How To Use Regalia In A Sentence
Wit and playfulness is one thing, sending your models out in full Highland regalia is quite another.
Times, Sunday Times
We saw a range of military regalia such as detachable leather hoods, three-quarter-length fatigues with cargo pockets (also shown in leather), flight pants, and the four-pocket jacket, to name a few. - HOME PAGE
The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
Probari nequit illorum pseudopoliticorum opipio, qui ad jura regalia magistratus remotionem ministrorum pertinere censent.
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Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.

When two men in full vintage tweed regalia arrived at the finish line on their tandem (a tandem!
Times, Sunday Times
The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.
Alison Lambert and Jessica Klikach were out in Hawaiian regalia, while Kendra Von Bremen and Catherine Allan of Revelstoke dressed up Zorro and Gunslinger respectively.
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The relentless search for new revenues during the Dutch war had led him in 1673 to seek an extension of the regalian rights whereby the crown enjoyed the revenues of vacant episcopal sees.
By the same token many of the Tarascans experienced the cultural shock of having their pre-Hispanic idols, temples and religious regalia destroyed by Franciscan missionaries.
With the canonisation of the Confessor in 1161, his regalia gained the status of holy relics, further increasing the veneration with which they were regarded.
Over 100 couples can be catered for at the event, many of whom will be coming along in full wedding regalia, although evening dress and ball gowns will be the choice of others.
At his coronation on February 2nd, 1626, Charles I was solemnly invested with what was known as St Edward's Regalia.
A hallow is the royal regalia carried by the King, or the objects sought by someone such as a 'Grail Quester' In other words: horcruxes.
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Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips.
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More than 200 Yorkshire dignitaries, town mayors and mayoresses and Yorkshire Society representatives marched through York today in full regalia to celebrate the Millennium Yorkshire Day.
We saw the Scottish Crown Jewels, the second most expensive in Europe and the oldest royal regalia in Britain.
Pius XII is standing, in full regalia; his papal cloak envelops him, draped over his shoulders like a protecting towel as if he had just emerged from a swim.
Merlin Michael Williams appeared at a magistrates' court in the southern English coastal town of Portsmouth wearing his full Druidic regalia of green robe and blue cloak, with talismans around his neck.
Intoxicated by the accolades, he changed his gait and began to sway like a peacock with his flamboyant suede chieftaincy regalia contributing to the glamour.
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Historical figures of the time were shown dressed in full regalia , and particular attention was given to the jewelry that they wore for the pose.
John proudly showed me a photograph of himself in his smart uniform, holding the golden mace and stood alongside the current mayor in full regalia.
The earliest suggestion came from a neo-Druid writer, Nash Williams, who noted the similarity between the grail and an object included among the Arthurian regalia in traditional Welsh lists.
Her Malay monarchy absorbed a diversity of foreign traders into a polyglot elite united by the royal person, a Malay lingua franca, and a pattern of rules and sacred regalia passed down from courts such as Malacca and Pasai.
Anyone can come into the Georgian town hall during office hours and ask to see the impressive collection of civic regalia including a 1460s silver mace, presented by Edward IV.
The feudal past comes alive in the splendid portraits of royalty in full regalia, the photographs of palaces and luxurious interiors, and curiosities such as the Bahawalpur bed.
Oriental dress and regalia were adopted by fraternal organizations such as the Shriners, who wore fezzes and named their newly built Eastern style buildings after cities in Syrin, Iraq, and Egypt.
On a far lighter note, I just love the pomp and ceremony of all the military parades, heraldry, regalia and OH!
These two Celtic nations had not faced each other on a football pitch for nearly 20 years, so it was a perfect opportunity for the lads and lasses to show the boys from the valleys their full regalia.
Two men in the full regalia come stampeding through the obstacle course of dumpsters and cardboard box mansions.
For those who don't know, the Honours of Scotland are the regalia or crown jewels, mostly dating from the early sixteenth century.
The advisor was attired in full dress regalia with a sidearm on his hip.
Opening as described, the lights came up to reveal los chicos in all their flamenco regalia, backed by singers and guitarists downstage.
The ministeriales, laymen of servile origin, were used to replace the clergy in many administrative posts; regalian rights were retained and exploited.
D. Germany
Many were in full countryside regalia - corduroy and tweeds, flat caps, hip flasks and sticks - despite having only walked from their expensive 4x4's parked nose-to-tail in the surrounding narrow lanes.
Publisher Eileen Tabios accompanies her poet as graphic alter ego, supplies drawings and indeed handwrites his text, a duo then stepping onto their small stage in their shared regalia to participate in what I might describe unsneeringly as an intense art dealership.
Archive 2007-09-01
To fully comprehend the nature of the criminal justice system in Mexico City is to understand that the judicial power of the colonial state and its agents was not to be found in the trappings, rituals, and royal regalia of the court.
A new royal barge, emblazoned in silver and gold and with elaborate wainscoting, was commissioned, and trimmed with the king and queen's regalia.
Wore full regalia to daughter's military academy graduation including black nametag and awards and decorations.
James Lynn Carr
To represent the Illini with a Plains Indian war bonnet, and to dress the mascot in the military regalia of a Sioux warrior, is therefore totally inaccurate.
Unclean, unclean, unclean, unclean: Sulla kept repeating the word over and over as he hurried home, there to bathe and clothe himself this time in toga praetexta-a man did not have more than one set of triumphal regalia, and that one set only if he had triumphed.
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Like freshers at university, the Trots had covered their offices in anti-establishment regalia: ‘My Oath is to the People!’
In another scene, bright light glints off the visors of scores of young-looking cops in full riot regalia shifting uneasily in the sun, as a dull rumble grows from somewhere offscreen.
Such trophies attract the kind of devotion from supporters once accorded to regalia and the furnishing of shrines.
He demands that Daniel wear his lime green sweatband so he can match his partners in "full team regalia" before handing them a briefcase.
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The puppets wear the clothing and regalia of Fon chiefs, attesting to the interethnic community of Nago and Fon peoples.
People love to see the mayor and love to see him or her in full regalia.
Under the regalian doctrine, forestland became public domain.
I expected Devin to emerge in full Navy regalia, dress uniform and everything.
We are dazzled by the exotic regalia in which Indian rulers impressed the British court.
To dress in regalia in public is a both a personal choice and a political statement.
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Dressed in full regalia with mitre and crook, Bishop David then led a prayer of thanks for the new school and everyone who worked and studied in it.
The faculty was splendid in their academic regalia, students all gowned with their mortar and tassel led by a marshal carrying the college's mace.
Inside sit grinning students dressed in full fire regalia, ready to learn about road safety.
Times, Sunday Times
Rodriguez, 49, was sworn in hurriedly in Sucre, without the presidential sash and regalia, before a session meeting of legislators as protesters clashed with police outside.
This man who came was very powerful, in full regalia, very formal, dramatic, articulate in many languages - a Zulu.
In trademark whiteface and Buster Keaton regalia, Viglione pummeled his drums in a murderous rage, while Palmer's full, rich voice created a palpable drama.
He met children from Hermitage Primary School in Tower Hamlets and St Peter's Primary School in Woolwich as they enjoyed workshops in royal regalia, arms and armour.
The combination of sentiment and silliness works brilliantly, and the sight of Ricky in full voodoo witch doctor regalia mesmerized by his newborn son is an iconographic moment in I Love Lucy's run.
All three will be open during the week, giving non-masons a rare peep inside the grand inner temple and a chance to see the ceremonial regalia.
The principal pieces of St Edward's regalia, including the coronation crown, were delivered directly to the Mint.
Therefore, Crown jewels might include everything from the regalia to swords, tiaras, rings and brooches.
Malmesbury's collection of antique art, furniture and mayoral regalia is being valued this week by fine art expert Stephen Hill.
This ritual includes medieval regalia augmented with presidential seals, medallions and a mace as well as a section in the inauguration programme that describes the duties of the office.
The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.
The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.
One of the reasons that military impersonation is tempting and relatively easy is the respect that military uniforms and regalia elicit from civilians and lower ranks, the kind of respect that the impostors crave.
Most of his royal regalia, including the crowns and golden chains from his grandparents, were taken.
Times, Sunday Times
Early Gasparilla parades featured a "krewe" - social club members in full pirate regalia - arriving on horseback and "capturing" the city.
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In a photograph taken of me on my tenth birthday — that, by simple calculation, had to be in the year 1955, in the time of Eisenhower — I, David Hanna Shaw, am standing alone on the summit of the Acropolis against the whiteness of the ruined Parthenon and the dazzling blue of Grecian sky, garbed in a flawless replica of the evzone military regalia.
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Her son John Balliol, who became King of Scotland at the behest of King Edward I had his regalia stripped from him by Edward when he didn't toe the line.
Early Gasparilla parades featured a "krewe" - high-society social club members in full pirate regalia - arriving on horseback and "capturing" the city. - News
Campbell, a Cheyenne tribe member, wore full Indian regalia.
The emperors, busy in Germany or preoccupied with the popes, made wide grants of regalian rights over local coinage, tolls, customs dues, police powers, and justice (diplomas of Henry I, Lothair II, and Conrad II); there were also considerable delegations of local episcopal powers.
2. The Development of Italian Towns
To some, the term might be understood as just the Crown regalia - the State crown, the scepter and, sometimes, the orb, which serve as the symbolic representations of the glory of the monarchy and are used in coronations and State events.
In addition to the throne, the ceremony did include the presence of some of the trappings one might expect at a coronation, including the royal robes and the Crown regalia.
Here’s how brazen Mr. Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler’s appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain’s hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Mr. Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia.
September 2006
Now young Catholics, for whom Vatican II is as remote as the Council of Trent, find episcopal costumes and regalia curious and antique.
His experts produced the Usages of Barcelona, a legal code that stressed his regalian rights over justice, the peace, and the coinage.
3. Barcelona and Catalonia
As I recall, Odovacar politely packaged up the imperial regalia and sent it to the Eastern emperor Zeno in Constantinople, saying that a separate western colleague was no longer required.
Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
The mayor of Swindon arrived in his full mayoral regalia with his wife and mayoress, Pamela.
Even before his death in 911, Æthelfleda is recorded as exercising regalian power in the province in the ‘Mercian Register’, a fragment of a Mercian chronicle incorporated into some versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Don't refer to traditional regalia as ‘costumes.’
There are no clear answers to these questions despite the information provided by the images described above and others in the Monza collection, but from this time onwards the crown remained an integral feature of Lombard regalia.
She sent a photo of dad in full Scottish regalia playing the bagpipes on one of their two boats.
Times, Sunday Times
A Highlander in full regalia is an impressive sight-any Highlander, no matter how old, ill-favored, or crabbed in appearance.
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There are also two kilt shops, with Highland regalia for sale or hire, their windows dressed in swathes of tartan and accessories, dirks, sporrans and brogues.
The state jewels were accordingly brought from the Tower of London and the medieval coronation regalia and vestments, several pieces of which had almost certainly belonged to Edward the Confessor, from Westminster Abbey.
This ritual includes medieval regalia augmented with presidential seals, medallions and a mace as well as a section in the inauguration programme that describes the duties of the office.
Indeed, such a complete application of the feudal rights of the crown to the Church, the development of the so-called regalian rights, was at this date incomplete in Europe as a whole, and according to the evidence which we now have, the Norman in England was a pioneer in that direction.
The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
It was, indeed, one person - the Anglican priest, dressed in full regalia, as though for a wedding or funeral.
Therefore, Crown jewels might include everything from the regalia to swords, tiaras, rings and brooches.
A kind of self-worship in goth regalia, cribbed from Rand, Nietzsche and with a sprinkling of Crowley.
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The time was nearly ripe for general defection; loyalty was strained to breaking-point when Frederic began to appoint for each city a resident commissioner (_podesta_), empowered to exercise the regalian rights and to collect the revenue accruing from them.
Medieval Europe
A beautifully carved patu is valued as an item of personal regalia.
As Mr Baker struggled with the packaging, the Lord Lieutenant, in full regalia, came to the rescue drawing his ceremonial sword and slicing through the binding tape to reveal a combined video, DVD and CD player.
Campbell, a Cheyenne tribe member, wore full Indian regalia.
He saunters in 10 minutes later, resplendent in full leisurewear regalia.
A wooden target with one or two darts sticking in it hung on the end wall and invited the Robin Hoods of the village to try their skill; a system of incised marks on the oaken table made sinister suggestions of shove-halfpenny; and a large open box filled with white wigs, gaudily colored robes and wooden spears, swords and regalia, crudely coated with gilded paper, obviously appertained to the puerile ceremonials of the Order of Druids.
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On the Saturday of orientation, new students and their parents are officially welcomed to campus by administrators and faculty members decked out in formal robes and academic regalia.
It was a true meeting of minds, for I doubt if a woman ever stripped faster from full court regalia, and we revelled in each other like peasants in a hayrick, from bed to floor and back again, I believe, but I ain't sure.
The first track opens with a sound that resonates throughout the album, a sound that conjures feelings of grandeur and regalia in one breath, but falls away whimsically and abashed in the next.
I'd wolfed down a small bowl of cereal early Saturday morning and darted into the city to pick up last-minute Carnival regalia before the Monday jump-up: spray paint, glitter, cosmetics and stockings.
Burgundian lands regained by marriage (1156) with Beatrice, heiress of the county of Burgundy; purchase of lands from the Welfs in Swabia and Italy; exploitation of regalian rights.
-- Hence, during four centuries, they had spun the tissue of "regalian rights," the great net in the meshes of which, since Louis XIV., all lives found themselves caught. [
The Modern Regime, Volume 1
Large numbers of standards, banners, streamers, and other heraldic devices emblazoned with Spanish and English regalia were commissioned for the occasion, and the public celebrations were lavish and a spectacular success.
The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.
Following a well-established formula for regal portraits, Winterhalter created distant yet elegant formal likenesses of the rulers in full regalia.
It's a crowning of a Muxe queen and a huge dance show and party with live music, attended by many men in the traditional women's regalia from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, as well as many men in nightclubbing wear.
Page 2
The collection of a regalia for coronation purposes added to the solemnity and antiquity of the occasion and seems to have been begun by the monks of Westminster abbey.
The puppets wear the clothing and regalia of Fon chiefs, attesting to the interethnic community of Nago and Fon peoples.
Come to think of it, that would be quite a match up; the iceman is a monster, but do you think he could take out alexander the great's most decorated warrior in full battle regalia (i.e. javelin, armor, sword)?
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Acclaimed warriors were especially magnificent in regalia and demeanor, while Cortès judged that the glory enveloping Emperor Moctezoma surpassed that of the court of Spain.
The Sioux are skilled artisans at beadwork, quill-work, carving, pipe making, drum making, flute making, and leatherwork of all kinds - from competition powwow regalia to saddles and tack.
On a far lighter note, I just love the pomp and ceremony of all the military parades, heraldry, and regalia.
Officers, in full riot regalia, pleaded with fans to disperse.
Times, Sunday Times
Together in our full regalia we had fun in the sun; jet boating, paddling in the sea at Sumner, making enormous sandcastles, looking in on the new casino, going up the gondola and meditating in the wizard's nest.
In such a private meeting as he represents in the Hemetes image, the Queen would probably not have worn her coronation regalia.
The feudal past comes alive in the splendid portraits of royalty in full regalia, the photographs of palaces and luxurious interiors, and curiosities such as the Bahawalpur bed.
Example of one informing source for elemental causes in the parade of doom floats and doom regalia is TheOilDrum.
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That robe was her full Ph.D. academic regalia, with three velvet blue stripes on each arm; a satin bi-colored cowl and a soft velvet tam (with the tassel angled sassily - she thought).
Dressed in full regalia with mitre and crook, Bishop David then led a prayer of thanks for the new school and everyone who worked and studied in it.
I expected Devin to emerge in full Navy regalia, dress uniform and everything.
According to the usage current in the British Isles the term regalia is almost always employed to denote the insignia of royalty or "crown jewels".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.
For example, when she wasn't working car shows, Kelley worked bars in Richmond Hill, her embonpoint en regalia in a low-cut dress with a beer logo plastered on it.
Dressed in 70's disco dancer regalia, the president jived, boogied and strutted on the computer screen with gamers choosing his next step.
Collars were ceremonial regalia among the Tlingit, and there are many period photographs of them being worn at potlatches and other special ceremonies.
Big Butch Brewster, his pachydermic frame draped in his gown, and his mortar-board cap on his head, for the Seniors were required to wear their regalia during Commencement week, was bellowing through a megaphone, as he stood on the steps of Bannister Hall, and Mr. Hicks, with his cheerful son, listened:
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
The book is sold at The Pavilion of Regalia, Royal Decorations and Coins at the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok for 500 baht.