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How To Use Regina In A Sentence

  • Regina genuflected before the tabernacle and then knelt down on one of the pews, made the Sign of the Cross and began to pray silently.
  • Regina herself went to the tribal council meeting Friday and demanded that the council do something about the matter.
  • Galanthus reginae-olgae is a reliable early flowerer, producing its faintly scented blooms as early as October.
  • My Cousin Reginald Daniels, who was more like an uncle and father figure, work as a Motorman for the New York City Transit Authority for over 35 years. Our Father’s: Heroes Among Us «
  • They might dwell upon the fact that you were so much together, and that you had such opportunities -- mark me, Reginald, _opportunities_ -- for tampering with the one solitary life which stood between you and fortune. Run to Earth A Novel
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  • I am to be Queen of England and sign my name Margaret Regina: Margaret R. But there is no opportunity for me to address them, to shine. The Red Queen
  • The setting is a hospital waiting room in Regina, where three friends reunite after an old chum attempts suicide.
  • Elsie Leung and Regina Ip conspire to place a knife above our heads.
  • When the bank attempts to foreclose on her family home, Regina receives a lucrative job offer from Beth Davis, her former employer and an increasingly popular inspirational speaker with an almost cultlike following.
  • Regina Einig asked the chairman of the German Mariological society, professor of dogmatics and patristics at Lugano, Te Deum laudamus!
  • Regarding the Regina Louise story, I am still not convinced that receiving some sort of inheiritance from her bioparent would have compensated for growing up without a family. Ten Reasons Same-Sex Marriage Is Wrong
  • Innocent decided in favour of the monks, but in the present case he pronounced both elections invalid; that of Reginald because it had been made uncanonically and clandestinely, that of John de Grey because it had occurred before the invalidity of the former was proclaimed by the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Thomas D. Williams, LC, ThD, is Vatican Analyst for CBS News and a professor of theology at the ReginaApostolorumPontificalUniversity in Rome. A Catholic Life
  • My moms in conneticut or w/e cuz she just got a new job, and she'z like "reginal vice president" yea, im nort lying. Zingerbabai Diary Entry
  • Robin (of CrossFit Regina fame) found another version, so I decided to bogart it. "We live in an amazing, amazing world and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots"
  • Thus, this area shOuld belong to North China Region(otprovince )of the Old World Realm in respoct to reginalism of brachiopod zoogeography during lateEaly Devonian time.
  • I was in Gatineau (you and I met at the park in Ottawa in July) while he and my mom and sisters were together in Regina. The Unbearable Lightness Of Letters | Her Bad Mother
  • If you are short of stature, you peer through the steering wheel like poor Reginald.
  • Being abroad "expanded his mind," says Loida Lewis, Mr. Lewis's widow and the chairwoman of the Reginald F. Boosting Diversity in U.S. Law Schools
  • At the family reunion, she's the one who hands out the name tags and keeps Cousin Reginald from spiking the punch. The Queen a Genealogist?
  • Sir Ronald had promised to be content without love; but he was not, and was huffish and offended, and savagely jealous of Reginald Stanford and all the hated past. Kate Danton, or, Captain Danton's Daughters A Novel
  • Cecil Maiden, third Earl of Heathermere, was a widower with three sons, by name Reginald, Bertie, and Osmund. The Cryptogram A Story of Northwest Canada
  • Then she called Reginald to her, and lectured him, _sotto voce, _ to the same tune. A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day
  • I always felt that our Reginald was a great scoundrel," Littimer purred over his cigarette. The Crimson Blind
  • Vegetation of the Telanca Plateau and central lowlands is a more open secondary forest, dominated by palms, such as Arenga pinnata, Caryota mitis and Arenga obtusifolia, which may occur in almost pure stands interspersed with taller canopy trees, such as Lagerstroemia flosreginae, Diospyros macrophylla, Vitex pubescens, Ficus sp., and Planchonia valida. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • Cousin Reginald passed away in 2007, at the age of 94 year old. Our Father’s: Heroes Among Us «
  • Early leaders during this period included lillian wald, amelia greenwald, naomi deutsch, Blanche Pfefferkorn, and regina kaplan. rae landy and rose kaplan were the first American nurses in Palestine as hadassah was being established. Nursing in the United States.
  • Reportedly, Omid Kordestani, Google's senior vice-president of global sales and business development, told staff: "We believe it's now time not just to roll-out globally the best practices from the different reginal sales teams - the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific - but also to tailor our business strategies more closely to the different situations we face in different countries. Undefined
  • However, "as an aesthetic criterion, plausibility is far more important in both genres than fidelity to science," says the scholar, a professor of English at Saskatchewan's University of Regina. Cave Man Stories
  • Ego autem indutus preciosioribus vestibus accepi in pectore puluinar, quod erat valde pulchrum, et biblium quod dederatis mihi, psalterium pulcherrimum, quod dederat mihi domina regina, in quo erant pictur� pulchr�. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • When I mentioned this to my wife Regina she said, ‘It should teach you that ordination isn't for you; it's for the church.’
  • Regina causarum et arbitra rerum, nunc erectas cervices opprimit, &c. 6734. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It's a sentiment New York literary agent Regina Brooks encountered while working for a publishing company.
  • In Red Canyon, Regina and Devon return to their family home in the badlands of Utah to face the memory of a brutal attack - and put it behind them.
  • Sex Drive Leaves, Regina Lynn Says B4N commentary Sex Drive Commentary by Regina Lynn Lifestyle   Sex Drive Leaves, Regina Lynn Says B4N Regina Lynn 08.01.08 I miss you already. Sex Drive Leaves, Regina Lynn Says B4N
  • Note 118: VW 3.6, pp. 129 — 32, at 130: "amicum suum qui penes uos est uisitare dilectissimum"; and p. 131: "Ecce regina celi et domini mater patronum huic ecclesie adeo assignatum martirem Willelmum amicum equidem suum uisitare dilectum uenit, coronauit, eique pro libito curandi potestatem contulit." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Dr. Regina Dugan, director of the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, spoke at D9 on her program's ongoing efforts to reach homomorphic encryption and hypersonic speed, and opened a window into the techiest part of the U.S. Defense Department. Defense on the Offense
  • The four-voice Salve regina, sub-titled ‘Diversi diversa orant’, incorporates seven Marian antiphons, each of the lower voices freely paraphrasing two plainsong antiphons in succession while the superius unfolds the Salve. Archive 2009-06-01
  • If Sandra for the major part is congenial, affable, it is her sparring partner, Regina King, who plays a perfect foil.
  • Back from summering in their Malibu palace, Mary and Vince Kickerillo joined the party along with Regina Rogers, Renee and Ben Danziger, Sybil Balasco, and Jerome and Nadine Moon of Who Made the Cake!
  • The Regina Liver Lovers Luncheon Club in Saskatchewan holds potluck liver picnics in the summer and has a sister club in Comox, British Columbia. Cue the Organ Music! Liver Lovers Shiver at the Dish's Decline
  • Reginald had gone off talking with a biology teacher, and Kate stood alone in a corner, nibbling on a carrot in vegetable dip she'd snitched from the table beside her.
  • As Victor Hanson points out in his column in today's Tribune, "responsible Democrats in national office had been convinced by Bill Clinton for eight years and George W. Bush for two that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was both a conventional and terrorist threat to the United States and its reginal allies. See, Kirk is not for changing course in Iraq after all
  • In many ways, Regina is the perfect performer for the occassion: Russian-born, she was part of the large emigration of Russian Jews to Israel and the United States when the Iron Curtain crumbled in the late 80s. Regina Spektor! Free Concert on the National Mall, June 1 « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • That is, it was provided at no cost to the Maxons by the parents of the groom, Regina and Milo Minderbinder, to express their love for their new daughter-in-law, their undying friendship for her stepuncle and stepaunt, Christopher and Olivia Maxon, and their deep gratitude to every single person present who had taken the trouble to come. Closing Time
  • There have been interesting articles written by Reginald Fuller, Francis Watson, and Charles Talbert on this seemingly "adoptionist" way of understanding John's Christology. Jesus the Mystic in the Gospel of John
  • Protestantur periculum ex frequenti copulâ ephebo imminere; qualiter eum suxerit, quamve subtristis incedat, consideret iterum atque iterum monent; medullas laedi, stomachum hebetari se sentire Reginae renunciant. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 2
  • It was natural, of course, that he should be called a bloodhound; and it did not occur to any one in Regina that his height, his fleetness, and his shaggy black and iron-gray coat were anything but typical of the bloodhound. Jan A Dog and a Romance
  • Examples of this are certain aeoniums like A. nobilis, A. tabulaeforme, Agave victoria-regina, some large rosulate tillandsias, navelworts, etc.
  • Hajnalka's four-year-old daughter Regina flops down between them and closes her eyes as Mark drapes his sweater over her.
  • The legend "Victoria Dei Gratia Britanniarum Regina, Fidei Defensor" is variously arranged on the different coins, according to the exigencies of the design. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • chronogram" indicating the year 1634 thus: -- sInt DoMUs hUjUs pII reges nUtrItII regInae nUtrICes pIae. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • Ego autem indutus preciosioribus vestibus accepi in pectore puluinar, quod erat valde pulchrum, et biblium quod dederatis mihi, psalterium pulcherrimum, quod dederat mihi domina regina, in quo erant picturæ pulchræ. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Illum futuras laudis & inclytas Mercede Famas Gloria, mentium Regina, nundinata morti, Matthiae Casimiri Sarbievii e Societate Jesu, Carmina
  • It must be said that in a direct sense we owe it in part to your sustained and principled support for our struggle that our President, Comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and many of my other fellow former political prisoners have gained release; that our national Chairman, Comrade Oliver Reginald Tambo and other political exiles have come back home; that the African National Congress and all other organizations of our people have been either unbanned or derestricted; and that many of the fundamental laws of apartheid have been repealed. Statement by Walter Sisulu, Deputy President, ANC at the special meeting of the Special Committee against Apartheid on the Day of Solidarity with South African Political Prisoners
  • and watching the Environment Canada website and its tornado watch for Regina. no yayness there! Luminara: Fire Dancing, Fire Belly Dancing, Blue Angels and my Bling Wheelchair
  • A number of Wrens and Wren officers served aboard the big liners, such as the Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mary, the Aquitania, Mauretania and Regina del Pacifico, mostly sailing from the Tail of the Bank on the Clyde in Scotland.
  • As far as he could ascertain, the rajah was the only man possessed of the important secret he wished to obtain, so that should the old chief lose his life Reginald would be deprived of the only clue which might lead to its elucidation. The Young Rajah
  • The mural is expected to be completed by September 15 and will be part of the centennial celebrations of the City of Regina.
  • You will also find St. Godric of Finchale in the calendar of saints, and they are one and the same, the story of his very long life come down to us as he told it in his old age to Reginald of Durham -- although _this _story is not in there. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • The first contains the antiphons, responsories, and the various invitatories; also the Salve Regina, the Ave Regina, and the Te Deum. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Reginald was not in when she returned his call later that evening, and Loretta went to bed in a bad temper.
  • We need to get left blogger interns into every congress critters office .. into every reginal office.. we need to infiltrate the system and talk at them from the inside. Firedoglake » I Don’t Think We’re In Kansas Anymore. . .
  • REGINA in mediis _patrio_ vocat agmina sistro," that is, rather with her father Chaos's drum, or the drum native to the land of Dulness. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
  • At the end of the opera, they are guillotined, the sound of their ‘Salve regina’ is extinguished voice by voice.
  • I convocated with a degree in psychology and French from the University of Regina, and now am working in (blah) a call centre to save enough money to get home (New Brunswick, Canada). Home Stretch!
  • He knew that once Reginald died and Miranda inherited his money and estate, they would be together again.
  • Getting the United Nations together to build a reginal water desalination plant system to irrigate the region so the farmers can grow their own food and be self sufficient. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Their military headquarters were located at the Hotel Regina in Paris.
  • Note 118: VW 3.6, pp. 129 — 32, at 130: "amicum suum qui penes uos est uisitare dilectissimum"; and p. 131: "Ecce regina celi et domini mater patronum huic ecclesie adeo assignatum martirem Willelmum amicum equidem suum uisitare dilectum uenit, coronauit, eique pro libito curandi potestatem contulit." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Anyway, to stop me pining for my family, Reginald suggested we join a group protesting against a proposed massive wind-turbine development.
  • There is scant excuse for Regina Taylor to transpose the play, retitled Drowning Crow, to South Carolina's Gullah Islands, its language cloudier, its subtleties flattened out.
  • Mr. English was a longtime member of the Regina club but moved four years ago and started a sister club in Comox, which now has more than 60 members. Cue the Organ Music! Liver Lovers Shiver at the Dish's Decline
  • Hi Regina --- I found your "What I do with old scapulars" post while looking for info on the Brown Scapular ... then I noticed that you are the author of Angel in the Waters! Rota-Tiller
  • Included in this exhibition is their Regina Bench made from wood and broom bristles.
  • Beryl rounded up all our jumpers and various moth-eaten Fair Isle handknits belonging to Reginald, and boiled them in her washing machine.
  • Gerrard's seventeen---he inherited the Grange, a nice little property in Derbyshire, from his father, Sir Reginald Debbington. A RAKE'S VOW
  • Regina Ip, whose ill-fated drive to enact sweeping antisubversion legislation (known as Article 23) brought half a million demonstrators onto Hong Kong's streets back in 2003, is poised to garner the endorsement of several pro-Beijing parties in a bellwether Legislative Council by election scheduled for December. The Fall and Rise of Regina Ip
  • Reginald Tufts, whose fighting ability was frequently the topic of heated debate, hit me until I cried.
  • Members of the veteran Canadian band The Stampeders, which plays Casino Regina on Saturday night, have heard a few doozies of their own from the younger members of their audience. I preview the Stampeders...
  • Zelenka's music is always very pleasant and one must take particular notice of his exquisite ‘Salve Regina’, a truly exquisite work that is brimful and replete with melodies and fugal counterpoint.
  • The daughter of a Merseyside boilermaker, Rita Hunter rose to become one of the great Brunnhildes of the post-war era, most memorably in the famous ENO Ring conducted by Sir Reginald Goodall.
  • Reginald drew the poor man -- now quite senseless -- into the canoe, and endeavoured to stanch the blood flowing from his wounds by tourniquets, formed of pieces of wood, round the upper parts of his legs; but his efforts were in vain, and before the canoe reached the budgerow the man was dead. The Young Rajah
  • Regina and Tracy like to window - shop, especially at the expensive stores downtown.
  • At the beginning, both Regina and Maria felt it was a hard slog.
  • His and Regina's bedroom was a shambles, but the twin-bedded room prepared for me was untouched. In The Frame
  • Her father Sir Reginald Sheffield 8th Baronet, squire of Normanby Park, Lincolnshire, was appointed a deputy lieutenant for what was then Humberside in 1985.
  • Reginald Scot was attacked by James I in Daemonologie (1597), with the future king slating the one called Scot an Englishman and maintaining that such assaultes of Sathan are most certainly practised & that the instruments thereof, merits most severly to be punished.36 In Basilikon Doron (1599) he wrote: witchcraft takes its place with wilful murder, incest, sodomy, poisoning and false coining as horrible crimes that yee are bound in conscience neuer to forgiue.37 Bedlam
  • In pompons, many varieties are cataloged but I feel that the following will be very good for our particular purpose: Atom, Aimee, Betty Ann, Joe Fette, Reginald, Betty Malone, and Sherry.
  • Gooding is hilarious as the brash and desperate hot-dogger, and Regina King is fine as his shrewd and supportive wife. The Jets And The Sharks
  • Chorley recounts that, while she was composing Superstition and Revelation, Hemans was in the early stages of her literary acquaintance with Reginald Heber (1783-1826), Anglican cleric, poet, hymnist, Quarterly Review reviewer, at the last Bishop of Calcutta. Hemans, Heber, and _Superstition and Revelation_
  • Setterday at nycht, thei song thare _Salve Regina_, the hole Scottishmen putt on thare cappes, thare hoodis, or such thing as thei had to cover thare headis; and when that otheris war compelled to kyss a paynted brod, (which thei called "Nostre Dame,") thei war not preassed after ones; for this was the chance. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Italy (northern Italy has a German-speaking minority, and Italian has radically different reginal dialects) Matthew Yglesias » Getting Worse
  • Reginald Dobbes, who was very great at grouse, and supposed to be capable of outwitting a deer by venatical wiles more perfectly than any other sportsman in Great Britain, regarded The Duke's Children
  • Then said Sir Reginald: But if thou assoil the king and all other standing in the curse, it shall cost thee thy life. 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
  • Reginald Dobbes, who was very great at grouse, and supposed to be capable of outwitting deer by venatical wiles more perfectly than any other sportsman in Great The Duke's Children
  • Here, Jamal combines eloquent originals with dazzling makeovers of American standards (Laura, Invitation, Gypsy and the title track), in the inspired company of Wynton Marsalis sidemen Reginald Veal (bass) and Herlin Riley (drums), with an incandescent Manolo Badrena on Latin percussion. Ahmad Jamal: Blue Moon – review
  • ‘Never do that again,’ Reginald begged, eyeing Jake with undisguised disdain and disgust.
  • “Impostato su un pezzo di Regina Spektor, lo spot inizia in un ordinario giorno di lavoro autunnale; ma ciò che accade non ha nulla di ordinario.” No Fat Clips!!! : JC Penney: Magic
  • Ego autem indutus preciosioribus vestibus accepi in pectore puluinar, quod erat valde pulchrum, et biblium quod dederatis mihi, psalterium pulcherrimum, quod dederat mihi domina regina, in quo erant picturæ pulchræ. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • The ‘Salve regina’ for soprano and organ is a gorgeous little thing that could melt hearts in any church service (notwithstanding the iffy intonation from the soloist here).
  • His wife, Regina, accused him of having had an affair with former press aide Valerie Taliman and ignoring his family.
  • She was with her daughter Regina and she sends good wishes to family and friends back home.
  • Thousands of women can already testify to Regina's extraordinary power to restore balance and well-being in their bodies.
  • A visitor reported: Regina was back home and expecting a baby by the end of the year.
  • Regina asked, trying to sound like she does not care anymore, but deep inside, she was wondering if Serafina was able to read her mind again or if some tattletale had told her.
  • Unfolded is the tame story of Reginald, a fop, who wants only Patience, the village milkmaid.
  • When Joan's mother Regina found out Joan might be a Lesbian, she called Mabel late that night and threatened to kill herself if it were true. Undefined
  • The one called Reginald, when once he set to work, quickly got the harness unstrapped. Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs A Tale of Land and Sea
  • Hunc autem ritum obseruant: quolibet mane accipiunt duas pelues de auro, vel de argento, et vnam submittunt vrinæ bouis, et aliam stercori, de vrina lauant sibi faciem et oculos, et omnes 5. sensus: de stercore verò ponunt in vtròque oculo, posteà liniunt summitates genarum, et tertiò pectus, et ex tunc dicunt se sanctificatos pro toto die illo: et sicut facit populus, ita etiam facit rex et regina. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • ‘My brother, Rufus,’ Regina said with a tone that seemed to falter as she gazed up at Baldwin with a serious look on her face.
  • Regina almost had its own geothermally heated building. The fire down below
  • Of the many women I have known, she was, perhaps, the least beautiful - less graceful than her I have loved most, less voluptuous than another, less reginal far than Thecla. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • The mention of Gedge's name cowed Reginald in an instant, and in the sudden revulsion of feeling which ensued he was glad enough to escape from the room before fairly breaking down under a crushing sense of injury, mortification, and helplessness. Reginald Cruden A Tale of City Life
  • I suppose you call Reginald a horrible man?" said Ursula, with rising colour. Phoebe, Junior
  • The survey included four Saskatchewan cities: Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw.
  • So far, I am confident I have not been in their way, but quite the reverse; the chess is a great resource for Mr. Buller in the first loneliness occasioned by the loss of little Theresa; and Mrs. Buller seems to get some good of talking with me: as for Reginald, now that he has conquered, or rather that I have conquered, his first terror, he does not seem to have anything to object to me very particularly. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Reginald Sprigg, a geologist for the South Australia government, was checking out some old mines in the Ediacaran Hills of the Flinders Range several hundred miles north of Adelaide. NYT > Home Page
  • Elsewhere in the Observer the madding crowd strives away like billy-o, just as it did in the days of Richard Nixon and Reginald Maudling, but for those needing a refuge from the weekly din there's still the cool sequester'd vale inhabited by Azed. Azed: a giant among crosswords
  • Alex told me that Regina tried to crash the party and there was a rumor that she brandished a gun.
  • Regina has sung major lyric soprano roles throughout Europe including Madrid, Brussels, Hamburg & Geneva.
  • Reginald stared dismally at the biscuit-tin, which now presented an unattractive array of rejected cracknels.
  • Among her reginal prerogatives was deciding the rules of the games we played. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note 7: "Appeal of Equal Righters to Andrew Jackson," October, 1837, as cited in Reginald Charles McGrane, Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Center to Support Female Artists___(ragline)___The Miami Herald: Dedicated 28 years to Dade fire department___(ragline)___Brandon Times: Singer, hair stylist dies at 37___(ragline)___Lexington Herald-Leader: Lexington man dies in fall from gorge cliff___(ragline)___Editor and Publisher: Eagle Scout Helped By Universal Cartoonists Dies at 19___(ragline)___The Tennessean: Author, Southern literary critic, professor Walter Sullivan dies___(ragline)___District Mail: Tanya loses battle against cancer___(ragline)___The Daily Herald: He taught about life___(ragline)___Regina Leader-Post: Regina soldier dies in weapons accident__ August 29th Poetic Ticker Clicking
  • The last time Regina told her troubles to her diary, she was moping because she had no one to talk to and felt all alone.
  • Johanns, an engine driver, Reginald recalled, was severely injured when the firebox of the locomotive blew back.
  • Regina is a native executable, available as Free Software source code, or pre-compiled to a large number of platforms -- install it pretty much as you would any other programming language interpreter.
  • Moscow Ballet's anticipated 2009 tour has arrived, enamouring Regina and Saskatoon audiences with the brilliance of the Great - Articles related to Singapore Sun Festival 2009: Asia's Leading Arts and Lifestyle Festival Opens Today!
  • The elimination of the troublesome Catholic exile Reginald Pole was an idea cooked up by Wyatt and others in 1539; some ciphered letters remain, and some loose talk about the efficacy of quick-acting "Spanish poison", but it was more of a notional chess move than a genuine plot and nothing came of it. The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
  • According to provincial law, when a death occurs in Regina a physician or, in extenuating circumstances, a coroner must complete a Medical Certificate of Death with respect to the deceased.
  • To which Reginald riposted: ‘Oh yes you do, if you live in the South Hams, matey.’
  • He kind of chuckled and said that it might take awhile; he was in Regina, Saskatchewan! Top 20 Stupid Client Quotes
  • Surrounded by debris, two charred 12 ft solid stone gateposts remained in place at the entrance with the carved letters ‘VR’ - for Victoria Regina - still visible on their fronts.
  • Joe Englert, who owns a controlling share of DC9, testified Monday before the District's Alcoholic Beverage Control board that he had accepted the resignation of co-owner Bill Spieler, and that of Darryl Carter, Evan Preller, Arthur Zaloga, and Reginald Phillips had been "let go. DC9 co-owner resigns, 4 employees let go
  • There are small reginal parties which survive only on parochial emotions. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • Apostolica, che levata questa viene a cader in tutto, quella non essendo ella legitime herede del regno, se non per la legitimation del matrimonio della regina sua madre, et questa non valendo senon per l'autorita et dispensa del Papa. The Reign of Mary Tudor
  • The nonpareil recording, a flirty and spontaneous duet between Elis Regina and Jobim himself, makes more sense to me in Portugese.
  • The Veni Creator is sung, an address is delivered by the Father Custos of the Holy Land, the Pope holds an allocution, and the Regina Coeli is sung: Pope's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Jerusalem
  • Reginald Wilfer in Our Mutual Friend, like Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol, is amongst the most typically clerkly of Dickens's many London clerks.
  • La Regina is a reconstructed dance choreographed to the famous treble-time Saltarello in C, found in a late 14th century manuscript from northern Italy.
  • 'Dimmock -- Christian name Reginald; profession, English companion to The Grand Babylon Hotel
  • Zelenka's music is always very pleasant and one must take particular notice of his exquisite ‘Salve Regina’, a truly exquisite work that is brimful and replete with melodies and fugal counterpoint.

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