
  1. showing deference
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How To Use regardful In A Sentence

  • And who, her rank and fortune considered, could be so disregardful of his own interest, had he had no other motive to be just! — Clarissa Harlowe
  • She was so devoted, she had such a quick perception of what it would be well to say, and what it would be well to leave unsaid; she was so forgetful of herself, and so regardful of the sorrow about her, that I held her in a sort of veneration. David Copperfield
  • Mr. Crisparkle at such times, regardful of the slumbers of the china shepherdess. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • There was no democratic artist-colony that pursued fellowship disregardful of the caste of wealth. CHAPTER XIII
  • We lie in the petal-strewn grass under some Judas trees beside the lake shore, as I meander among these thoughts, and each of us, disregardful of his companion, follows his own associations. A Modern Utopia
  • He watched several gulls veering near and saw a hundred other, gulls positioned on a slope, all facing the same way, motionless, regardful, joined in consciousness, in beautiful empty birdness, waiting for the signal to fly. Underworld
  • Eating in public during Ramadan is often seen as a disregardful and disrespectful act and might attract the anger of the public. Global Voices in English » Morocco: Rage Against the Sandwich Continues
  • Roumiyah, a Greek girl, by name Sofiyah or Sophia,145 whom the King of Roum and Lord of Cæsarea had sent to King Omar as a present, together with great store of gifts and of rarities: she was the fairest of favour and loveliest of all his handmaids and the most regardful of her honour; and she was gifted with a wit as penetrating as her presence was fascinating. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mr Chaffanbrass collected his papers, with the assistance of Mr Wickerby — totally disregardful of his junior counsel, and the Attorney and Solicitor – General congratulated each other on the successful termination of a very disagreeable piece of business. Phineas Redux
  • Today is Thanksgiving, I would like to thank the parents, relatives, teachers, friends, all the regardful and helpful peoples.
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