
How To Use Regional In A Sentence

  • This patronising voice with a whine and an awful regional accent was talking. Times, Sunday Times
  • How does one grow regionally adapted beans for moist climates?
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • Northampton was another elegant county town and regional market centre and was known far and wide for its horse fairs.
  • Although nationally distributed boxes do not change fronts often, the regional ones do, making them a prime target for collectors.
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  • Also, the kind of good governance needed for a long term regional vision was lacking.
  • He has identified ways to cut its 600m supply chain spending by 12% and devolved more responsibility to regional management teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • Such an attack would ignite a regional war. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the government wants to regionalise Britain, which I have doubts about, they should say so.
  • But there was understandable outrage when sundry fund managers and regional stockbrokers were confronted with the hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newspapers have, however, reported that prosecutors are convinced the investigating magistrate in charge of a corruption and fraud inquiry involving the regional governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia will soon officially name him as a suspect in the case. Spain's king blocks scandal-hit son-in-law from royal duties
  • But this volume considerably expands our understanding by widening the regional sphere of comparison and by taking on board issues of secrecy, cultural heritage and museology.
  • The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer.
  • He is reportedly dissatisified with the performance of U.S. regional military commanders-in-chief.
  • But with vast quantities of developable land in the expanding suburbs (as the circumference of the circle enlarges), regional home price indices post only small gains.
  • Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.
  • But the share price of some regional brewers does not fully reflect these assets.
  • The Mughal empire had disintegrated and was being replaced by a variety of regional states.
  • The author argues that the military's four-star regional commanders have usurped the influence and authority of the State Department and local ambassadors.
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • There are southern and northern dialects, each having three regional idioms.
  • People should be proud of their regional accents. The Sun
  • Sceptics point out that the poll only offered a straight choice between Whitehall and regional rule, and left out the option of more local control.
  • Although Mitchell grasses (Astrebla spp.) may be common along drainage lines in adjacent lowland ecoregions (Gulf Plains and Channel Country), it is only in the downs that Mitchell grasses dominate regional vegetation. Mitchell grass downs
  • It seems likely to do just that as a social barometer of genuine historical value that records everything from the British public's reactions to regional accents to the history of sudoku.
  • I believe very strongly in many of these ideas but they can be hard to communicate, especially when the discourse is peppered with terminology like "peri-urban," "phytoremediation," and "bioregional ecologies. Dave Snyder: The Good, the Bad and the Fungi on a Rooftop Farm
  • People should be proud of their regional accents. The Sun
  • The Los Zorros property covers the entire breadth of a regional anticlinorium in an area that is the locus of younger intrusive activity which intruded up through the fold-deformed lower Cretaceous section of volcaniclastic, siliclastic, and limestone formations and intrusive diorite sills. News Articles
  • As for the impact of popular culture, Kay says that the evidence isn't so much that TV levels out language, but that strong regional accents from all over Britain seem to be thriving.
  • Both of the two main parties are loose federal alliances of local, state and regional organizations.
  • A semiempirical downscaling approach for predicting regional temperature impacts associated with climatic change. Statistical downscaling approach and downscaling of AOGCM climate change projections
  • Then the regional financial crisis hit and suddenly the air was full of accusations of bureaucratic ineptitude, corruption and outright dereliction of duty.
  • Mr McGrath said a storytelling session would be conducted by Geraldton Regional Library staff to entertain children.
  • One of the best perks of the buffet is regional produce, including the granadilla, a yellowish-green fruit with sweet, pomegranate-like seeds.
  • Because of the invariable growth of the counteracting force known as Regionalism, or Nationalism, the Spiritual Power can not prevail.
  • Certain functions are best undertaken or coordinated at a regional level, so regions will always be required.
  • These three moves constitute unilateral, bilateral and regional moves in the direction of a hard currency.
  • Over its fourteen-year history the military government has become adept at exploiting Burma's geostrategic position and at manipulating the concerns of its regional neighbors.
  • Second, to what extent are the impediments determined by structural factors beyond the control of the region, and to what extent are they determined by endogenous factors that can be mitigated by regional policy?
  • A controversialist to the end, he remained politically active both nationally and regionally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bob Hoffman, the endangered species branch chief for NOAA's Southeast regional office, told the Huffington Post on Wednesday that the burns had been temporarily curtailed because of high seas, and that when they resume, NOAA will now make sure each "burn team" -- made up of two shrimp boats hauling booms and an "igniter" boat -- includes a trained observer who will be able to rescue turtles before they are incinerated. Gulf Oil Spill: The Plight of the Sea Turtles
  • In December 1997, a technician at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was splashed in the eye with body fluid from a monkey infected with Herpes B; she died six weeks later as a result.
  • It's the only regional conservatorium that is a registered training provider and offers full-time courses which are Austudy approved and VETAB accredited in both Music and Dance.
  • Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
  • Moreover, Ferry said, the rupiah was benefiting from a weaker dollar vis-a-vis regional currencies.
  • The south-east Asian nation moved this week to secure regional approval for the first major hydropower plant on its stretch of the river in the face of protests from international conservation groups.
  • It will keep its regional and national leadership intact.
  • If San Diego builds a new regional airport, Lindbergh Field will be history.
  • Here, we speak to last year's winner and five regional finalists. The Sun
  • All farmers, landowners and parish councils in the National Park can apply for grants from the money which has come through Yorkshire and Humber Regional Development Agency.
  • Earlier this week the Northern Regional Health Authority announced new spending allocations for the region's 15 district health authorities.
  • I write about Cuny not just because he became a friend who touched all who knew him, but because his world was the world in which I am interested here, and his engagements on some of the battlefields of what is often called post-modern warfare show the scope and complexity of finding international solutions to local or regional crises. DELIVER US FROM EVIL
  • The Bush administration claimed that Ethiopia was the linch-pin of its regional counterterrorism strategy and a vital beacon of stability. With a Friend Like This
  • Currently studying Law at Melbourne University, she was dux of Girton Grammar School in Bendigo, received a Premiers Award, the Australia Award and received the highest VCE score in all of regional Victoria.
  • Thornbury has announced a takeover bid of a regional TV company.
  • It would arrest the cutbacks in service facilities argued for on the basis of regional headcounts and infrastuctural potentials.
  • Regional manager Gavin Pritchard said the number of pitches more than doubled and they now have 113 hardstanding pitches, as well as a new toilet block with modern facilities, new reception and roads.
  • Times-Union an "initial investigation revealed that someone in the regional office intentionally entered veterans 'claim documents with incorrect dates -- called' backdating '-- into an internal database. The Full Feed from
  • Would you place classifieds in regional newspapers?
  • There are three recensions or regional versions of the Sama Veda.
  • They met the chief of Rousse's regional directorate of the interior on Friday.
  • In the regional game of water politics, thousands of years of pharaonic civilization is Egypt's royal flush. Thirsty Egypt Clings Tight To The Nile
  • Signs exist to make driving safer, not to keep the regional council amused.
  • Each regional section has a brief introduction to set the scene and pick out distinctive geographical and topographical features.
  • After seven years as a very part-time adjunct, I'm still amused by how irked my students are by all the things I don't know, examples of which have included medieval embroidery, Celtic languages, metallurgy, neopaganism, Scottish history, regional developments in medieval agriculture, and the 40 most recent fantasy novels about Arthur and Guenevere. Beowulf Hobbyists of the World, Unite!
  • The use of regional, social, and technology policies is also advocated to aid in the restructuring process.
  • Putting years of training into learning how to apply hypnotic and meridian therapies is quite a dramatic departure for the father-of-three after running a regional building society for much of his life.
  • The regional telecommunications giant said it will earn 50 cents to 53 cents per share from operations in the first quarter.
  • Mugabe, speaking on the second day of the OAU summit, emphasised that the pillars of the AEC were the African regional integration bodies specified in the Abuja Treaty adopted in June ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Officer Bud Walker said her capsized scull was found about 5: 30 p.m. near Fountainhead Regional Park. Fairfax County woman missing, last seen rowing boat in Occoquan Reservoir
  • For instance, with their taxes and consumer dollars, all Canadians have borne the costs of maintaining the viability of certain regionally based industries. National Purpose and Future Industrial Development
  • So we fully support plans to increase access to this excellent service by setting up a regional telephone helpline.
  • In the name of bioregionalism they would bring in an age of ultra-nationalist xenophobia.
  • NEWCASTLE, Ont. - A three-year-old boy is in stable condition in hospital after falling under a trailer being towed by a family vehicle in Newcastle, Ont. Durham regional police say officers were called to a residence in the community east of CTV News RSS Feed
  • Finally, regional media is thriving on TV, satellite language channels are catering to polyglot populations in various parts of the country.
  • It is hoped the overhaul will make the museum a showpiece regional attraction which will bring thousands more visitors to the area.
  • Instead of voting immediately, he suggested, regional groups should meet to choose the best qualified candidates.
  • There is something of a vogue at the moment for producing regional and global environmental histories.
  • Su, who was a model for Christian Dior when she met her husband, actually tied with another woman in the regional final but won the countback on the last nine holes.
  • Zambia has never involved itself in internal political matters of other states, regionally or overseas.
  • Much effort went into the establishment of regional chronological systems, and the description of the development of culture in each area.
  • The trainer called 911 and Steigers was taken to Grand Ronde Hospital and later flown to Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, school officials said. Eastern Oregon player dies after head injury in spring game
  • Man king-hit outside nightclub in Geraldton A GERALDTON man was flown to Perth early this morning after being king-hit outside a nightclub in the regional town. | Top Stories
  • The NWPMA is a regional trade association made up of distributors, suppliers and supplier reps in the promotional marketing industry.
  • Head office is giving the regional offices more autonomy.
  • Remember your international visitors by avoiding regional word usage or technical jargon that could alienate.
  • The President will be supported by a deputy president and four properly resourced regional vice presidents.
  • China's Foreign Ministry denounced those remarks as unwarranted American meddling and an attempt to "internationalize" a strictly regional problem. Reining in China's Ambitions
  • The experience of being out in the wild and spending some time chasing elk is good for the soul," says Rod Gilmore, North Dakota regional director of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, which is supporting the move to get rid of the private hunting ranches. Hunters Exchange Fire Over What
  • "We're very excited when people are passionate about going to Tassie," said Penne. "We want to help musicians tour regional areas".
  • Most parole certificates will indicate that the parolee will be "under the authority of the National Parole Board Regional Representative" in the area where the parolee is to go. National Parole—Its Successes and Its Failures
  • Subjects within international relations include war, interstate conflict resolution, international law, regional alliances, colonialism, and international organizations.
  • AaB kits sponsor for the club is hummel, and the principal sponsor for the Aalborg BK team is the regional bank Spar Nord. Aalborg BK new 2008-09 team kits
  • On the first weekend in December, La Fiesta de Tumacacori celebrates regional culture with native crafts, foods, and a mariachi mass.
  • Note 130: Cheng Meibao, Diyu Wenhua yu Guojia Rentong: Wanqing yilai Guangdongwenhuaguan de Xingcheng (Regional culture and national identification: The formation of concept of the Cantonese couture from the late Qing period) (Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2006). back Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • There are local, regional and national championships and mastery is measured in dans, just like a martial art. Times, Sunday Times
  • They affirmed that existing and emerging regional trading agreements should be consistent with WTO rules and disciplines.
  • This summer in Lincoln, after breezing through the seven-state regionals in Oregon, Sean qualified for the junior amateur category and won his own national championship.
  • More than a quarter of the job losses will be from news and regional coverage. Times, Sunday Times
  • New strategies for regional distribution were called for, and a fresh interest in the regions was shown by Whitehall.
  • Plans were announced to buy a dozen planes from China with financial help from the regional government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several regional scientists, including Konrad Dabrowski, an aquaculturist at Ohio State University, argue that the Great Lakes are not conducive to Asian carp reproduction. NYT > Home Page
  • Regional and temporal variation in bending moments and power production have also been predicted to occur during steady undulatory swimming in fish.
  • The choice depended partly upon regional preferences around the world and partly on demographics such as age and status. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've got to be careful we don't lose our regional dialects. The Sun
  • Twentieth-century bonbons and sweets made in France include numerous regional specialities, traditional or modern, unobtainable anywhere else.
  • The agency has a network of regional offices.
  • Many fly from regional UK airports too. The Sun
  • In situations where inter-regional labour migration is a major feature, regional multiplier models may exhibit greater limitations.
  • Investment will therefore be a function of the financial viability of the hospital and its possession of disposable assets rather than its ranking in terms of national and regional need.
  • The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses.
  • Neglecting the significance of the large regional differences in past temperature changes is another classic pitfall in the arguments put forward by many climate change contrarians.
  • Adams said the regional government decided to push for junior officers because guidelines for the more senior conservation officers require French skills, which would prevent unilingual Inuit from getting the job.
  • It is anticipated that one of the major regional companies would take over both the supply and distribution of fuel.
  • Yet in most cases regional custom was the surest defence against the aggression of neighbours, immediate lords or sovereigns.
  • Then gradually it assumed a specific regional identity in the West, developing a strong imaginative appeal to both easterners and westerners.
  • In the matter of curriculum development, the Chicago Regional Program blazes a trail that library media specialists can follow.
  • Egypt's new government presents the policy shift as part of a general diplomatic reopening, rather than a reordering, of its regional relationships. Egyptians Court U.S. Foes
  • She knows how to spell "conniption," too, and that's what earned the Charleston Middle School seventh-grader the title at the Regional Spelling Bee. Undefined
  • The Library holds a comprehensive collection of the Department's reports to Regional Council committees.
  • All viable candidates are likely to be far to the left of the regional average in lefty-gerrymandered districts and far to the right in right-gerrymandered districts. Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
  • "We're going to cut out spending on bureaucracy and abolish regional health authorities.
  • Next to Santo Domingo, occupying part of the magnificent building that was originally the priory, is the state's Regional Museum. Oaxaca, Mexico: a day in one of the New World's finest cities
  • Though cross-island expressways had been envisioned by the Regional Plan Association in the 1920s, it was in the postwar years that the megalomaniacal urban planner Robert Moses made Lomex — a proposed 200-foot-wide swath along Broome Street requiring the demolition of buildings housing at least 1,972 families and 804 businesses — the centerpiece of his vision to modernize New York. Indignation Superhighway
  • Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.
  • It would unleash bloodshed, sectarian violence and regional instability - the very things that the invasion and occupation themselves have produced.
  • What it can boast is a plethora, a diaspora, a minestrone of regional cuisines. Jay Weston: Jaywalking in L.A. - News and Gossip of the Restaurant World
  • Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
  • The town, which is home to the charity's regional office, donned scarlet, cherry, vermilion and ruby yesterday to help raise funds as part of Heart Week 2003.
  • Here, we look at the management challenge these companies face by laying out the features of a truly global enterprise that can achieve multiregional lean production in the 1990s. The Machine That Changed the World
  • An influential minority report by Derek Senior advocated a map involving solely two-tier regional authorities, 35 in number.
  • It was not undertaken to support, refute or criticize contemporary urban and regional theory.
  • More significant for Scandinavia was its retreat in 1950 back to limited and relatively non-controversial sectoral coordination at the regional level.
  • The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
  • Birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae) and bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae): regional levels of biodiversity and terrane tectonics in New Guinea. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The Muslim community is governed by the Supreme Muslim Council under the Chief Mufti (religious judge), with a hierarchy of regional muftis, imams, and religious teachers.
  • In contrast with England, which remains the most centralised country in Europe and beyond, regionalism is a strong movement in parts of Europe.
  • During the day there is also a pool snack bar and at night a stylish gastronomic restaurant offers regional specialities. The Sun
  • And to serve this objective, Egypt has been heavily involved in many regional and international meetings and conferences.
  • In this case, the geography of industrial organization ratchets up a sequence of scales from local to regional to national, and ultimately to global.
  • Darlington could become a regional centre of excellence for nursery nurse training.
  • The current proposals are a choice between North Yorkshire Police merging with the West Yorkshire force, or being amalgamated into a Yorkshire and Humber regional force.
  • That is part of Northern regional health authority's largest-ever capital investment, and it has been brought about by the Government.
  • MCINTYRE: Gates warned failure in Iraq could draw Syria, Iran, Turkey and even Saudi Arabia into what he called a regional conflagration. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2006
  • The regional finalists put on an afternoon tea to die for. The Sun
  • Among them is this excerpt by H'med Lehmani [Ar] on regional online news website Oujda City: Global Voices in English » Morocco: Rage Against the Sandwich Continues
  • This cultural regionalism had its own compensations.
  • The researcher says, ‘El Nino and Arctic Oscillation share dynamic features and may also account for regional warming and drought in Canada - teleconnections linking regions over the globe.’
  • An emergency meeting of the Irish regional executive is expected to be mandated by the six Irish districts during the week.
  • And all because they couldn't find a woman of colour with a regional accent in time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company's supplier diversity efforts have been recognized nationally and regionally.
  • The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.
  • Bedrock structures tend to be more regional in spatial outline compared with glacial lineations and in satellite images are often characterized by a rough and irregular surface texture.
  • Unlike the Tories who are a regional party of the English shires, we can truly say we speak for the wider community in Britain.
  • Similar protests were held in other towns, where the party and regional authority's headquarters were besieged by angry demonstrators.
  • In 1997 we estimated each club could gain £50,000 a year if they regionalised the League.
  • The professional pundits who were parachuted into Egypt by the international media have come with them pre-cooked conclusions about "radical Islam", security threats and what it takes to ensure regional stability. Marwan Bishara: Egypt's Community Organizers Teach the World a Lesson
  • The cruxes of the success of the adjustment and reform of health service system are the reform of health administrative system and regional health programme.
  • The review was being conducted in seven regional zones, plus another concentrating on catholic schools.
  • The concept of sustainable design holds that future technologies must function primarily within bioregional patterns and scales. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » The National Park Service on Sustainability
  • So the local hosts and sponsors of the event took afront and after much protest that included the regional Partido Riojano joining the fray. Wine Future in Rioja – opening Pandora’s bottle of grenache | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Regional differences need the idiom of globalisation to articulate themselves.
  • Such an attack would ignite a regional war. Times, Sunday Times
  • A well-exposed coastal section from Eyemouth to Bummouth preserves a broadly homoclinal sequence in which a highly heterogeneous array of contemporaneous structures formed during regional triclinic transpression.
  • The students have previously performed in regional concerts in their own provinces and were then chosen by RIAM senior examiners to perform at the special gala.
  • He said if Darlington received the regional average increase the town's health services would be £1.3m better off.
  • About 4 million people will need food aid before the next harvest in what was once a regional breadbasket, according to UN estimates.
  • During this period, the US policy on the regional cooperation of East Asia is suspiciousness or even denial.
  • Mr. Berg developed the concept of bioregionalism and founded Planet Drum after attending the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • E4 is also offering regional advertising opportunities for Irish companies.
  • That could go a long way toward offsetting public perception that regional carriers are less safe.
  • There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
  • Fears are growing in Limerick this week that cancer services at the Regional Hospital could be downgraded.
  • I grew up in Maine and used to vow that I would not set my stories there because I didn’t want to be pegged as a “Maine writer”; for whatever reason, I was afraid of being thought of as a regionalist. Jan Elizabeth Watson - An interview with author
  • In similar fashion, a study on Joint Professional Military Education in 1999 found that the regional commanders-in-chief believe officers need to be exposed to joint matters earlier in their career.
  • The chiefs, however, are now split along regional lines - with chiefs from western provinces threatening to secede.
  • The most obvious, and in the abstract perhaps least objectionable, kind of informal imperium is that exercised by a country seeking to protect its interests and those of its friends by taking on a policing role in regional conflicts.
  • Here are the final 15 words competitors were asked to spell at the Camera Regional Spelling Bee. vicariously propellable surrealist cosmetician duncical plummet absolution comandante roodebok dachshund egregious archipelago Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • Moreover, if linguistic provinces are formed it will also give a fillip to the regional languages.
  • Literary romanticism and cultural nationalism informed the historical consciousness of regional raconteurs like Hall who looked for American themes within the history of the West.
  • Global advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty's online portfolio which allows the user to browse either globally or via regional versions that are supported by local languages.
  • The Bill perpetuates all the anomalies, unfairness, regional variations and bureaucracy that made the poll tax unpopular.
  • We may have or can acquire the military power to deal with two major regional conflicts.
  • This regional show takes an in-depth look at how the different voting outcomes would impact your area. The Sun
  • Yet if anywhere in England should feel ripe for semi-detached regional devolution it would be us in the northeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The closure of the regional offices was phased over an 18-month period.
  • Fifty-five percent knew that Lothian Regional Council provided local services in their local area.
  • As the filling, nourishing soup of the Soviet Union, borsch was not just a miracle drug for anyone struggling to survive Russia; it transcended regional borders and boundaries of class. Peace Meals
  • Is it a particular regional dialect, a social one, or a little of each? Exploring language (6th edn)
  • I went to national and regional conferences and attended all sorts of local workshops.
  • The conservative-led regional government might like to privatise some state enterprises, including Madrid's two public television channels.
  • The study was conducted in a subregional radiotherapy centre and an academic department of gastroenterology and therapeutics.
  • He said: ‘The regional committee's statement gives the impression that the union has prejudged the issue.’
  • But it is useful to look at Columbus for a bit, for he is a part of the problem (as well as carrier of the problem) for which querencia - and bioregionalism itself - is the solution.
  • Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.
  • Infact, after controlling for regional heterogeneity, any one of these three variables is sufficient to subsume the impact of regime type on wars, militarized interstate disputes (MIDs), and fatal disputes. Moral and Mental Development, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The loyalties of the population were in any case regional and local. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • For them, regionalism was the best solution to cope with political and religious differences.
  • With some exceptions, strong regional or Spanish accents are associated with working-class status.

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