How To Use Regain In A Sentence
The woman herself lay in Epsom Cottage Hospital for four days without regaining consciousness.
It will be given a tender from another departed locomotive and regain its former Sierra appearance.
Johnson regained his composure and reassumed his position behind the podium.
The Sportsman's Daily: Phelps' "Bong Binge" Gives Agent Severe Case of Paranoia
He regained his balance and then retreated to his post beside the door, curling into himself like a wounded possum.
After a cut on the face or an exudation into the lungs, the loose tissues and multiple vessels allow the proliferating cells to obtain rich nourishment; absorption can take place readily, and the part regains its normal condition entirely, while a bruise at the heel or at the withers finds a dense, inextensible tissue where the multiplying elements and exuded fluids choke up all communication, and the parts die
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse

With some precautions, women can regain their advantageous position in the healthy heart race.
We may hear about it in a very short time; the preparations are made meanwhile with more vigour than before; & we must hope that the honour of the country will be in short regained, but when
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
After an appetizer like this, the grateful gourmand finds that he has regained his interest in dining.
We should look to the glory and splendor of the arena … Where even the most untalented one-hit-wonder will be able to regain a sliver of dignity before their untimely demise.
2010 February « The Graveyard
Not surprisingly, the strikers were preoccupied with regaining their jobs and keeping their system of seniority.
Slowly, Dummy regains both his voice and his confidence, and finally, in a fairy-tale ending, even his identity when King Richard recognizes him as his long-lost godson.
The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.
That he has regained sufficient emotional stability, after many years of considerable distress, to perform before live audiences is welcome.
That will have blown away the cobwebs and he is strongly fancied to regain winning brackets.
The Sun
It was the only way he could show that he was determined to regain his self-respect by scoring goals.
Kevin Keegan - Black and White
The speech is an attempt to regain the initiative after criticism of his handling of a shadow cabinet reshuffle.
Times, Sunday Times
Doncaster regained third place in the league overtaking Sheffield Collegiate who did not have a league game.
She did not regain consciousness and died the next day.
The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
Before he could reach it, Jason stumbled on a raised section of the ground and landed on his forearms, struggling to regain his footing.
I found it difficult to regain control of the beast.
Andreas turned around and kicked out at Justin, sending him staggering backwards to regain his balance.
She was still talking, but she'd regained control of herself.
She was regaining consciousness now, but the fear was coming with her.
He believes he blacked out at least five times before he regained consciousness in the shallows by the river bank.
The man stammered over his words for a moment before he finally managed to regain the power of speech.
The shock of impact riddled both pilots with confusion, stumbling to regain control of their mechs.
He hadn't completely regained his strength.
Or they abandoned ship altogether and slogged to shore, hoping to regain their vessels when the ice thawed.
Under Deng Xiaoping, the reformers slowly regained control of the country.
I sat down and tried to regain some sense of equilibrium.
He rocked for a moment on the edge, his arms circling wildly, desperately trying to regain his balance.
He was an anthropologist who worked on the potlatch originally and became fascinated with these cycles by which a thing had value, lost value, regained value.
The Duke regained his senses just in time to see another haymaker about to be launched in his direction.
Only then will we be able to regain trust as safe custodians of taxpayers' money.
Times, Sunday Times
When she regained her balance and looked around he - if indeed it had been he - had vanished.
Used f testing the regain percentage raw cotton quickly.
If rational economics is to regain its proper influence, there are two ways in which we need to rearrange our mental furniture.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1963 he had the great satisfaction of helping Stoke City regain the First Division title.
The pilot regained control and landed heavily but no one was hurt.
Times, Sunday Times
He did not regain consciousness for several days.
On the other hand, if large amounts of well-preserved authentic paint are obscured, it is usually worthwhile revealing them and regaining the tonality of the original colours.
Detroit Aircraft's frantic efforts to regain stability were unavailing and, in October, the corporation floundered into receivership.
A blind woman had just regained her sight: did she really ascribe that to her own intervention?
Yet he dreams of being king and solemnly publishes his intentions 169 to regain power and rebuild an empire.
With his fists, he punched his opponent continuously in the stomach and chest, not giving him the chance to regain his breath.
She said briefly, regaining her will with a click.
At a stroke, all trust and credibility was regained.
Times, Sunday Times
But the road was narrow and the offside wheels were on to the grass verge in the brief moment before he regained full control.
His absence had regained for him much of that aureola of saintship which had been nearly abstracted during her reproachful mood on that miserable journey from London.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his poise.
Help them to regain a sense of control over their life by offering choices and options.
Willingness to negotiate and compromise, when appropriate, helps regain control of an explosive situation.
Walking on will only disturb them again and again, and having no wish to chivvy them the length of the beach we detour along the track through the dunes, regaining the sands with the gulls behind us and miles of beach ahead.
Country diary: South Uist
Once you regain feeling in your hand and wrist, you will feel a slight itch and bump.
But first it needs to regain its virility.
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With Friends Like These….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
I don't know if I'll be able to regain my previous level of blogging productivity.
One way out is to seek to regain control.
Times, Sunday Times
On each occasion she was unconscious for a few seconds before regaining consciousness.
As nothing else happened and everything quieted down again, the man put away his gun, looking quite embarrassed, but he soon regained his usual sedateness.
He did not regain consciousness for several days.
We then departed for a wooded spot a few miles away, where we bedded down in the brush for the night, hoping to regain contact with our colleagues in the morning.
The meeting provided a ding-dong battle in a tense atmosphere: the Americans had pledged to regain the cup after it had remained in European hands for six years.
Wilson has regained the ability to laugh at himself and Mr Young said his recent progress had been tremendous.
Fortunately, he quickly regained control, whereas the rest of us lost it permanently.
We have agreed that my two pennorth should have read 'once the cock regains control of the braincell...'
Same, except different
It was also noted that when the young man regained consciousness, he became extremely combative, which is not uncommon with closed-head injuries.
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He turned and knelt by Louisa who had regained consciousness.
Man of Honour
After all, it was Lieberman who had to help McCain regain his bearings when distinguishing among Shia, Sunni and Al Queda ...
Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
Since my election we have regained a wide range of elective surgery and have seen improvements to urgent care and continue to fight for more.
Times, Sunday Times
As they begin to heal, will they regain their faith in humanity?
Ukraine could regain its position as a global breadbasket, realising the huge agricultural potential of its famous chernozem (black earth), one of the most fertile soils in the world.
Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
Once or twice the latter attempts –rather apathetically – to regain its former rhythm, before both make towards a steady walking pace.
The home side regained the lead in the 29th minute.
Times, Sunday Times
The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
By the time Ally handed the keys over to the valet at the hotel, Trent had regained his strength.
Thus it's easier to regain the high ground by laughing or sneering, or complaining about art getting in the way of commuters.
He regains his seat behind the mahogany counter, a holiday brochure in hand.
Gradually he readapts himself, regains and confirms his faith in the human spirit that was so vivid when he lived with his fellow soldiers.
The Jervaise Comedy
A furniture stripper who fell into a vat of caustic soda has regained consciousness with his sight intact.
As women's art regains the territory of erotica, Messager comments succinctly on the debate which ensues.
The centre has helped her regain her home, sort out the benefit snarl-up that led to the arrears and get money to repair the place.
Off balance, he rolled to the ground and regained his footing.
The two cities Monday retaliatory upside, the Fund began to regain market dominance!
Only about a third of those who have surgery for broken hips regain the same level of activity as before the fracture.
He told the shepherd to tell his own people that he would use these weapons to regain the Holy Sepulchre.
He then regained the 200m record that Pieter van den Hoogenband had claimed along with the Olympic title five months ago.
With much foreboding from the other characters as to how the disaster has altered the healthy course of her mind, she commits herself to the path of revenge and vows to regain their inheritance from her bitter uncle or his invalid son.
Wilkie Collins’ No Name « Tales from the Reading Room
We bend down — our denimed knees bump, and I touch the ground to regain my balance.
A Winter Gift
Later, after regaining his reason, Quentin worries for Tracy's safety, but she assures him that all will be well.
The protesters accused the government of using the race to try to regain international recognition.
Times, Sunday Times
The Lake was sometimes called St. Louis, afterwards Frontenac, as well as the fort of Cataraqui, of which the Count de Frontenac was the founder, but insensibly the Lake has regained its ancient name Ontario, which is Huron or Iroquois, and the fort that of the place where it is built.
Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago
After playing porously and leaving the Eagles trailing by 17-0 in the previous two games, Philadelphia's defense regained its familiar unassailability.
At the next pylon the controls reversed but by yanking back the throttle he regained control.
At Jane Addams Place, Child and Family Advocates take a holistic framework in assisting residents by focusing on family systems and employing a trauma informed model so that families can regain and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Links to Philadelphia shelters, help, services for homeless
The financing and grants enabled the cooperative to regain its license.
But he has bounced back to his best in 2004, regaining his world crown and now becoming Olympic champion.
The Japanese business lobby has gone all-out in support of the drive, saying it would help exporters — like automakers and electronics manufacturers — regain their competitive edge.
In short, the brain can be retrained to bypass the nerve signals responsible for the ringing and regain its original stability.
Times, Sunday Times
A blind woman had just regained her sight: did she really ascribe that to her own intervention?
Cardinal Richelieu, Prime Minister of France, drank chocolate to treat his spleen, and women drank it to regain their strength during particularly exhausting days.
Conclusion Psychotherapy have no fungible action for psychology and physical rehabilitation and sufferer' society function of hypochondriacal neurosis for regain.
We were still trying to regain our composure when we rounded a corner and found ourselves in the middle of a youth gang.
Christianity Today
Some observers think that Dukes has not been entirely purged of ambition to regain the leadership of the party he lost over 10 years ago.
Nearly 62 patients have regained certain degree of mobility of their limbs and free prosthetic and orthotic appliances have been given to all the needy patients.
The President must seek to regain the high ground in the political debate.
She failed to regain consciousness after the surgery and died eight hours after giving birth.
Times, Sunday Times
We will go forward as a unified, independent, and sovereign nation that has regained a respected place in the world.
His clothes, his beard, his very features have much the appearance that his house has, as if the owner of it were distant on another occupation, and the camise has regained a considerable portion of his clearing.
Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy
‘Yeah and everyone just happens to have a blowtorch lying around the house,’ Alexander added, finally able to regain control.
It is the immediate task of China to regain all our lost territories.
Treatment may be surgical for muscle imbalance, use of refractive lenses, or patching the normal eye to allow the affected eye to regain strength and vision.
Combine these closures with the mop fair in the autumn and businesses are beginning to lose margins that can never be regained.
It was cool enough to take my breath away for a second and it took a few moments to regain my composure and concentrate.
Until you regain conciousness you WILL be treated.
Think Progress » Exit Survey Of Massachusetts Voters Confirms Lack Of Enthusiasm Among Progressives Hurt Coakley
Parry actually led the championship with seven holes to play until he made a triple bogey from the rough on No. 12, which enabled Van de Velde to regain the lead.
Paul Lawrie wins British Open
He laughed, and once he regained control of his horse, cantered him all the way to the north pasture, with Chubb following closely behind.
They need to be helped to regain their dignity as human beings.
The Sun
Two and a half weeks after the accident, he began to regain consciousness.
He could help her regain her health, even give her a sense of her own worth if he persevered.
The overwhelming volume of the original building, covered with corrugated sheet metal to regain its pure cubic form and align it with the other elements of the project.
By the time it regains any awesomeness, it will be like shouting, "Twenty-three skiddoo!" at someone, which is I guess sort of the bee's knees, but for awhile there, not so much.
Mrissa: Use "Unchained Melody" in a love scene next. Please. It'll be great.
Certainly, no person in an unsound state of mind can be left on his own in the hope that the religious environs would help him regain his mental balance.
It was closed off when communist rule was imposed in 1949 but is now regaining its reputation as a cosmopolitan metropolis.
It is assumed that holders of other sequestered shares will now try to regain their voting rights.
Frank regains consciousness, and is taken aback to find that he is handcuffed to his hospital bed.
It will take a lot of repair work before the theatre regains its former splendor.
He is making a bid to regain his World No. 1 ranking.
Lacking the capacity to devalue the currency, France can regain competitiveness only by cutting costs.
Times, Sunday Times
Police in riot gear regained control of the centre last night.
Times, Sunday Times
She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
With a quick cavort he regained his seat and proceeded to fight with the mare for control.
Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
I finally regained my sanity and stippled gold and copper acrylic paint on the back of each piece.
That my hopes of regaining more mobility would gently wither and die.
Times, Sunday Times
Security of tenure also means that a landlord may be unable to regain his house, if he wishes to.
Stephen had regained consciousness and, as Dr Sinclair had predicted, was suffering from no more than a moderate headache.
The President must seek to regain the high ground in the political debate.
She regains relative composure and continues.
Times, Sunday Times
The Pennsylvania contest was seen as crucial to the Republican Party's efforts to regain control of the Senate in 1992.
Toward the finish, they regain their fluidity, even dance in couples—what could be more human than that?
They regained their native place after the war.
That show of strength forced the opposition to try to regain its momentum.
By mid-March, Communists had begun to withdraw on all fronts and the Eighth Army had regained Seoul.
A German man who lost his lower jaw nearly 10 years ago to a malignant tumor regained the ability to eat more than soup this year when he was given an engineered jawbone.
He tried to regain his footing, but his right leg gave out and he tumbled back into the dirt, crying out in pain.
Eyeless at Gaza, Samson struggled to regain the power to pull down the pillars that destroyed him and his enemies together.
It is hard to bet against them regaining their place in the top flight if they reproduce this form.
The Sun
She hesitated briefly but quickly regained her poise.
As soon as he regained consciousness after a day in the hospital, he was faced with the amputation decision.
He had gotten back to third lieutenant but never regained his confidence or former rank.
She did not regain consciousness and died the next day.
Four of the disgraced warriors from the first encounter attempt to regain their honor by attacking the party from the rear.
To regain the lost glory and vigour, prosperity and happiness, to fulfil our destined role of spreading real joy and spirituality in the whole human race, let us sing with the Rishis of Rig Veda.
The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.
Pursuant to that rule, the stock investors could regain the balance of stock trading provision.
Even if the same party regains power, the change in leadership can make all the difference.
We concluded that the coroner's inquest needed radical improvement and reform if it were to regain public confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Police in riot gear regained control of the centre last night.
Times, Sunday Times
During the emergency descent the captain, flight engineer, and the attendant regained consciousness and an emergency landing was made.
Early today (Sunday night ET), Phelps, Lezak and their 4x100-meter freestyle relay teammates regained the Olympic title they owned from 1964 to 1996, in thrilling fashion and world-record time, keeping Phelps on track for a record eight gold medals.
Phelps on pace as U.S. 4x100 freestyle relay grabs gold, world record
People need help to regain their memory and speech in order to become active members of society.
Regaining his composure, he said his farewell and walked out of the door.
He pitted for his compulsory pitstop at the end of lap thirteen in ninth position and when the field regained shape he was back to ninth.
We passed a ship, two schooners, and a four-masted barkentine under the smallest of canvas, and at eleven o'clock, running up the spanker and jib, we hove her to, and in another hour we were beating back again against the aftersea under full sail to regain the sealing ground away to the westward.
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
The city is regaining a little of its former splendour.
When she regained consciousness , she was lying on the floor.
She walked slowly towards the door, struggling to regain her composure.
He plunged his country into civil war but regained control.
Times, Sunday Times
He lost many chances to regain his financial loss due to his density.
Then when you eat you regain the weight and some more for good measure.
The Sun
The crew of 20 quickly regained control of the vessel but the skipper offered himself to the attackers as a hostage to ensure his men's safety.
The Sun
The upcoming liberation of Moncayo and Calvo is seen by the FARC as one way to regain political protagonism.
Colombia: What's on the Mind of the FARC?
It wasn't until the beginning of the twentieth century that aromatics regained their lost favour.
Lampard believes that Chelsea must make a good start if they are to regain the title.
Then, as she tried to regain her balance, he shoved her roughly against the doorjamb and forced her to her knees.
Each army is led by a powerful Greek chieftain who aides him in regaining the kingship.
Thus begins a madcap quest to unclothe five unfortunate elves and regain the transportation spell!
If the Democrats preselect this dud, they can forget about trying to regain credibility.
A healthy diet coupled with sensible exercise is the only way to regain one's figure and fitness levels after child birth.
And we know what happened in that series - we ended up regaining the little urn.
The Sun
The Japanese business lobby has gone all-out in support of the drive, saying it would help exporters — like automakers and electronics manufacturers — regain their competitive edge.
The effect probably helps flyers regain equilibrium when hit by gusts of wind, providing a natural stabilizer that engages before their brains can react to a perturbance, said Hedrick.
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They came to Australia needing only to share the series to regain the Ashes.
Times, Sunday Times
Wisconsin regained possession with nine-tenths of a second left, but a desperation shot by Kirk
NCAA Men's Basketball - Georgia State vs. Wisconsin
Just over 60 seconds later, St Mirren regained the lead thanks to Carey's pearler, but the visitors hit back, however, Stuart Armstrong heading home from close range to equalise for a second time.
Francisco Sandaza gives St Johnstone victory over Kilmarnock
Quickly regaining his composure he whipped out a cigarette and a bottle of beer.
That will have blown away the cobwebs and he is strongly fancied to regain winning brackets.
The Sun
He tries to regain his composure.
Times, Sunday Times
On the day that patients regained consciousness, most had no residual disability, although some seemed to have retrograde or anterograde amnesia.
This may hobble the bull in the future. But first it needs to regain its virility.
We were still trying to regain our composure when we rounded a corner and found ourselves in the middle of a youth gang.
Christianity Today
He tries to regain his composure.
Times, Sunday Times
The coroner Nicholas Gardner said the Metro driver's attempts to regain control of her car may have made matters worse.
Although allied airstrikes helped rebels regain battlefield momentum, pro-Qaddafi forces on Tuesday halted a westward push by the rebels and began a counteroffensive.
The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.
Hamlet names him new ruler of Denmark before he dies, and Fortinbras regains all of his father's lost land, and becomes King of Denmark.
The spacing meant that the person being drugged would regain a tiny portion of his power between doses.
It was not with the hope of dying young that she wished to go and face death daily, but in the earnest desire to escape from what she called her temptation, and to regain that peace of mind which had been hers for a long time and now was gone.
The White Sister
At least it help boost the police's image and regain the public respect following their deteriorating performance in general.