How To Use Referable In A Sentence

  • Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance. On Compromise
  • Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up until the 1920s, in the mountain ranges of Westmoreland and south into Fayette, many small farmers subsisted on bear meat, preferable to venison, and considered by many to be juicier and better than beef.
  • However, he added that it was preferable to finding major problems with the home after completion.
  • It is also preferable that these vents be covered with screens, rather than louvers, to provide unrestricted air flow.
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  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are preferable to narcotics for pain relief.
  • It sounds preferable to having kids locked away playing alone.
  • a dolmen, since all tombs containing clay effigies or encircled by terracotta haniwa would necessarily be subsequent to that date, and all tombs containing skeletons other than the occupants of the sarcophagi would be referable to an earlier era. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • A few have performed better than expected—e.g., the auto bailouts, although a rapid private bankruptcy was preferable and GM and Chrysler are not yet denationalized successes. The Obama Presidency by the Numbers
  • A more transparent and honest way of charging would be preferable to the underhand and morally dubious system currently employed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some experts claim it's better to elect for a controlled cut, while others say tearing is preferable as the healing time's quicker.
  • One major component of the 2011 route that Vande Velde finds preferable is the eight flat stages over the first 11 days of racing. Christian Vande Velde: Pyrenees are the sleeper challenge in the 2011 Tour de France
  • And I second anemoona; a new costume always seems to be preferable to rewearing one. Thoughts on lrp and characters
  • But a simpler, more robust fighting game would have been preferable to this mishmash of styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the management group that is uniformly old may be preferable to the one that is uniformly too young. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • The elements provisionally brought to ‘Leukorhinion’ sp. in this report may also be referable to Leukorhinion if it were emended to include species with anteroposteriorly compressed elements.
  • It would have been preferable to discard this possibility by more complete blockade of active sodium transport (with the use of a sodium channel blocker in addition to ouabain, instead of ouabain alone).
  • Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture. Harper's Magazine
  • The serrated or sawtooth wheel is most commonly used, but a smooth wheel is preferable on delicate fabrics.
  • It was not calculation but humility - together with his understanding that it is preferable not to rust unburnished but to shine in use - that gave him another lease on life.
  • In the eyes of the public, almost anything is preferable to the current discredited system. Times, Sunday Times
  • If one continues to look at it, one's sight becomes dazzled and dimmed, so it is preferable to look at its image in water and avoid a direct look at it, because the intensity of its rays is thereby reduced.
  • An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. The Dark Art of Interrogation
  • If a pressor agent must be used, a direct-acting alpha-adrenergic agonist such as norepinephrine is preferable because it acts without releasing intracellular amines.
  • Mais il s'est avéré que son impossibilité a faire son code etait vraie puisqu'un gars l'a finalement aidé, lui conseillant a la fin de ne pas donner son numeros a n'importe qui et qu'il etait meme preferable d'aller demander au guichet! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • When you're single it's almost preferable to be unhappy in a crowd - at home, ‘human contact’ consists of bumping into the bookcase and getting brained by a falling volume of Tolstoi.
  • Mrs. Brondon had absolutely no symptoms referable to cardiac disease or heart trouble,'' Judge Michael Telesca ruled Nov. 9, 2010. Death of a loved one can be beginning of hard fight with life insurer
  • With related working experience and forklift driver license is preferable.
  • Unfortunately their specific status remains uncertain as not enough data is known – while populations might be continuous with B. celebensis and hence referable to that species, a skull from near Kulawi in central Sulawesi differs from other babirusas in being particularly small, in having proportionally long lower premolars, and in various cranial proportions. Archive 2006-08-01
  • It is also preferable that these vents be covered with screens, rather than louvers, to provide unrestricted air flow.
  • It would be preferable if companies themselves could resolve to end this new filthy habit. Times, Sunday Times
  • [451] Some read, "ungodliness," but the above seems preferable. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • If a slum is preferable, then we can only imagine the life in their native village.
  • He thought that preferable to the child's being in an institution or with foster parents.
  • What Rousseau called the inferior ‘freedom’ of the state of nature may indeed be preferable to the violence and terror of slavery, and perhaps even to the soft contemporary dependency of neocolonialism.
  • For small areas or around plants, working the lime into the soil with a spade or cultivator is preferable.
  • It would be preferable to the plans for an ugly toll bridge.
  • One good fiction can often feel infinitely preferable to two stolid facts. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these dark and dismal days, I find it preferable to count my blessings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trial of treatment - empiric therapy for the most likely cause - may be preferable to extensive investigation because it may provide relief and diagnosis simultaneously.
  • This may be preferable to an alternative, such as filing for bankruptcy protection or simply ceasing operations altogether. Christianity Today
  • Furthermore, they assert, aged garlic is preferable because with aging, garlic's harsh, irritating and odiferous qualities can be tamed.
  • [Footnote: When reference is made to the whole structure, including the internal organs as well as the solid parts of the surface, the terms _actinal_ and _ab-actinal_ are preferable to oral and ab-oral.] [Illustration: Sea-Urchin seen from the oral side, showing the zones with the spines and suckers; for the ab-oral side, on the summit of which the zones unite, see February Number, p. 216.] The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • Warmed corn or wheat tortillas 2-3 per person- corn tortillas are preferable. Victoria Haschka: Why You Should Eat A Fish Taco Tonight
  • Flying out over stormy seas is just part of their job and to them it is preferable to travelling over land on a calm, frosty night as icing causes major problems for the helicopter.
  • It can be done, but it would be preferable to be done by someone who could use either an ultrasound or a fluoroscope to be sure they're in the right place.
  • Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home.
  • The Tribunal also held that the interest amount referable to mesne profits is not taxable.
  • On the other hand, Miller's concise strategy is preferable to the approach of padding out the running length.
  • He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
  • I have tried electronic books for pleasure reading, but hard copy books are preferable by far. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finlay quotes her remark: ‘Scotch air, Scotch people, Scotch hills, Scotch rivers, Scotch woods are all preferable to those of any other nation in the world.’
  • He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
  • For others the prospect of the radical change which must be wrought is too heartrending to be contemplated and the comfort of the known is preferable. Some Views on South Africa's Future
  • The dull and dutiful trials in The Hague seem preferable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sulphate of zinc, as a siccative, is less powerful than acetate of lead, but is far preferable in a chemical sense. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Here, Carey compares the fly experiments with data from other taxa whose longevity is summarized and, finally, he comes to make his results and scientific thoughts referable to human longevity.
  • Sooner than such an inversion of social order, I would welcome even Turkish bondage; for surely utter ignorance is infinitely preferable to erudite unwomanliness.
  • (world, from an attention to what it calls decorum; and the preferable nature of truth and sincerity) Tj The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her? A Tale
  • Teaching better driving skills in a safe and controlled environment is far preferable to using public roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is proper for both parties to talk via their host about staggering their attendance times, and far preferable to one being invited and not the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since no strong theoretical reason exists to confine the analysis to geodesics, Stephenson and Zelen's measure might be preferable.
  • At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada.
  • The nausea gets worse on an empty stomach so eating little and often may be preferable to large regular meals. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • These are preferable to energy bars that taste like candy, which are usually little more than sugar-coated vitamins, minerals and protein.
  • The different density of mu opioid receptor may be referable to different function of organ.
  • La entre les amphet ', les anti-depresseur, les anxiolitiques, les beta bloquant, le magnesium et tout et tout j'me suis dit qu'il etait preferable d'aller chez le doc histoire qu'il me file des medoc' avec lequels il n'y aurait aucune mauvaise interaction. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The use of collars instead of chains is also preferable. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • We reject all your "passkey" piffle, point to the bankruptcy of your "moral value," and contend that the presence of even the most basic skills of ethical evaluation is vastly preferable to your line of crap. An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • I'm astounded to discover there's no clear consensus as to whether a floury or a waxy potato is preferable for this dish. How to cook the perfect rösti
  • A big earthquake a long way off is preferable to a smaller one nearby.
  • This last explanation seems decidedly preferable because the terms here used, particularly the word phronesis prudence, is not in its ordinary sense properly referable to God. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • It would be preferable to the plans for an ugly toll bridge.
  • There are times when a "teacherly" book -- that is a work of serious literary criticism -- is preferable to a polemic. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • Yet the Island editorial, which was pointedly headlined ‘The known devil is preferable’, also contained a note of apprehension.
  • Surely a diplomatic solution is preferable to war.
  • Perversity — or would-be originality — alone could declare Jonson's tragedy preferable to his comedy.
  • Starr describes what he supposes to be a case of this disease, and proposes the title megalocephaly as preferable to Virchow's term, because the soft parts are also included in the hypertrophic process. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Being taught in a small group is far preferable to being in a large, noisy classroom.
  • It was fantastic and, I must confess, infinitely preferable to staying on my feet for two hours.
  • · Identification of the preferred alternative and use of some kind of quantifiable process to show why this alternative is the most preferable selection. 1.1 The role and purpose of irrigation
  • The use of collars instead of chains is also preferable. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • For to what else was owing our ruinous war of the Two Roses than to an original demur in our courts of law whether the descendant of an elder son through the female line had a title preferable or inferior to that of a descendant in the male line from a son confessedly _junior_? The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • Because do-it-yourself is preferable to the way the broadcasters have been doing it to us for far too long. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crushing also produced a sharp sand with angular grains that made it far preferable as a bonding agent in mortar.
  • Though it may not be a particularly pleasant experience to be a freak of nature, an ability to claim and own one's difference is vastly preferable to having another simply pass judgment on it.
  • It is preferable not to bail the cow for insemination, so use a chain or rail.
  • This feature is preferable to a four-step buttonholer, which makes a buttonhole with a forward zigzag stitch, bar tack, reverse zigzag, and finishing tack. Look for these features when buying a sewing machine
  • But then again, a subtle difference was preferable to a radical one, and it did give me a short-term confidence boost.
  • It is preferable that you wait.
  • The old system had its flaws, but nevertheless it was preferable to the new one.
  • A population discovered at Tsinjoarivo in 1999, originally thought referable to P. diadema, is morphologically distinctive and might represent a new species. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The man is deeply pro-nuclear: seeing the containable risks of peaceful nuclear power as preferable to the certain high levels of fossil fuel pollution we currently live with.
  • The preferable option would be for these therapies to be administered in the patient's home or workplace.
  • But a slow and thoughtful process that goes nowhere is infinitely preferable to rushing to pass the first crazy law that you barfed out of your brainpan while stewing in a broth of worry, adrenaline, and panic. Lawmakers And The Crazy Laws They Want To Pass In The Wake Of Tucson Tragedy
  • Multilateral trade agreements are far preferable, but because of the sluggish progress made under the Doha round - and it will always be so, I fear.
  • The bounce tends to get lower and slower at St George's and defending a total is often preferable to chasing.
  • That was obviously preferable to the situation in the main farmhouse in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liquidation of the OTB is the least-preferable option and "would trigger hundreds of millions of dollars in claims, while the asset-value recovery would be a fraction of that amount," according to Jessica Basset, a spokesman for Rayburn. -- Top News
  • Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is of course possible that Rouse's decision to score platyhelminths, nemerteans, and rotifers as lacking a prototroch is defendable, and perhaps even preferable over scoring them as possessing a prototroch.
  • I have seen clients who found the predictability of boarding school abuse highly preferable to the less predictable alcoholism and violence at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least it must be left an open question as to whether the impulsive and domineering vigour of the West is preferable to the "mildness" of the East. India, Its Life and Thought
  • It is greatly preferable to the alternative of an expensive, adversarial system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not long ago, a job in the private sector was the preferable option for graduates seeking rapid career progression and a hefty wage
  • In general increased sensitivity is preferable in order to improve patient-ventilator synchrony (ie to stop the patient "fighting" the ventilator) but excessively high sensitivity may result in false or auto-triggering (ie ventilator detects what it "thinks" is an attempt by the patient to breath although the patient is apnoeic). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • No-tillage is preferable because retention of previous crop residue is valuable for conserving soil moisture on minesoils, which tend to be droughty.
  • Any kind of fat that will not impart flavor to the food may be used for frying, but the vegetable oils, such as cottonseed oils, combinations of coconut and cottonseed oils, and nut oils, are preferable to lards and other animal fats, because they do not burn so easily. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • Laura (southernxyl): For example, it would be preferable to me if the school was sued and lost so badly that it reinstated single-sex dorms. The Volokh Conspiracy » What Should Landlords Do If a Tenant Is Accused of a Violent Crime?
  • So the charge made for the accommodation during her lifetime was the nominal charge referable to her exiguous state retirement pension.
  • Surely a diplomatic solution is preferable to war.
  • Teaching better driving skills in a safe and controlled environment is far preferable to using public roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • That would surely be preferable to the reluctant creep to the right that he faces otherwise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously, to John Vorster it would have been preferable that this great honour should have gone to one of the apartheid architects presumably for their so-called civilising efforts of the backward natives. Address at the 40th anniversary of Inkosi Albert Luthuli's passing away
  • Nonetheless I think that it is preferable to remit the question to him rather than to grant an order of mandamus requiring the Commissioner to grant leave.
  • Cassie the organiser was far preferable to Cassie the intense. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Indeed, the absence of odour is considered by most people to be preferable even to a pleasing one. Janey Canuck in the West
  • —East Asia is preferable to Far East, which is less precise. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Teaching better driving skills in a safe and controlled environment is far preferable to using public roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • And certainly targeted cash transfers are preferable to far costlier and more distorting policies, such as export bans or general food subsidies, that, as visiting fellow Nora Lustig pointed out, push the adjustment off on international markets and further exacerbate global price pressures. Kimberly Ann Elliott: Another Food Price Spike: Weather Again to Blame for Wheat, Corn Pushed by (Even Worse) Ethanol Policies
  • A voluntary scheme would be infinitely preferable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if the synthetic price is many times that of the natural product, it still will be preferable from a national gain point of view. The Simple Laws of International Trade
  • It was preferable to keep moderate unionism and moderate republicanism 'dancing'.
  • This may be preferable to an alternative, such as filing for bankruptcy protection or simply ceasing operations altogether. Christianity Today
  • This has been referred to as gerontocracy, but it may be preferable to see it as an expression of a link with past generations.
  • The nausea gets worse on an empty stomach so eating little and often may be preferable to large regular meals. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • Moreover, the predatory mite C. simplex showed a preferable response to the acarid mites but it also significantly reduced citrus nematode T. semipenetrans populations under greenhouse conditions.
  • A celebration with roots in history, that has developed and spread spontaneously, is infinitely preferable to picking the birthday (in January, no less) of a single man. Stromata Blog:
  • An objective physiological measurement is therefore preferable to asking people how they feel.
  • New development on the edge of an existing town is often preferable to infilling on many small - often sensitive - sites in the town itself, or creating new villages in open countryside, with the added problems of commuting.
  • In their review of sauropod species referred to Cetiosaurus, Upchurch & Martin (2003) concluded that ‘C.’ humerocristatus ‘is regarded as a distinct taxon referable to the Brachiosauridae’ but went on to state that ‘[w] e prefer to wait for more complete material before proposing a new name for this taxon’ (p. 213). Archive 2006-12-01
  • The latter means, of course, would be preferable. Middlemarch
  • Yet the management group that is uniformly old may be preferable to the one that is uniformly too young. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • If I were interested only in egalitarianism and didn’t care at all about incentive effects, I would consider a progressive consumption tax clearly preferable to a progressive income tax. Matthew Yglesias » Making Consumption Taxes More Progressive
  • It was then discovered that cracked gasoline was actually preferable to “straight run” gasoline because it had much superior antiknock properties. The Prize
  • The last person he spoke to was a British Asian guy who had come to the conclusion that segregation was preferable to integration.
  • Any principle is preferable to none.
  • I could relate to the f*ckeduptitude of it all and yearned for what seemed to me like a cosmic escape preferable to my rutty personal situation. "Just a word from her lips/And the deaf begin to hear."
  • Thin cashmere or cubica is far preferable to cloth, which is intolerable in hot weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • But from my point of view, the experience was far preferable to the first time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is proper for both parties to talk via their host about staggering their attendance times, and far preferable to one being invited and not the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • A squeeze of lime is always preferable to lemon. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe Homer Simpson running around in circles is a direct homage to Curly in the Three Stooges, so it would perhaps be preferable to say "run around the floor in circles Curly Style". Not April Fools: Art for ‘Planetary #27′ pretty much done | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In addition, the proposed synthetical measures may be referable to other large hydraulic turbine units to minimize the vibration and crack.
  • The shareholders quite rightly decided that jam today was preferable to a high degree of probability that there would be jam tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of trasilol is preferable in patients with a large scope of surgical intervention under prolonged hypothermal perfusion.
  • Whatever approach you take, when you're feeling even slightly queasy, the fresh air and steadier view on deck is preferable to being down below in a damp, stuffy cabin.
  • Most of them are cast in a somewhat soft and pliable plastic and at first I was disappointed in this thinking that a more rigid plastic would have been preferable.
  • Here Mr Kinnock should set out clearly why, in the Gorbachev era[sentence dictionary], negotiated rather than unilateral disarmament is almost always preferable.
  • But we won - and winning ugly is always preferable to losing while playing the beautiful game. The Sun
  • Mr Moss said voluntary redundancies were preferable over compulsory redundancies.
  • December 30, 2007 at 1:13 am pleez to send rll beef–preferabley wiff cheez on top an a bunn aroun it… Dear sir, i regret to inform you - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Freedom was preferable to slavery, and African Americans had gained benefits from emancipation.
  • Socrates had come to regard death as for himself preferable to life; and consequently there is just a suspicion of foolhardiness in the arrogancy of his address. 5 The Apology of Socrates
  • Now these remnants look far preferable to the forest green slap.
  • But biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological parentage does not convey an absolute ownership that cancels all the rights of children.
  • Waking up and walking into other room vs. waking up and schlepping to work: the former is preferable.
  • Initially it would be preferable to have the property inspected by a reputable timber and damp expert.
  • If you're in a blind, well, not much you can do, but if you can use a camera with a manual rewind and advance instead of automatic, that would certainly be preferable.
  • Gathers, pleats and soft tucks are preferable to dart shaping.
  • The dull and dutiful trials in The Hague seem preferable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether Labor or the State as the autocrat is preferable to existing capitalistic control, beholden as it is, in some measure at least, to both Labor and the State, is something to which conditions in Europe at the present time afford an all-sufficient answer. The Four Parties to Industry
  • Incidentally, pochard bones from Reunion may or may not be anything to do with the Madagascar pochard (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999): if the Reunion bones are referable to this species, then it had a far wider range in the recent past than it did in the 19th and 20th centuries. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Conclusion The therapeutic effect of Sodium Hyaluronate on articular genu osteoarthritis is preferable.
  • For this dish, fresh herbs and garlic are preferable.
  • It may be preferable for a wife to issue a petition in England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.
  • As a class, professional golfers are swell well-scrubbed chaps and chaplets, infinitely preferable to professional wrestlers or professional loan sharks.
  • The former seems slightly preferable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frozen is usually preferable because canned fruits often contain heavy syrup.
  • This would surely be preferable to increasing the tuition fees they pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would have been preferable had Sachs reached such realizations before advocating policies that inflicted mass displacements on work forces across eastern Europe.
  • Film-makers also say the dull weather bathes the vehicle in a soft light preferable to the harsh reflections caused by bright sunlight on shiny metal surfaces.
  • To prevent such sudden deteriorations, it is considered preferable to keep patients in intensive care longer.
  • If possible, it is preferable to use consistently either finger prick or venous blood.
  • But as a rule formaline is preferable for disinfecting clothing. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Given these issues, it is useful to understand why a serverless architecture is preferable or in other words, whether centralized servers are inherently evil. Serverless VoIP Ain’t All That
  • I could barely believe it when the ‘expert’ declared that using a lemon to freshen your armpits is preferable to using spray-on deodorants because they can cause cancer.
  • Wednesday was never to come, and yet it did come, and what is more, it is perfectly clear, both from its tone and handwriting, that you were much happier, or, if you think the term preferable, less miserable, when you wrote it than when you wrote the last one before. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, April, 1896
  • The use of collars instead of chains is also preferable. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • Nevertheless, particularly for the study trace fossils at the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian, I find it preferable to look for similarities, and to critically evaluate the taphonomy of each morphological feature.
  • In these cases, owing to the non-development of the internodes, the nascent leaves are closely packed, and the conditions for adhesion are favorable, but in most of the so-called cases of adhesion of leaf to leaf by the surface, a preferable explanation is afforded either by an exuberant development (hypertrophy) or by chorisis (see sections on those subjects). Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • When you are feeling particularly despondent, you might reflect that this illness is preferable to heart disease or cancer. The Allergy Handbook
  • As such it gradually lost its pejorative overtone, so that both to Jews themselves and to sympathetic gentiles, it sometimes seemed preferable to 'Jew' as a racial term. Archive 2010-01-01
  • In these dark and dismal days, I find it preferable to count my blessings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A system which allowed electronic unlocking of cells so that they could use shared toilet facilities seemed preferable to most.
  • Even total depression is preferable to complete stark terror.
  • Prof Cialdini, a professor of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University, said the First Minister's version was loaded as the inclusion of the word 'agree' is pejorative and encourages voters to think that is the preferable option. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The sound may very well be lip-synched - and if it isn't, the audio is so poorly recorded as to make lip-synching preferable.
  • These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites.
  • Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps.
  • It is not the kindness of this prince's heart but the piercing realism of Machiavelli that has produced this morally preferable outcome.
  • Attempts have been made to simulate turgor and multiaxial tensions in some experiments, but it would be preferable to study walls in situ with the actual turgor and original geometry of living cells.
  • Yes ... both are preferable ... and some afternoo deligh thrown in there ... Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • That said, it is easy to see why many people find even the hardships of a Scottish island preferable to urban life.
  • It was fantastic and, I must confess, infinitely preferable to staying on my feet for two hours.
  • I'm actually rather stunned that, reading comments and concerns around the web, one of the predominating anxieties is that Homecoming's Pyramid Head looks more like the movie's than like SH2's Pyramid Head ... but is this really preferable to this, anyway? Archive 2008-09-01
  • He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
  • A statelier progress towards 2% might have been preferable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the society of this self-possessed and self-opinionated young woman was preferable to being abandoned to his own maudlin company. STAGE FRIGHT

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