How To Use Redundance In A Sentence
There is however, another enemy (though in some cases my dearest friend) whose power is resistless, and whose visits are perpetually made known by a rising of the stomack, and a redundance of water in the eyes.
Letter 75
The Phasis itself is the most stagnant of all rivers, and runs the smoothest; all the fruits which spring there are unwholesome, feeble and imperfect growth, owing to the redundance of water, and on this account they do not ripen, for much vapor from the waters overspreads the country.
On Airs, Waters, And Places
Although it was originally designed to be redundant and robust to a nuclear explosion, it's long since dropped the redundance.
An Energy Internet?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
'Tis the epoch of extremes; and moderation, by which alone we learn the true use of our blessings, is a wisdom we are frequently only taught to appreciate when redundance no longer requires its practice.
I would give all for the luxurious redundance of one Hilo gulch, or for one day of those soft dreamy “skies whose very tears are balm.”
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
On his campaign website, well ... to cut back on the amount of redundance in this article, I will just tell you flat out there is nothing here on the privatization of Iraqi oil.
Printing: Should Americans Support a Candidate Who Allows or Ignores the Privatization of Iraqi Oil?
Had the Joker taken any science courses, he might realize that life exists despite chaos, in which case he might file for unemployment by reason of redundance
What happens when I drink good Belgian beer
Effective encoding technologies to obliterate redundance and retain the image quality are the focus of research.
There are organized darknet rings now that customize content for less redundance.
DarkNets: not tomorrow, but here and now