How To Use Reformed In A Sentence

  • The Stabat Mater has been retained as an optional Sequence for September 15 in the reformed Roman Missal and as the hymn for the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer in the new Liturgy of Hours. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The world may get to have a reformed international financial system but the dollar will still be at its core. Times, Sunday Times
  • Property relations should be reformed to give greater security to the ownership of land.
  • Unreformed, the modern welfare state will stagnate under its own weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to consider how the law might be reformed.
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  • I arrived here with my wife of 26 years and three children, and with no idea where the will of God would lead us to settle to begin planting a Reformed Baptist church.
  • But they are sorry, that they have just cause to regrate, that men of meer civill place and employment should usurp the calling and employment of the ministry, to the scandall of the reformed kirks, and particularly in The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • This week, we got the clue about the French Protestants of the Reformed Tradition, and the one about St Paul's Letter to the Galatians, but got hopelessly stuck on the clue that simply said "discombobulated". Archive 2008-02-01
  • A former drug addict and reformed hellraiser, he's on the comeback trail with a sickly song that gradually starts to work its way up the charts.
  • Emperor of Rome(69-79) who brought prosperity to the empire, reformed the army, was a patron of the arts, and began the building of the Colosseum.
  • If not radically reformed, it will continue to consume our freedom and earnings like a swarm of locusts consumes a wheat field until we in America are no better off than the simple serfs of feudal times.
  • English liberals took a decrepit old system and reformed it from within by stressing efficiency and freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • A variation on this theme was that the prisoner had reformed or had shown sufficient contrition for their crime.
  • Their little world became wearisome and difficult as alliances broke and were reformed.
  • Several methods are available to prevent the formation of preformed reactive antibodies to HLA antigens.
  • Ben is now the pastor emeritus of the Orthodox Christian Reformed Church of Cambridge Ontario.
  • It is high time that this fault be reformed for the future, that God's word, which is all gold, be not justled out to make room for men's sermons, which are but parcel-gilt at the best. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • Beginning with God's autonomy, self-existence, and authoritative self-revelation, many of the old Reformed theologians were at war with modernity from the start.
  • No, if other things as great in the Church, and in the rule of life both economical and political, be not looked into and reformed, we have looked so long upon the blaze that Zuinglius and Calvin hath beaconed up to us, that we are stark blind. Areopagitica
  • As a result universities remain among the last unreformed corners of the public sector, still working to the medieval calendar.
  • But perhaps the best example is the Senate's rulebook, which is rarely reformed, and so increasingly misused. A single shot at Senate reform
  • Reformed alcoholics that I knew came and talked to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are all reformed criminals - drug dealers, pickpockets, and thieves who have agreed to go straight and earn their money honestly.
  • And first of all he reformed such things as his brother had left verie preiudiciall to the estate of the church, setting the same frée which before was sore oppressed. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • They are all reformed criminals - drug dealers, pickpockets, and thieves who have agreed to go straight and earn their money honestly.
  • precisian" zealots held, by the governor-general's permission and under his protection, a synod at Dort, June, 1586, and endeavoured to organise the Reformed Church in accordance with their strict principles of exclusiveness. History of Holland
  • Kaspar Campèll, who in the first half of the sixteenth century preached the Reformed religion in the Engadine.] [Footnote 4: I have translated and printed at the end of the second volume some sonnets of Petrarch as a kind of palinode for this impertinence.] [Footnote 5: This begs the question whether [Greek: leukoion] does not properly mean snowflake, or some such flower. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, First Series
  • Where has it come from - the separatism and exclusivism that is altogether too common in parts of the Reformed constituency?
  • Their churches were supplied by able pastors; their univer - sities were adorned with learned and pious professors, such as Casaubon, Daiile, and others, whose praises are in all the reformed churches; their provincial, and national synods were regularly convened, and their people were well governed. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • The distinctives of Reformed theology and practice are useful only to the degree that they undergird and clarify the gospel, the evangel.
  • Highlights of Matron Freeberger's days included visits from former and reformed Magdalens.
  • Engelsma also rejected the charge in a listener's question that the Protestant Reformed person seeks to determine whether a person is regenerate before reaching out to them.
  • Maybe then the juveniles will be coming out of detention as reformed people, not as crime masterminds!
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • Then, the process begins again, where the reforms become doctrine, are concretized, made extreme, and reformed again. Alan Lurie: Time for an Islamic Reformation.
  • But our penal system remains one of the great unreformed public services. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr Long is also Executive Director of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International, a North Carolina-based Christian training ministry.
  • It is, however, to the latter, to the lowly and ugly agarics, that nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
  • So early as 1768 Benjamin Franklin had published his “Scheme for a New Alphabet and a Reformed Mode of Spelling, with Remarks and Examples Concerning the Same, and an Enquiry into its Uses” and induced a Philadelphia typefounder to cut type for it, but this scheme was too extravagant to be adopted anywhere, or to have any appreciable influence upon spelling. Chapter 8. American Spelling. 2. The Influence of Webster
  • Finally the ‘deceased wife's sister’ law was belatedly reformed in 1906, although marriage between such affines as adoptive parents and children, and adoptive siblings, remained within the prohibited degrees.
  • The surgical implantation is preformed under a general anesthetic.
  • _Africaine_, reformed, refined, beautified in her descendants, transformed into the creole negress, commenced to exert a fascination irresistible, capable of winning anything (_capable de tout obtenir_). Two Years in the French West Indies
  • I'm not really sure myself because I guess in a perfect world people would go to prison and come out a new, reformed person who would never commit a crime again.
  • Every occupation which involves unmonitored access to children will be attractive to an unreformed child abuser.
  • The Cyber-netic Reformed Churches, Hanuman said, did not believe in the freedom of the soul. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Preformed ponds and pond kits are two perfect ways to accent your backyard.
  • Having spent vast sums of money and seen little improvement in unreformed services, Blair has finally realised that the market can - must - be used as a tool to improve the lot of those in society with the hardest deal.
  • The public sector and educational system will be reformed. Times, Sunday Times
  • We then proceeded to learn chant for the reformed Roman rite and in the evening, we gathered for first Vespers of the Baptism of the Lord, using the new antiphons from the Solesmes antiphonal and the responsory, 'Hodie in Iordane'. Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge's Winter Weekend
  • It's a semi-auto biographical novel about a cop, Detective chief Inspector Jack Priestley, and his best friend, reformed criminal Steve Blade.
  • The public knows in its water that throwing zillions into the black hole of virtually unreformed public services does not work.
  • The public sector and educational system will be reformed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The World Alliance of Reformed Churches consists of Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, and United churches.
  • English liberals took a decrepit old system and reformed it from within by stressing efficiency and freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, the Reformed Evangelische Kirche, while professing to adhere to The Helvetic Confession, has departed completely from the historic Reformed faith and biblical ethics.
  • Highlights of Matron Freeberger's days included visits from former and reformed Magdalens.
  • He must be committed to and must have studied Reformed and Baptist theology.
  • The fight will not bear fruit if it assumes the preserve of emotionalism and unbridled hatred or preformed conclusions and judgments.
  • For we cannot deny the church of God both in Asia and Africa, if we do not forget the peregrinations of the apostles, the deaths of the martyrs, the sessions of many and (even in our reformed judgment) lawful councils, held in those parts in the minority and nonage of ours. Religio Medici
  • They used preformed sections in a semi-circular shape to lag pipe work.
  • Certified reformed peoples, we may add to this stage, are proptably saying to quite agreeable deef. Finnegans Wake
  • Similarly, the ecclesial intuitions of the Eastern and Reformed churches could become a very profitable complement to the Roman vision.
  • Film is converted into preformed shells by vacuum thermoforming.
  • A reformed party would have to win the approval of the people.
  • Many people raise cases like that as an example of how a ban on voting for ex-cons is bad public policy — I recruited a reformed gangbanger once to do voting registration radio spots, so I know from this one. Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
  • Firstly, the system and mechanism should be reformed; thereby the mineral resources could be exploited onerously and efficiently.
  • a reformed drunkard
  • Thr Fugs broke up in 1969 and reformed in Orwell and Reagan's 1984. Michael Simmons: For The Benefit Of Tuli Kupferberg
  • Even after primitive use of crude lagging gave way to a more general use of preformed asbestos block insulation, such blocks were cut dry which could actually enhance dust production.
  • This short video advertising Kellogg's Raisin Bran Crunch shows a reformed alien sitting at the breakfast table, engaged in a rambling monologue about how he has metamorphosed from a scary flesh-eating monster into a pilates-practicing, go-with-the-flow type of guy that you might want to sit down and have a bowl of cereal with. Boing Boing
  • But a pile of mashed-up food may not look particularly appetising, so Marc is looking at ways of presenting the food reformed, shaped and more enticing.
  • With contributions from retired detectives and reformed criminals, the film offers a grim insight into smuggling, drugs dealing and organised football hooliganism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a cleansing heaume, stamped with the seal of the Cybernetic Reformed Churches. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Either way, the effect has been that a crucial part of the machinery of devolution remains undevolved and largely unreformed.
  • We need to consider how the law might be reformed.
  • This was reformed in 1974 using chetrums and ngultrums.
  • When reinforcing is required, rebar is positioned in the preformed recesses of the block.
  • Amazing what you can find at the end of your street: a Norwegian smokery; a teenager breeding Chinese painted quails; a reformed drug- smuggler making 75 different types of sausage. Evening Standard - Home
  • Therefore reformists deduce that no direct challenge to the state is necessary and civil society can be reformed.
  • I'm considered a reformed character these days .
  • She was prioress of the first reformed Carmelite convent in France, and spread the teachings of the founder of the French School, Pierre de Berulle, through the movement.
  • Perhaps, like some other foolish young men, he rather talked than lived vitiously, in an age when he that would be thought a wit was afraid to say his prayers; and whatever might have been bad in the first part of his life, was surely condemned and reformed by his better judgment. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • He reformed and reshaped the music system itself so that common people could sing with basic training.
  • Now Lenny is a reformed alcoholic with a white wife, a thriving writing career and a guilty conscience.
  • The reformed Swiss drug policy implemented in the 1990s is characterized by a fourfold approach, including elements of prevention, law enforcement, therapy, and harm reduction.
  • In 1956 a consensus about the doctrine on the Lord's Supper with the Dutch Reformed Church was accepted, which made intercommunion possible between the Lutherans and the Reformed.
  • He used to go out every night, but now he's a reformed character.
  • The hydride is a complex alloy of rare-earth elements and other metals that may be decomposed and reformed reversibly.
  • The law needs to be reformed.
  • The vast majority of schools requested a reduction in processed, reformed or reconstituted foods, especially meat.
  • He punished the delators; reduced the privileges of the praetorians, and reformed the law courts.
  • Originally these classes of books were inserted in the alphabetical list mostly under the word libri until the Index was reformed under Benedict XIV. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • So amazing, in fact, that this newly reformed cynic is ready to write a check.
  • Catholic France spurned him, and Jurieu, the great Reformed divine, called his cometary views "atheism," and tried hard to have Protestant Holland condemn him. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • I am a reformed bibliomaniac; a decade ago I would be easily spending $100 a week on books. In Defence Of Buying Books | Lifehacker Australia
  • But it was long ere these scandalous and immoral sports could be abrogated; — the rude multitude continued attached to their favourite pastimes, and, both in England and Scotland, the mitre of the Catholic — the rochet of the reformed bishop — and the cloak and band of the Calvinistic divine — were, in turn, compelled to give place to those jocular personages, the Pope of The Abbot
  • Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
  • The self-conscious empiricism of their titles allows them to bestow on their reformed romances the status of lived experience, and therefore to assert their value as vehicles for readerly instruction.
  • Her criticism of the UK is typical of the unreformed expat who probably moved from suburban London.
  • Surely it is unfair to say that marriage may be reformed for the sake of anyone and everyone except homosexuals, who must respect the dictates of tradition.
  • The nerve, however, is severed at the preformed autotomy breakage plane and the nerve stub retracts into the coxal stump.
  • Training and Enterprise Councils will be retained, reformed and made more broadly representative of their local communities and given stable budgets.
  • Hooligans are not reformed by Mozart, so much as driven away by a noise that is as alien and hostile to their world as whale song to a camel herd.
  • Nursing the wounds of the split, the group has reformed and settled in Oakland, California, a place a little more welcoming to artsy-fartsy oddball bands than, say, Alabama.
  • Pouring more cash into unreformed public services is no better than pouring more petrol into a rusty engine.
  • He said: 'We are all reformed alcoholics. The Sun
  • It says the UK tax regime ‘should be reformed to remove the financial disincentives in Scotland to growing a business beyond a certain level’.
  • A preformed metal ball held in the concave mouth is bonded to the metal pad of the integrated circuit.
  • It has been a hard slog for educationally ambitious single mothers receiving public assistance since welfare was reformed in 1996.
  • The unfair wage system must be reformed as soon as possible.
  • Nursing the wounds of the split, the group has reformed and settled in Oakland, California, a place a little more welcoming to artsy-fartsy oddball bands than, say, Alabama.
  • By deciding to opt for the tax and spend route and gambling all on saving the NHS in a largely unreformed state Brown may, unwittingly, be doing his critics a favour and his followers a disservice.
  • Then being deboned, mechanically separated, and reformed into a tasty sauce-slathered McPatty. The McRib Officially McReturns
  • I am embarrassed that the local section of ASCE, which is newly reformed, has not made an effort to attend. Putting on my game face
  • to everyone's surprise, parenthood reformed the man
  • Now he runs his own talent management and production company, Suspect Entertainment, hiring out himself and other reformed Hispanic - or cholo - gangsters to play the kind of roles they once had for real.
  • The 40-year-old singer reformed his band.
  • The Church reformed me
  • This ambition was embodied in a number of institutions that were set up, or profoundly reformed, at the Liberation.
  • In a Logic suitably reformed on this basis, it will be fitting to proclaim before all things this truth, and to draw from it all its consequences: the logical fact, _the only logical fact_, is _the concept_, the universal, the spirit that forms, and in so far as it forms, the universal. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • Training and Enterprise Councils will be retained, reformed and made more broadly representative of their local communities and given stable budgets.
  • The Coronation Oath Act requires the monarch to “maintaine the Laws of God the true profession of the Gospel and the Protestant reformed religion established by law [...] and [...] preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this realm and to the churches committed to their charge all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them or any of them”. UK: Reforms would allow non-Protestant heir and end male priority
  • Fitzgerald is a reformed alcoholic, a strident non-drinker, with firm views on zero tolerance of alcohol as the only way to treat problem drinkers.
  • Princeton theologians Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge believed that their theology faithfully reflected Reformed beliefs and should be central in American Presbyterianism.
  • Let it be said, genuine Reformed interpretation has no affinity to the Barthian hermeneutic.
  • Can rap be reformed to become a truly revolutionary cultural movement?
  • So the wagon train reformed and the Mormons surrounded them and they started off, then the order was given and the Mormons opened fire and slaughtered every man first, and then set about murdering every woman and child. 2010 March 04 « The BookBanter Blog
  • And his memorial is also to be re-erected and rededicated at a special service at Fagley United Reformed Church on Sunday, April 5, at 10 am.
  • Nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
  • The reformed parliament with temporarily appointed deputies has already established itself as a genuine decision-making legislature.
  • He has been invited to train students for the Presbyterian ministry where heretofore they had been trained only for ministry in the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • Bispham United Reformed Church Ladies Friendship Group will hold its monthly coffee morning in the church hall, Warbreck Drive, on Wednesday, November 5, at 10.30 am, when parkin will be served.
  • The source texts are then reformed into single aphoristic lines, couplets, quatrains, and whole poems.
  • The source texts are then reformed into single aphoristic lines, couplets, quatrains, and whole poems.
  • A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.
  • A number of chapels, including Congregational and United Reformed Church, amalgamated in the 1970s to become Christchurch in New Road.
  • After all, self-discipline was to be the dominant trait of both the proper slave master and the reformed inebriate.
  • The contrary view to epigenesis, namely that the embryo was preformed from the beginning, was championed anew in the late 17th century.
  • It is arbitrary to exclude him from Reformation theology since it is broad enough to encompass him and he is only excluded by an arbitrary definition of "Reformed" to mean "monergism" to mean "meticulous divine control. Triablogue
  • Training and Enterprise Councils will be retained, reformed and made more broadly representative of their local communities and given stable budgets.
  • I think what we managed to do was expose the Conservative Party as a party that is pretty unchanged, unreformed.
  • The new proposals were intended to soften the impact of the reformed tax system.
  • The thig is Flo I don1 ` t care if he is reformed or not. Porter Not Free Yet....
  • But synthetic biology has an Achilles heel, hidden in plain sight: All of the researchers in the field make their creations using strands of preformed DNA and RNA that they can buy from a supply house. First Contact
  • The seven-year-old has been a reformed character since being gelded last summer, winning valuable handicap hurdle races at Cheltenham and Newbury on his last two outings.
  • Housing benefit remains the largest unreformed part of the welfare system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our aggressive, tribal nature is hard-wired, unreformed and unreformable.
  • The fact is, the standards for direct quotation in print media are scandalously low, and should be reformed.
  • While I am dedicated to sharing the most interesting, tantalizing, and conversation provoking info, I act as a true fan here and will remain reformed of the practice of posting ‘ruiners.’ The Tail Section » Lost Spoilers! The Latest Intel - Disinformation Watch! Lost Season 4 Previews?
  • She supported synods that reformed abuses that were so prevalent at the time, such as simony and usury. Catholic Exchange
  • I second everything that TTF said, including that prorogation is a major problem that must be reformed. Matthew Yglesias » Checks and Balances
  • Then she spent most of the morning on the phone, until her ear was mashed and numb, and finally came up with one Catholic, two Peace Lutherans, two members of the Brookings CRC that was the Christian Reformed Church, Olivia’s own, and a Speak the Word charismatic who was willing to take a route alone—as long as it wasn’t route 5. Starting from Scratch
  • The Albigenses were a people of the reformed religion, who inhabited the country of Albi. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • As each flight started on the downwind leg the ships reformed in an echelon to the right and completed before-landing checklists.
  • A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.
  • The study also showed that all volunteers consumed only about a third of their recommended intake from 'preformed' vitamin A - the form found in dairy products such as eggs and milk - indicating that those volunteers carrying the genetic variation were not eating enough vitamin A-rich foods to reach the optimum level their body required to function. Undefined
  • A number of chapels, including Congregational and United Reformed Church, amalgamated in the 1970s to become Christchurch in New Road.
  • Built from reformed rock, the walls were solid, and as strong as bedrock.
  • The chancellor unleashed an avalanche of cash upon services that were unreformed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later that day, when Galster learns that Sompong is still paying off the vig to his old boss, he quickly and quietly sends the reformed poacher an envelope with enough cash to cover the debt.
  • Orthodox Lutheranism appears to have rejected Reformed covenant theology because they saw in it a confusion of Law and Gospel.
  • What is commonly known as “food poisoning” involves the ingestion of preformed toxins in food. Treating Food/Water Poisoning in Mexico, or Any Other Place
  • During the recess a deputation from the Dutch Reformed Church interviewed the Minister and pressed for some form of extended control over internal publications. Reich12
  • It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
  • When we see so many revolt from the profession of the reformed religion, to the corruptions and superstitions of Rome; and others, from a religious and sober life, to plunge themselves into all kind of lewdness and debauchery, and, it is to be feared, into atheism and infidelity; can we doubt any longer whether it be possible for The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
  • Tony Blair and Gordon Brown accused Michael Howard of leading an unreformed party that remained as divided now as it was in Margaret Thatcher's heyday.
  • Organs developed in this way are referred to as preformed organs.
  • Zatoichi's a reformed yakuza forever finding himself dragged into conflicts between the corrupt ruling classes and their exploited peasantry.
  • They reformed a division into a regiment.
  • Under Hardin, a woman who had been unchaste, but had reformed herself could become ‘an innocent woman in the eyes of the law.’
  • BARACK OBAMA (D-IL), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think that it is creeky and needs to be reformed if it's going to work. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2008
  • Theologically, Puritanism represents an emphasis within the Reformed Protestant (Calvinist) tradition on intense personal devotion and extreme ethical probity.
  • Which brings me to my point four: the debate around healthcare is framed very much in extremes – it is either world best and criticizing it is amoral, or it is so bad that it needs to be reformed from ground up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Oft-Missed Component When Evaluating European Socialized Health Care
  • By the time of the Napoleonic wars grenadiers had been reformed into new units as new warfare techniques simply outdated them.
  • The principles of laissez-faire and the ideas of the physiocrats were invoked even in the Papal States, where the customs system and the urban provisioning regulations were reformed in the same years.
  • Whether they resist the temptation to turn their ugly duckling into a swan and woo her reformed editor prince remains to be seen. Times, Sunday Times
  • It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
  • When Montague persisted as to what the current policy line was, Stevenson responded that, "If the CFP is not reformed substantially, then we retain the possibility of withdrawal". A reversal of roles
  • The media widely reported the incident and the policy on the detention and removal of itinerants was reformed.
  • Short and medium shoots were self-terminated and had only preformed nodes.
  • There are so many things that will have to be tackled, and they have to be reformed, in the right sense of the term "reform," not just a superficial one, but deep reform that would bring back--compensate for what we have lost for so many years and build a new Egyptian society. Democracy Now!: Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa on His Likely Presidential Candidacy (VIDEO)
  • He was inducted to the pastorate of the Reformed Baptist Church, Inverness, on 17 January.
  • A reformed heroin addict turned property developer is hoping to film part of his life story in Swindon.
  • Your “reformed” spouse will see that coming up with nonfattening meals is a bigger present than loading you up with junk, especially when he sees all the weight you’re losing and how wonderful you look. The 17 Day Diet
  • Can public enterprises be reformed from within or are they intrinsically inefficient?
  • Instead, we propose that the stoichiometric limitation on fast phase growth reflects a physical interaction between the added oleate micelles and the preformed vesicles.
  • As an unreformed Pan-Africanist, I also believe that Africans are not prisoners to be kept behind tribal walls, ethnic enclaves, Ivorite, kilils, Bantustans, apartheid or whatever divisive and repressive ideology is manufactured by dictators, but free men and women who are captains of their destines in one un-walled Africa that belongs to all equally. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Referendum for Sudan, Requiem for Africa
  • It's amazing the number of supposedly reformed criminals who have put money into pubs.
  • The politicians of both political parties are bragging that they've "reformed" welfare by kicking the most egregious moochers off the dole.
  • He misrepresents the financial stability of the current programme to convince the public that it needs to be ‘reformed’.
  • The club have been reformed and are catering for juveniles and juniors.
  • Being the boy he was, he was destined somehow to dwell half the time in a world of dreamery; and I have tried to express how, when he had once got enough of villany, he reformed his ideals and rather liked virtue. Boy Life Stories and Readings Selected From The Works of William Dean Howells
  • The main thrust of the Conservative campaign will be to say that Labour has squandered billions on unreformed structures in the public sector and that it will be back for another raid on the taxpayer once the election is out of the way.
  • Anyway, the Privateer, a former Manhunter who had apparently reformed, is revealed to be a scheming criminal mastermind. 26 « January « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • Now is probably a good time to admit that I myself am a reformed/recovering ranter and raver, which is why I feel compelled to tell everyone else to stop it. The Nervous Breakdown
  • The body gets vitamin A in two forms: from retinol, or "preformed" vitamin A, and from beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Q&A: Cod-liver oil hazard?
  • Jean Valjean, the reformed criminal, discovers her, is made aware that her debasement is the result of the act of his foreman, and takes her, half dead with misery and sickness, to his own house. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • Firms will have to provide proof from independent auditors that they have reformed. The Sun
  • All about her in the large, ornate salon, groups of besuited men and bejewelled ladies formed and reformed in an ever-changing flux. COMPULSION
  • In these games, the end of this reformed stock represents the last card; in the two and four player games, the end of the original stock represents the last card.

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