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How To Use Refutation In A Sentence

  • Perhaps it is a refutation of the whole opening line ( variation ).
  • Whereas scientific managemant system proffer reference of objective, nought refutation for individual profession development.
  • Stirling wrote his account of the affair and a refutation which was published in the regimental journal.
  • He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.
  • This is certainly not in any sense a refutation of free market economics.
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  • And the refutation of these has been such as alone it could be: that is to say, by signs and the evidence of causes, since no other kind of confutation was open to me, differing as I do from the others both on first principles and on rules of demonstration. The New Organon
  • Thus for Popper the logic of science is exclusively the deductive logic of empirical refutation.
  • Tanguay finds the philosopher’s fundamentally erotic or zetetic way of life to preclude any dogmatic refutation of revelation. Archive 2008-05-11
  • By "means nothing" I meant that it pointing out your lack of a refutation is no rebuttal. Transition Team Update - NASA Watch
  • The subsequent unanticipated baby boom, of course, was a salutary refutation of the commission's demographic determinism.
  • The story is Kipling's brilliant refutation of the widely accepted saw that time heals all wounds.
  • A refutation of their particular scientific or philosophical proof of the existence of God would not have shaken their own faith one iota.
  • Afraid suggestion possibly subject to competitor bitter refutation.
  • Afraid suggestion possibly subject to competitor bitter refutation.
  • When the astrology reference is made in isolation from the refutation point you are looking at the use of selective quoting to convey a misimpression. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • Pasting proposed rules to refute my claim that plants are under-regulated is a rather weak refutation at best. Think Progress » Sanders: ‘I Do Not Want To See A Global Warming Bill Become A Bonanza For The Coal Industry’
  • Afraid suggestion possibly subject to competitor bitter refutation.
  • If that's the case, Dr. Robison's thorough refutation of the conventional wisdom on childhood obesity ought to provide ample grist for the next round of stories on America's battle with the bulge.
  • While the study is supposed to be on the noncorrelation of nonreligiosity with societal dysfunction i.e., with providing a statistical refutation of the claim that religiosity is required for a health society, it spends most of its space talking about creationism and evolution. Notables
  • He refers again and again to it as some kind of refutation of “Darwinism”, completely clueless as to understanding that humanity is engaged in a pharmaceuticallly-driven coevolutionary arms race with Plasmodium. No metazoan is an island - The Panda's Thumb
  • He chooses for the thrust of his refutation Marcus's phrase, 'the conventions of medical practice at the time'.
  • Arguments about nonhuman consciousness range from claims of levels comparable to humans to refutation of any need to study such phenomena.
  • This poses as a refutation of neocon thinking, but really it isn't. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, this argument is subject to two simple refutations.
  • Below I first restate their argument point by point, which is indented, and then offer my refutation of each point.
  • As I am certainly no biologist many here may be able to kick some gaping holes into this little theory – and if the refutation is simple enough that it makes sense to me I will be grateful. Being Opportunistic
  • The second was the invariable denial that followed - the outright refutation of indisputable evidence, or the protestations of innocence or ignorance, or the imputation that supplements had been spiked or contaminated.
  • Such a view will not bear scrutiny either, for reasons to be discussed later; Wittgenstein indeed opens the Philosophical Investigations with a lengthy refutation of it.
  • When I explain that she is a living refutation of her own argument, that she is a demonstration that money works, she looks sceptical.
  • This doctrine, then, of the expurgation of the intellect to qualify it for dealing with truth is comprised in three refutations: the refutation of the philosophies; the refutation of the demonstrations; and the refutation of the natural human reason. The Great Instauration
  • His refutation of well-known pedantries is tremendously sharp. Times, Sunday Times
  • An essay on Leonardo was possibly intended as a refutation of Ruskin, whose emphasis on the moral value of art Pater directly opposed.
  • If, on the other hand, one had drawn a distinction, and questioned him on the ambiguous term or the amphiboly, the refutation would not have been a matter of uncertainty. On Sophistical Refutations
  • Gabriel, only a pathetic failure who is out of touch with reality would not take them at their word when they tell the world what their 'religion' stands for and what their intentions are, and there is basically no refutation from the islamic "mainstream" (which by the way, I am not sure exists). Sound Politics: The Religion of Peace Marches On
  • Earlier I had made a request about trauma related statistics, she then cited statistics on them as a “refutation” to my _request_. The IWF on Mary Koss’ Rape Research
  • an argument vulnerable to refutation
  • A high standard of living in Scandinavia is not necessarily a refutation of institutional economics. Interview with Gregory Clark, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Mike L on Off-Topic: Icebergs Gone Wild: Jackie, then perhaps your original post should have considered inclduing the term anthropogenic since nothing posted comes close to a refutation that global warming (ie … Stand Firm
  • I shall not fatigue the reader with a refutation of the logomachies which might be offered in explanation of this subject: of the contradiction inherent in the idea of value there is no assignable cause, no possible explanation. System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
  • His sophmoric analysis of economics needs some refutation.
  • If people never made two questions into one question, the fallacy that turns upon ambiguity and amphiboly would not have existed either, but either genuine refutation or none. On Sophistical Refutations
  • But the evolutionists are the real ones lacking inquiring minds —- once they have decided that they have refuted a particular criticism of evolution, the refutation is final for all time and they need not consider that criticism ever again, even if plausible new evidence and/or plausible new arguments supporting that criticism are presented. Legal eagles flutter on - The Panda's Thumb
  • No one dwelt on it, but it was an unvoiced refutation of all his arguments.
  • Bohr's refutation of Einstein's supposition of complemental gravity was the real blunder in all of science and so we pay dearly for it
  • The reasons advanced against suicide by the clergy of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, and by those philosophers who adapt themselves thereto, are weak sophisms which can easily be refuted. 19 The most thorough-going refutation of them is given by Hume in his Essay on Suicide. Studies in Pessimism
  • Two points I would make in refutation to his comments: Are Free Libraries Still Justified?
  • From the text, we know that Kierkegaard's criticize to double-minded is much similar to Plato's refutation to various kinds of concept of justice in first two volumes of Republic.
  • If Voltaire had studied Hume, moreover, he might have learned how futile and inappropriate it is in the long run to examine a religion otherwise than in its most fundamental and comprehensive general ideas, and how narrow and superficial would every philosophic appreciation ultimately find what he called refutation by facts. Voltaire
  • Can you provide a reference for this claim, like an official list or some sort of refutation from a credible source? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Free Gaza” Activists’ Version of the Ship Incident
  • The expressions of tacit admission embrace two conditions, " no refutation " and " don't know " 、 " don't remember ".
  • The masterwork of the great philosopher of science, Karl Popper, was titled Conjectures and Refutations.
  • Now it is important to realize that what is called Say's Law was in the first instance designed as a refutation of doctrines popularly held in the ages preceding the development of economics as a branch of human knowledge.
  • But perhaps the best refutation of the idea that philosophy and morality are unconnected came, as we might have expected, from Samuel Johnson.
  • This approach to self-justification is the practical equivalent of psychosis insofar as it is a refutation of empirical reality, a refutation of human reason and a denial of human history.
  • This is not an implicative negation phenomenon, namely a refutation of the type: “it is not this” or “it is not that.” A Commentary on Attitude-Training Like the Rays of the Sun - His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ��� Day Six: Deepest Bodhichitta, Continued
  • Granted, the "36 arguments" construct is used as a structural element, incorporated literally in the form of a series of propositions and their refutations as the novel's concluding section and metaphorically by providing the novel's chapter titles, but otherwise this novel presents few surprises either formally or thematically, proceeding as a garden-variety academic satire complete with bursting egos, pretentious-sounding projects, and fierce political in-fighting. The New Equivocation
  • He recommended that special attention be given to the refutation of these fallacies.
  • I don't buy the refutations of the "Engage" crowd holus-bolus, but I do believe that we need to take considerable care in our political uses of analogies. Archive 2009-03-01
  • January 1, 2008 at 4: 46 pm aeneas, the refutation is simple. The Complicity Double Standard With Iran « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • But still later he repeats the assertion of the Eocene ( "Oligocene") age of the Santo Domingo beds in sueh a categorical manner as to demand an equally pointed refutation,! the more especially since Mr. Conrad is the oldest and best infonned of the authorities on the American Tertiaries. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Citing the findings of previous interpreters could also be a way of letting readers know that a translation was itself a conjectural reconstruction open to refutation.
  • Rosenberg's new paper essentially quantifies my refutation last March of the pure clinal theory in More revelations about the genetics of race
  • He offers a convincing and amusing point-by-point refutation of the criticisms.
  • The first was entitled: "_Refutatio Samaritani Interim_, in quo vera religio cum sectis et corruptelis scelerate et perniciose confunditur -- Refutation of the Samaritan Interim, in which the true religion is criminally and perniciously confounded with the sects. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Intelligence in fiction, then, is usually conceived as a variety of Aristotelian dianoia:Under Thought dianoia is included every effect which has to be produced by speech, the subdivisions being: proof and refutation; the excitation of the feelings, such as pity, fear, anger, and the like; the suggestion of importance or its opposite. Plot and thought
  • They suggest that their evidence based refutations of erroneous beliefs commonly expressed by immunisation defaulters are useful in dispelling their concerns.
  • What, then, we have to beware of, is not being refuted, but seeming to be, because of course the asking of amphibolies and of questions that turn upon ambiguity, and all the other tricks of that kind, conceal even a genuine refutation, and make it uncertain who is refuted and who is not. On Sophistical Refutations
  • The author went on to criticize his refutation of productivity-related theories.
  • The physical refutation of the self-existence of the universe is completed by the discovery, _that all the orbs of heaven, as well as the earth, are in motion, and that an orderly and regulated motion_. [ Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity
  • Hence, a refutation of Acheson may benefit many Chinese by widening their horizon.
  • He devoted himself to a thorough refutation of the second point.
  • An important Socratic Dialogue in which Plato sets the rhetorician, whose specialty is persuasion, in opposition to the philosopher, whose specialty is dissuasion, or refutation. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • But contention is rashly instituted against the opinion of an adversary, first, when it is not proposed according to the mind and intention of him who is the assertor; Secondly, when it is discussed beyond all due bounds, and its deformity is unseasonably exaggerated; and, lastly, when its refutation is attempted by arguments ill calculated to produce that effect. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • The term Proteus phenomenon has been coined to describe this phenomenon of rapidly alternating extreme research claims and extremely opposite refutations HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
  • It is here explicitly declared that this doctrine, the obedience of slaves to their masters, are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ; and the arguments of its opposers are characterized as doting sillily about questions and strifes of words, and therefore unworthy of reply and refutation. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • But the reasons brought to bear against suicide by the priests of monotheistic, that is of Jewish religions, and by those philosophers who adapt themselves to it, are weak sophisms easily contradicted. 20 Hume has furnished the most thorough refutation of them in his Essay on Suicide, which did not appear until after his death, and was immediately suppressed by the shameful bigotry and gross ecclesiastical tyranny existing in Essays of Schopenhauer
  • By the above refutation of Kapila's Smriti the Yoga-smriti also is refuted. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • Aristotle's study of sophistical arguments is contained in On Sophistical Refutations, which is actually a sort of appendix to the Topics.
  • Doubts and refutations were presented from the perspective of humanistic atheism and agnosticism.
  • Because the philosophers of anti-inductivism generally overlook this condition, So they call in question or refutation of inductivism manyly with false ground of argument or a trick by ancien premier.
  • #94 – Your refutation is hollow – are you a professor? Think Progress » Ann Coulter to MoveOn: “How About Helping Out?”
  • The refutation of this new form of Adoptionism, as it rests altogether on the interpretation of the hypostatical union, will be found in the treatment of that word. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The term Proteus phenomenon has been coined to describe this phenomenon of rapidly alternating extreme research claims and extremely opposite refutations [ PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Tautologies are statements true by definition and so are quite incapable of empirical refutation or prediction (insofar as a prediction in science must be empirically falsifiable).
  • Now a small man can dig for a proof or a disproof, and any sort of man can syllogize for a confirmation or a refutation.
  • It has inspired Kant with a peremptory refutation of "empiricist" theories of knowledge. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Of the refutations, then, that depend upon ambiguity and amphiboly some contain some question with more than one meaning, while others contain a conclusion bearing a number of senses: e.g. in the proof that ‘speaking of the silent’ is possible, the conclusion has a double meaning, while in the proof that On Sophistical Refutations
  • his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive
  • That achievement disgusts the its socio-ethnic engineers, its branch-stackers and multicultural grant grubbers, for whom his election victories were direct refutations of every toxic tenet of their divisive philosophy.
  • Existents include affirmation phenomena (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon, affirmation) and negation phenomena (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomenon, negation, refutation). Affirmations, Negations, and Denumerable and Nondenumerable Ultimate Phenomena
  • You ground your argument in linguistic logic, and the only refutation is pedantry. Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
  • How about looking up the word refutation and applying it? Main RSS Feed

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