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reform movement

  1. a movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms

How To Use reform movement In A Sentence

  • He was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement.
  • When you dig deeper into this corporate planned reform movement and see the little man behind the curtain -- you realize the wizard is just a greedy fraud. Jeanine Molloff: Teaching : A Political Tool for Repression or Freedom
  • Chapter 6 examines how school-to-work can contribute to the broader school-reform movement that has been growing over the past decade.
  • The founding of elementary schools, academies, and universities was an important part of the reform movement.
  • He edited newspapers and participated in numerous reform movements.
  • The Conservative and Reform movements started out of more internescine warfare concerning adjusting dress, non-Torah mandated codes of conduct, and outdated rabbinic decisions into modern times and modern terms.
  • She was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement.
  • Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898.
  • Ste Barbe's episcopal acta confirm his sympathy for the ethos of the Yorkshire monastic reform movement.
  • As a grassroots, populist religious revival, Spiritualism adherents were often at the forefront of other reform movements, championing the cause of women’s rights, child labor concerns, and the temperance and antismut crusades. The Secret Life of Houdini
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