How To Use Regionally In A Sentence
At its peak, Prattville included a regionally renowned cotton textile factory; tinware, sash and door, and carriage manufacturers; and merchant mills.
The study 'Magnesium ethoxide (CAS 2414-98-4) Market Research Report 2009' presents an overview of the Magnesium ethoxide market globally and regionally by contemplating and analyzing its parameters.
American Independent Business Alliance, showed examples of successful campaigns, lectured on what to do - and what not to do - to engage business owners and consumers, and suggested that the organizations set up a network to share experiences and spread the word regionally and statewide.
SFGate: Top News Stories
It is one of very few regionally accredited nonresident programs.
Drainage is a clear example of an issue that must ultimately be approached regionally.
Unlike the Saskatchewan approach to canola, Smith is a proponent of a cooperative mercantilism that develops local advantages and creates strong social networks regionally to provide benefits locally.
They accepted that they were contesting the election under a system which sought to compensate parties whose vote is too spread out to win many or any first-past-the-post seats, but who retain a level or popular support regionally that "entitles" them to representation.
What is Victory?
But also it has to be met regionally, which is why the Foreign Minister and I in the course of the day have spoken about how closely Sri Lanka and Australia work under the Bali Process.
Press Conference, Australian Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith and Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, Rohitha Bogollagama.
The thick Thunderhead Sandstone (Upper Precambrian Great Smoky Group) in the Great Smoky Mountains along the Tennessee/North Carolina border was deformed and regionally metamorphosed during formation of the Appalachian Highlands, beginning in the so-called Devonian (that is, early in the Flood year).12-14 With increasing temperatures and pressures from northwest to southeast, the regional metamorphism produced in these sandstone layers a series of chemically and mineralogically distinct zones of schists and gneisses.15 These zones are named according to the first appearance of the distinctive metamorphic minerals which characterize them as the intensity of the metamorphism increased laterally—the biotite, garnet, staurolite, and kyanite zones.
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Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.
We'll be working with regionally based coordinators, who will work directly with the farms to collect the data.
Another instrument keeps daily track of the carbon monoxide plumes from fires and the scope of pollution produced regionally and globally.
On many other technology fronts it always seems to be that Asia, specially regionally, is rather ahead of us in the USA if for no other reason than our clunky corporate need to control access and charge monthly fees for every possible service, but that's another story.
EReader Adventures
So we need to be able to look at things broadly and regionally so we can optimize the right resources.
Rhetorically, he often proposed that modern architecture be regionally specific rather than globally uniform.
The meaning of motifs can vary regionally, however.
Imparting his vision, he challenged California staffers to preserve regionally important landscapes instead of locally favored parcels.
These features of the Moine succession are instead most consistent with accumulation in a regionally extensive shallow marine basin formed during subsidence following initial lithospheric thinning.
Sponsoring seminars with pro staff and regionally known turkey hunters will draw customers into your store.
However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari.
Simpson desert
More recently, as chair of CPA's Graduate Education Reform Task Force, he worked successfully to pass legislation to stop the proliferation of regionally unaccredited schools of psychology in California.
The development would put the area on the map regionally and nationally.
The economy is picking up, anational police force is finally being established and, crucially, Chávez last week dramatically defused the threat of war with the pro-US government in Colombia through a regionally brokered rapprochement.
The transformation of Latin America is a global advance
What he proposes is it kind of breakups by regions and does the nation really coalesce regionally the way he suggests?
CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2008
The Blaine Formation is over 200 m thick, composed of interbedded mudstone, gypsum in beds up to 10 m thick, and has regionally traceable members of limestone and dolomite.
The three major world caffeine drinks, coffee, tea and cacao, have become standards in western society, and yet consumption of other products, such as yerba mate and guarana, have remained regionally important.
The suspended activists have the full support of the union, regionally and nationally.
In comes a calm, regionally balanced economy with the housing market in its proper place.
Our bilateral relationship is at a very good and high-level, we think we can take it even further – we think there is much more that in partnership Australia and Indonesia can do, not just in a bilateral sense but also regionally, which is why
Joint media conference with Indonesian Foreign Minister Wirajuda - Transcript - The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
The program will be marketed regionally.
Moreover demographic growth was regionally concentrated in the areas of industrial expansion, first in north-east Wales, then in south Wales.
Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.
In addition, the park is buzzing with insect life and is regionally important for the high numbers of dragonflies and damselflies.
regionally governed
The impact of these trends has varied regionally.
After all, she lives just as "regionally" as any of us.
Pairie Mary on 2Blowhards
Kassel is regionally known as the site of a 5-yearly modern arts festival, which sounded like its permanent exhibits would have been neat to see, alas they were too far, or closed, or I failed to find them.
Kassel, Goslar, Hannover, more Göttingen
Jay Lake: Baby Cabbage, also regionally referred to as The Leaf, Squallroot or Mother's Little Helper, Cruciferae Brassica homogenesis
What did we do today, brain?
Modelling efforts address several issues, including how many subpopulations of salmon can be lost before the species goes regionally extinct.
The Army has addressed the requirement for unity of effort by establishing regionally oriented, globally employable, theater sustainment commands.
Effects of glucocorticoids on dopaminergic activity are also strongly context and regionally dependent.
An additional purpose, or at least effect, of some international environmental agreements is to harmonize national laws, either globally or regionally.
HADLEY - Hadley officials have been talking to area officials about possibly coordinating services to veterans regionally.
Reader -
However, bedding-cleavage intersection lineations for this regionally developed cleavage display distinctly different distributions when plotted in stereographic projection.
The regionally immense deposits of rich loess soils, for example in the Midwest, are also of aeolian origin.
Manufacturer incentives and rebates for vehicle brands are updated on a daily basis and offered regionally, which is a first for the automotive information industry.
Automotive Headlines
In addition, hormones from endocrine glands enter and leave the vascular system through regionally specialized capillaries.
Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.
Regionally, employment prospects are more positive.
Because the unit can be traced over several tens of kilometres, we suggest it marks a sub-regionally significant event in the Emeishan Province as basalt production terminated.
With these they communicate, start businesses and access affordably once unreachable ideas, customers and markets regionally and abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
Pasta dishes adorned with regionally grown truffles are popular, as are Piedmontese wines like the full-bodied aged Barolo.
A uniform, regionally concordant layer of amphibolite with occasional ultramafic pods, termed the Sta Amphibolite, overlies the Sta Series.
Materials were sourced for their recycled content, biodegradability and life cycle costs - all timber, for instance, was locally or regionally produced.
Instead, tartans probably were regionally based with different patterns belonging to different areas of the country.
To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: the use of regionally specific climate projections that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; the use of empirical relationships relating local climate (weather) to measurements of species or stock dynamics (e.g., abundance, size, growth rate, fecundity) and comparison of population success temporally (e.g., from a period of climatically variable years) or spatially (e.g., locales representing the extremes of variation in weather conditions such as latitudinal clines); and the use of current distributional data and known or inferred thermal preferences to shift ecological residency zones into geographic positions that reflect probable future climate regimes.
Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
His beachfront house in California exemplifies his devotion to straightforward, regionally appropriate design.
It is the excessive pretension for Eurasianism, using it as "the" Russian identity both nationally and regionally, which is what turns it into a de facto global ideology and counterposes it to Atlanticism.
Eurasianism and Atlanticism: enemies or allies?
the regionally differentiated results
In the 1980s, we became the first regionally-based law firm to open a London office, focused on corporate transactions.
Five regionally based personnel manager posts were created to enhance the personnel service offered to the retail division.
Increasingly, support for entrepreneurs needs to be delivered regionally.
Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.
The company's supplier diversity efforts have been recognized nationally and regionally.
Zambia has never involved itself in internal political matters of other states, regionally or overseas.
For instance, with their taxes and consumer dollars, all Canadians have borne the costs of maintaining the viability of certain regionally based industries.
National Purpose and Future Industrial Development
A controversialist to the end, he remained politically active both nationally and regionally.
Times, Sunday Times
Paul Gayler's excellent Mediterranean Cook is divided regionally and has some good unusual dishes like vegetarian meze, churros, gaufrette and tian (Jacqui Small, £18.99).
The regionally threatened Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) and lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus) also occur.
Middle East steppe
However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari.
Simpson desert
The locally and regionally important grassland nature reserve is home to a range of rare insects and plants.
Consensus-based constitutional conventionsdevolved tothe bioregional level, rewriting their constitutions to reflect a directly democratic, bioregionally-based confederation, with acentral coordinating function for common defense andfair trade, and including economic and cultural, as well political rights.
Moreover demographic growth was regionally concentrated in the areas of industrial expansion, first in north-east Wales, then in south Wales.
In addition, the park is buzzing with insect life and is regionally important for the high numbers of dragonflies and damselflies.
It hosts a critical range for ungulates, several regionally important wildlife movement corridors, productive wildlife habitat, and listed species such as grizzly bears and harlequin ducks.
The site is rich in acidophilic species, particularly pteridophytes and bryophytes, and contains a number of regionally rare taxa.
The country rock was regionally metamorphosed to above the sillimanite isograde.
He says the idea in the late 1980s for a regionally controlled ATSIC hasn't eventuated.
How does one grow regionally adapted beans for moist climates?
Regionally, US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has made it extremely unpopular.
I produce a salsa that sells very well regionally.
Arts organizations have a major impact on the service industry, as cultural tourism brings people in regionally, nationally, and sometimes internationally.
Matthew Yglesias » From Snark to a Serious Question: Non-profit Productivity
Oak and hazel were probably dominant, but with an intermixture of other species, including birch, alder - a tree of wetlands - ash and elm, which varied regionally.
Paul Gayler's excellent Mediterranean Cook is divided regionally and has some good unusual dishes like vegetarian meze, churros, gaufrette and tian.
The issue would be usefully approached regionally, which he shies away from doing.
The dominant vegetation in the Park is open woodland and spinifex (spiny hummockgrass) grassland, with many eucalypts, acacias and grevilleas; notably silverleaf bloodwood Eucalyptus collina and roughleaf range gum E. aspera, The regionally endemic sandstone grevillea Grevillea miniata, and rock grevillea G. psilantha, are found only in the Park.
Purnululu National Park, Australia
The term pademelon varies regionally in its application but may be taken to be a small wallaby.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
Other regionally endemic species that may be found are the mountain chicken, which is actually a type of frog, and the rare galliwasp, which is half-snake, half-lizard.
Regionally, the Ave prayer is beginning to replace the Paternoster.