How To Use Referenced In A Sentence

  • All chapters are well referenced and the information is well supported by an adequate number of tables and illustrations.
  • The map is a referential structure; inside a coordinate system all can be referenced laying the gridwork for reality.
  • I will limit myself to noting that the legal answer is, in my view, yes — but how you get to yes differs depending upon whether you think this particular targeting is in an armed conflict in a strict legal sense, or whether you think it is an act of legitimate self-defense, as the Legal Adviser referenced in his ASIL speech. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • The findings obtained with this Finnish material can cohere with prior comparable research in other markets, as is referenced in the text wherever applicable.
  • Gravity was measured using a LaCoste-Romberg model G gravimeter, and readings were referenced to a BGS temporary base station located at Corrie.
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  • Its well-referenced contents will provide a reservoir of information for scholars of folklore, religion and history of plant use.
  • The activities draw on relevant literature that is referenced throughout the book.
  • The service is undergoing a rapid expansion to 20 or more blogs (as he mentions in the comment referenced above).
  • In reference to Roger's referenced reference, I'd say that if the librarians didn't give such a "Very" title a coveted award -- triggering an orgy of literary consumption that surely the AVN people would step in and give THEIR award to the film version, thereby triggering SOME sort of orgy. In Bed with WHO?
  • The reader is cross - referenced to the entry " center " .
  • They are referenced in this faux-primitive romp fashioned for nine dancers in briefs or skimpy bathing suits.
  • All these articles contain referenced material or the supporting documents themselves.
  • The data is recalled from tape to disk when next referenced.
  • The reader is cross - referenced to the entry " center " .
  • With the new proposal of multi-national DNA databanks, this information could be accessed and cross-referenced globally.
  • The book is indexed and each of the chapters is referenced, some more extensively than others.
  • You know, I think the productivity improvement I mean the investments for instance in the boilers are a good example of that, but also some investments related to our - helped drive Fernandina and those are the kind of things that from a volume improvement and associated cost improvement allow us to look at the kind of increases you referenced. Home Page
  • One technique, called "fabula," or "fable," allowed Mr. Sundberg to apply commercially sold decals to a sub-layer of glass, which he then covered with irregular layers of transparent glass; the result was an accretion of odd, watery images that referenced everything from flowers to sexuality. Per B Sundberg
  • The return type and each of the types referenced in the formal parameter list of a method must be at least as accessible as the method itself.
  • Why this material is included while other material unique to, e.g., commodities or exchanges, is referenced out is not clear.
  • I removed everything that referenced “atNote” bigram things and the line “import Safe”. Vocable bugfix « Alex McLean
  • I’m not going to weigh in as the expert Konrad so politely makes me out to be, but I do have some comments to make: the term dou was widely used before the Meiji period, even in connection with the martial arts terms such as budo and judo come from this period—see the Inoue article that Konrad referenced but they were not used either extensively or consistently. Usage of ‘dou’ (道) in Japan.
  • The promise of hypertext lies in its ability to produce large, complex, richly connected, and cross-referenced bodies of information.
  • As I kind of anecdotally referenced with NRF in New York, the former Symbol business or the EMB business is improving sequentially. Home Page
  • I'm constantly hearing it referenced as the hallmark of useful design that masks powerful features.
  • The details on the card can then be cross-referenced against a national database before the holder can see a doctor or use other public services, such as schools or libraries.
  • But that's merely the beginning of this ill-conceived, ill-timed and epically copy-cattish endeavor, from the cover - a clumsy, solipsistic shot of a woman in a WSJ paper dress (a strange and otherwise un-referenced homage to the 1960s) - to the head-scratching organizing principle of the TOC. Adam Hanft: I.O.A. -- The Wall Street Journal Magazine is Irrelevant On Arrival
  • Several kinds of shutdown valves were compared. Then it focused on the features and related concepts of the regulator valve. It can be referenced for the selection of valves in HVAC system.
  • Zetsche, famous for his thick white moustache and genial personality during the presentation he told a Jeff Foxworthy joke and referenced lightening a car by using a chainsaw, called the roadster "a trophy" that combines style and comfort in a sports car. News
  • This short but well referenced volume is intended for the general reader.
  • You have a tidy sum to spend clothes and have referenced two of our designers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note: The phrase "ready-made collaborators," referenced in the article's title, is attributed to Nadia Sirota. Daniel J. Kushner: Beautiful Mechanical: yMusic, The Ready-Made Collaborators
  • Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.
  • Note: Some of the material referenced herein is subject to copyright law, and trademarks/logos appearing in this Blog and the associated Demonstrations are the sole property of the registered owners. Wolfram Blog : Exploring Logo Designs with Mathematica
  • Each question in the test bank is referenced to its original source in the textbook, making it easy to verify or modify questions and answers.
  • I really appreciated your well-researched and referenced article on Ashcroft and the separation of church and state.
  • The term auto bias normally describes a circuit in which the signal grid of a power tube is referenced to ground, and the potential of the cathode is raised above ground through a cathode resistor (footnote 1), thus prompting the tube to adjust itself under operating conditions. Stereophile RSS Feed
  • Referenced early on in the episode as the website responsible for catching filmed proof of a rogue vampire's feeding frenzy a misdeed punishable by the true death, which Mayor Bill readily dispensed on the busted fanger, the Cheaters-meets-feeders clip caught our eye as something that had to be something set up for the show's devoted online fandom. Watercooler: True Blood Goes Viral
  • I did this - a complete cross referenced and alphabetised list of every post I have made in the last month.
  • When a non-local label is forward referenced, the assembler assumes that it will require two bytes to represent the relative offset of the label (so the instruction including the opcode byte will be three bytes). DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 8
  • Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.
  • As the number of references that could be cited was limited, we have often referenced review articles rather than original publications.
  • Had the orchid seed been referenced in this text as the world's smallest seed, bibliolaters would be holding this verse up in our faces as ‘proof’ that an all-knowing God inspired the bible!
  • With the exception of the modeling papers, most articles are well referenced with conclusions clearly supported by the data furnished.
  • You have a tidy sum to spend clothes and have referenced two of our designers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've seen many other instances where train rape is referenced, including a shirt my friend has that has a stick man reaching under a stick woman's dress on public transit and in Japanese is written "Beware of Perverts. Was RapeLay 'Asking For It'?
  • Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 1999.
  • Pieces in the show referenced Conceptualism, performance, Dada, realism and abstraction.
  • He will know all the names referenced above. Times, Sunday Times
  • When those selected Tweets can then be cross-referenced with other sets of data from outside Twitter - that's when the word fecund starts feeling inadequate. Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • To access the referenced material, all you do is click on the highlighted text or image.
  • He will know all the names referenced above. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hand-sized hemisphere that occupies the heart of each sculpture is a symbolic evocation of these small, sacred vessels, and the holy river is referenced by the circular steel ring that supports the hemisphere.
  • I take no responsibility for the opinions or contents expressed in referenced links or websites. Shorter Paul Krugman
  • To put this kind of guesstimate story out there is a disservice to your readers and as it will no doubt be referenced further down the line, should be an embarrassment to Harvard University. Print is still king: Only 3 percent of newspaper reading happens online » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol, company name, high sales price, and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2.
  • Still looking for those "pollack" numbers, though, that the 3:25 a.m. poster referenced. The Straw Man and Prop R
  • After Maynard Smith referenced a paper that Price had sent to the journal Nature in August 1968 inspired by correspondence earlier that year between Price and Hamilton, they joined forces to introduce game theory analysis to the study of animal behavior, specifically to explain why battles between members of the same species, such as Arabian oryx, are ritualized encounters rather than serious fights. SuperCooperators
  • But the bibliomaniac may in fact have supplied his contemporaries with a resource for thinking about how booksor, better still, the canon (that "imaginary totality of works" referenced by John Guillory, who cautions us against the ideological misprision involved in thinking that it might be materialized anywhere) might be more firmly attached to persons, might be rendered personal effects. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • We also learn about cholinergic and aminergic systems and many other things that are not found by my computer's artificially intelligent English spell-checking system-or referenced again by the author. Adrian Monck
  • In order to better grasp the significance of these elements I have also referenced other African-based Caribbean religions, like Palo Monte and Santeria, and social structures, like the cabildo.
  • An oft-referenced chapter of the showdown played out from 1978 to 1980, a three-year time frame in which a pair of Demon state titles flanked a 1979 championship for the Sailors. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • Authentication credentials can then be maintained centrally and referenced by a whole host of platforms and applications.
  • This claim is dated at best and truly misleading, given the other reports and citations referenced in the article.
  • This number is cross-referenced with hospital databases to give a patient's medical records.
  • Not sure what goes wrong there, but given the fact that Tabulator seems to be able to recurse into referenced RDF files, I think it nicely complements what we already have. Archive 2008-03-01
  • he referenced his colleagues' work
  • Each chapter is heavily referenced and cited within a detailed index.
  • Security custom attributes can not be referenced from defining assembly.
  • a carefully referenced biography
  • If you were to map that above referenced decline in crack use to incarceration rates, I imagine you would find them to be uncorrelated, meaning criminal penalties don’t get credit for declining use. Crack Cocaine Sentencing: Systematic Racism At Work
  • Timing an occultation to a fraction of a second allows the observed location to be referenced against the predicted position from the computed ephemeris, perhaps leading to an update.
  • Deleted scenes referenced in the commentary are two unfilmed animatics (with vocals) blended into one sequence.
  • I need 40 resumes built from scratch, cross-referenced with sample layout and typesets provided as. jpg or. pdf. - New Projects
  • What a fabulous feature it would be to a) see the actual lifespan of a tag mapped out (or at least referenced in a clever, natty way), and b) to possibly predict the impending doom or imminent death of a word, some language, or a band for that matter. Smelly?
  • As folks enter the bars, they are now obliged to present an official piece of government-issued ID, which is then scanned into the system, cross-referenced with a list of known ne'er-do-wells and stored for infinity.
  • The French word noyau is referenced in these books: Noyau - French Word-A-Day
  • The term “collective good” is a term referenced by the communists. ObamaCare, Born of 15 Untruths and Broken Promises - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
  • The book is well referenced and indexed, including a listing of cases found throughout the book.
  • A recent publication, referenced here, reports twenty eight 911 rescue workers with a sarcoid type clinical picture. Sarcoid like clinical picture reported in 911 rescue workers
  • A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
  • Many studies were associated with more than one publication, but we have referenced only the principal publication.
  • Academic departments like the one referenced in this post are the intellectual equivalent of a very small community in a hillbilly backwoods holler - in desperate need of an infusion of fresh genetic material.
  • To clarify, the oligopsony, as referenced here, is not about the retail sale of gasoline. They Trade in Taboo
  • This will add the Zoom Effect to any a tag classed with zoom, and will show content relating to the id referenced in the href of the a tag. Ordered List - Home
  • As a point of referenced, bear in mind that IP is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
  • I do remember thinking the language that referenced the medallions was a little unclear so maybe the change is subtle. New proposal offers NY wine stores a transition period | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • When pass-fail decisions are being made, a skill based assessment should be ‘criterion referenced’ (that is, trainees should be assessed relative to performance standards rather than to each other or to a reference group).
  • As folks enter the bars, they are now obliged to present an official piece of government-issued ID, which is then scanned into the system, cross-referenced with a list of known ne'er-do-wells and stored for infinity.
  • The phrase "fraud as a business model" comes from a comment referenced in the presentation made by Richard Cordray, then the Attorney General of Ohio and the current Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, when he discussed foreclosure fraud. Janet Tavakoli: "Fraud As a Business Model"
  • This belief and teachings (which by the way is referenced somehow to Hilter by the Family's leader), 'allows' them to wallow in narcissism and self righteousness. Poll: Only 3 in 10 have favorable opinion of Ensign
  • Purchasable from the New York Academy of Sciences (visit nyas. org/annals), this densely referenced analysis covers the acute radiation inflicted on both the first-responders (called Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • We also learn about cholinergic and aminergic systems and many other things that are not found by my computer's artificially intelligent English spell-checking system -- or referenced again by the author. Garry Kasparov On 'Chess Metaphors': The Chess Master And The Computer
  • (Whatever the answer to that question, it seems to me that Professor Anna Gelpern, whose Roubini blog post I earlier referenced, is right in saying that Greece does not have much reason to seek a restructuring at this point intime.) The Volokh Conspiracy » More Musing on Liquidity and Solvency Distinctions in Sovereign Debt Crises
  • In contrast, externally referenced people take their standards more from the outside and seek direction and instruction from others. Training with N.L.P.
  • A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
  • The time zone in forex trading is referenced in terms of Eastern Standard Time (EST). Friday Trading | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • In other words, Hindki as used locally referenced Hindus in the first instance, but it served as a metonym for all Indians in Afghanistan. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The promise of hypertext lies in its ability to produce large, complex, richly connected, and cross-referenced bodies of information.
  • The Justice League routinely referenced outside comics during these years, specifically stuff like Firestorm and Black Lightning, but the team did not have an actual crossover until 1982, when the title crossed over with All Star Squadron for a storyline, from #207-209 October-December 82. Self-Contained Title Experiment | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • I wasn't left high and dry as the book is well referenced which led me to the books that shaped his thinking on a variety of topics.
  • The $population array reference is de-referenced.
  • (Whatever the answer to that question, it seems to me that Professor Anna Gelpern, whose Roubini blog post I earlier referenced, is right in saying that Greece does not have much reason to seek a restructuring at this point intime.) The Volokh Conspiracy » More Musing on Liquidity and Solvency Distinctions in Sovereign Debt Crises
  • Like criterion-referenced testing generally, both scoring rubrics are thoroughly arbitrary.
  • Just because the teapot is referenced in ancient texts and young children are told all about it every Sunday, does not mean there is a teapot. Tempest in a Teapot | My[confined]Space
  • He will know all the names referenced above. Times, Sunday Times
  • We ran a post back in 2007 asking the question Is Bamboo Clothing Truly Green?, where we referenced the chemical solvent used to make viscose (also known as rayon) from raw bamboo material. TreeHugger
  • In addition, the NLM is pleased to present today a paper by Fr. Anthony Symondson, S.J., co-author of Sir Ninian Comper: An Introduction to His Life and Work (Spire Books, 2007) which, similar to the pursuit of Dr. Daniel van Slyke in relation to participatio actuosa, gives historical consideration to this principle of noble simplicity as understood by one who has become historically associated with it and commonly referenced with regard to it: Edmund Bishop, the Victorian era, English liturgiologist. Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
  • For descriptive metadata it may even be an entry in a catalog if the catalog record can be adequately referenced.
  • You have a tidy sum to spend clothes and have referenced two of our designers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Referenced criteria and further typing depend on growth pattern and ground glass nuclei characteristics.
  • These data are tabulated by species with locations referenced to zoogeographical subregions, political units of provinces, states, or countries, and source citations.
  • While not mentioned by name, Obama referenced Wendell Potter, a former health insurance insider whistle-blower who sums it up simply, health insurance is not about better health care, it's about Wall Street. Obama to take health care pitch on the road this weekend
  • Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.
  • The reader is cross - referenced to the entry " center " .
  • C, which is what I think you referenced, and other divisive issues, he kind of dodged that question. Jason Salzman: What Kind of "Real Conservative" Will Be the Next Dick Wadhams
  • The following quotes are from this brief but fully referenced biography of Mussolini: The Mystery of Fascism.
  • Drag onto the page to add a REFERENCED entity.
  • It was a little campier than I expected, with Keaton veering toward Beetlejuice territory but it was cute and I now want to start up a web site called CheapAssTravel. com, referenced by Keaton in the closing moments. Aspirations : Bev Vincent
  • In my time spent here I have heard Canada referenced a total of four times in the mainstream media.
  • However, the referenced poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) - chlorofluoroethylene sounds like a CFC to me - though it does say others are available. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • Such analyses are provided in the articles referenced in the report.
  • A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
  • The kind of asbestos most commonly referenced is "friable" asbestos, which is defined by EPA as asbestos that can be reduced to dust by hand pressure. The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • Well, I did write it for Weasel and referenced her in the post, so I can see why you would mentally "misfile" it. Innocent Bystanders
  • It is extensively referenced and provides the scientific evidence for many of the practices and principles of tuberculosis control.
  • Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 1999.
  • The new book is excellently referenced from sources past and present.
  • Referenced criteria and further typing depend on growth pattern and ground glass nuclei characteristics.
  • Cross component trace shows the execution path of all SCA components, even if the project being referenced is not in the current workspace.
  • The BBC television series' limited budget may be affectionately referenced with comically chunky spaceship controls and hilarious use of stock footage.
  • Purchasable from the New York Academy of Sciences (visit nyas. org/annals), this densely referenced analysis covers the acute radiation inflicted on both the first-responders (called "liquidators") and on residents nearby, who suffer chronic radioactive sicknesses.
  • If a tagged column is represented in a secondary index, each distinct occurrence of the column is referenced by the index.
  • Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.
  • In Cunningham every candidate preferenced the Green above the Labor candidate.
  • The SHORT operator is used to specify that the label referenced by a JMP instruction is within 127 bytes of the end of the instruction. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 8
  • This well-referenced book cites many quality sources and meaningful research.
  • The experiment I referenced demonstrated (actually a series of experiments) that DNA damage in M. tuberculosis results in the induction of an SOS-regulated polymerase (DNAE2), which causes base substitution mutagenesis, that is, the experiment was set up so that the only drug resistant mutations that was scored was base substitution mutagenesis. Browsing the Latest Issue of Scientific American
  • For our case study, we have created/referenced following libaries based on the Shared Steps and scenarios identified from 'automatable test cases' selected in Step 1 Automation Planning Site Home
  • So I compared the data that Pierre referenced from the Economist to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data on student performance around the world (both are 2006 studies). Innovation
  • We do this using the pageconfigure() function on the enclosing NoteBook widget, passing the symbolic name of the referenced tab as the first argument.
  • Once the images are ordered they were georeferenced, then mosaicked together.
  • In the same way "hardcore" doesn't mean that every game has to be rated "M" for Mature and be filled with profanity, severed limbs, and suggestive themes - it's a term referenced to people who like a challenge, and don't want the game to be helped along with answers to every puzzle given by a NPC. Nintendo Life | Latest Updates
  • Although a rare occurrence, this case and the others referenced make absorbable multifilament braided sutures appealing alternatives to use of permanent sutures in orthopaedic surgery.
  • But is “maximin” a concept frequently referenced in libertarian writings? But… But… PROFIT! (fnord)
  • Actually I believe the comment yesterday was about a quote in an article where the author called him "presumptuous" and I posted the quote that was referenced and said "It kinda does sound 'presumptuous' ..." or words to that effect. Who's Really Playing The Race Card?
  • The book, one of seven in existence, is referenced in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. SF Tidbits for 12/15/07
  • But we’re back in mudder territory when it comes to “Morgan Stanley’s Stephen Roach, formerly a cheerleader for globalization,” who has indeed grown more pessimistic, but concludes one especially pessimistic rumination, referenced by Roberts, as follows: From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Paul Craig Roberts
  • You will find the French word façon referenced in these books: Façon - French Word-A-Day
  • His paintings of Parisian types, among them cooks and bellhops, referenced 17 th- and 18 th-century models.
  • Eustasy is defined as a global sea level change when referenced to a fixed datum, for instance the center of the earth.
  • I don't think I know any of the aboriginal terms referenced here beyond koori - maybe from my predominantly Sydney existence. ABORIGINES.
  • That of course is where Greek lexicons like those referenced to above are helpful.
  • Information is presented in a precise, thorough, conservative, referenced and readable style.
  • Yet these findings are endlessly cited and cross-referenced as if by now they confirm a tiresome truth: leftist domination of the universities.

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