How To Use Reductionist In A Sentence

  • It has been argued that the traditional view of the Earth as a nurturing mother was replaced, after the Renaissance, by the scientific, atomistic and reductionist paradigms.
  • Identity theorists are reductionists; and reduction is distinct from elimination.
  • Even psychologists who applaud his teleology and antireductionist position may not be comfortable with him.
  • The result is skeptical and non-reductionistic, both good, but confusingly equivocal.
  • The second abandons hope for reductionist exploitation of behaviorist ideas on behalf of materialism.
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  • In reductionist atrial myocyte and non-myocyte cell systems, BIN1 is sufficient to form membrane invaginations and distribute Cav1. 2 to these BIN1-containing membrane regions (visualized by total internal reflection microscopy, TIRFm). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • He attacks the critics of postmodernism by calling them sociological reductionists.
  • If those actualist representationists are right and consistency is indeed a modal notion, then actualist representationism is not a reductionist theory of modality. Possible Objects
  • It will be interesting to see whether Prof. Diamond's focus on geography attracts the dread label ‘reductionist’ so often slapped on hereditarians.
  • This tendency is accompanied by worries of critics that embracing a reductionist approach to medicine that conceives of human health and disease in wholly molecular or genetic terms individualizes these and detracts attention from our shared social and physical environments and the role of toxins, fast food, poverty, lack of access to health care, etc. The Human Genome Project
  • The dominant tradition in psychiatry espouses an individualistic and reductionist outlook, seeking to explain mental illness in terms of neuroanatomy or neurophysiology, genetics or, more recently, cognitive neuroscience.
  • Recent researchers have been less reductionist and more sympathetic than Adorno, but they too have skirted round the audience.
  • As far as your opinion that a reductionist approach killed the visual arts, I would have to disagree.
  • Like carbon and oxygen, what is known has been extrapolated from reductionist experiments in the lab and computer modeling.
  • Having sat at the table alongside the immortals, hearing their words while watching their games of footsie, Vidal is a sort of reflexive reductionist.
  • This series of tables - crafted in matt walnut and glossy acrylic - includes this reductionist sidetable. Times, Sunday Times
  • His explications of scientific concepts can be equally reductionist.
  • The reductionists argued for the simplicity of tragedy; their rivals argued for the magnificent expansiveness of epic.
  • Historically, holism had been a break from the reductionist methods of science. THE BROKEN GOD
  • They take the reductionist position that the fundamental building blocks of any organization are individuals, not the groups within it.
  • As I see things, the best options for a nonreductionist are type-D dualism, type-E dualism, or type-F monism: that is, interactionism, epiphenomenalism, or panprotopsychism. Against Darwinism
  • Marcel went into his peroration, a rant about the imbecility of objective, reductionist explanations of human consciousness. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • He is a reductionist who holds that whatever real property one finds in the whole must be found proportionally in the parts.
  • The question about the validity of the system is embedded in the debate between reductionists and system theorists.
  • She is an antireductionist - a position sometimes adopted by those who dislike what they perceive to be the direction of modern genetics.
  • Current reductionist explanations for these experiences such as side effects of drugs, low levels of oxygen or that they are simply hallucinations are not supported by the clinical research so far.
  • First put forward in response to reductionist theories that treated race as an epiphenomenon of class, ethnicity, or nation, racial formation theory has reshaped the sociological study of race.
  • It sounds kind of reductionist to sum people up by their musical tastes and how they differ from yours.
  • Reductionist science is considered bad science with politically oppressive implications.
  • Since Cav1. 2 delivery to BIN1 occurs in reductionist non-myocyte cell lines, we find that other myocyte-specific structures are not essential and there is an intrinsic relationship between microtubule-based Cav1. 2 delivery and its BIN1 scaffold. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Reflecting on this, a number of biologists and historians of biology have noted that the idea of the gene as a code or blueprint is a very limited and reductionist construction of organismic life.
  • Where the author lets readers down is in her too often reductionist effort to have the frontier wars be the explanation of the 1692 witchcraft outbreak.
  • This superb insight into the heart of science includes a look at the world of the subatomic physicist, that most rational and reductionist of breeds.
  • He warns against reductionist analyses and emphasises that films should be judged by narrative criteria, as entertainment, and as stories.
  • Munck attacks the critics of postmodernism by calling them sociological reductionists.
  • The author makes claims for the central importance of the railway in every aspect of life without seeming a crude reductionist.
  • The contention here is that not all matters have necessarily benefited, or, indeed, can benefit from the revered analytic, reductionist, expository, dialogical methodology.
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • This highly reductionist view of history has been enormously influential, but in her classic The God of the Machine, Isabel Paterson asks a devastating question: what gives you the steam-mill?
  • I mean "eroticism" not in its reductionist modern meaning of sex, but rather as a sense of aliveness, vibrancy, and vitality that communicates the message: "This couple is alive, not just surviving. Esther Perel: Sex in America: Can We Change The Conversation?
  • Having sat at the table alongside the immortals, hearing their words while watching their games of footsie, he is a sort of reflexive reductionist.
  • When I talk about reductionist explanations, I don't mean uniformly working our way down to the level of sub-atomic wavicles, and dismissing everything else as unreal.
  • I do think the way the site evaluates films is a little reductionist.
  • In life, the impulse toward a simple stripping down to some bare truth is either delusion, hubris, or the reductionist's dust.
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • The examples bear witness to the beginnings of a reductionist period for the Spanish artist, during which earlier complex works gave way to minimalism.
  • And it appalls me that people who claim for their views the authority of science routinely and arbitrarily insist on a brutally reductionist notion of what a human being is, what the human mind is, that justifies as inevitable every sort of meagerness and rapacity. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • Seriously, it seems a lot of people who focus on current biological science become remarkably 'reductionist' and in many ways are still thinking of the universe as a 'clockwork' - that idea has been outdated in physics for over century, time for Richard Dawkins to catch up. Fibonacci Patterns
  • Reductionist science grew from the clockwork logic of Descartes.
  • Picasso was a reductionist, interested in arriving at the essential truth of the matter.
  • Not to be outdone, many historians came to consider scholars trained in economics to be overly narrow, inattentive to historical context, and interpretively reductionistic.
  • The extent to which we are free, for example, may have to be revised if we accept reductionist explanations of behaviour.
  • The reductionist approach is thus coupled with the ecology of whole organisms.
  • Most of all biology must produce a post-reductionist theory that takes into account the conscious meaning of ethical issues, something more than a behaviorist calculus of causal mechanics substituting for the emergent self-consciousness of ethical / ethicizing 'man'. Darwiniana
  • With the exception of politically influenced modern Chinese works, acupuncture and East Asian traditional medicine are founded on a non-reductionist, non-dualist, acausal paradigm.
  • Will it result in a facile anti-reductionist anfractuosity so skilfully punctuated way back by E.H. Carr in his What is History?
  • This series of tables - crafted in matt walnut and glossy acrylic - includes this reductionist sidetable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This reductionist or mechanistic view of patients is no longer satisfactory.
  • More conservatively, however, many reductionists reintroduced elements of composition into improvised music.
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • The advent of specific drugs joined with a more research-based, reductionist brand of medical diagnosis.
  • Although he has been tagged in reductionist journalese as part of a ‘Brit Theatre’ phenomenon, Harrower's latest project is distinctly pan-European.
  • reductionist arguments
  • Marcel went into his peroration, a rant about the imbecility of objective, reductionist explanations of human consciousness. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • It sounds kind of reductionist to sum people up by their musical tastes and how they differ from yours.
  • Another factor was the allure of reductionistic theories such as behaviorism and rational choice theory. David Sloan Wilson: EvoS: Coming Soon to a College Near You
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • Gattaca plays off the microcosm, the inner genetic make-up of the individual as the most reductionist way of perceiving human life and the vast macrocosm.

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