How To Use Regale In A Sentence

  • Always a late riser, I'd wake up around eleven every morning to brunch at a deliciously set table where my ‘roomie’, as I called her, would regale me with the tale of her day so far.
  • We regaled ourselves on caviar and champagne.
  • Wish to regale on tasty salad from tropical fruit and berries?
  • Patrick-street, Dublin -- the lady who used to boast of her "bag of farthin's," and regale herself before each encounter with a pennorth of the "droppin's o 'the cock. Irish Wit and Humor Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell
  • He would regale us of tales about the rich and famous, their peculiar ways and their strange vices.
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  • Over and over again he regales the reader with proof that snakes, spiders, crocodiles and creepy-crawlies have acquired a taste for tourist blood.
  • India was a tour that he had his heart set on ever since he was regaled with anecdotes by his father.
  • The sitting-out area could be a haven for non-edibles, scented beauties every one - pots of lemon verbena at fingertip level, regale lilies at nose height, night-scented stock and nicotina.
  • After last night, we really didn't need to be regaled with other upchuck anecdotes.
  • Champagner-Oper" [ "Champagne Opera."] and in order to justify this title our amiable Intendant proposes to regale the whole theater with a few dozens of champagne in the second act, in order to spirit up the chorus. Letters
  • Now, my dear, regale us with your description of the sumptuous desserts available to us on this, our Lord's natal day. AMERICAN GODS
  • Ms Grant, who has previously regaled us with tales of her family's butler and the slaughter of innocent birds and beasts up north, recalled being taken with her sisters to school ‘by a handyman’ who had a motorbike and sidecar.
  • I wish I could be a fly on the barroom wall to hear him regale his buddies with his preceptorship experiences over a beer next week. posted by #1 Dinosaur @ 6:14 AM Archive 2007-03-01
  • He regaled all within earshot with his "war stories" in Iraq in '91 and Somalia in' 93 quote CHARLES MICHAEL PAULEY aka Sgt
  • I will endeavor to stay in touch on a regular basis, and regale you with amusing anecdotes of our experiences to date.
  • With his stentorian voice, he regaled his audience with his good humour and reminiscences of his days in sports.
  • The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; 93 as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God Leviathan
  • She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.
  • Même si une alimentation saine ne donne pas la part belle aux desserts, il est fondamental de conserver une dimension de plaisir dans notre assiette : nous découvrirons ensemble comment créer tartes, gateaux, crèmes, glaces, etc pour régaler occasionnellement nos papilles tout en respectant les règles de l'alimentation vivante ! Archive 2009-02-15
  • She enjoys propagating, the rose garden contains pinks and martagon and regale lilies from seed.
  • Regale everyone with your soppy songs, recite your loopy limericks, and maybe even draw a doodle or two!
  • John also regaled them with the story of the actual gravestone going missing for years and turning up as a hearthstone in a local dwelling house prior to President Nixon's visit to Timahoe in the early 1970s.
  • In general, the agreeable fumes of the "Aina" were created by one's own inhalations; but Donjalolo deeming the solace too dearly purchased by any exertion of the royal lungs, regaled himself through those of his attendants, whose lips were as moss-rose buds after a shower. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • Now, my dear, regale us with your description of the sumptuous desserts available to us on this, our Lord's natal day. AMERICAN GODS
  • There I would wait once more while he collected his props, and perhaps his thoughts as well, and when he appeared at length, all chipper with a kind of postorgasmic glow, we would drive back to work in the same commandeered vehicle while he regaled me with tales of great paydays of the past, in Gallipoli and on the road to Mandalay. An Autobiography
  • Take a moment to quiz the staff and they'll gladly regale you of the occasion when the Lethal Weapon star dragged his co-star Glenn Close along there to sample their sizeable haddock.
  • Lisa and I were treated to an audience with Lorraine's parents, who regaled us with anecdotes about cheating men and the failure of long distance relationships.
  • He thereupon opened the door, received and entertained me with all the hospitality his poverty would admit of; regaled me with sour crout and some new laid eggs, the only provision he had, and clean straw with a kind of rug for a bed, he having no other for himself and wife. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
  • All of which could be a buzzkill, but as counterpoint I offer my late Auntie Margie, who was deep into her 80s when she once regaled a tableful of my girlfriends with tales of her love life. Barbara & Shannon Kelley: Why Some Men Won't Accept That You're Not That Into Them
  • She was supposed to be trying to draw him out, not regale him with her life story. TREASON KEEP
  • Re Shaun's comment on 4/1/05 see above that includes this sentence: "As I said before, my issue isn't with the sexual orientation, it's with people who lack the discretion to keep their private lives *private*"; and this one: "Were I to go into work Monday morning and regale my coworkers with tales of my sexual exploits, I'd likely lose my job. The Boundaries of Diversity
  • B. Bunny thereafter regaled me with stories so rowdy they verged on the sociopathic. Getting Their Guns Off
  • Throughout Lady Rebecca regaled members with interesting titbits and explanations of why the Elizabethans wore shifts, fur trimming, cuffs and ruffs, etc.
  • It is when the gregale blows that the clouds seem to whisper as they crowd through the narrow places up among the peaks, and there was no other sound while these two men crept round each other among the rocks, like two cats upon a roof. The Isle of Unrest
  • “The funny mistress of five or six accents,” Jane regaled them all with the story of her dinner party, successively taking the part of a lecherous old Oxonian who was trying to pinch her bottom, a drunk Ceylonese official, and a dry old colonial widow with a lorgnette. A Covert Affair
  • He then regaled us with unfunny smut, which he seemed to think was sexy and salacious.
  • By the right of _regale_, on the vacancy of a see through death, resignation, or deprivation of the bishop, the royal officers took possession of the temporalities, that is, the land and revenues, and administered them for the profit of the The Church and the Empire, Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 1003 to A.D. 1304
  • The next few months will find us regaled by friends and foes at work and play, in print and on screen.
  • Every elaborate French course is delivered by our original French chef. Wish you will regale on the very purity!
  • James regales the listener with tales of laundry, creditor calls and all around "craptastic" days. Latest stories
  • During the weekly town meetings, the Leonian captain would regale us with fascinating stories of exploration and adventure. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » November : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • History buffs will be pleasantly regaled by this charming little chamber piece.
  • She regaled us with an account of her school-days.
  • Anne Robinson, her of The Weakest Link, was in the Telegraph yesterday telling how she shared a car with a governor who regaled her on how great the beanos and dinners were - and didn't seem to care about the rest of the job.
  • He regales awesome tales about his former life as an Oxnard gangbanger. ‘Avatar,’ Woody Allen And A Tweet From Prison In Today’s Twitter-Wood » MTV Movies Blog
  • Relax, recline, become recumbent and ready yourself for this week's riotous, relay of rich regale from the odder and more interesting side of the Net.
  • Out on the course between tempest squalls, he regaled his boyos with tales of a famous timber gee-gee.
  • Jean-Pierre's father likes to regale me of his days as a young motorcycle toughie in the Tehran nightclubs.
  • Within these pages, she will once again regale you with her unique vision, her misanthropy, and her general intolerance of slack-jawed, drooling dunces. Roseanne Archy
  • Soulful music regaled the families dining at Chin Chin, the Chinese restaurant, while a special buffet at the Coffee Pot kept guests coming back for more at frequent intervals.
  • _gregale_ continued the next two days, striking down several of the date-trees with great fury. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • Well, I'll regale my readers with tales of sliced-up scrotums (scrota?) next entry. No reproduction
  • En route home some members stopped off at the local tavern for a nightcap where many songs/stories were regaled late into the evening.
  • Police and former problematic consumers regale pupils with horror stories and issue warnings of what can happen if one uses drugs.
  • At fado restaurants, diners are periodically regaled by heart-rending renditions of these woe-stricken ballads, thus allowing a pause for digestion.
  • Même si une alimentation saine ne donne pas la part belle aux desserts, il est fondamental de conserver une dimension de plaisir dans notre assiette : nous découvrirons ensemble comment créer tartes, gateaux, crèmes, glaces, etc pour régaler occasionnellement nos papilles tout en respectant les règles de l'alimentation vivante ! Archive 2009-02-15
  • Ferdinand sounded the beldame with a thousand artful interrogations, and she answered with such appearance of truth and simplicity, that he concluded his person was quite secure; and, after having been regaled with a dish of eggs and bacon, desired she would conduct him into the chamber where she proposed he should take his repose. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • I have no doubt her guests were regaled with tales of the idiocy of the yard crew, a rehearsal I am sure for the earful Rick is going to get bright and early in the morning.
  • These films regale as they repulse, hitting the gag reflex and the funny bone simultaneously.
  • When she was a child, her nanny regaled her with stories about mermaids and other sea creatures.
  • The clouds were down, and the gregale was blowing cold and showery. The Isle of Unrest
  • Mr. Dean, who as a young father regaled his daughters with passages from Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" in Middle English and fed the girls plump blueberries from the back yard, died of a brain aneurysm Dec. 2 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington County. A Local Life: Alan L. Dean, 92, the 'Ideal Father'
  • A napkin, which lay in front of the diners as they reclined, might serve as a knapsack to take home the little gifts of food or wine with which a host would regale his friends as they departed.
  • Même si une alimentation saine ne donne pas la part belle aux desserts, il est fondamental de conserver une dimension de plaisir dans notre assiette : nous découvrirons ensemble comment créer tartes, gateaux, crèmes, glaces, etc pour régaler occasionnellement nos papilles tout en respectant les règles de l'alimentation vivante ! Archive 2009-02-15
  • At the June meeting of the West Wickham TG, Mr Tom Moss regaled members with an entertaining account of the history of cinemas in SE London and Kent.
  • She was supposed to be trying to draw him out, not regale him with her life story. TREASON KEEP
  • A conversation ensued, during which I regaled her with a no doubt fascinating account of Scotland's achievements in the world.
  • He came faultlessly dressed in the formal white tie and tails, nor did he regale us with wise-cracking anecdotes about the music or some of his funny experiences in the past.
  • Did have a bit of a Monty Python moment in my Taxation tutorial today, tutor bloke was off at a bit of a tangent as per normal talking about careers in tax and regaled us with a tale about one of his mates who works for a big tax firm.
  • We were even regaled by a lovely Thai dancer whose deft hand movements and graceful demeanour enthralled the group.
  • Vltra veni Tauris ciuitatem magnam et regalem, quæ antiquitus Susis dicta est. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • The gentlemen assemble in the evening, and are regaled with sherbet and the hookha, and entertained with the nuutch-singing and fireworks until the appointed hour for setting out in the procession to fetch the bride to her new home. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • A robust grandfather, once the bane of Hollywood screenwriting, regales his frail, fidgety grandson with horrible tales of the macabre and the supernatural.
  • Jack has been acquitted of manslaughter and delightedly regales his girlfriend Maggie and their neighbours Lynne and Dennis with a disparaging account of the trial.
  • During the interview at the Cowboy Arms Hotel, Clement regaled me with enough entertaining stories to fill a book.
  • My father, who described himself as a ‘language master’, frequently regaled me with tales of his life at the varsity.
  • I am not sure but i think i have seen also talked to people who is close to the 250K a year. and the higher tax done kick in until you make 250001 then the 1 is taxed at the higher rate. until then they pay there regaler tax ` s. Think Progress » Steele: ‘Trust Me, After Taxes, A Million Dollars Is Not A Lot Of Money’
  • He would then regale his hapless customers with stories of his own daring deeds.
  • “Étude Medico-régale sur les Attentats aux Mœurs,” and Dr. Adolph note a peculiar infundibuliform disposition of the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As for the troupe that regaled the audience with their 'bindaas' music and dance, Nida said: "I wanted to bring the spirit of the streets to the ramp. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • A gifted raconteur, he was born to talk, to entertain, to lose the plot, to start again, to regale you with tales from one of the fullest lives a human being could ever live.
  • With his trademark whimsical charm and enamoring banter, we were regaled with anecdotes of truth through power, intelligence beyond faith, conviction for our present system of economics, and sense of pride and nationalism that would cause even the strongest cynics of our American system to shed a tear of pride. The Myths of Free Market Systems | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • She regaled the guests with the best dishes she could offer.
  • Glasmont, the seat of John Morris, Esq. the carriage had been drawn through the town by a choice body of exulting tars; and, after being regaled with his friends, by the portreeve, his lordship, and Sir The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 2
  • To lighten the mood, I would regale Oprah with stories of my mother taking me on stealth fabric shopping excursions at the Five and Dime every Saturday morning while the two of us bonded over notions, bobbles and trims. Malcolm Harris: Waiting for Our Oprah Moment - Finding Our OWN
  • We would come home to find her reclining like a pasha, surrounded by relatives from Bint Jbeil, headscarved old hajjis and tiny old men who sat stiffly in straight-backed chairs pulled up around her as she regaled them with tales of The Operation. Day of Honey
  • And we didn't have to act as a captive audience while an ego-maniac musician regaled us with stories of his career/tour/hobbies.
  • She had met many film stars of the era and regaled us with stories of her time with them.
  • Many of today's hybrids have been crossed with Lilium regale.
  • O joy, o rapture, first Lieberman now Rudy, two of the worst speakers in the world will regale us with tales of how manly McCain is and how 9/11 always follows a noun and a verb. — cicero Giuliani to Give G.O.P. Keynote - The Caucus Blog -
  • In the pre-meal drinks session, I regaled them all with a tale of being sent to London in company time to get my first passport in order to fly to Holland the next day and meet a client.
  • He regaled us with tales of his days as a jazz pianist.
  • I caught up to Dan and walked to class with him, listening as he regaled me with a fascinating account of his weekend.
  • This is the flauto dolce indeed but never with that gawping vibrato that too many flautists, having seen the error of their ways and taken up the recorder, are apt to regale us with.
  • Arriving and departing for the wedding the bride and groom looked gleeful in their horse drawn chariot with driver in full regale.
  • I won't regale you with the play-by-play description of the game.
  • A robust grandfather, once the bane of Hollywood screenwriting, regales his frail, fidgety grandson with horrible tales of the macabre and the supernatural.
  • We are regaled with tales of peregrines hovering over the groundlings at the Globe theatre, peregrines nesting atop the Battersea Power Station.
  • They looked exactly like that one in Finding Nemo, but didn't regale us with pseudo-hilarious profundities in an irritating surfy voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • A court dealing with his appeal over an earlier confrontation heard that from a young age he had been regaled with stories of daring deeds, courage and chivalry in the SAS, told by his father, Tony.
  • We parted, however, without further explanation, and I did not see him until three days after, when he summoned me to partake of the "foy" with which his landlord proposed to regale him ere his departure for Edinburgh. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • So, in fact, as soon as we got out, a _gregale_ ( "north-easter") came on terrifically, and occasioned us to return early next morning to Jerbah. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • He was constantly regaled with tales of woe.
  • Flitches of bacon and 'hands' (_i. e._, shoulders of cured pork, the legs or hams being sold, as fetching a better price) abounded; and for any visitor who could stay, neither cream nor finest wheaten flour was wanting for 'turf cakes' and 'singing hinnies,' with which it is the delight of the northern housewives to regale the honoured guest, as he sips their high-priced tea, sweetened with dainty sugar. Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1
  • Même si une alimentation saine ne donne pas la part belle aux desserts, il est fondamental de conserver une dimension de plaisir dans notre assiette : nous découvrirons ensemble comment créer tartes, gateaux, crèmes, glaces, etc pour régaler occasionnellement nos papilles tout en respectant les règles de l'alimentation vivante ! Archive 2009-02-15
  • The atmosphere was convivial and Harrison continued after the meal to regale his children with amusing stories of the day's experiences, and to discuss newspaper business with William.
  • She regaled the guests with the best dishes she could offer.
  • So I'm taking this opportunity to warn everyone: now is not a good time for you to share your recipe for mincemeat, or regale me with tales of your Nigella Lawson-esque prowess in the kitchen.
  • After reading the "regrets," Lewis began regaling us with reflections of his beloved Balls -- and he is a particularly skilled regaler, who enjoys regaling very much and can regale for a very, very long time without becoming fatigued. Gregory Weinkauf: Smile and Say "Cleese!" - How the Secret Policeman Mocks, Rocks and Shocks
  • She hoped she'd remember enough to regale Matthew with over lunch. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.
  • He served up a wicked sense of humour with a soupçon of self-deprecation as he regaled the crowd with assorted tales.
  • Over dinner I'll regale you with stories about all the great singers. FINAL RESORT
  • The oarfish, also called the ‘king of herrings’ is the one of two members of the Regalecus (Latin for regal) genus.
  • The Prime Minister had regaled his audience with accounts of upstream and downstream achievements and activity in the energy sector.
  • I also needed to overhaul and sort out my collection of things in pots - the stars of the show at the moment are four enormous pots of white regale lilies, the tallest of which are about seven feet high.
  • Over dinner I'll regale you with stories about all the great singers. FINAL RESORT
  • She hoped she'd remember enough to regale Matthew with over lunch. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • A most violent _gregale_ swept the bare beach of the harbour as we proceeded to the gardens and plantations of the Masheeah, and the restive prancing of the horse was not unlike the dancing about of the cockle-shell bark to which I had been condemned for the last ten days. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • Take a moment to quiz the staff and they'll gladly regale you of the occasion when the Lethal Weapon star dragged his co-star Glenn Close along there to sample their sizeable haddock.
  • It does seem lyke many of teh regalers r nawt so regaler lately, maybe it’s spring feaver. Giggity giggity giggity - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It soon fell calm, and, as usual, the calm was again succeeded with a violent _gregale_, against which we could not make head. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846

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