How To Use Reduplication In A Sentence
Now, there are some interesting restrictions on English reduplication, but the plain fact of it is incontestable (at least in every North American dialect I've ever come across).
The gold obtained in Cherokee county is found: (I) in the gravel underlying the broad bottoms of Valley river and other streams; (2), in the schists and the included quartz stringers or veins of the more elevated country bordering these valleys; (3), in the iron ore beds which skirt Valley river along its whole length, and occur with several reduplications or foldings at intervals for several miles to the east; (4), in the limestone, which is usually closely associated with the iron ore beds, and contains gold in connection with galenite and possibly also in quartz veins, which traverse it.
North Carolina and its Resources.
Elsewhere, Kothari instructs the spectator to ‘look for the symmetrical reduplication and repetitive parallelism of dance patterns’.
Elsewhere, Kothari instructs the spectator to ‘look for the symmetrical reduplication and repetitive parallelism of dance patterns’.
Further, the tonsil extends for a variable distance under cover of the glossopalatine arch, and is here covered by a reduplication of mucous membrane; the upper part of this fold reaches across the supratonsillar fossa, between the two arches, as a thin fold sometimes termed the plica semilunaris; the remainder of the fold is called the plica triangularis.
XI. Splanchnology. 2b. The Fauces

[18] At this point there is another _lapsus calami_ by the transcriber of the manuscript, resulting in another reduplication.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
Concerning typical PIE reduplication now, one would expect that *h₃elh₁- is properly reduplicated as *h₃e-h₃elh₁- whereas **h₃elh₁-h₃elh₁- would break the general rules, although full reduplication might seem to some more aesthetic than the characteristic partial kind.
The hidden face
This article talks about the translation of reduplication quantifiers in English noun phrases.
Immediately behind the external urethral orifice it forms a small secondary reduplication, attached along the bottom of a depressed median raphé, which extends from the meatus to the neck; this fold is termed the frenulum of the prepuce.
XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
I've never heard of it - the ‘razzle’ in razzle-dazzle is just a variant reduplication of dazzle.
Aristotle, for instance, argued that being qua being is the subject of metaphysics when a term reduplicates itself, this is called a reflexive reduplication; Leibniz's principles of identity presuppose reduplicative analysis; Anscombe has noted that her use of the phrase 'under the description' in discussing intention is reduplicative.
Archive 2005-01-01
Now, there are some interesting restrictions on English reduplication, but the plain fact of it is incontestable (at least in every North American dialect I've ever come across).
Complete reduplication gives a verb frequentative force with, sometimes, diminished intensity.
Then, when this shift had completely gone through and pretonic *a *e; Reduplication developed again, but this time the result of the again inserted schwa was different resulting in *i.
Rethinking the reduplicated perfect in Indo-European
Since 'to know' is not an action and since reduplication expresses a resultant state from an *action* as outlined above, naturally there can be no reduplicated forms possible for these stative verbs.
Archive 2009-09-01
Since 'to know' is not an action and since reduplication expresses a resultant state from an *action* as outlined above, naturally there can be no reduplicated forms possible for these stative verbs.
Archive 2009-09-01
Whether full or partial, reduplication can serve to intensify an adjective, place a verb into the future or the past, pluralize a noun or scatter its distribution, render an action continuous, or simply imply repetition.
No significant increase in cells with chromosomal aberrations, polyploidy or endoreduplication was observed at the concentrations analyzed.
If you think about it, the reduplicated form could easily lend a resultative nuance if analysed in this way since the reduplication would have originally stressed the non-stative quality of the verb either "repetitive" in nature as for punctual actions, or "continuative" as for non-momentaneous ones while the *h₂e-set of personal endings would ensure a completive aspect in contrast to the non-completive *mi-set.
Rethinking the reduplicated perfect in Indo-European
As for hoopoe, I will quote The Century Dictionary, definition and all, with its abbreviations expanded: "The form hoopoe was doubtless originally pronounced like hoopoo, which, with hoophoop, first appears about 1667-78; an imitative variant or clipped reduplication of the earlier hoop, apparently after Latin upaupa ….
Endoreduplication has also been described in Arabidopsis leaf tissues and in parenchyma and cortex root cells of various species.
A second case of grammatical negative transfer is the use of reduplication when using nouns, which is a common practice in Chinese, but indicates redundancy in English.