
How To Use Refinement In A Sentence

  • Among the refinements are five-way adjustable shocks, stiffer springs and a beefier antiroll bar lacing the rear end. A Boss on the Road With a Peon's Interior
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
  • Ride and refinement: the twin pillars that must support any car's claim to be the best luxury vehicle in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • After this first step is taken, further refinement of specific goals comes more easily. Christianity Today
  • It bore that air of uncostly refinement which is one of the most pleasing outward features of the aloof civilization to which it, though not the Callenders, belonged. Kincaid's Battery
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  • There are two women in Britain who make her look the soul of discretion, refinement and good taste.
  • Crude surgery without anesthesia or asepsis has been replaced by modern painless surgery with its exquisite technical refinement. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • I think you have done well in avoiding the topic altogether; but between ourselves, do you really think that the refinement of manner, the censorious, hypocritical, verbal scrupulosity, which is carried so far in this "picked age" of ours, is a true sign of superior refinement of taste, and purity of morals? Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • The concept of validity has been contested and is subject to further refinement.
  • Everything was sculpted to present an elegant, Japanese refinement, using dark woods and red silks and gold embroidery and edging.
  • It works well, maximising fuel economy and refinement while providing extra grip when it is needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Generally, the more educated a man, the greater his self-control and refinement in dealing with the fair sex.
  • Einstein's 1917 refinement of his equations of gravity included a new term - denoted by the Greek letter lambda - in which his model universe neither expands nor contracts.
  • It is in the salon that the over-refinement called preciosity budded and bloomed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Manual adjustment of the model was carried out at intervals of the refinement.
  • All of which suggests that, just as either the overripeness or the rawness of what you serve can speak to your cultivation, to your acquired level of artistry, so cruelty can exhibit your refinement. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • The exhibition provides endless proof of refinements of beauty in textiles and architecture, woodwork and metalwork, ceramics and miniature painting.
  • Autocrats hear dissent and critique as threat - they don't understand that it's an open society's process of repair and refinement.
  • I would like to propose one broadly based category which will clearly require extensive elaboration and refinement.
  • The kite was star shaped and lacked the refinement of current designs.
  • Briefly, in this man of culture and refinement, in whose own mysterious life one might perhaps have found various crimes but not a single act of base improbity, one could divine an implacable, obstinate theoretician, who was resolved to set the world ablaze for the triumph of his ideas. The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
  • A further refinement is the fantasy sequence within an otherwise realistic context.
  • As with all research, evaluations of these hypotheses will not confirm or refute associated theories but may allow refinement of theories.
  • The development of the model was an iterative process that involved testing and refinement.
  • Ooooo, geo-tagging, a scrumptious calendar (already mocked up, but needs refining), more Ajax (yay!), a personalized saved search page, fun and easy ways to share and add favourites and a really great way to 'drill down' (that's what I call it, but it's more like 'refine' - needs refinement) your results. Hillary Duff Cant Wait for Riya's Mac Uploader
  • Those scruples and that refinement against which he warned her, she herself thought might be overstrained, and to gratify unnecessary punctilio, the short period of existence be rendered causelessly unhappy. Cecilia
  • And I could have added two other elements of modernity: the refinement of 'free indirect style'; and the relative plotlessness of Flaubert's novels. The Mission
  • It all set a tone of exclusivity and privilege, an air of refinement reserved for corporate leaders and tweedy intellectuals.
  • The house is unpretentious in its lack of refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are people of refinement, they have manners and tact and I'm sure they're all expecting the same of you.
  • The indigenized Canadian constitutes a specific refinement in the ideology of whiteness.
  • Even at best, in the Hiller variations, in some of the string trios and organ fugues, some of his grave adagios, even in some of his sardonic and turbulent scherzi (perhaps his most original contributions), his art is rather more a refinement on another art than Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • froglike," mandeikagati [Footnote: Like the frog: staccato.] (I do everything to be "difficultly understood" myself!) -- and one should be heartily grateful for the good will to some refinement of interpretation. Beyond Good and Evil
  • Though diverse in content and facture, all these works share a refinement of imagery, and their visual effects are possible only through printing or papermaking.
  • It is the duty of every true friend of humanity and order, to protest against perverted sensibilities or sophistical refinements, which find warrant or apology for depraved appetites, -- for the worst distemperature of the mind, and the most fatal catastrophes, -- in natural propension, and unrestrained feeling. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.
  • They've copied the basic design from the Japanese model and added a few of their own refinements.
  • Modern refinement and processing of foods originating a century ago all but eliminated lignan ingestion in the daily diet.
  • They've copied the basic design from the Japanese model and added a few of their own refinements.
  • The oven has an automatic timer and other refinements.
  • She grew, under his eye, in loveliness and refinement both of intellect and heart. The Mourner
  • Grace, refinement, and good breeding are usually apparent with this aspect.
  • All these firms have made massive investments in improving the quality of fuel by de-sulphurisation and isomerisation, processes in the refinement of fuel by which its qualityis made better, so that vehicles using it cause minimal pollution. Analysis
  • While the internet is indeed a fount of knowledge, and might well be able to assist you in your quest, certain refinements to your terms are needed.
  • A worthy dish, which can embody the sort of rusticity which the word ‘peasant’ evokes, but can also exhibit the kind of refinement associated with bourgeoise cookery.
  • Jackson frequently overpaints the edges of these, his own free style playing off the taut refinement of the icon painting.
  • Their own habits of allegorizing, and their Oriental tastes, must be borne in mind, if we are readily disgusted with our author's fancies and refinements. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • It's just that he's developed the technique of arm-twisting to its ultimate stage of refinement. THE RECYCLED CITIZEN
  • The head is of good length, showing much refinement, the skull evenly balanced with the foreface. Undefined
  • The company refinement of pipette, the specification is 100 ul - 500 ul , 200 ul - 1000 ul quality assurance, welcome to consult negotiate.
  • We are so covered with layers and layers of refinement, of social polish, of airs and graces and civilization and pretensions that the human in us almost ceases to exist.
  • Beauty lies in harmony, not in contrast; and harmony is refinement; therefore, there must be a fineness of the [Page 222] senses if we are to appreciate harmony. The Montessori Method
  • Indeed much Victorian plasterwork is highly ornamental too, though it rarely had the refinement of the Georgian period.
  • 'I contend for it that all our civilisation is higher, and that class for class we are in a more advanced culture than the English; that your chawbacon is not as intelligent a being as our bogtrotter; that your petty shopkeeper is inferior to ours; that throughout our middle classes there is not only a higher morality but a higher refinement than with you.' Lord Kilgobbin
  • Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and lightheartedness.
  • Rudeness is defined as: lacking delicacy or refinement; coarse; of untaught manners; uncivil; ignorant; lacking chasteness or elegance. Ed and Deb Shapiro: How Does A Waitress Deal With Rude People?
  • Extra daughters were sent off to live in respectable refinement at convents, so that the family would not have to dower them as lavishly and divide the family patrimony.
  • The coldest-blooded amongst us, Mr. Massingham of _The Nation_ for example, must confess that it was a moment rich in the emotion which bestows immortality on incident when this son of a village schoolmaster, who grew up in a shoemaker's shop, and whose boyish games were played in the street of a Welsh hamlet remote from all the refinements of civilization and all the clangours of industrialism, announced to a breathless Europe without any pomposity of phrase and with but a brief and contemptuous gesture of dismissal the passing away from the world's stage of the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns -- those ancient, long glorious, and most puissant houses whose history for an æon was the history of The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • But in terms of refinement and comfort, they are a country mile better than the cars you could buy as recently as a week ago last Tuesday. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, you use a printed silk foulard and express your sensitivity and refinement at the same time.
  • Materials such as raw concrete, glass and wood are used with characteristic economy and refinement.
  • These categorizations are obviously open to refinement.
  • The wit of the performance was made to consist in quibble and equivoke, and in the misuse of language, after the fashion, but without the refinement, of Mrs. Partington. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • She employed, not from any refinement of style, but in order to correct her imprudences, abrupt breaches of syntax not unlike that figure which the grammarians call anacoluthon or some such name. The Captive
  • For those cowed by all this ardent muscularity, turn to her to discover, at the last, a private Rubens, that man of exceptional refinement and sensitivity.
  • The driving package has also improved, as have both the refinement and fuel economy of the engines. The Sun
  • She spends nearly quarter of an hour talking me through the growing, shipping, refinement and chemical processes.
  • The GTL technology at this facility works to produce syncrude (which requires refinement to create diesel and other liquid fuel products) from UCG syngas. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • This distinction is evidently rough and needs refinement, but one has some sense of what is intended.
  • So no matter how different the media or formats you use, all of the work reflects a highly calibrated process of editing and refinement.
  • One of the important reactions in oil refinement is hydrocarbon cracking.
  • Elsewhere, he excelled in Chopin's smaller works, especially the mazurkas, to which he brought unusual lapidary refinement.
  • In these three central symphonies, a large orchestra is used economically, with passages of delicacy and refinement akin to chamber music.
  • This idea of refinement carried to an infinite degree then began to be extended to liquids.
  • Cabin refinement and comfort are also high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participation is in essence really only a refinement on the methods used to reflexively understand and interpret in everyday life.
  • The lamaseries in Central Asia are, like the cathedrals in Europe, the most imposing monuments of religious life; but while the spires and domes of the latter tower above the teeming city and look down upon all the refinements and activities of civilization, these rude sanctuaries of Buddhism are frequently situated in the most secluded and sometimes even in the most inaccessible spots on the rugged Tibetan plateau. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Sharing the results with other faculty led to further refinements to this summative approach.
  • Refinement and sensibility as well as simplicity are still the best standards of web design!
  • However, he believes that the ongoing refinement of automated manufacturing processes promises to make them cost-competitive in the near future.
  • It was a phrase that sabered the spider-webs of logical refinement, and held them up scornfully on the point. The Big Bow Mystery
  • A further refinement of the technique enables the entire partial series to be sounded with varying degrees of clarity. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • There were also refinements, if not the introduction, of the system of landholding and social relations known as feudalism.
  • This particular model has a further refinement.
  • Another word, * - paga, identifies such * ugali mixers in West Ruvu and Kagulu languages, though its sound correspondence is suggestive of a word transfer from a yet-unidentified source. 118 The fact that a proto-Ruvu-era word for such distinct mixers cannot be reconstructed may reflect refinement in food preparation specific to porridges and the ways they are made that developed in recent historical periods. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • It is a remarkable record, made all the more fascinating by the indefinables of the double sculls, where success is born out of technical refinement and also an intangible athletic bond, an ability to row and react with double‑skulled synchronicity. Katherine Grainger and Anna Watkins ready to put chemistry to the test
  • This monumental group of works were made over 20 years of study and sculptural refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He seeks in this way to place himself in cultivated society and to impress his guests, his family - perhaps even himself - with his own refinement and sophistication.
  • Other refinements (rarely administered) were the tearing of the flesh of the condemned with red-hot pincers, the cutting off of hands, and the cutting out of tongues.
  • As we approach, their refinement and adroitness become visible, evidence of a virtuosity honed over more than four decades of experimenting with materials and methods. Big Labor and Economy
  • All this pretentious over-ornamentation is cosmeticism, the powder and paint of the vulgarian striving to conceal by a futile advertisement her lack of refinement. Germany and the Germans From an American Point of View
  • The technology requires a great deal of refinement.
  • The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. Albert Einstein 
  • Researchers have identified antiherpes virus qualities that need further research and refinement. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Science Rediscovers the Forgotten Herb Andrographis
  • For high strength grades, aluminum, vanadium, or columbium may be used for grain refinement.
  • A high degree of refinement, however, does not seem to subdue our wicked propensities so much after all; and were civilization itself to be estimated by some of it's results, it would seem perhaps better for what we call the barbarous part of the world to remain unchanged. Typee; a real romance of the South Seas
  • A greater refinement of the categorization is possible.
  • In short, this was the safest, politest, and, at the same time, the most thorough house of accommodation in town: every thing being conducted so that decency made no intrenchment upon the most libertine pleasures, in the practice of which too, the choice familiars of the house had found the secret so rare and difficult, of reconciling even all the refinements of taste and delicacy with the most gross and determinate gratifications of senuality. Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
  • This year's refinement and polish should keep it at the top.
  • This wasn't just a case of a few New York highbrows flaunting their refinement in reproach of Hollywood vulgarity.
  • And there was one refinement in the rude chalet not always present in regions far less removed from the centres of civilization: besides the cloth -- so coarse as to be a curiosity -- which the woman laid for us over an end of the unscoured table, she put at each of our places, as a matter of course, a fresh napkin of the same rude stuff. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • This question of _superfineness_ versus _refinement_ (which ought to mean the power of refining things through our feeling) has carried me away from the original theme of my discourse, which, under the symbol of the hotel room, was merely that we should _perhaps appreciate more if we were offered less to appreciate_. Hortus Vitae Essays on the Gardening of Life
  • There is a refinement of features and an almost plaintive lilt to the voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Describing a scene in "Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley" (1918) where two characters are mocked for their pretensions to individuality and refinement, Mr. Shannon puts in a good word for "the Irish art of begrudgery," the much-noted Celtic practice of ridiculing anyone in the community who had the temerity to stand out. Visiting Cagney's Neighborhood
  • The most obvious refinements are the column shafts which taper on a curve rather than a straight line and the stepped platform which the columns sit on as well.
  • Essentially this feedforward network uses a refinement of the Widrow-Hoff technique, which calculates the difference between actual outputs and desired outputs.
  • Still, he is being tamed with elegance and admirable refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has not been a lack of opportunity for marital contract on their part, but their own culture and refinement, and their exalted idea as to what a husband ought to be, have caused their declinature. The Wedding Ring A Series of Discourses for Husbands and Wives and Those Contemplating Matrimony
  • His refinements were pilloried as "Jesuitism", and his motive was declared to be treason. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Refinements in lenses (e. g. , the Fresnel lens) and reflectors made it possible to substantially increase the light's intensity.
  • The processes of refinement, manufacture and consumption each have inputs (materials and energy) and outputs (products, energy and waste).
  • They are an endless process of refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technical difficulties without number also exist: the most literal accuracy, which is indispensable -- the artful inuendoes, the artistical averments, which are necessary, correctly to shape the charge ere it is submitted to the grand jury, may be well conceived to involve many niceties and refinements, on which the case may easily be wrecked. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 339, January, 1844
  • Time seems to stand still in the chorales, which are sung by the Harvard and Radcliffe groups with an honesty that precludes boredom and concerns about stylistic refinement.
  • All target connections within the grouping of If, Else if, and Else refinements must target sibling elements on the target data structure.
  • This process does not require the three-step refinement needed to produce steel from ore.
  • It's a bit tacky, especially in comparison to the sophistication and refinement of the historic section.
  • Those who experienced the heady days of pre-revolutionary Egypt will still long for that Arcadia of cultural refinement and social adroitness. On the Eastern Shore
  • Subsequently, iterative profile refinement was used to make the profile searches more sensitive.
  • The answer lies in the fact that these molecules (together with other minerals and nutrients) are removed from our daily diets by refinement processes.
  • The bulk vaccine will be produced in Baxter's production facility in Europe and then shipped to the United States for refinement and processing.
  • Sir Clive Woodward was quite correct to attribute his World Cup triumph to critical non-essentials, to the search for small refinements and extra training sessions.
  • The fold is off-centre giving it a scrappy, unfinished look at odds with the design's refinement.
  • Still, he is being tamed with elegance and admirable refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christie's infallible feel for style elucidates the refinement of texture and brings out delightful detail in the shape, for instance, of limpid pastoral flutes or the busy string lines in L'Amour's virtuoso ariette Vole Zéphire in Les Fêtes d'Hébé and the gathering momentum of the scene that follows. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • He soon made a strong impression in Germany as a brilliant and original conductor, who achieved great polish and refinement in his performances.
  • The exhibits have been divided into six categories namely ostentation, quiet refinement, crispness, fine detail, deformation and flowers and birds. Brudirect News1
  • These refinements have increased the machine's accuracy by 25%.
  • When exactly did this downward cultural spiral begin, this loss of tact and refinement and understanding that some things should not be said or directly represented?
  • Enjoy it for its nuances, its refinements, its elegance.
  • Long ago ‘elegant’ was turned from a word denoting the essence of refinement and beauty, into gaudy trumpery.
  • It is possible to add a few useful refinements to the basic system.
  • Joy likens the house to a geode, the coarseness of the rough steel exterior contrasting with the refinement of the interior.
  • It is possible to add a few useful refinements to the basic system.
  • That sign is to remind them that if they don't behave with polish and refinement at all times, they'll be punished.
  • Further refinement of the rescue plan would have to wait It was time to press the button. Times, Sunday Times
  • In decorating his house, a gentleman spends as much money as he can conveniently spare; the elegancies and refinements of modern taste demand something more than mere comfort; yet though his walls are hung with pictures, his drawing-room filled with bijouterie, how is it that the windows of his hall, his library, his staircase, are neglected? Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • As philosophy becomes more specialized and departmentalized, its role is to contribute in a ‘detached’ way to the refinement of procedures of thought.
  • In a pretty woman of any refinement of feeling whatsoever he found his greatest incentive.
  • And when something like that fulness of existence—love, wealth, ease, refinement, all that her nature craved—was brought within her reach, why was she to forego it, that another might have it, —another, who perhaps needed it less? XIII. Borne Along by the Tide. Book VI—The Great Temptation
  • Dr Penkman added: ‘This process is a refinement of a relatively old method first used in the 1960s.’
  • Designers at Chrysler exhibited elegance and refinement with the Firepower Grand Tourer Concept.
  • Mere culture, refinement, respectability, morality, is simply a painted coating of varnish on the outside.
  • Grain refinement is influenced by the complex effects of alloy design and processing methods.
  • Essentially this feedforward network uses a refinement of the Widrow-Hoff technique, which calculates the difference between actual outputs and desired outputs.
  • I would like to propose one broadly based category which will clearly require extensive elaboration and refinement.
  • It amused Kemp that old man Colter had sent his daughter away for refinement and culture, then brought her back to one of the roughest, most uncivilized places in the country.
  • Did I say that Crouch lacks finesse and refinement?
  • Finally, burnishing and polishing of the wood is carried out with burnishers and abrasives of varying texture and refinement.
  • They are related to similarly proportioned glassware made in the 1890s, but the delicate tints and precarious attenuation are markers of preciosity and refinement.
  • For now, Boeing executives say they're incorporating drag reducing adjustments like a redesigned red anti-collision light, refinements to control surfaces on the wing and the area around the main landing gear bays. Boeing's 737 Gets New Look
  • Other similar studies included fewer cases than ours, yet further refinement of the acceptable cut-off level for concentration would require studies of at least several hundred cases.
  • The farther you go southwestwards, however, the more refinement you meet with, because the climate is more temperate, and accordingly there they have cities and temples dedicated to their idols, in which they sacrifice men and afterwards eat them. The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest
  • Research validates or disconfirms theory, thereby leading to its refinement and modification.
  • However, American cities of the nineteenth century were seen as bastions of culture and refinement.
  • All traces of courtly refinement and laconic humour had vanished; he was now callous and vulpine, the renegade spirit of the hoodlum streets returning to his lost playground. Ballardian » Simon O’Carrigan’s The Drowned World
  • Overall, these kids mix roughness and refinement to their advantage, occasionally stripping it down to shimmering layers of acoustic guitar or piano.
  • he described a refinement of this technique
  • Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.
  • For its part, the Stutzen should appeal to the magnum air rifle buff who can also appreciate uncompromising refinement at an affordable price.
  • It was this refinement which gave elegance to a basically simple pattern. The Education of a Gardener
  • The wonderfully rounded performances on his early discs, when peerless technique was wedded to Apollonian refinement, now seem to belong to another age entirely.
  • This monumental group of works were made over 20 years of study and sculptural refinement. Times, Sunday Times
  • They've copied the basic design from the Japanese model and added a few of their own refinements.
  • We are so covered with layers and layers of refinement, of social polish, of airs and graces and civilization and pretensions that the human in us almost ceases to exist.
  • I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose
  • Researchers have conducted testing and product development on a laboratory scale and are looking for an industrial partner for scale-up and further refinement of the process.
  • All these firms have made massive investments in improving the quality of fuel by de-sulphurisation and isomerisation, processes in the refinement of fuel by which its qualityis made better, so that vehicles using it cause minimal pollution. Analysis
  • The richness of colour and refinement are a balm for your soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • I rejoice to concur with the common reader; for by the common sense of readers, uncorrupted by literary prejudices, after all the refinements of subtilty and the dogmatism of learning, must be finally decided all claim to poetical honours. Common. Reader.
  • ‘I think my mother wanted to instill some grace and refinement in me,’ recalls Ansanelli.
  • But making a commercially successful craft required further refinement. America Past and Present
  • The roughness and want of refinement, which is legitimately complained of in this country, is often mitigated by instances of civility.
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • My own feeling is that Englishmen of taste and refinement prefer the longer word, but, sadly, American influence has meant that it is now falling out of use.
  • A cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement.
  • By this time his work had become repetitive and obsessed with technical refinement.
  • Woven buntal creates a two-directional fabric of polished finish and geometric refinement.
  • Essentially the project here is the further refinement of the already refined. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, scalable grain tasks are hierarchically scheduled to generate various parallelization plans of different grains by successive refinement.
  • In many western societies, an idealized femininity is often identified with refinement, and refinement in turn with the dominant language.
  • With its mixture of courtly refinement and everyday reality, this miniature is representative of many in the book.
  • You can taste the romance and refinement of European classicalism, the luxury and generosity of American pragmatism, the tenderness and delicacy of the Orient and the ardor of the tropical islands.
  • With toil and labour I've reached a very fair height of refinement. Wives and Daughters
  • It is one of the best resources for isolating some of the earliest refinements by cheats for shooting craps and for cheating at roulette.
  • A crude culture makes a coarse people, and private refinement cannot long survive public excess.
  • Enigma is a very sophisticated enciphering machine, and Shark is its ultimate refinement.
  • In Urban India today, it has become a symbol of culture and refinement to talk about and to support environmental causes.
  • While textiles can be found in the "iChange" in their original form in other areas, they are newly interpreted on seats and cargo floor using various refinement techniques such as braiding and gathering and a combination of both. Autoblog
  • THE number of sins a person may commit is well-nigh incalculable, which is only one way of saying that the malice of man has invented innumerable means of offending the Almighty -- a compliment to our ingenuity and the refinement of our natural perversity. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • To be a Nawab is to be heir to a lifestyle marked by refinement in speech and behaviour.
  • In the spirit of deliberative democracy, revisions, refinements, additions, subtractions, and criticisms of this model are all welcome.
  • Aurum — The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them.
  • The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.
  • There are artificial leather refinement packing, canvas refinement packing, ABS innocuity plastic packing, canvas common packing, artificial leather common packing.
  • Thus, in a minor degree, the emigrant from the southern seas who has been for years amongst the cabins on the outskirts of uncultivated plains, where cities were built of huts, where spireless churches of thatched roof served for the basilicas of divine worship, and where public justice was administered under canvas, is startled and delighted with the refinement and civilization of his more favored fellow-mortal who lives in the French capital. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
  • The nose's sudden disappearance, its subsequent gaddings about, its masqueradings as, firstly, a chinovnik and, secondly, itself -- all these have come of witchcraft practised either by you or by adepts in pursuits of a refinement equal to your own. Taras Bulba and Other Tales
  • For the latter, the "lemma" idea is still soft and in need of refinement; remember that this is a proposal that will produce instructions for the general CZ user. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]

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