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How To Use Referential In A Sentence

  • They are only preparing them for the preferential treatment awaiting them when they become hardened criminals in modern jails. The Sun
  • Conclusions obtained have certain referential value for parameters adjustment.
  • This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
  • Ola also claimed certain couples get preferential treatment when it comes to routines and song choices. The Sun
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  • The map is a referential structure; inside a coordinate system all can be referenced laying the gridwork for reality.
  • We focus on linguistic signals of discourse coherence, such as connectives (because, although) and referential expressions (anaphors, cataphors).
  • Call us a bunch of self-referential, mocking, postmodern deconstructionist ironicists, if you will. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over six years ago, the Association put forward proposals, which would rank farmers as preferential creditors for agricultural produce supplied by them.
  • Discourse is thereby conceived as a ‘generative mechanism’ rather than as a self-referential sphere in which nothing of significance exists outside it.
  • In 1960, metafiction popped up, describing self-referential novels that dealt with the writing of fiction.
  • In these cases it is obvious that the pronouns don't refer, so they can't be coreferential with their antecedents, either. Discourse Representation Theory
  • Though these systems are described as communication, the central theoretical questions are whether the communicative utterances are referential and whether the utterers are mentally representing the referent, that is, whether the utterance is meaningful from the perspective of conspecifics. Animal Cognition
  • All this postmodern self-referential ironic navel-gazing is getting a bit bizarre.
  • It proposed that affirmative action be limited to initial preferential treatment, and that a cut-off date be fixed for the programme.
  • Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
  • By bolstering Clampett's vision with a kind of premade Surrealism imported from Dali, Freleng dilutes the ingenuity and visual brilliance of the original short, reducing it to a clever referential game rather than a truly original work invented out of whole cloth. 12/17: Porky In Wackyland; Dough For the Do-Do; Quai des orfèvres
  • In many cases, quartz overgrowths were preferentially corroded and dissolved in the presence of pyrophyllite, most likely during acidic metasomatism.
  • You also note that all examples of this construction have the coreferential pronoun in subject position; i.e. exactly where it would be if this were an infinitive complement instead of a that complement.
  • That Sienese art came to be self-referential and insular in nature is evident from the constant reworking of compositions and motifs from the earlier trecento.
  • Circularly polarized x rays preferentially eject electrons from atoms magnetically aligned with the polarization axis.
  • All this is taken by Derrida's critics for an attack on truth itself, referentiality and the stability of interpretative contexts.
  • Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment.
  • In contrast, users who like to stay at home or be alone do not preferentially associate with other loners.
  • Women are often given preferential treatment in public life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus do liberals or progressives or whatever we're supposed to be calling ourselves live up to our reputation for using lofty, smug, self-referential and exclusionist language rather than speaking in real, concrete terms. We Need People Who Ride Bikes, Not Cyclists « PubliCola
  • Another pancreatic enzyme, elastase, cleaves preferentially at bonds involving nonbulky, neutral amino acids. The Scientist
  • The nonpreferentialist, or accommodationist, view is that public policy and government can aid or support religion and religious exercises provided that the state does not show preference for one religion or church over another.
  • Preferential racial quotas in education violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 39.
  • I had been warned by the chairman of the board, Alan Craig, not to talk to any potential buyers or give any preferential treatment, and I never did.
  • According to the model of Hotelling which ascertain the most preferential exploiting of petroleum resource, the marketplace is the most effective mechanism to deploy petroleum resource.
  • In 1978 Haya was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly with the highest preferential votes.
  • The alpine marmot is a large ground-dwelling squirrel living in mountain open meadows, preferentially exposed to south.
  • There are of course classes of preferential and pre-preferential creditors, but I do not propose to expand on that here.
  • The various civil actions that must follow will enmesh BA up to their eyeballs in pooh for ages to come. perhaps they might like to try competing with the likes of Ryanair and Easyjet for a change instead of using their preferential position at Heathrow to cheat their customers. The World's Least Favourite Airline
  • Why Everybody Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay ', explains: "Finance, like other forms of human behaviour, underwent a change in the twentieth century, a shift equivalent to the emergence of modernism in the arts - a break with common sense, a turn towards self-referentiality and abstraction and notions that couldn't be explained in workaday English. Johann Hari: How Goldman Sachs Gambled On Starving the Poor - And Won
  • There are of course classes of preferential and pre-preferential creditors, but I do not propose to expand on that here.
  • I accept that a print service provider would not fall into the category of a preferential creditor.
  • Again, from the viewpoint of referential disambiguity, singulars are more important than plurals.
  • In some mitigation, for the application of mathematics to the physical world one's conscience may be fairly untroubled by the difficulties of self-referential statements. Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
  • The self-referential jibes and parody elements work well, as do the innumerable anime in-jokes.
  • All this postmodern self-referential ironic navel-gazing is getting a bit bizarre.
  • He wishes now to turn away from such hard-edged, self-referential post-modern texts and get into a closer intimacy, a greater communion with his readers, the communion in which lies the main strength of the novel.
  • Research on collision rate of finite inertial particle with preferential concentration is one of hotspots in gas-particle flow mechanism and aerosol dynamics.
  • In these ‘referential’ uses, it is replaceable by the deictic pronouns this and that (This is red, That is possible).
  • Customers are also often attracted to such accounts by the promise of preferential interest rates.
  • Even Ira might have smiled at that one — or maybe the self-referentiality of Run DMC: This beat is my recital; Archive 2008-06-01
  • Seven Australian parliamentary chambers are elected using proportional representation, and four use optional preferential voting.
  • The nature of fuzziness is its unsharp referential boundary, it is the essence that acts as the major criterion in distinguishing fuzziness from generality, ambiguity, and vagueness.
  • Contemporary works created in this tradition are therefore necessarily intertextual and self-referential.
  • As preferential creditors the Inland Revenue will receive about half the £77,000 they are owed but the Council, as unsecured creditors, will get nothing.
  • He managed to find the comedy in melodrama without undermining suspense or lapsing into self-referential cynicism. I need to read that “Secret Empire” story
  • The annotation of coreferential chains in a text is a difficult task, which requires a lot of concentration.
  • When you are a business owner and in a position of authority, it is human to make assumptions and allow self-referential thinking to dominate. Social Business, the Golden Rule, and Open Empathy Organization
  • Preferential interest rates also favor commercial over subsistence farming in many countries.
  • Note that this account of propositions (including the commitment to names being directly referential) entails that sentences that differ only with respect to coreferential names express the same proposition. Structured Propositions
  • The algorithm accounts for deictic as well as anaphoric referential identifications.
  • Since ethylenediamine is very polar, naphthenes are preferentially permeated to the solvent side.
  • When the bitumen emulsion is in contact with the surface of the mineral aggregate, bitumen droplets must preferentially flocculate onto the mineral surface if the emulsion is to break and spread over the surface.
  • There's a liberal sprinkling of referentiality, Easter eggs of nods to other writers, and to particular pulp stylings, and a lot of that intertextuality is going to be lost on those who haven't read the type of thing I'm riffing off, but the key conceits are maybe not so hard to grasp without a grounding -- the book itself, the Cant, gravings, angels. What is Literary Fiction?
  • Figure 1 Proportion of continuations using plural pronouns co-referential with the protagonists in the stimulus sentence.
  • Resident species that we expected to forage preferentially on either longleaf pines or hardwoods during the breeding season continued to do so during the winter.
  • They have enormous buying power and consequently get preferential treatment from suppliers.
  • Hence, we propose a reference model for referential RFID impacts.
  • It was surely from Rothko, though, that he learned the profound truth that a simple shape can be not merely referential to the observed world but can in itself sum up and communicate human ideas.
  • preferential treatment
  • Would the speakers of such a language be prohibited from using their descriptions referentially?
  • additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises.
  • The third way in which ectoplasm images articulate the referentiality of photography via the body builds upon the first two.
  • It has a network architecture for high-performance and referential integrity, but also allows purely relational systems to be built where required.
  • Although biotite is capable of this, other minerals such as muscovite, garnet and cordierite are more efficient and preferentially occur in strongly peraluminous rocks.
  • As for the problem in our country, where witness does not wish to testify in court, and documentary hearsay prevails, the hearsay rule has referential value.
  • At the same time, banks are continuing to strive to attract clients through lower interest rates and other preferential offers.
  • These sentences are of the self-referential form, s = 'I am not provable from A', where A is a subset of sentences in the theory. Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
  • Zeno's paradoxes and the self - referential paradoxes, “the Liar” in particular, raise the problem of “matching” verbal utterance to perceived reality and to conceptions, a topic also explored, with due attention to verbal and logical paradoxy, in the LITERARY PARADOX
  • Its self-referentiality is not only proper and earned; it grounds the film in the real tinsel beneath the tinsel in tinseltown. GreenCine Daily: Rouge. 10.
  • Might obese employees need preferential access to car parking? Times, Sunday Times
  • It suggested the radical subordination of referential ambitions to the exigencies of material and technique, to the historical sedimentation of convention, and to the internal logics of format and tropology.
  • Single mothers have been given preferential access to council housing.
  • In deconstructive and psychoanalytic readings in particular, this allegedly pure and self-referential language returns to haunt the text's unity, coherence, and independence.
  • Single mothers have been given preferential access to council housing.
  • It is all too knowing and jokily self-referential, so never frightening, and is dripping with unnecessarily gloopy gore. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artist aims to present her dream-like reality with formal considerations, and her self-referential (and self-realizational) execution often has unforeseen results: "A lot of times, I'm really surprised at what comes out was completely unexpected," she says. Tanja M. Laden: Marnie Weber's "Eternity Forever"
  • Self-referential and postmodern, or just weird?
  • Then, the preferential constraint relation of sub-assembly is judged by matching assembly knowledge. The algorithm efficiency of generating assembly process APS-tree is improved.
  • Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment.
  • Although biotite is capable of this, other minerals such as muscovite, garnet and cordierite are more efficient and preferentially occur in strongly peraluminous rocks.
  • She hopes to exploit the preferential voting system in the federal elections to unseat the ruling coalition.
  • The use of the French reflexive in the present indicative stresses the innate auto-referentiality of his narrative.
  • cognoscenti" - elitist, agoraphobic, self-referential, intellectual narcissists with asthma and a tendency towards pasty skin and the use of words like "cognoscenti". Truckeratlas Diary Entry
  • He said that there were'clear concerns' about preferential treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • They possess the autonomy of setting up foreign trade ports and developing frontier trade, and they enjoy the trade management autonomy from state preferential policy.
  • One could criticize The Broken Hearts Club for an overdependence on humour of the self-referential variety.
  • In cases of race and gender bias, such decrees often have produced quotas and preferential treatment for the aggrieved party.
  • The Democratic Alliance has dismissed as "fatuous" a correctional services department denial of preferential treatment for certain prisoners. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These factors plus preferential marketing arrangements and external financial support for development projects have all contributed to land degradation.
  • The only way to properly shorten the term (while keeping its self-referential qualities intact) would be to call it a "monokini" graph, but this would likely be confusing as well, since so few Americans have been exposed (pun intended) to the French "monokini" on their local beaches. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [122] -- Bikini Bottom Update
  • You skin laser treatment brightly be in my clothier, my frisbee and i introspection burp all the coreferential bolshy i vetchworm with you. Rational Review
  • As both message and context, nature can manifest the referential function.
  • We these information content to claim, we still undertake can preferentially indication to it.
  • If now the aldose groups tend to pass over into the starch form, representing a temporary overflow product of the assimilating energy, it would appear that the ketose or levulose groups are preferentially used up in the elaboration of the permanent tissue. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • The point of deconstruction was that language, by its nature, escapes pure referentiality; it was never that the things language tries to refer to do not exist.
  • It relies on the preferential absorption on to clay minerals of an ultra-violet sensitive dye.
  • Self-referentiality is a condition in which we believe our own point-of-view. Jim Selman: Is Time Running Out?
  • More precisely, the referential structure in self-referential paradoxes such as the liar is a reflexive relation on a singleton set, whereas the referential structure in Yablo's paradox is isomorphic to the usual less-than ordering on the natural numbers, which is an irreflexive relation. Self-Reference
  • Dissent is to be found elsewhere than in this self-referential cul-de-sac.
  • No preferential right of access. The Sun
  • Austria would prefer Turkey to get a preferential partnership rather than full membership.
  • However, I am also convinced that my stricture about the hermeneutic circle is and must be self-referential.
  • If some of this subcultural desituationism seems self referential and perhaps adorned with postmaterial semanticist theory then maybe the creation/destruction distinction is intrinsically fostering a prepatriarchialist sense of postmaterial discourse. Modernism Schmodernism « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • However, roots from 14-d-old plants were stained preferentially in the vascular tissues, whilst the ground tissue and root cap remained unstained.
  • In addition to the roles in PBPs assembly and energy migration, the chromophoric γ subunit is preferentially sensitive to the intense light, and probably functions in the photoprotection of PBsome. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is true that the tropes and symbols that actualize the structure of the lyric, and the diegesis actualizing narrative structures, are all referential, rooted in mores, in ideologies-rooted in history.
  • He cautions that partial toning or split-toning with selenium will leave the untoned portion of the print unprotected, as the selenium preferentially tones finer grains of silver in high-density areas of the print first.
  • Make other clubs the least preferential creditors; they know what they're getting into. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • If market conditions and rental yields improve, you can negotiate more preferential returns.
  • This is revenge theatre that is an exercise in self-referential, stage-centric, obsessive navel-gazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • She suggests that she makes 'self-referential, some would say self-obsessed, performance art'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designed to frustrate readers and bedevil critics, this "underbook" is Oates 'riff on post-modernist self referential, inter-texual writing about writing. Kevin Morris and Glenn Altschuler: What We Talk About When We Talk About JonBenet
  • The bill does require that the Secretary of HHS give preferential treatment to entities (read: medical and nursing schools) who recruit minority applicants in awarding grants and contracts. The Volokh Conspiracy » Slippery Slopes
  • Further, she suggests that ‘whereas poetic language is now more or less accepted as autonomous and intransitive, fiction and narrative still suggest a transitive and referential use of words’.
  • A foreign key constraint allows you to define referential integrity between a parent and child table.
  • Fair implementation of tax treaties can not only facilitate taxpayers to enjoy preferential tax policies and avoid double taxation but also contribute to protecting national tax benefits.
  • The bottom, ocher section, somewhat smaller in area than the top, can be read both referentially - a shadow or a wall section in another material or color - or purely formally.
  • That is to say, there are referential and quantificational uses of indefinite descriptions and these are a reflex of a genuine semantical ambiguity.
  • This is not, we hasten to say, because the film is deliberately cold and self-referential in a postmodern fashion.
  • Even the earlier buildings are referential, trying to create meaning in this New World by referring to an imaginary old one.
  • If the pronoun were coreferential with its antecedent, the indefinite “a donkey” would have to be a referential term, which seems unlikely, e.g. because the negation of Discourse Representation Theory
  • Supposition is a theory of reference and it is the coreferentiality of terms in the different sentences in a syllogism that is the decisive factor in determining whether the principle of uniform substitution is satisfied or not. The Statue of a Writer
  • The poetry is in a sense self-referential because it explores the transcendental logics of the poetic process.
  • It preferentially hydrolyzes peptide bonds involving tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan.
  • The US presidential system is not preferential, so votes for one candidate cannot flow on to another if he is not elected.
  • Shop around to find preferential terms, some for up to three years after graduation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
  • Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
  • The targets, revealed this weekend, are a response to the government drive to counter what it sees as the preferential treatment of ‘privileged’ public school pupils.
  • Out of love for me and concern for my overall health and in light of my family history of diabetes and my tendency to drink vasty quantities of sugary drinks, preferentially Dr. Pepper, and further in consideration of my strong desire not to obtain a second dog, Brianna and I have entered into the following agreement: Meanwhile, art continues...
  • Genomic and cDNA CAPS analyses indicated that plants representing multiple populations of this young natural allopolyploid have experienced frequent and preferential elimination of homeologous loci. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This is not, we hasten to say, because the film is deliberately cold and self-referential in a postmodern fashion.
  • Amino acid compositional patterns also indicated preferential sorption of basic amino acids, with positively charged nitrogen side chains, to the negatively charged aluminosilicate clay minerals.
  • The doctor often produced such self-referential non sequiturs when at a loss. THE LAST PLACE
  • Ten or 15 years ago, this would have been a very different book, full of the referential jokiness of postmodernism.
  • They also have another property: aboutness or intentionality. (not intensionality, and not thinking of contexts in which coreferential terms are not substitutable salva veritate) Represent reality or some part of it as being thus and so. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • The Office of Electricity Regulation should investigate the preferential contracts between the regional electricity boards and the gas-fired power stations. 3.
  • They prefer willows, maples, aspens, and poplars, and by preferentially choosing those species, they can have an important impact on the tree species composition of their communities.
  • It has a network architecture for high-performance and referential integrity, but also allows purely relational systems to be built where required.
  • Protein binding is 50 percentwith no preferential partitioning into red blood cells. Flumanazil
  • Another industry practice that may need re-examination, the panelists said, is the role of favoritism and preferential treatment in the newsroom.
  • She hopes to exploit the preferential voting system in the federal elections to unseat the ruling coalition.
  • he was treated preferentially
  • The sample was dichotomized based on a median split of preferential negative encoding.
  • It is also possible that the close proximity between the infected lung and the diaphragm contributed to the preferential impairment of diaphragmatic contractility.
  • These specificities lead to preferential bindings through the DNA minor groove for putrescine and spermidine, whereas spermine binds by the major groove.
  • Rather than despair at the self-undermining self-referentiality of the whole idea, the editors rejoice in it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These notes, where not referential, would have lightened a text that is certainly not for the feeble-minded.
  • Sternheim's play is ribald, satirical, self referential, and quirky.
  • Studies that demand this kind of hemispheric competition have revealed that control over voluntary attention seems to be preferentially lateralized to the left hemisphere.
  • The production is propelled by the spirit of parody and irony, self-referential allusion, iconoclasm, the postmodernist and post-dramatic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Many are self-referential, often addressing the reader in the second person.
  • The budget shows a preferential bias for the non-essentials.
  • The participle receives its case from the noun which it modifies, which must (as you point out) be coreferential with its subject.
  • 7. The person behaves self-centeredly and/or self-referentially. And Obama gives a big “FU” to Bibi, too
  • When they're all together, they patter back and forth in the kind of jesting, referential language that can only pass between people who have spent their whole lives together. Today We Live
  • The preferential creditors are company staff who are owed €61,500 in pay arrears for March, April and May.
  • Then there's the definitely genre 'sort of ERB's Barsoom, but set in the near future and with weird and exotic alien tech on Mars' book since I have a feeling intertextually self-referential, postmodern heroic pulp action may be the 'in' thing in the next couple of years. Archive 2008-03-01
  • They get my vote through the preferential system via the Greens and the Democrats.
  • You can't say he's treating me differently or giving me preferential treatment. The Sun
  • To put it another way, the work is self-referential to the extent that language and the poem are Pastior's only subjects.
  • Cannabis is an assassin of referentiality inducing a BUTTERFLY EFFECT in THOUGHT," says Darwin's Pharmacy author Rich Doyle. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • He said the area commissioner should be advised to treat everybody equally because Resolution 7 did not make provision for preferential treatment.
  • In contrast, as I was watching this deep dive into self-referential reporting in Tripoli, I thought about Bill Gentile, the steely Newsweek photographer I knew in El Salvador, captured in Peru by the Shining Path, the bloodiest and most savage and anarchical guerilla group in the history of Latin America. Phil Bronstein: Should Journalists Get Out of the News?
  • The loan should be repaid within 10 years and has a 5-year grace period and preferential interest.
  • If now the aldose groups tend to pass over into the starch form, representing a temporary overflow product of the assimilating energy, it would appear that the ketose or levulose groups are preferentially used up in the elaboration of the permanent tissue. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Inmates claimed that some prisoners had received preferential treatment.
  • Findlay is sympathetic to the self-referential and allusive nature of the play, Shakespeare's most mature comedy, and makes no attempt at realism.
  • Businesses have to implement the preferential right of final decision.
  • For its self-referential abysms are only made darker by the thought that Rosemary Squires didn't pour her heart into this song: Irving Berlin did.
  • This inclination has developed the furthest in philosophy, political science, and economics, where most practitioners have adopted an otherworldly and self-referential formalism.
  • These data further support the idea that the observed micronuclei result from preferential exclusion of acentric DNA fragments.
  • Trace fossils are concentrated towards the base of the member, where preferential cementation of the bioturbation has resulted in prominent erosion-resistant horizons.
  • Unmediated devices are motivated rhetorically, while mediated devices are motivated both rhetorically and referentially.
  • Codex takes its place on the shelf of self-referential, bibliophilic page turners like The Name of the Rose, Possession and A Case of Curiosities, and it's as entertaining as any of them. Codex by Lev Grossman: Book summary
  • Women are often given preferential treatment in public life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Google is an interesting site insomuch as it appears to have avoided the temptation to accept money for preferential placements in search results and has stuck very much to its knitting.
  • As a result, our media have increasingly degenerated into self-referential ideological boutiques, with Fox News being the one most likely to annoy Hartmann's fans. Ian Fletcher: Review: Thom Hartmann's Rebooting the American Dream
  • The negative controls used were spleens and thymi from non-GFPtg-nursed B6 mice, and the positive controls used were spleens and thymi from GFPtg mice. *, p FACS analysis interestingly and clearly showed that CD4+ cells preferentially migrated to the spleen ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She traded on her disability to get preferential treatment wherever she went.
  • As a matter of fact the lemma has become the standard tool for producing self-referential statements and for transforming the semantical paradoxes into indefinability and (formal) undecidability results. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Before identifying a paradigmatic text on which to focus, a basic understanding of the referential patterns in audience attitudes toward age, gender, and romance in screen cultures was sought.
  • Employees of the firm are listed as preferential creditors, and are due to be paid almost €130,000 from the insolvency fund.
  • The more particular criticism seems to be that the referentiality is something that panders to the intelligence of the audience, that falsely congratulates them on being so well-informed.
  • This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
  • His vigorously unconventional storytelling has earned him as many critics, who chide him for being overly clever and self-referential, as devotees.
  • K. Anthony Appiah argues that racial ascriptions are problematic whether one adopts an ideational or a referential theory of language.
  • She hopes to exploit the preferential voting system in the federal elections to unseat the ruling coalition.
  • According to Mr Boothman, a good intake of colostrum ensures colonisation of the gut with preferential microflora and also encourages the calf's natural reaction to stand up and suck at this early stage.
  • Steinberg argues that there are two major motivational modes: referential and rhetorical.
  • Sooner or later the predator will end up feeding preferentially on the most abundant of the available types of prey.
  • Shades of Mahler and Shostakovich flit through the texture in which dissonances set against a tonally referential idiom and allusions to earlier styles are set within absolute musical structures.

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