
How To Use Reductio In A Sentence

  • The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
  • The advent of specific drugs joined with a more research-based, reductionist brand of medical diagnosis.
  • Whether these positive initiatives will be enough to overcome disappointment on the limited over-all budget reduction will depend on the extent to which the investor is willing to look beyond near-term sluggishness in North American growth. Budget '85 Special Meeting of The Empire Club of Canada
  • Both the antisense drug and glibenclamide led to 75% reductions in spinal cord lesion volume six weeks after the injury, compared with sham-treated animals, the researchers reported. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • A reduction in the days that vessels can spend at sea means trawlers fish harder near their home ports. Times, Sunday Times
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  • We observe a reduction in fluorescence anisotropy only in the presence of FRET from linked mVenus and mCerulean.
  • In a medium saucepan, bring the lobster stock reduction to a boil, add the cream, and simmer until reduced by half.
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • The latest cut last month was an average 15 % reduction in maturity values.
  • Not to be outdone, many historians came to consider scholars trained in economics to be overly narrow, inattentive to historical context, and interpretively reductionistic.
  • A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
  • The 18 new buses are diesel-electric hybrids, and they get 60 percent better fuel economy and provide up to a 90 percent reduction of certain emissions than the previous diesel buses.
  • It is time to stop arguing tax - rate reductions and to enact them.
  • Will loan term easements and principal reductions become standard campaign issues? Latest Articles
  • This led to a substantial reduction in the sowing of traditional crops such as alfalfa and plants grown for vegetable oil.
  • That occurs because a reduction in shock intensity is immediately discriminable provided that it exceeds some threshold change, but a decrease in shock duration is discriminable only when the briefer shock is terminated.
  • The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
  • Evidence from past studies shows that the presence of Anax induces a reduction in activity level of small green frogs and bullfrogs.
  • Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
  • There were increases in blood levels of the estrogens, estradiol and estrone, and a reduction of the protective HDL cholesterol.
  • Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
  • The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure.
  • The problem is called economic reductionism - seeing economic interests at all times and in every case as being the only phenomenon necessary to understand political decisions.
  • It is prudent we pause further reductions while the current situation is unfolding. The Sun
  • Before Ragan's Finance appointment, he called the GST reduction a "stupid policy. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The new 100% Proficiency scheme has also brought an added bonus - a rapid reduction in the amount of waste materials during training.
  • A reduction in interest rates would soften the blow of tax increases.
  • The other payback is the obvious reduction in weaning stress experienced by calves already eating creep.
  • They will live or die together on the basis of their deficit reduction plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • This includes reductions to bonuses and unvested awards and clawback where warranted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reductions in timetabling, staffing and budget have had a huge effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Climate change in the same breath as greed and consumption, sounds like our man (as was) at the IPCC, Houghton, who believed that emissions reductions would save the planet from mankind's 'greed and indifference '. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The franchise needs continuity to ensure that positive public perception isn't forfeited unnecessarily through the dissipation or reduction of essential experience.
  • The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure. Times, Sunday Times
  • This solution allows for the consolidation of mail infrastructures, with proven overall cost reductions of more than 40 percent.
  • A reduction in military spending was also proposed so funds could be channeled toward countrywide primary education for all children.
  • The reductions in status of the Duma from a legislative to a consultative body illustrates this.
  • In Nephila, increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages.
  • That would give you potentials for the complete reaction that are positive for reduction of Cu²⁺ to Cu (s), but not for reduction of Cu²⁺ to Cu⁺. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • In its fiscal 2013 budget request, the agency notes that it's asking for about $128 million less than it got last year, including what it called a "cost-conscious" reduction of 25 jobs. Top headlines
  • Picasso was a reductionist, interested in arriving at the essential truth of the matter.
  • The reductions will come through voluntary departures and by leaving open positions unfilled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency.
  • - And the Haiti disaster caused lots of death, which is quite important to the evolutionism that is central to the Dawkins-like world-view; and reduction of world population is central in the extreme forms of ecologism/environmentalism. Pious Atheism « Anglican Samizdat
  • Despite the high physical demands they placed on their shoulders, 18 of the 21 patients did not have evident loss of clavicular reduction.
  • This reduction was largely achieved on a voluntary basis, and our employees showed remarkable resilience and loyalty, despite such difficulties.
  • Conclusions : The soft tissue in the acetabulum is one of the factors to hinder hip reduction.
  • The new technologies makes it possible to embed passive components such as condensers into printed circuit boards, such as FR4, thereby achieving miniaturization and cost reductions of circuit boards.
  • Peeling and colleagues [80] showed a significant reduction of the perihematomal neutrophil infiltration 48 hours after ictus using the free-radical - trapping agent NXY-059 in a rat ICH model, suggesting that ROS have an important role in the physiopathology of the inflammatory response. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The group is lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.
  • The major reason that companies decide to nearshore their software development and the rest of their IT work is cost reduction.
  • By entering the codes at the checkout while shopping online you receive a reduction in the price. The Sun
  • They suggest that use of this approach led to a reduction of aggressive incidents and that the approach has broader application to other forensic and mental health settings.
  • Yet, it was clearly established that even a modest weight reduction and improved weight control could bring health benefits, and relieve the burden on hard-pressed health systems.
  • Similarly, there is no reduction in the value of the property because it is a leasehold rather than a freehold.
  • Steam catapults are labour intensive, while an electromagnetic aircraft-launch system appears to promise a reduction in the number of personnel involved.
  • Must draw sluggish from the exciter current grid to grid skill category factor reduction.
  • Helen's frustration with people who don't appreciate her could result in a marked reduction in her tolerance level.
  • You will have a reduction for cash.
  • This reduction has forced others to move in a similar direction.
  • There has been some reduction in unemployment.
  • The surgeon who provided free consultations on the various procedures available said that liposculpture, breast enhancement, breast reduction and facelifts generated the most interest.
  • One of the more important aspects of mandibular reduction is to seat the occlusion or bite, as it existed before the accident.
  • If found guilty, they face penalties ranging from restriction to base, fines or reduction in rank.
  • This impact crusher produces a high ratio of reduction.
  • A reduction in duties and taxes can significantly influence demand in a category that is price-sensitive.
  • Here the sequence of processes and landforms which exists between the tectonic uplift of an area and its reduction to a peneplain or erosion surface close to base level is believed to have occurred many times in certain regions.
  • The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government's economic policy.
  • The resulting estimates will then be used to calculate the changes in welfare resulting from some simple price reduction scenarios of 1992.
  • This was a deep, concentrated sauce, a model reduction of proper fish stock, wine and cream.
  • These simple changes will make a substantial reduction in the fat content of your diet.
  • Thus, beyond a certain point the marginal social benefit of further risk reduction will exceed the marginal social cost.
  • Offsets create an unofficial market in pollution or emission reduction credits.
  • Coupled with local generation, there is a potential for significant reduction of energy consumption from new buildings.
  • Reductionist science grew from the clockwork logic of Descartes.
  • The result was a one-third reduction in the number of robberies and a general diminution of other anti-social incidents.
  • The first is that it must protect its central deficit reduction policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add the reduction to the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
  • In this study, the extent of reduction in seed production due to insufficient pollen quantity and quality were examined in a naturally pollinated M. stellata population.
  • Last questions for Bob, in terms of the SG&A costs with the end of the fiscal year coming up any kind of accruals or bonuses or anything else that we could see reverse in the fourth quarter and maybe give you a one time reduction in SG&A costs? Home Page
  • Often patients begin treatment with turbinate reduction.
  • Some of the substantial cost savings associated with this reduction may be lost if too extensive hand pruning follows.
  • But honestly, I think a higher emphasis should be placed on the instituting of green practices energy usage reduction, etc rather than the development of green technologies and the necessitation of a stronger regulatory environment for the green movement to succeed. Both candidates tout "Clean Coal" -- but it doesn't exist! | The Greenwash Brigade | Marketplace from American Public Media
  • The normal mode that the braces are placed into by the orthotist did not significantly decrease the net knee moment and also had the lowest percentage reduction in the medial compartment load.
  • A recent 500 ha hazard reduction burn in the area did not stop the fire jumping Warragamba Dam and destroying businesses and homes in the township.
  • Naturally, networks that achieve such frequency-dependent reduction are termed filters.
  • Thus, there must be an efficient transport system to shuttle them across the various layers of membrane and cell wall, and the outer cell wall must also possess a biocatalyst that takes care of the mineral's reduction.
  • The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.
  • Blair Nimmo: ‘Throughout 2003 we have seen a marked reduction in the number of Scottish businesses failing,’.
  • Breast droop, called ptosis, can be corrected by mastopexy. breast reduction. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation. Latest Articles
  • To make up for these budget reductions, the 2009 Legislature budgeted over $53.6 million per year over the 2009-2011 fiscal biennium from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Hawaii Reporter
  • If any instability is noted after reduction or the fracture is comminuted, the patient should be referred to an orthopedist.
  • The increased energy expenditure of exercise assists in weight reduction. The Vitality Diet
  • Even those that oppose simple reductionism do not come close to Myers's ultimate hopes.
  • The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.
  • This could undermine the enterprise economy and lead to a reduction in consumer choice.
  • = -- Deficiency of the entire corolla occurs in conjunction with similar reductions in other organs, or as an isolated phenomenon in the many apetalous varieties of plants recorded in books. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • No doubt reduced flows, due to water abstraction, increased clarity and apparent reduction in numbers of smaller species have all played a part in this increase in bream sizes.
  • This requires a radical reduction in activism-related flying. Joseph Nevins: Flying & Activism
  • SOFT drinks makers should set sugar reduction targets to halt a worldwide obesity epidemic, a charity says. The Sun
  • This reduction includes legitimate business oversight, and may even extend, I have been told, to actual malversation of funds.
  • It undertook to make no changes to the staff's pay or conditions, while also seeing a reduction in funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it confirmed that the planned cuts will mean a reduction in existing staff rather than a freeze on planned growth.
  • The reduction in dividend tax and removal of surcharge on tax are welcome measures for manufacturing industries.
  • Trevor Dean, a director of mortuary services at the Dover facility, voluntarily accepted a reduction in pay and a nonmanagement job. Military Lost Troops' Remains
  • Waters thus defended “informal reduction,” in which molecular models of crossing-over between homologous chromosomes were shown to be explanatory, even though no derivational reduction was involved. Molecular Biology
  • The reduction follows another quarter-point cut on December 22, the first decline in the repo rate since August 1994.
  • A no-claims bonus is a reduction allowed in the cost of motor insurance when no claim has been made during previous years.
  • For a while there was some reduction in the level of corruption, but indiscipline continued unabated.
  • The reductio ad absurdum is related to a familiar form of proof in logic: You make an assumption and then derive from it a contradiction or a known falsehood by a series of valid inferences. Fun with Hair Splitting
  • S. macrurus stands to conserve more energy through reductions in EOD amplitude during periods of inactivity than is expended by the constitutive cycling of channels in the electrocyte. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Improvements over existing methods include cell migration in a defined, stable gradient of chemoattractant, a completely automated assay format, and a 10-fold reduction in cell usage. All - WTN News
  • To improve the efficiency of attribute reduction, a rapid reduction algorithm based on conditional information quantity is proposed.
  • The government's concentration on tax reduction has won them a lot of support.
  • Few authorities consider that short-term emission reduction options can prevent the first stage of a smog occurring.
  • Routine administration of a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide to patients with type 2 diabetes resulted in 18\% reduction of cardiovascular death and 14\% reduction of death from any cause in both patients with and without AF. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The reduction of crime levels is the centrepiece of the president's domestic policies.
  • As for accuracy, I find if installed correctly they will shoot just as well if not better because of the reduction in flinch factor. Muzzle Brake Pros and Cons
  • He said studies have shown that increasing the dose of a drug such as allopurinol does not have a great impact on serum urate, but by combining allopurinol with drugs such as benzbromarone, a greater reduction in urate levels can be achieved. Medicaid and Medicare
  • The most severe penalty he could receive would be a suspension of pay, reduction in rank or confinement to the barracks.
  • The rate for off-peak period remains unchanged at 77 cents and as the agreements have no "suspensive resolutive" conditions that bind the authority or its processes, it holds that this reduction in interconnection rates will be passed through to the consumers. Media community of South Africa
  • However, a reduction in width reduces the cargo capacity and side slope operation.
  • Seriously, it seems a lot of people who focus on current biological science become remarkably 'reductionist' and in many ways are still thinking of the universe as a 'clockwork' - that idea has been outdated in physics for over century, time for Richard Dawkins to catch up. Fibonacci Patterns
  • A term weakly normalizes when it has an nf, whereas a term strongly normalizes when all its reduction sequences lead to an nf Combinatory Logic
  • Significant reductions in 8-epi-isoprostane levels were found in the compartments except the choroid-sclera or plasma, indicating antioxidative activities of catechins in these tissues, concluded the team. FoodNavigator-USA RSS
  • The most common eating disorder in athletes involves exercise bulimia - using exercise as a form of weight reduction along with the use of laxatives, emetics, diuretics, and stimulants.
  • But some people who used the product to access the money tied up in their property face a clawback or a reduction of their social welfare payments.
  • This suggests a dramatic reduction in his media appearances in contrast to the first half of last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phenomenon is easily seen by eye and apparently cannot be ascribed to statistical artefacts, selection procedures or flawed reduction techniques.
  • & Co. called Proscar, also used to treat benign prostate enlargement, showed a similar reduction in prostate-cancer risk, but there was an increase of aggressive cancers among men taking the drug. Drug Cuts Cancer Risk
  • Economists and historians regard a reduction in real wages as one of the distinguishing features of the modern period.
  • Although the early history of ironmaking and ironworking in Kingston is lost to us, it is clear that by 1728, iron was being made by direct reduction and converted to products on a triphammer at the ‘Old Forge,’ a bloomery on Hall's Brook.
  • Soon, he became the leading authority on mesenteric ischaemia, the reduction in blood supply to the intestines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reduction or removal of hefty charges for quitting the deal before the term expires is also improving the appeal of ten-year loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teams are pushing for a more gradual reduction and less intrusive monitoring. Times, Sunday Times
  • A higher proportion of participants in the LS group had a reduction of NASH histological activity score (NAS) of at least 3 points or had posttreatment NAS of 2 or less as compared with the control group (72% versus 30%). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Weight Loss Reduces Liver Fat
  • The report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.
  • The Ramsey rule stipulates that to minimize excess burden, tax rates should be set so that the proportional reduction in the quantity demanded of each good is the same.
  • Those with smart meters are already seeing reductions in energy consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I have argued previously, covering transportation fuels in the cap is essential to end our addiction to oil and achieve the long-term emission reductions we need. Dan Lashof: Can We Get on the Road to the Emission Reductions We Need by Starting with a Cap on Stationary Sources?
  • Overall there were significant reductions in perinatal mortality. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the introduction of the Internet, electronic and computer games, etc, we have seen a reduction in the relative time spent by budding West Indian cricketers on the cricket field.
  • Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.
  • The shortened season had reduced income and the reduction of assets had further eroded income. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • The reduction in their grant is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.
  • Given the Marxian reduction of everything to class interests, it is obvious that a petit bourgeois arriviste such as Ms. Rodham-Clinton can neither command the allegiance of the proletariat nor enjoy the trust of the capitalists.
  • In the same year Baber padishah of the Moguls of Delhi, marched with an army for the reduction of A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The eldership is a very strong element of our tradition and we expressed a lot of concern about the reduction in their role under the proposed new structure.
  • It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools.
  • Total body fat was unchanged but there was a marginal (1.1%) reduction in abdominal adiposity with capsaicin. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Spicing Up Weight Loss?
  • Stability of the slope was analysed using of the strength reduction based on the displacement criterion.
  • The engineering unions have been seeking either a 35-hour week or a two-hour reduction.
  • The uphill appear brake failure, should be timely reduction low block, keep the enough power up to the top parking.
  • The buzzword is 'de-risk' not 'distress' and price reductions are 'corrections' rather than 'discounts'. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the reduction of aluminic oxide by carbon is conducted without the addition of copper, a brittle product is obtained that behaves in many respects like pig iron as it comes from the blast furnace. Scientific American Supplement, No. 508, September 26, 1885
  • To avoid further reductions in effectiveness, the grant should be index-linked to the Department's own house price series.
  • This reduction was largely achieved on a voluntary basis, and our employees showed remarkable resilience and loyalty, despite such difficulties.
  • This recent reduction should not mask the fact that casualties in this age group still exceed the 1981-85 baseline.
  • The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases. Top Stories - Google News
  • If large body lengths are primitive for jawed fishes, which is also true for many placoderms, then a marked reduction in body size may have occurred with the origin of ray-finned fishes.
  • Indeed, in vivo vaccination of syngeneic mice with pharmacologically pretreated melanoma cells induces tumor growth slowing down and reduction of pulmonary metastases implantation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This produces a certain dryness, a reduction of the work to its function as institutional critique.
  • With the reduction in foreign investments, the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price.
  • May I now look forward to a letter announcing a reduction in charges? Times, Sunday Times
  • Five of the six reviews reported a statistically significant reduction in pneumococcal pneumonia and bacteraemia among immunocompetent adults who were not otherwise at increased risk.
  • A tailored exercise prescription, determined by exercise testing, can aid blood pressure reduction.
  • Industry, while prepared to welcome any reduction, however small, in its current plight, was miffed.
  • The reduction in ballistic performance was a different kind of improvement in my mind. I have a lever action, Winchester 88 in 284 caliber.
  • The expected disaster – with customers being cut off after two drinks and unknowledgable cooks doing things like flambéing reduction – is somewhat amusing to watch.
  • For once, however, this apophthegm failed; the next call was altogether as ineffectual as the former; and moreover, attended with a phenomenon which to them was equally strange and inexplicable: this was no other than such a reduction in the size of Mrs. Trunnion as might have been expected after the birth of a full-grown child. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Our research shows that 80 per cent of poverty reduction comes about because of economic growth and only 20 per cent is the result of income redistribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it appalls me that people who claim for their views the authority of science routinely and arbitrarily insist on a brutally reductionist notion of what a human being is, what the human mind is, that justifies as inevitable every sort of meagerness and rapacity. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • An accounting convention designed to emulate the cost or expense associated with reduction in value of an asset due to wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence over a period of time.
  • The decrease in cardiac output that accompanies heart failure also leads to significant reductions in renal blood flow.
  • The examples bear witness to the beginnings of a reductionist period for the Spanish artist, during which earlier complex works gave way to minimalism.
  • The main method is national assistance, including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement, lighten punishment, relief, supply doctors and medicines, bury corpses, etc.
  • Again I noticed another reduction in the amount of waste in my bin.
  • All the current dendrochronological verification tests except the CE statistic are described in Fritts 1976, which uses the term Reduction of Error RE. Bürger and "Skill" « Climate Audit
  • These unwanted effects usually disappear spontaneously after 7-14 days or following a temporary reduction in the dosage.
  • Additionally, the furnace will be equipped from day one to incorporate a retrofit of proven NO x reduction technology if required in the future.
  • BACKGROUND: Kidney transplant recipients with BK virus nephropathy or viremia are generally treated with reduction of immunosuppression to facilitate virus eradication.
  • What reduction will you make on this article?
  • Entry is £7 for adults with reductions for children and concessions.
  • The point that the video makes -- and which is made in much more depth in the excellent new report "Carbon Trading - how it works and why it fails" -- is not only that it doesn't actually deliver emissions reductions but it also comes at great costs - such as dispossession of indigenous peoples - whilst rewarding the main polluters. Steve Kirsch: New Poll Shows Americans Prefer Fee-and-Dividend
  • Reduction reactions are also used by chemists to synthesize pharmaceuticals, textiles, dyes, paints, and a multitude of other important products.
  • These include substandard pay and benefits for new-hires, drastic givebacks in health and pension benefits, reductions in premium pay, and the gutting of work rules.
  • He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.
  • He said if exploited in the right way Zambia's great variety of gemstones that includes emeralds, amethyst, aquamarines, tourmalines and garnets offered great potential for poverty reduction.
  • In a randomized, double-blind controlled study of 297 patients at 30 sites, those treated with the Alair device had a 32% reduction in asthma attacks, an 84% reduction in emergency-room visits and a 66% reduction in school or work days lost due to asthma. New Surgery to Treat Asthma
  • Photochemical activation of small molecules by means of transition metal complexes; photogeneration of hydrogen and oxygen; water photolysis; photoreduction of CO2; design of photoinduced charge separation systems. Jean-Marie Lehn - Curriculum Vitae
  • So your submission was directed at the specificity of a percentile discount rather than the entitlement of some allowance in the reduction of the punitive sentence?
  • How great were the reductions in monitoring and turnover costs wrought by the tractor and the mechanical cotton picker?
  • Answer guide: Record a reduction in the liability, creditors, and reduce the asset bank.
  • In women. this was followed by eyelid reduction , tummy tuck , nose re - shaping and breast reduction.
  • You need calorie reduction through diet and exercise for optimal weight-loss results. The Sun
  • Reduction in herniated disk volume, as disk shrinkage may reduce nerve root Compression.
  • Our average margins dropped to 35%, which represents a reduction in gross margins of £109 million.

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