How To Use Refutable In A Sentence
She wore sapphire earrings, and her ring was a diamond of irrefutable substance.
They provided facts that were checked out and irrefutable.
For example, 'Cardio' sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go.
Junk - Latest Happenings
It is impossible to believe, and yet the evidence is irrefutable.
After encountering Liebling in the New Yorker, those readers understood exactly why he, with irrefutable, amiable logic, regarded the press as "the weak slat under the bed of democracy.
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‘In fact, there are so many refutable claims and irresponsible accusations contained in this 175-page report that it would take another 175 pages to correct the errors,’ Mr. Boyle said.
The logs provide an irrefutable record of which departments and users are consuming the most Internet bandwidth.
There appears to be clear cause and effect evidence, but no irrefutable proof.
Statistics should be like the weather: irrefutable facts about the world outside.
Times, Sunday Times
Victory is irrefutable proof that defeat is a strange aberration.
Times, Sunday Times
The pictures provide irrefutable evidence of the incident.
The point was that they are rare, which is odd since Smith claims they are "standard"; what he is saying is that they constitute irrefutable evidence that the sindon was a standard magical garment, and that the use of the word may always, even when there is no other indication (as in Mark 14.51), be taken to mean that something magical is going on.
Under the Sheet
Only irrefutable scientific evidence could change this.
Times, Sunday Times
And as courtroom evidence it seemed to me irrefutable.
Times, Sunday Times
The deal's proponents argued that increasing the presence of American business and dollars in China would somehow make all that come to pass - a refutable presumption, but one that raises the bar for future trade deals.
The problem: some of the evidence may indeed have been refutable, dating as it did, in some cases, back 10 years or more.
So is there any hope of finding honest, irrefutable research?
The pictures provide irrefutable evidence of the incident.
The gutter, that tight space of the spine that is pinched by the binding, is the one irrefutable physical fact of a book's existence as an object.
No matter how wistfully we may long for the fountain of youth, the fact is that Laws of Thermodynamics are irrefutable.
To conciliate the Church, Descartes tried to give the impression that the Meditations was another defence (albeit a novel and irrefutable one) of the truths of religion against atheists.
But paranormal research and cryptozoology are littered with cases that were deemed irrefutable evidence of the paranormal, only to full apart upon further investigation or hoaxer confessions.
It comes as a shock - one can readily understand this - to have irrefutable evidence of how foolish one was previously.
Somewhere East of Life
The critics will point to this as irrefutable proof of their argument that vouchers undermine the public school system.
These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle.
A recent study, "The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in central Appalachia, 1996-2003," has provided irrefutable evidence that six out of seven types of birth defects -- circulatory/ respiratory, central nervous system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, urogenital and "other" -- related to contaminants released into nearby environments from mountaintop removal operations are too high a price to pay for an unnecessary way of mining.
Jeff Biggers: Appeal to Action: Appalachian Leaders Launch Mountaintop Removal Moratorium Now Campaign
Secondly, what it says to me is that there is an irrefutable link.
It is of greater advantage to create a suspicion by paralipsis [occulte fecisse] than to insist directly on a statement that is refutable.
Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well.
This is irrefutable evidence that Jack Ruby and John Kennedy conspired to have Marilyn Monroe artificially inseminated by a “black African Kenya.” beth
Beat 360° 9/23/09
Since your definition of “hammering” seems to involve telling obvious, easily refutable lies, I am not sure why you seem to think it would help his approval ratings.
Think Progress » Fox ‘News’ cheerleads for Tea Party protesters.
However, when I first psychologically from time to time, to my disappointment is irrefutable.
I'd say that until you uncover irrefutable proof of his innocence, you've got your man.
The group will eventually digest the data into reports, which will serve as irrefutable evidence in the court of public opinion.
Yet the statistics to the contrary seem irrefutable.
Times, Sunday Times
By using technologies generally available (fibre endoscopy, silver staining of histological sections and culture techniques for microaerophilic bacteria), they made an irrefutable case that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is causing disease.
Press Release: The 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Our claims are based on irrefutable fact following extensive research and statements from council's own documents.
Here , in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable.
By using technologies generally available fibre endoscopy, silver staining of histological sections and culture techniques for microaerophilic bacteria, they made an irrefutable case that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is causing disease.
SPM4 Preview: The Hockey Stick Lives « Climate Audit
Most notably, Malkin disregards the primary role in events of West Coast military figures, political leaders, commercial groups and opinion makers, since the evidence of anti-Japanese racism and hysteria in their actions and motivations is so overwhelming as to be irrefutable.
The good fortune continued this weekend with confirmation of a now irrefutable positive polling pattern.
Yet the evidence is irrefutable.
Times, Sunday Times
By using technologies generally available (fibre endoscopy, silver staining of histological sections and culture techniques for microaerophilic bacteria), they made an irrefutable case that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is causing disease.
Press Release: The 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Based on the dilemma in judicatory practice, the refutable criminal presumption can be applied to the demarcation of the constitutive conditions of dangerous driving criminal behavior.
We had told Mr Blunkett's officials about our irrefutable documentary evidence before he wrote his article.
And all of them are forced to realize that the past, for better or worse, is an irrefutable part of who they are now.
It was the absence of bleeding that was concrete, irrefutable proof that I had passed into the next stage.
Times, Sunday Times
To deal briefly with cost, it is irrefutable that companies have circumnavigated their operations back to the US because overseas workers are becoming more expensive: According to a recent report by Boston Consulting Group, in 2000, hourly Chinese manufacturing wages were just 52 cents compared to $16.61 in the U.S. By 2015, the wage difference should be $4.41 vs.
Tom Silva: Made in America?
The foregoing is irrefutable evidence that the fool-killer is enacting the rôle of cunctator.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
Our persistent refusal to accept the obvious in the light of irrefutable evidence is incredibly strong and, in situations which do not involve tragedy, laughable.
Growing Through Loss and Grief
Not really my business … second thoughts … I'll refrain from further comment except to say science is only a problem for religions when religions make testable and refutable claims.
Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
This argument is irrefutable by reasoned argument, because it is irrational.
This despite one irrefutable truth: patterned tights make all but the lankiest pins look like galumphing elephant's legs.
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To be sure, for all the rumor and threadbare analyses of plays, hard irrefutable proof of match fixing would be difficult to produce in any event.
And if you can't come up with a refutable hypothesis, which Friedman doesn't, then it all really just is a parlor game.
Economics and Evolution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Nevertheless, the potential of the helicopter was clear and irrefutable.
And while I was a whit dismayed at some of the bug that was aimed at littВrateur Susan Jeffers (a numbers of people posted feverish reviews suited for her apply for on Amazon), what did beat a hasty depart notable me conviction was that people made it certain that they soupЗon irrefutable feelings with compliments to the debouchment.
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I will tell you the tale of my wanderings and of the "Herculean" labors, as I may call them, which I endured only to find at last the oracle irrefutable.
The Dialogues of Plato, Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions, by B. Jowett.
So from these two verses it is plain and irrefutable, that Jesus has revealed the true nature concerning God to his twelve disciples.
But the pair of rubber flip-flops that really says it all, if you need irrefutable evidence of the jandal's journey from the accessory of the slob to lust-have fashion item, is the Chanel jandal - recommended retail price, A$440 (NZ$595). - Stuff
It was only three days later that a Federation relief team beamed down, released a genetically tailored counteragent to the blight into the atmosphere of Tarsus IV and, to its horror, discovered irrefutable evidence of the massacre in the square.
A Flag Full of Stars
In this whole story that is probably the least refutable idea.
Right now the dire consequences of overpopulation is irrefutable, by just looking at the congestion in our cities, along with the ever growing pollution.
The Early Word: Being John McCain - The Caucus Blog -
I have irrefutable proof that they don't come here to work, they come here to bludge.
His only irrefutable position is to reduce his physical object claim to an announcement concerning his own sensations.
The critics will point to this as irrefutable proof of their argument that vouchers undermine the public school system.
The case for international legally enforceable minimum standards is irrefutable.
Maybe it will shame him to put some intellectual effort into his posts, instead of the easily refutable clichés we have seen so far.
"Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?" Flashback, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
an irrefutable argument
Of course, the man's undoubted integrity means that his analysis is irrefutable.
This, then, is mainly a job of addressing muddled thinking with irrefutable evidence.
Times, Sunday Times
And even after the obvious and irrefutable fact of the matter is pointed out to you in terms that that self-same 6th grader could understand, the only thing you can imagine doing is repeating the same meaningless analogy as though nothing more than repetition sufficed to grant cogency to vapid nonsense.
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He goes on to argue that the first and second type of theories are refutable, the third type, “philosophical or metaphysical theories” are not.
Contemporary Mythologies
He came to the irrefutable conclusion that he was never going to make much money in the tea room business working for other people.
I haven't discussed the report here as it sends me into a paroxysm of despair but it is now irrefutable that the evidence against him was souped up.
The fact that there are such people is not refutable, just as there are people who do take responsibility.
Similarly, Osama bin Laden chose to absolutize certain irrefutable impacts of American presence and react to them as though they were the entire truth and deserved to be dealt with accordingly.
Eliot Daley: Can 9/11 Prompt A More Peaceful World?
For example, "Cardio" sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go.
Junk - Latest Happenings
I will tell you the tale of my wanderings and of the 'Herculean' labours, as I may call them, which I endured only to find at last the oracle irrefutable.
JOHN_A_DESIGNER: He goes on to argue that the first and second type of theories are refutable, the third type, “philosophical or metaphysical theories” are not.
Contemporary Mythologies
And he presents that conclusion as if it were some sort of new and irrefutable counterargument to the creolist hypothesis.
I am going to lay out a series of facts, each one well-documented and irrefutable, and then show the terrifying thread that connects these seemingly separate events.
ObamaCare: A Road to Armageddon | Heretical Ideas Magazine
Victory is irrefutable proof that defeat is a strange aberration.
Times, Sunday Times
This view had since congealed into an irrefutable mythology.
I don't understand why the DNC would put up such an easily refutable ad.
DeMint fires back at 'false' DNC ad
I had to admit her argument had an irrefutable logic to it.
Times, Sunday Times
It is irrefutable proof of the quality of British education.
Times, Sunday Times
A little while later he emailed me with irrefutable proof of my guilt.
I believe that Dumbledore, though admittedly mistaken in some of his choices, could not have been so unshakenly trusting of Snape if there was not some irrefutable proof of his loyalty.
Here was irrefutable proof of his resilient genius.
For millennia, the logic of settlement was irrefutable: once a territory was full of your people, it was yours.
This view had since congealed into an irrefutable mythology.
The economic arguments suggesting that current prices are unsustainable seem almost irrefutable.
But the facts and figures about the British arts scene seem irrefutable.
Times, Sunday Times
We had told Mr Blunkett's officials about our irrefutable documentary evidence before he wrote his article.
She wore sapphire earrings, and her ring was a diamond of irrefutable substance.
Yes, perhaps knowing there was only collusion and not some irrefutable villainy involved would make the breaking of James easier.
I'm telling the truth," assured Squeaky, who sees "I say it's true" as irrefutable proof positive of veracity, or would if she had the faintest idea what the word "veracity" means.
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I had no mentation the promulgate would spread b bruit about into notable notice such irrefutable reactions in people, but I acumen unquestionably strongly with compliments to self-determination of language and allowing ideas to be unconstrainedly circulated.
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Much of Richard Dawkins work breaks down religious belief one stage at a time so that his view from a scientific point of view is irrefutable.
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The pictures provide irrefutable evidence of the incident.
I had no mentation the promulgate would spread b bruit about into notable notice such irrefutable reactions in people, but I acumen unquestionably strongly with compliments to self-determination of language and allowing ideas to be unconstrainedly circulated.
The Culture of Sharing: Why Releasing Copyright Will Be the Smartest Thing You Do | Write to Done
No argument here except that I guess I believe that there is a refutable presumption in favor fo the higher level of generality.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
The logic of his case is impeccable and irrefutable.