How To Use Refocus In A Sentence

  • I want to refocus our curriculum to get rid of unnecessary extras and change our discredited exam system. Times, Sunday Times
  • ENO must downsize, refocus and rise again. Times, Sunday Times
  • This allows the drive to read both layers almost continuously, with only a short break to refocus the pickup lens.
  • He even manages to convince himself that Ross Cheit, the Brown University professor, simply "refocused" his attention and just happened to be reading a book on pedophilia. 'Victims of Memory': An Exchange
  • The firm decided to refocus its attention back onto its traditional strengths and expertise.
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  • To date, the firm has resisted portraying the cuts as anything other than individual business units refocusing their resources.
  • I was (but am no longer since it seemed just futile) chatting in one forum and suggested to some of the people there that instead of just repeating their (imho recycled and contextless) arguments against AGW in discussion forums, they should actually refocus a bit and try to publish their findings if they really have something new to add to the scientific debate. Advanced Trolling 101
  • In a basic sense, the new movement followed his precedent in unmasking the false poses and images of its era in order to refocus attention on the real racial issues facing America.
  • She forced herself to refocus on what was going on in front of her and suddenly felt at ease.
  • It says cameras in the conventional system can only be monitored and refocused from a central control room. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » 50 wi-fi enabled CCTV cameras in central London
  • Cody scowled and refocused his attention on the movie.
  • He heard Evan mention the word gun and refocused his attention. The Messenger
  • I really think everybody really just got away from it and kind of refocused and forgot about the first part of the season," said Harris, who spent the All-Star break at Disney World. - News
  • When we set the goal to go 8-0, they kind of refocused themselves," Lucchesi said. Latest News
  • This means that the user has constantly to refocus the lenses when moving from one close object to another.
  • Jack D. Dale's announcement that he will not seek another term should refocus debate in the county's School Board elections. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • Gently brush aside students' anxiety about not getting the answer by refocusing their attention on the problem at hand.
  • Here he was, refocusing his entire history, as if it had just begun, on the dream of boundless empire.
  • I pay close attention to the animals, birds and insects who seem to require my attention, and I try to refocus/centre myself every day at least once a day.
  • We need urgent action at all levels of government and within our major institutions to refocus on education and substantially raise the numbers of those who graduate from high school and college -- to make this a fundamental goal -- and to put the workers whose time and talents are now wasted and atrophying back to work. Gary Orfield: Southern California's Broken Economic Ladder
  • The firm decided to refocus its attention back onto its traditional strengths and expertise.
  • That said, this is a brilliant and exciting book, which succeeds in decentering and refocusing our vision and understanding, forcing us back to both history and history painting to ask new and different questions.
  • SAN MIGUEL: And there was the, you know, the whole kind of refocus, getting America and a new generation to refocus on the sacrifices of the World War II generation -- started with "Citizen Soldiers," it can be argued, "Saving Private Ryan," which he also was involved with ... CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2002
  • The system includes a ring light that provides high intensity illumination at high magnifications and long working distances without light adjustment when refocusing or when zoom features are used.
  • So fast, in fact, that human reactions couldn't adjust, and the drivers complained of not having time to refocus their eyes between corners.
  • The camera zooms out again and refocuses on Martin's still frame.
  • Vincent sent her a sidelong glance before refocusing his attention on the road again.
  • Unsurprisingly enough, rpan pans the camera from left to right, rtilt tilts it up and down, rfocus refocuses it, rzoom zooms in or out, and riris sets the iris to suit the light.
  • Blinking and refocusing her eyes from her daydream onto the harshness of real life, she realized that the road had suddenly become extremely crowded, the dark of night illuminated by what seemed like thousands of lights.
  • Top teams and top players can refocus very quickly and get on with the job in hand. The Sun
  • In a compound microscope, a series of lenses are used to focus, magnify, and refocus the image.
  • Our aim in highlighting this matter of immense public concern is to refocus attention - and resources - on an issue of major importance.
  • A firmwareenhancement and the development of a simple USB remote controller with prefocus and exposure would be fine. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • Concave lenses with minus or divergent power correct this refractive error and refocus the light rays on the correct point on the retina.
  • The veteran natural history film-maker launched a stinging attack on his employer, saying that the Corporation had become inefficient and needed to be "refocused". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Concave lenses with minus or divergent power correct this refractive error and refocus the light rays on the correct point on the retina.
  • Any airport sale in Scotland is likely to centre around Glasgow, which could be offloaded to a private bidder who could then refocus the business on low-cost airlines, killing off Prestwick.
  • The foundation said that aid donors had put up $300m to help "refocus" national road-safety policies and budgets in the developing world. Road deaths among children spiralling in poorest nations, says report
  • Samantha refocused her eyes and studied the monitors.
  • Often I will prefocus with half-press of shutter and snap the photo just as they smile or whatever I'm expecting. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • He refocused his remaining resources on SourceCast, a software development tool for programmers.
  • The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history.
  • We should refocus our minds on the following problems.
  • Samplify's beamformer technology includes a unique integrated AutoFocus? engine which automatically refocuses the receiver to capture reflections at different scan depths. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • If the diamond facetting refocuses more light exiting from these areas, it will appear whiter to the eye.
  • Finding his mind wandering again, Trey refocused his stone gray eyes on the book.
  • It also refocuses attention on the film of the Holyrood saga, which is fast becoming as controversial as the new Scottish Parliament building itself.
  • The detective seemed to refocus his eyes and remember where he was.
  • With the Sony HX5V I prefocus and hold the shutter button half pressed. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • He must refocus quickly and get the club moving in the right direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have sharpened our business skills and refocused our attention on what's really important to the industry.
  • But obviously I think it's a positive if she refocuses her attention on others as opposed to directing her concern inward.
  • After this, though, he must refocus on a different horse trained by the same man. Times, Sunday Times
  • The release of Miss Leighton has refocused attention on the daunting scale of the task facing police if they are to catch the person dubbed the 'saline serial killer'. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He was willing to give it a year; before six months were up they had made friends, refocused their eyes to the discreet charms of the New Town and had decided to stay.
  • It then moves the plate a precise distance, refocuses itself, and takes a photograph.
  • Accept that you will have them, as this will help to refocus the mind more quickly afterwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lifework consisted of refocusing critical attention onto the condition of being human, specifically the complex structures and expressions concretised in everyday life.
  • Hmm ... how might we 'refocus' our attention on the big issues and ideas facing America today Ann? Ann Coulter Loses It, Calls Elizabeth Edwards A "Harridan"
  • The film, which had its premiere last Monday, has refocused attention on the place that Pearl Harbor occupies in the U.S. national psyche.
  • She holds a hand mirror an inch from my nose and I take a second to refocus my eyes, not expecting to see myself so closely.
  • But by 1988, Dairylea had sold its product lines and the last of its milk plants, and refocused its resources on enhancing the overall profitability of its membership.
  • Clothahump turned from trying to refocus a finger on the jeering famulus and glanced angrily at the otter. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • After this, though, he must refocus on a different horse trained by the same man. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can refocus, get away from it for two weeks and push on in the last eight games. The Sun
  • The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history.
  • About 120 delegates from 42 chambers across the country met in the Eastern Cape city this week and resolved to "refocus" Sacob to strengthen its structures and to make it more relevant to its members. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The question remains whether this money will be used to pay down debt or be "refocused" to the poorest members of society. George Osborne's welfare cap is a victory for the politics of envy
  • We also learned to refocus the lens to the micro level, looking very closely at a single work, poetry especially.
  • *** Technology Cisco Systems said it will switch to what it calls a "streamlined operating model," as the networking company looks to refocus its operations and simplify its oft-criticized management structure. Business Watch
  • The putative pluralists very rapidly drew back and refocused their attention on the state.
  • Both need to refocus the political debate from their respective ethics problems to the big problems facing the country.
  • A spokesman for the Church Commissioners said the money saved on the salaries would be refocused into community outreach and missionary work.
  • The Dover tragedy has refocused attention on Britain's immigration and asylum laws, and the worldwide trade in human trafficking.
  • refocus the image until it is very sharp
  • Shawn shot his eyes darkly toward his friend before refocusing his gaze on Selina.
  • Research certainly confirms that refocusing after an interruption is a time sink and a workplace problem, but you can minimise the impact of interruption with planning and interruption management. Plan For Interruptions To Minimise Their Impact | Lifehacker Australia
  • But the blackout has refocused attention on the government's muddle over electricity.
  • We can refocus, get away from it for two weeks and push on in the last eight games. The Sun
  • Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of: Planet Atheism
  • Texas starter Rob Bell, slimmed down and refocused, is worth a flyer, but don't overspend to get him. - Tip sheet
  • Two of the papers in this volume refocus syncretism away from issues of authenticity and inauthenticity to argue for an integration and synchronisation of indigenous and exogenous elements.
  • So, you know, this -- this may have been an effort by Gibbs to kind of refocus us back to the original -- the original bad guy, because this administration is going to be in the position not where it defends AIG, but they have to bail out companies like AIG, which are considered the bad guys ... CNN Transcript Mar 16, 2009
  • A number of recent events in Arizona and Utah have refocused attention on plural marriage which has gone on quietly for many years despite being outlawed by mainstream church leaders and state authorities.
  • Poor people's energies should be refocused in united actions against the capitalist ruling class.
  • Naturally, Gurley was disappointed but rather than brood over his ill luck he decided to refocus on qualifying himself academically.
  • Anyone here with first hand experience of an S90: If you're shooting in RAW and you prefocus you shot, how much shutter lag are you experiencing, and what are your shot to shot times? News: Digital Photography Review (
  • Harries proposes that we leave space to science and refocus our attention on making a success of dwelling on earth.
  • The group needs to refocus its goals
  • Every 15 minutes, spend about 20 seconds looking around the room and refocusing your eyes on a distant point.
  • Jane refocused her attention on the classroom.
  • The bank said the cost-cutting move would help refocus and growth the company's retail business.
  • He must refocus quickly and get the club moving in the right direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had not yet gotten used to flying blacked out over shifting sand dunes and having their attention refocused every time the radar altimeter indicated less than 10 feet above the ground.
  • I made a few good saves, but when I came in after the first, I kind of refocused, tried to let go of the first and focus on the second. NHL - National Hockey League - Anaheim vs. Colorado
  • Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of "materialism, flashy self-promotion, and foolish carnality. Religion News Blog
  • Her eyes slid out of focus for a second, refocusing themselves on the wall behind me.
  • Brennan was brought in 13 years ago to refocus it, and in 2005 led the MBO, which bought out both the founders and 3i, and brought in its North American distributor as an investor. Elite audio firm Arcam targets iPods – and goes for volume
  • Soon there would be an hour's intermission, giving the world-wide television audience time to refocus its indignation. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • That said, this is a brilliant and exciting book, which succeeds in decentering and refocusing our vision and understanding, forcing us back to both history and history painting to ask new and different questions.
  • We are smiling for the annual Thanksgiving photo, my two children with their pumpkin grins, my husband and I muttering, ‘Take the picture, take the picture,’ as my brother focuses and refocuses his camera.
  • There's a silver hardware button on the top labelled Photo and pressing this down halfway allows you to prefocus your shots and then to take a quick snap. PC Advisor News
  • The physicist refocused the light beam
  • I refocused my eyes and started reading the recipes with more intensity.
  • Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of “materialism, flashy self-promotion, and foolish carnality.” RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
  • Now Suzuki is refocussing its attention on the C-class segment, the most competitive class of the Irish car market.
  • With strong individuals like these a few less-than-enthusiast-with-space (I'll avoid saying 'space haters') persons in the administration won't be able to 'refocus' NASA into irrelevancy after half a century of existence. Bolden Update - The Waiting Game - NASA Watch
  • Agenda: HF 1484 (Kath), educator relicensure refocused on performance, legislative auditor's recommended Q-Comp revisions implemented; HF 1037 (Swails), home school mandates reduced Politics in Minnesota - Minnesota's Public Affairs News Service
  • It's also pointless to eternally ponder on the vagueness of terms like "language" and "dialect" because in the end we're now refocusing our reconstruction efforts towards elucidating former feature boundaries eg. the satem area. The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
  • ENO must downsize, refocus and rise again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The killing in Sarasota, Florida, has refocused attention on Toughman, a controversial spectacle in which anyone can slug it out in the ring, no previous experience required.
  • The proposal calls for a "refocused" North American Mission Board that will prioritize starting new churches and working in regions where there is not a high concentration of Southern Baptists. Southern Baptists Want More Baptisms!
  • Using a preface statement gives me a chance to refocus my attention.
  • Daschle is faced with the formidable task of refocusing the nation's attention on domestic issues, particularly the economy.
  • Accept that you will have them, as this will help to refocus the mind more quickly afterwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • ` ` That's really ... to kind of refocus a little bit, '' said Donnie Nelson, the team's president of basketball operations.
  • His concentration was almost ungraspable and he shook his head to refocus.
  • One would like to know precisely what effects refocusing a lens in a camera obscura would have on the perspective organization of Vermeer's interiors.
  • End of the day I learned more about zone focusing (no way x1 auto could capture this, even with prefocus - I tried for about 5 mins straight) .. and it made me take a second look at some possibilities. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • In May 2008, Clinton pressed Gen. David Petraeus to "refocus" U.S. military efforts on Afghanistan. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary Of State Nominee
  • After stumbling in both mass-market and subprime lending, former Chief Executive Michael Geoghegan and other executives refocused the bank's strategy, going after the affluent and what HSBC calls the "aspirant" affluent. HSBC Plans Course Correction
  • And we need to refocus both our resources and the restructure our intelligence community, and those things are going on.
  • So, interesting to hear him now kind of refocus his campaign, him as an agent of change, but also trying to retool it as being a primary electable against Barack Obama -- Wolf. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2008
  • Burning the lower layer is performed by refocusing the laser beam so that it passes through the first layer, through the partially reflective metal layer, and down to the lower dye layer.
  • Techicolor (formerly Thomson) has been trying to "divest" itself of its Grass Valley operations because it is "not within Technicolor's strategic refocusing. The Union - All Categories
  • Check your camera manual for how to use the focus lock feature to prefocus on the subject. 10 tips on photographing children | Sync Blog
  • Top teams and top players can refocus very quickly and get on with the job in hand. The Sun
  • Attention refocused on hives at Upper Mill when Councillor Brian Angus, the borough mayor, wore a protective suit to officially open the refurbished apiary on April 9.
  • Samplify's beamformer technology includes a unique integrated AutoFocus (TM) engine which automatically refocuses the receiver to capture reflections at different scan depths. Samplify Introduces Powerful New Ultrasound Beamformer Technology
  • With ratings down, however, the show last fall refocused on investigative reporting and celebrity interviews and stopped paying for stories.
  • The camcorder then guesses the range and refocuses the lens.
  • On the pricklier side, some in Germany suspect that, in an effort to highlight his recent push for a refocusing of U.S. energies away from Iraq and onto Afghanistan, he may call for increased German support there. Stefan Sirucek: Great Expectations
  • The glance he spared her was only momentary before he refocused steadily forward.
  • The perspective shifts could be caused by the altered magnification that took place when refocusing lenses or by the ad hoc methods of projecting different still-life images onto a primed canvas.

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