  • That is in the hands, not of my client, but of the registrar of the Supreme Court.
  • Records are obtained from the registrars of births, deaths, and marriages in each state and territory.
  • His Honour subsequently dismissed the summons in the Common Law Division and referred the probate proceedings to the Registrar.
  • When either a collection or items to be added to an existing collection come to an institution, a registrar creates a record of the content and then passes the content along to the collection manager.
  • If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
  • Associations which fail to comply with these provisions can be deregistered by the registrar of transport, he explained.
  • The resident medical registrar assessed a number of our patients after anaesthetic assessment, and they subsequently underwent surgery.
  • However, he will remain on leave until then, with college registrar Vincent McCarthy continuing as acting director until a new appointment is made.
  • Football's original pin-up was described by university registrar James O'Kane as ‘noteworthy, sometimes notorious, but never ignored’.
  • He worked as a senior house officer and registrar in gynaecology and obstetrics until 1980, when he changed career to general practice.
  • The registrar is asking the bride if she promises to love and to cherish. MAN AND WIFE
  • A quick visit to the registrar 's office revealed that Ryan Gordon was study hall monitor this time of day. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Football's original pin-up was described by university registrar James O'Kane as ‘noteworthy, sometimes notorious, but never ignored’.
  • The Otago University's registrar, Augustus Hamilton, had pieced together a skeleton of the extinct bird and even added feathers.
  • However, a public company must obtain in addition a trading certificate from the Registrar before it may commence trading.
  • Senior medical students, junior doctors, registrars, nurses, and allied health professionals are all potential teachers.
  • In the Indian capital, 1, 004 girls were born for every 1, 000 boys in 2008, according to the Chief Registrar, Births and Deaths.
  • Assuming the requisite piece of paper, which I suspect is about to be handed to the Registrar, arrives in time, then we need not trouble ourselves with that.
  • There were ‘proceedings’ in being at the very moment that the plaintiff made his affidavit and his solicitor lodged it with the registrar.
  • She later became psychiatric registrar at Hellingly Hospital and then a medical assistant at Craig Phadric Hospital in Inverness.
  • In particular, the central character, Sari Arany (which we can accept as a translatuion convention: in Hungarian she would have been Arany Sari) is a fascinating figure, developing from introspective teenager to being the village midwife, registrar and procurer of poison. Three Who audiobooks
  • An important supplement to the annual report of the Registrar-General has just been issued, showing the extent to which zymotic diseases have prevailed in the last 10 years.
  • At that moment the psychiatric patient suddenly lunged at the registrar and struck her two glancing blows.
  • He worked as a senior house officer and registrar in gynaecology and obstetrics until 1980, when he changed career to general practice.
  • The registrar is asking the bride if she promises to love and to cherish. MAN AND WIFE
  • Ms. Weils instructed us to follow the hall down to the registrar's office, where her courses would be scheduled and final paperwork would be completed.
  • The lists maintained by the county registrars are riddled with errors, including incorrect data, misspellings, numbers in fields which require names, etc.
  • And the new legislation, allowing registrars to conduct weddings ‘out of the office’ and in more romantic settings, has been an added bonus.
  • We have had an urgent hearing here, we have had affidavit evidence, and a learned judicial registrar determined that there is jurisdiction in this case to join the parties and to grant the injunction.
  • You will please take notice that the Registrar or Minister is bound legally to send the notice of marriage referred to above, and also, that in reading it out _in the form, and with the accompanying remarks above_, you incur no legal penalty. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (2 of 2) (1888)
  • Under the old policy, it was quite common for unseemly Registrars to abuse their position and prevent outgoing customers from transferring to a different service provider.
  • Instead he insists the new registrar will be able to respond to complaints in a quick manner, adding that complaints can be filed confidentially.
  • Six months later, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the Canadian Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Goes to Canadian Court
  • This decision was given the legal sanction in a rather drab ritual at the marriage registrar's office, with a few friends to witness and append their signatures on the documents as required.
  • Registrars in the major cities, in particular, record dozens of bigamous or polygamous marriages per year. Netherlands recognizes polygamous marriages of Muslims. Sort of.
  • Not only are you required to check your marks on the Internet, but you have to go to the registrar's office to obtain your password.
  • Previously the registrar, Helen's new role is one of four titles created at the museum as part of a restructuring programme aimed at paving the way for more growth and development.
  • After a few calls, not only did I learn exactly what the registrar's office does, but I also learned that my father had not paid a penny of my first semester's tuition.
  • Football's original pin-up was described by university registrar James O'Kane as ‘noteworthy, sometimes notorious, but never ignored’.
  • And Rose is desperately appealing to all registrars to skip their day off and allow the couple, who have been together for six years, to get married.
  • He is a registrar doing advanced training in palliative medicine.
  • The process involves 30 keepers, curators and registrars making a note of every single creature in the zoo.
  • My application, initially, was not refused to be accepted by the registrar of the judge of the Federal Court.
  • Just excuse me for a moment, I will ask the Registrar about the listing.
  • Some of the experts who will answer questions on the double cohort include university presidents, registrars, government officials and the alliance themselves.
  • But no amount of tackiness can be worse than a plain white wedding, and it's to civil registrars' great, uncelebrated credit that they will do almost anything these days to accommodate couple's requests, however ill-judged they may be.
  • He was the registrar of Dhaka University and I had two brothers and four sisters.
  • The draft amendments have been put on Registrar of Newspapers for India's (RNI) website, www., and also on the website of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, www.
  • The judge ordered the registrar of political parties to remove the Young Democrats/NDA off-shoot and said he "should not refuse to register the name NDA by its rightful owners. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Seamus was a County Council employee and the local registrar for births, marriages and deaths.
  • Our registrar is accepting membership for this year, which remains unchanged at €10 per adult and €1 per juvenile.
  • The power is then delegated to the judicial registrars but not the registrars of the court.
  • Dr Richard Gale, a specialist registrar in ophthalmology at York District Hospital, has co-written the article in the British Medical Journal criticising the signs.
  • The land rush for new information domains is exposing weaknesses in its registrar's infrastructure and already protest sites are sprouting up.
  • After qualifying he served as surgeon lieutenant in HMS Montrose during the second world war, and after a period as an orthopaedic registrar he entered general practice.
  • One registrar should also be able to link directly to different registries all over the world, making the system far more like the actual Internet.
  • She still had a lot of pain and on April 21, 1996, she was seen by a medical registrar, who recorded she was complaining of very severe pain.
  • In general practice, men are more prepared to see a registrar or a locum than women and seem to place less store on the doctor-patient relationship than women.
  • He is the world-renowned authority and registrar on the species he rescued from obscurity.
  • For someone who holds such a powerful position in the NHS, it's striking that he's no older than the average hospital registrar.
  • At present the office of the vice chancellor together with the office of the registrar and concerned parties are engaged in consultations about this problem.
  • Two days later they were present at Caroline's marriage to Sir Bruce Abbott at the St Marylebone registrar 's office. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The alteration was probably made by the desire of the family, and without communicating such desire to the registrary of the university. Notes and Queries, Number 201, September 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Joanne Wade, of the registrar's office, claims that the university is ‘trying to be more proactive than before’ in regards to supporting financial need.
  • Specialist registrars and locum appointments for training have recognised supervised education as part of their job.
  • In the Netherlands, registrars are the officials who preside over marriages.
  • After gathering and notarizing signatures, SEP supporters had to spend additional hours sorting, addressing, stuffing and mailing petitions to local voter registrars.
  • Maurizio is unlike any doctor I've seen for a long while, nothing like my GP, in her jeans, or the hard-pressed shirtsleeved junior registrars in our local children's casualty department.
  • As well as being the proud mum at the civil ceremony - she'll also be the officiating registrar.
  • You cannot have a registrar as a litigant in his own court, so he went outside his jurisdiction.
  • Because of the singleness [of my heart] he appointed me to be a bearer of the royal seal, and the deputy of the registrary (?). The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
  • And what did subsequent judges and registrars hearing my matter say?
  • The University here accepted a non notarized and non translated card from my registrar as to my graduation. Going to a Mexican University?
  • Today's ceremony will have all the trappings of a wedding but without the trap as, for legal reasons, it can't be performed by a real registrar until the pair give 90 days notice of their intention to marry.
  • The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or provisionally registered under this Ordinance.
  • They were clinically assessed by one of four accredited Ear, Nose and Throat Registrars, two unaccredited ENT Registrars, or two general practice trainees.
  • The Registrar held that Lloyd's refusal of the offer that they had made was not unreasonable.
  • Section eleven of chapter twenty-nine of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and seventeen is hereby amended by striking out in the thirty-fifth line, the word "thirtieth", and substituting the word: — twentieth, — so that the last sentence of the said section will read as follows: — If the statement of the applicant as to residence is found to be true, the election commissioners shall place the name of the applicant on the voting list; otherAnse the election commis - sioners shall forth\\'ith notify the applicant to appear before them, and, if not satisfied that his statement is true, shall not place his name upon the voting list: provided, however, that no application for registration mider the pro\'isions of this section shall be received by the election commissioners or assistant registrars later than the twentieth day preced - ing a state or municipal election. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The minister of oil and vinegar dispatched a locksmith to change the locks on the Registrar General door, and had the Governor General read the writ of dismissal.
  • Law students make their limited grade option (pass-fail) elections for law courses ONLINE at the Law School Registrar's Office Web site.
  • It is a huge consortium of domain registrars, registry operators, telcos and technology companies.
  • I would say that because of the nonavailability of registrars that there would be a feeling that voter registration has leveled off. Oral History Interview with Aaron Henry, April 2, 1974. Interview A-0107. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • When you've made your musical selection, do run it past the officiating registrar to make sure that it is acceptable.
  • Only possibly good news is registrar said we should not assume it is asthma, at this age could just as easily be a bronchiole infection. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Role accounts not only encompass abuse desks or Network Operation Centers, but also operational accounts like 'hostmaster' and 'postmaster', who have to deal with requests from customers and feedback from key institutions like ARIN and RIPE or domain registrars. Boing Boing: December 28, 2003 - January 3, 2004 Archives
  • A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.
  • Ben, Olivia and the registrar were standing beneath a trellised archway, white climbing roses twisting around its wooden frame, while the rest of the guests stood to the rear, sipping champagne and watching the proceedings.
  • The focus groups comprised consultants and specialist registrars in medicine for elderly people, nurses, general practitioners, and hospice staff.
  • `Mr Stevens's firm recently required the services of a locum surgical registrar; one duly appeared. NIGHT SISTERS
  • In due course she served here as a magistrate, then chief registrar of the high court.
  • That Court had affirmed a decision of a registrar of the Federal Magistrates Court, who ordered that the applicant's application to set aside a bankruptcy notice issued against him be dismissed with costs.
  • Thankfully, none of our senior house officers and registrars seemed to notice it during the teaching session that afternoon.
  • During my specialist registrar rotation in obstetrics and gynaecology last year, I was posted to a busy district general hospital in Northern Ireland.
  • Ottoman registrars recorded villages whether or not they were inhabited, on the basis that since they had once provided revenue, they might yet do so again.
  • Now, Health Canada is prepared to accept foreign incorporated registrars so long as the Standards Council of Canada accredits them.
  • The judicial registrar condemned them in strong terms.
  • For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
  • They were sent to the registrar, judges, even to the High Court Registry and everything.
  • This alone makes it difficult for them to progress to performing operations like appendicectomies, which most current registrars were doing as pre-registration house officers.
  • As a student who is paying for university using government money, I find myself appalled at the service from the registrar's office.
  • The resident medical registrar assessed a number of our patients after anaesthetic assessment, and they subsequently underwent surgery.
  • I had recently been appointed as senior registrar in respiratory medicine and was keen to impress.
  • Only the judge, the registrar, the lawyers and the couples themselves (or sometimes just one spouse) are present in court.
  • Two audiologists, two speech therapists, a theatre sister and a specialist registrar will accompany the couple on the trip in October.
  • If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
  • All 621 doctors and 47 registrars in 221 general practices in Glasgow were informed by letter about the study and invited to participate.
  • A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.
  • A superintendent registrar of births, marriages, and deaths had the duty of registering all marriages.
  • The registrar says that I owe the school money.
  • I told Stacy I was planning to call her employer and check with the registrar at the university from which she said she had graduated.
  • The subject of her thoughts, blithely unaware of the future hurtling towards her, was doing a round with Sir Harry Bliss, his registrar -- one Donald Jones, a clutch of worried housemen, and the social worker, a beaky-nosed lady with a heart of gold, known throughout the hospital as Ducky. You Don't Take Names
  • When the web arrived, archivists, librarians and registrars-general recognised it as a wonderful way of making their treasures available.
  • Nor can it function without its other officers or servants - whether registrars, librarians, groundsmen or security officers.
  • The houseman is in the middle of a ward round with my specialist registrar, and, since I am going past the x ray department on my way to a ward visit, I decide to drop the MRI request in to the radiologists.
  • The company comes into existence only when the Registrar of Companies issues a certificate of incorporation.
  • To this body should belong the Generals, the nine Archons, the Amphictyonic Registrar (Hieromnemon), the Taxiarchs, the Hipparchs, the Phylarch, the commanders of garrisons, the Treasurers of Athena and the other gods, ten in number, the Hellenic Treasurers Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • According to the registrar of Bradley Polytechnic Institute in the founding year of 1897, names and descriptions of courses are not given.
  • The registrar is asking the bride if she promises to love and to cherish. MAN AND WIFE
  • It held that the individual respondents had been sued only as Registrars, and that having under Alabama law effectively resigned their offices they were not suable in their official capacities; that the Board of Registrars was not a suable legal entity; and that the Civil Rights Act of 1957 did not authorize this action against the State. 171 F. Supp. 720.
  • I was not a pioneer of part time senior registrar training in Wessex: several people were already in post.
  • The seminar is aimed at burial ground committee members, clergy, burial ground registrars, elected representatives, local authority staff, community groups and historical societies.
  • Studying on a scholarship from an American church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, he stayed to work at the college as a registrar and teacher.
  • He greatly enjoyed being a surgical registrar at Barts and pioneered the use of the gastroscope in England, learning the technique in Germany.
  • Don't registrars cross-index birth and death certificates? DO NO HARM
  • If your request is for information about a child, please contact the Registrar to find out how to make such a request.
  • In his 10 years as a registrar he was involved in the Clean Air Act and the ill effects of smoking, and in 1951 published his observations on the beneficial effect of mepacrine in lupus erythematosus.
  • Each patient was seen by a consultant surgeon or surgical specialist registrar.
  • Then I bleeped the medical registrar to ask what to do about the abnormal D-dimer test result.
  • Herring, a 56-year-old middle school registrar, is disabled with avascular necrosis in her knees. White House Acknowledges 'Real Impact' Of Cuts To Energy Assistance Funding
  • In general practice, men are more prepared to see a registrar or a locum than women and seem to place less store on the doctor-patient relationship than women.
  • Ilkley nurse Julie Atkinson is a registrar undergoing training to be a nurse practitioner.
  • It is convenient to mention here that, at the hearing before the registrar and on the appeal before me, there was no major issue about the three specific allegations.
  • If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
  • Dr Trevor Pickersgill, a specialist registrar in neurology in Swansea, said that doctors were demoralised by unattributed briefings.
  • The training needs of general practice registrars and healthcare professionals at all levels will have to be identified and programmes implemented to ensure that these needs are taken care of.
  • He was scheduled to have lumbar puncture under anaesthesia during the day, but because he ate a biscuit the procedure had to be postponed until the evening, when it was left to a specialist registrar in paediatric anaesthesia.
  • It went before a judicial registrar, a judge and the Full Court.
  • She was a paediatric registrar at Charing Cross Hospital and entered public health in 1962.
  • There was no question the registrar was negligent.
  • Couples sign the partnership document in the presence of two witnesses and a Civil Partnership Registrar.
  • The registrar is asking the bride if she promises to love and to cherish. MAN AND WIFE
  • The Civil Partnership Act will allow gay people to sign an official document in front of the registrar and two witnesses.
  • At their single visit to the clinic, the patients had a structured interview by either a consultant gastroenterologist or a specialist registrar in gastroenterology.
  • He became a senior registrar in cardiology at St Mary's Hospital, London, at the relatively young age of 30.
  • Only possibly good news is registrar said we should not assume it is asthma, at this age could just as easily be a bronchiole infection. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Registrars involved in kiting scam, register thousands of domains against the large amount of money they deposit with Registry. Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
  • Registrarships, canonries and livings fell upon them in rich profusion, and the great prize of all, the registrarship of the Prerogative Court of the archbishop of Canterbury, fell to the luckiest of the lot. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • The business school is expected to open its doors in 2004, according to university registrar, Dr David Redmond.
  • He was referred to the hospital after his condition deteriorated and the paediatric registrar correctly diagnosed diabetic ketoacidosis - a serious condition of biochemical derangement which can occur in children.
  • This decision was given the legal sanction in a rather drab ritual at the marriage registrar's office, with a few friends to witness and append their signatures on the documents as required.
  • This is an appeal from the deputy registrar, and the evidence before me is limited to the evidence before the deputy registrar.
  • Government employees included circuit court clerks, a land office registrar, U.S. Rangers, marshals, commissioners, and a city alderman.
  • Erecting these barriers to voting isn't always a conscious choice; some registrars simply don't know the law and are as confused as college students when it comes to residency regulations.
  • The applicants are, in effect, challenging a discretionary decision of the registrar, as reviewed by a federal magistrate, and as further considered by the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia.
  • To this body should belong the Generals, the nine Archons, the Amphictyonic Registrar (Hieromnemon), the The Athenian Constitution
  • Even if it worked for senior house officer appointments it would not work for registrar appointments.
  • Professor Stewart was summoned to the registrar's office at the University of Adelaide.
  • Public patients receive antenatal care and birth care at public hospitals, and care is provided by rostered midwives, residents, registrars, and staff obstetricians.
  • As the incoming Registrar, in an environment in which every predecessor has made a decisive contribution to the solidity of the human resource foundation that is CXC, my term priorities pick up from the challenges passed on as well as the looming texture of the field ahead, and this strategic framework seeks to lay out these priorities. Stabroek News
  • The General Medical Council has also been informed, and hospital managers have revealed that they have dispensed with the services of the locum registrar on duty during the delivery.
  • All cases are discussed with either a specialist registrar or consultant gastroenterologist.
  • This is often the most frustrating part of the whole process because the power is suddenly removed from the coach and athlete as it is thrust into the hands of the registrar's office.
  • Further the plaintiff requisitioned a Certificate of Stay to be issued by the Registrar despite the fact that this case was not one for which an automatic stay could be issued.
  • At the end of semester, unsuccessful or unattempted results will not appear on transcripts of academic record or statements of standing but will be held by the Office of the registrar in internal records.
  • Couples sign the partnership document in the presence of two witnesses and a Civil Partnership Registrar.
  • During these sessions, a senior general practitioner observes a registrar's consultations and reviews the surgery's equipment, policies, and procedures.
  • Our medical team consists of ten consultants, two specialist registrars, and three senior house officers.
  • Over the years he had held several appointments in the College, bursar since 1986, registrar since 1989 and vice president since.
  • Wade explained that the registrar has been very proactive in communicating the availability of the bursary program to students and they will continue to be proactive in doing so.
  • No one asked which faculty I was in or checked my student number against the registrar's list.
  • Having qualified with a postgraduate degree in ophthalmology and after a spell as senior registrar in northern India, I moved back home to Bangalore in southern India.
  • One of two specialist registrars in anaesthesia examined each patient after the nurse or house officer.
  • In 1996 the acting registrar of the Waitangi Tribunal sought advice on the powers of the chairperson of the tribunal to reconstitute tribunals where members are unable to continue in office.
  • Waterford city native, Dr John Nolan is the registrar or chief executive of the National University of Ireland, under whose aegis the new degree was developed.
  • Unfortunately, the dearth of registrars and locums will make implementation of a new system difficult.
  • Remember the specialist has studied for at least 11 years, during which time he or she worked as an intern and medical registrar.
  • So although it is enforced by the registrar and the infringer is obliged to pay the money to the court, the court hands the money that is received, under the statutory scheme, back to the municipality.
  • Because the memorandum and articles of the company are public documents, filed with the registrar of companies, the courts treated the public as knowing their contents, even if they had not read them.
  • (a) All of that real property in Guam situated within the perimeter areas defined in the following-designated condemnation proceedings in the Superior Court of Guam, being the same property quitclaimed by the Naval Government of Guam to the United States of America by deed dated July 31, 1950, and filed for record with the Land Registrar of Guam on August 4, 1950 (Presentation No. 22063): EXECUTIVE ORDER 10178
  • She worked as a registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital under Josephine Barnes and then moved to Carlisle.
  • Independent schools inspector Jim Beeke asked the registrar of companies to review potential conflict of interest with company executives controlling the schools' boards.
  • Only possibly good news is registrar said we should not assume it is asthma, at this age could just as easily be a bronchiole infection. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • If your request is for information about a child, please contact the Registrar to find out how to make such a request.
  • A dozen names - once repeated slowly by the Registrar and written down in steady copperplate.
  • County-based registrars of birth, death and marriage hold the full set of original civil registration registers, the earliest of which date from April 1845.
  • After the introduction of the Calman reforms of specialist training, specialist registrars were more likely to report satisfaction with key elements of their training.
  • Six months later, however, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the federal Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Faces Hurdle in Canada
  • With only 150 accredited registrars actively selling and reselling domains, it is a fairly small industry.
  • We have directed the registrar to impose a suspension order for six months to allow him time to address his behaviour and attitude.
  • If domain names are property, the three judges sitting in the case ruled, then registrars are responsible for protecting them.
  • The oily Minister requested her new Registrar General to activate a company that was de-registered.
  • According to Joanne Wade of the registrar's office, information systems and technology, that the statement simply reflects the current practice.
  • Public patients receive antenatal care and birth care at public hospitals, and care is provided by rostered midwives, residents, registrars, and staff obstetricians.
  • He does, however, feel that mistakes such as these should not be happening, and cautions fellow students, urging them to pay careful attention when dealing with the registrar's office.

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