How To Use Redwing In A Sentence

  • I'll go down to the ditch later while she's napping and continue to play hide and seek with the redwing and other birds through my camera lens on this, the first day of the third year of our new lives.
  • Redwing are among the least robust of thrushes and vulnerable to mass mortality when overcome by cold spells.
  • The redwing, fieldfare and blackbirds are all involved in serious territorial swoops between trees.
  • Redwing journey here non-stop from southern Scandinavia often in company with fieldfares and blackbirds.
  • The whole backyard gang composed of those mentioned above, plus house finches, chickadees, goldfinches, titmice, grackles, redwings, and blue jays start around 5 pm with their bedtime snacks.
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  • In the fields there were plenty fieldfares and redwings who are related to the song thrush.
  • The first sign of autumn is the arrival of fieldfares and redwings coming back from their summer holidays in Scandinavia, pausing to pig out on rowan berries.
  • A combination of prominent creamy-white eyestripe and rusty-red flanks and underwings makes the redwing unmistakable.
  • Many birds are attracted by ornamental berries - blackbirds, starlings, thrushes and mistle thrushes are regularly seen in fruiting trees and bushes, and if you are lucky you may also be visited by fieldfares, redwings and even waxwings.
  • The redwing, fieldfare and blackbirds are all involved in serious territorial swoops between trees.
  • • Large flocks of chaffinch with some bramblings in woodland, abundant redwing and fieldfare in hawthorn hedges, and rare waxwings appearing in unusually high numbers. British wildlife benefits from return to 'traditional' seasonal weather
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • The berries are startling and I am very much looking forward to the arrival of the northern blackbirds, the fieldfare and redwing.
  • Then the birds: ibis, egret, wood duck, redwing blackbird, great blue heron. The Memory Palace
  • Look, the marsh marigolds we treasured have disappeared this spring gobbled by deer, overrun by reed canary grass but still the redwing blackbird sings. Alice d’alessio | days we are given « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • `The redwing is a bird with lovely chestnut colouring and a prominent pale strip over the eye. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • In this country, unless the weather is severe, the birds frequent open country associating with redwings, blackbirds and yellowhammers.
  •     Molly asked Winton the leader of the redwing black birds to join her in confirming Tidi's report. Animal Park (Part II)
  • Herkert reported that redwings were more common on small prairies, but Bollinger found no effect of patch size.
  • I wonder if it's because Pittsburghers only like their icing to be one of two varieties...either buttercream, or a penalty called agains the Redwings. Sunday Sweets: Star Wars
  • Redwing ordered them to lower the anchor, and they got into the jolly boats and went ashore.
  • In this country, unless the weather is severe, the birds frequent open country associating with redwings, blackbirds and yellowhammers.
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • In fact, as Tendron threw grapnels across and boarded the ship, he was welcomed by a committee which included Redwing and Princess Jenaryn.
  • Fieldfare and redwings feed on the mounds of apples, Blackbirds and thrushes turn over the compost heap.
  • The redwing is the first bird to come north for the spring. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • I just had a flock of thirty redwings land in my frozen backyard.
  • Many birds are attracted by ornamental berries - blackbirds, starlings, thrushes and mistle thrushes are regularly seen in fruiting trees and bushes, and if you are lucky you may also be visited by fieldfares, redwings and even waxwings.
  • ‘On the 18th, we were ‘invaded’ by a flock of over 100 mixed redwings, grackles, starlings, and cowbirds that ate everything in sight and emptied the bird bath in minutes!’
  • The stormcock, a fine and appropriate alternative name for the mistle thrush, will defend a berried bush, especially in hard weather, against other birds of the thrush family, blackbirds, song thrushes; and our winter visitors the redwings and fieldfares.
  • Redwing ordered them to lower the anchor, and they got into the jolly boats and went ashore.
  • Ireland is internationally important as a northerly winter feeding ground for many winter migrant birds such as thrush, fieldfare, redwing, and finches.
  • The redwing, fieldfare and blackbirds are all involved in serious territorial swoops between trees.
  • Redwing boots also sells products to help you condition your boots, like Boot Oil or Mink Oil.
  • The first sign of autumn is the arrival of fieldfares and redwings coming back from their summer holidays in Scandinavia, pausing to pig out on rowan berries.
  • On the phone, while my sister is reading in bed, I sit in the kitchen of our B&B and tell William about the live oaks, the dogwoods in bloom, and the redwing blackbird I spotted on our second day. The Memory Palace
  • A combination of prominent creamy-white eyestripe and rusty-red flanks and underwings makes the redwing unmistakable.

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