How To Use Reformable In A Sentence
The state had now proved itself to be unreformable.
The understanding that Church Councils aren't divinely inspired, or even always infallible or irreformable, IS the Catholic view.
On the state of the Traditional Roman Rite in Latin America -- a liberal's report
Our aggressive, tribal nature is hard-wired, unreformed and unreformable.
Its ultimate premise is that the urban world is corrupt, injust and unreformable.
That is because dogmas are meant to be irreformable formulations of aspects of the depositum fidei—i.e., articles of faith—not merely theologoumena that some pope or council happens to want to make unquestionable.
The latest development in the development discussion
George Galloway's expulsion from the Labour Party will mean that many activists will conclude that New Labour is irreformable.
Of course, there is that little problem of irreformable dogma.
Personally, I'm a big fan of religious creeds and religious dogmas, but I also realize science is not supposed to have dogmas because it is not supposed to be irreformable.
"Fantastic Archaeology" Part 2
Raised as my generation have been in an environment where capitalism has seemed unalterable, irreversible and unreformable, we cannot easily consider a time when it momentarily stood on the sidelines.
Every so - called development is, in fact, a radical change, a contradiction, and an effort to reform the irreformable.
In the combox of my most recent post pertinent to this topic, it has even been suggested that my defense of said view is incompatible with the very idea of certain sorts of act being intrinsically evil, and thus with a pivotal, irreformable principle of Catholic moral teaching: evil may never be done so that good might come of it.
How can an irreformable statement be ‘positively reformulated’?
The first is that it is designed to be an irreversible and unreformable 'project' of ever closer union.
The Sun
The Catholic Church is full of people who either don't know or don't care about the distinction between definitive, irreformable doctrine and mere theological opinion.
Archive 2007-10-01
Our aggressive, tribal nature is hard-wired, unreformed and unreformable.
And as the Pontifical Commission points out, the sentence of 1633 was not irreformable.
That there are such beings is the experience of the saints, of the possessed, and therefore of true exorcists, as well as the irreformable teaching of the Church.
Elemental powers
Comment: the 'Northern State' is "irreformable" as long as it continues to be reared on the poisoned milk from Westminster.)
Irish Blogs
Therefore, such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent of the Church, irreformable.
A Message from the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna
In my view the civil servoce is now so vast and unweildy that it may well be irreformable and the best option may well be almost full abolition
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Instead of "flowering" under the tutelage of the social worker they were portrayed as "coarsening" and in the end branded as unreformable.
Britain's democracy seems to be essentially unreformable by democratic means.
He is calling for a return to franc, deeming monetary union unreformable.
My personal opinion is that the patent system is unreformable and should be abolished.
Of course Orthodox usually insist that their traditional, internal consensus, as expressed in both liturgy and theology, makes their belief that the Orthodox Church is the Church just as "irreformable" for Orthodoxy as the corresponding belief is for Catholicism.
Archive 2007-01-01
It simply needs to be seen in the light of our desperate and unreformable wickedness.