How To Use Reducible In A Sentence

  • The term highlights the assumption that individuals act within a social context, that this context is not reducible to individual acts, and, most significantly, that the social context is not necessarily or wholly imposed. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • If the answer is Yes, we say that L is reducible to L², or that L² is at least as expressive as L. Model Theory
  • What can generally be observed empirically is typically a form of irreducible complexity where if a part is taken away then a lack of function results. Assessing Causality
  • As I note in the comments, I actually think commissurotomy cases are one more evidence that personal identity is not reducible to psychological continuity: people whose hemispheres have been split act almost exactly like you do. Split Something-or-Other
  • an irreducible formula
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  • I would argue that racism is neither reducible to social class or gender nor wholly autonomous.
  • There is no point in speculating about place apart from its representations; yet, place is also not simply reducible to concepts.
  • She momentarily succumbs to the tendency to simplify irreducible complexities.
  • The proposition of structuralists such as Althusser is that institutional structures (in the sense of a structure of social roles and social norms) are a basic, non-reducible feature of the world and the actions, values, self-images and the like of individual human agents must conform to these structures because individual agency, properly understood, is in fact constituted by such structures. Social Institutions
  • Unlike the empiricist, the instrumentalist does not maintain that the only valid concepts are those reducible to sense data.
  • Football's violence, it is true, is contained within rules and conventions, and controlled by a punishment regime, but it is also irreducible.
  • Most often, ˜non-naturalism™ denotes the metaphysical thesis that moral properties exist and are not identical with or reducible to any natural property or properties in some interesting sense of ˜natural™. Moral Non-Naturalism
  • It seems that this is a difficulty pertaining to our times: there is as yet only one possible choice, and this choice can bear only on two equally extreme methods: either to posit a reality which is entirely permeable to history, and ideologize; or, conversely, to posit a reality which is ultimately impenetrable, irreducible, and, in this case, poetize. Never Neutral
  • I am quite familiar with the standard scientific application of 'irreducible complexity' in nonlinear science. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • But thats precisely why you're definition of irreducible is useless, and why IC is relevant. Confirmation Bias and ID
  • But the first-order language L is certainly not reducible to the language L² of syllogisms, since in L we can write down a sentence saying that exactly three elements satisfy Model Theory
  • In addition, in its celebration of irreducible difference, postmodernism has been castigated for replicating the very categories of racist ideological thought that it is intended to supersede.
  • All substance of whatever nature is reducible to one or other of nine different kinds: earth, water, fire, air, ether, space, time, self, and mind.
  • The double-slit is a fundamental, irreducible quantum phenomenon. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • Water - based coatings include water - soluble coating, water reducible coatings, water dispersion paints ( latex paint ) 3.
  • It may be that development in the near future will reveal the importance for our organism of copper concerning oxidation and of vitamin C with certain followers in plants, viz. oxidating enzyme, and oxidizable and reducible substances Physiology or Medicine 1937 - Presentation Speech
  • As all intellectual phenomena by Gregory Bodenhamer Nollijy University have by experimentalists been reduced to Anger (also called choler) is an emotional sensation, so all emotion has been and is state that may range from minor irritation to regarded as reducible to simple mental intense rage. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If the dislocation is irreducible or unstable after reduction, referral to an orthopedic or hand subspecialist is advised.
  • As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.
  • It's also work that Michael Behe called "piddling", despite the fact that it directly addresses the claims of irreducible complexity. The Panda's Thumb: PZ Myers Archives
  • For if the options are irreducible causation or none, one should ask whether ˜none™ might be the better choice. The Metaphysics of Causation
  • After completely reducible systems, the notions of solvable and nilpotent systems are discussed, where general identities are considered instead of the usual commutativity.
  • The rotation vibration spectra can be classified using irreducible representation of group U(5) for the triatomic molecule.
  • The private military industry has an image problem reducible to a single, rather dirty word: mercenary.
  • Ethics, one might say, enshrines the principle that subjectivity is not reducible to objective analysis.
  • There are no phenomenally conscious continuities that are not reducible to changes in mental states.
  • If not, then intentionality is ontologically irreducible and hence not naturalistically explained. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • We call a polynomial p (x) with integer coefficients irreducible if p (x) cannot be written as a product of two polynomials with integer coefficients neither of which is a constant. LearnHub Activities
  • The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
  • This tactile, sensual experience was made more poignant by the knowledge that these substances were pure, unalloyed, irreducible.
  • Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.
  • Behe claims that evolutionary processes cannot generate structures that exhibit what he calls irreducible complexity. Desperately Dissing Avida - The Panda's Thumb
  • But the hard irreducible fact remains that one and only one combination of our prodigiously inventive sexual imagining is actually and naturally fruitful — as in, forms a self-replicating society that will perdure to need the law you craft for it. The Volokh Conspiracy » There’s Always Next Year
  • It may be, in the end, that we must simply accept the notion of causality as being primitive and irreducible, like the notions of identity and existence.
  • Things do not happen according to plan, and they are not reducible to tidy models.
  • I believe in the moral integrity of human beings, and that it is innate, is irreducible, and cannot be spoken about too much or too often.
  • Furthermore, Irigaray uses this representation of the body to specify a feminine language which is plural, polyvalent, and irreducible to a masculine language based on restrictive notions of unity and identity.
  • Possible worlds cannot be reduced to something more basic - they are irreducible entities in their own right.
  • Note also that Kuhlmann conflates an irreducible group representation with a cyclic representation; irreducibility is not the same thing as cyclicity. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Insofar as individuals have the presumable right to good health and protection from harm, and preventable or reducible bodily risk, the rhetoric of endangerment is a relative of entitlement discourse.
  • Most of us think of identity as the single irreducible thing that defines character, or place, or culture.
  • Goodman and Quine (in his pre-naturalist phase) once began an article by declaring that the basis for their nominalism was a fundamental philosophical intuition irreducible to scientific grounds (1947). Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • There is now quite a large lump in his groin which his General Practitioner diagnoses as an irreducible right inguinal hernia.
  • Nothing explains our phenomenology, but it's not the sort of physical stuff we usually think of as "physical" so I'm not physicalist, and it doesn't help to call it irreducible res cogitans either so I'm not dualist. Bunny and a Book
  • Economy in order to articulate what I am going to say with the other possible tropical system of usure, in the sense of usury, thus of interest, surplus value, fiduciary calculation, or interest rate, which Ricoeur indicates but leaves in the shadows, although it forms a heterogeneous and discontinuous supplement. a tropical divergence irreducible to that of being-worn-out or worn down. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Also, all such calculations are done modulo another polynomial, which is called the irreducible polynomial for the field. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • an irreducible minimum
  • It remains impossible to decipher the irreducible core within McConnell's administration.
  • In this brief note I wish to critically discuss Searle's claim that we-intentionality is biologically primitive and irreducible.
  • irreducible-complexitist ahh, in other words, a flagellator? Ohio: Fordham Evaluation Authors Weigh In - The Panda's Thumb
  • In this sense, Blake’s conceptuality is materiality, and his conceptual art a form of materialism as such, rather than only by virtue of its irreducible association with matter. Plotnitsky, Notes
  • The gender division is reducible to biology.
  • The internal stance reflects the fact that when people marry they become part of an entity that is not reducible to or identical with its individual components.
  • A British historian, Herbert Butterfield, called this the “absolute predicament and irreducible dilemma”.
  • Budd suggests that the metaphor is reducible, and thus eliminable, apparently in terms of purely musical (i.e., non-spatial) concepts or vocabulary. The Philosophy of Music
  • If there was an intellectual begetter of this movement, it was surely the biochemist Professor Michael Behe, whose book Darwin's Black Boxin 1996 expounded the theory of irreducible complexity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • On a theoretical point of view, the understanding of enzyme reactions is hardly reducible to elementary bimolecular reactions.
  • Its possible meanings are many, complex, and like all great poetry, irreducible to simple generalizations.
  • The distinction between being a Christian or a heathen is not reducible to a private/public distinction in part because the privately assured Post-Secular Conviviality
  • But engagement in a wider social sense is not reducible to individual activism.
  • As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.
  • The concept of coherence is implicit in the definition of irreducible complexity in the idea of parts that are “well matched” to a “system.” The Edge of Evolution
  • G.R. Mead: But the hard irreducible fact remains that one and only one combination of our prodigiously inventive sexual imagining is actually and naturally fruitful — as in, forms a self-replicating society that will perdure to need the law you craft forit. The Volokh Conspiracy » There’s Always Next Year
  • Indeed, these might be the same example underneath - I do not take a stand here on the question of which propositional attitudes are reducible to (or paraphrasable in terms of) others.
  • Is causal connection primitive and irreducible?
  • There is an irreducible mystery to the process.
  • The fundamental rhetorical argument of Intelligent Design was and remains the idea of "irreducible complexity" -- the existence of biological systems with functionally integrated parts that apparently cannot possibly arise by a succession of small changes produced by Darwinian evolution. Dan Agin: Book Review: God, Science, and the Story of the Human Eye
  • To take another example, he thinks it important to notice that regarding the mind-body problem there are three options available to us, not two, as is usually assumed: some form of dualism, some form of the materialist view that psyche is reducible to body, and some form of the panpsychist Charles Hartshorne
  • This decoherence, however, signals the irreducible inaccessibility of the efficacious processes that give rise to the body or the text through certain nonclassical configurations of material or phenomenal effects. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • Instead, evil becomes abstract and inescapable, defiant of natural law and irreducible to a single bad person or wrong action.
  • I am quite familiar with the standard scientific application of ˜irreducible complexity 'in nonlinear science. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • They had plenty of dark last night," Jordan pointed out, his mouth full of apparently irreducible bread. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The various relations with God we have outlined are themselves irreducible, rooted in permanent coequal dimensions of the divine nature.
  • By contrast, there's always been something irreducible about Ferry, something (about himself and his sensibility) he couldn't escape.
  • A Compound Proposition, reducible to two or more simple ones, is said to be exponible. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • Synthetic or material a priori truths are not reducible to formal truths.
  • Each individual is, in a certain sense, absolute, irreducible to another.
  • Radiolysis of the solvent produces thermalized electrons that can reach the reducible sites of the protein even at low temperature.
  • I thought maybe irreducible complexity was a problem that biology needed to solve.
  • According to this concept, cultures are organic, irreducible totalities in themselves. Archive 2009-01-11
  • Geometrically the resolvent enables us to resolve the whole spread represented by any given set of algebraic equations into definite irreducible spreads.
  • This aim makes Frege the first to fully develop the main thesis of logicism, that mathematics is reducible to logic.
  • Religion is not reducible to morals but they are the sign of its authenticity.
  • When the wire was bent into other forms and moved, equally strong effects were obtained, especially when instead of a rectangle a double catenarian curve was formed of it on one side of the galvanometer, and the two single curves or halves were swung in opposite directions at the same time; their action then combined to affect the galvanometer: but all the results were reducible to those above described. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • For him the truth of any matter, especially its scientific truth, was irreducible.
  • an irreducible hernia
  • If they do, we may be able dispense with irreducible moral facts.
  • Note also that Kuhlmann conflates an irreducible group representation with a cyclic representation; irreducibility is not the same thing as cyclicity. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Perhaps sports are reducible to co-ordination and spacial perception.
  • If all of reality is finally reducible to sensations, then the term sensation must be used in a new sense to connote a self-subsistent being, and can no longer refer merely to a function of certain physiological processes. The Approach to Philosophy
  • That said, both films are not reducible to fables about victimhood.
  • What such views have in common is the conviction that the notion of something's persisting through time is ultimately primitive and irreducible.
  • 'No. XIII -- How to make such false decks as in a moment should kill and take prisoners as many as should board the ship, without blowing the real decks up, or destroying them from being reducible; and in a quarter of an hour's time should recover their former shape, and to be made fit for any employment, _without discovering the secret_.' The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Contrary to the theories of the posthumanist discourse, Richard argues that knowledge is not reducible to information that can travel anywhere unbound to a material context.
  • All DIY projects should be reducible to an A4 sized flowchart detailing a handful of easy steps, available by calling a 1900 number after the show.
  • The first is that there are good reasons to think that there are irreducible dispositions in nature, and that where such dispositions are manifested, there are logically necessary causal connections.
  • Roisin has a glamour which includes sexual attractiveness but it is not reducible to it.
  • In sum, his position represents the immoralist challenge in a fully developed but streamlined form, as reducible to a simple question: given the conventional character of justice and our own pleonectic nature, why should any one of us be just, in any context in which injustice would be profitable? Callicles and Thrasymachus
  • Remember how Driesch and his supporters fought for recognition that life transcends physics and chemistry, by arguing that the powers of regeneration in the sea urchin embryo were not explicable by a machinelike structure, and how the controversy has continued, along similar lines, between those who insisted that regulative “equipotential” or “organismic” integration was irreducible to any machinelike mechanism and was therefore irreducible also to the laws of inanimate nature. Polanyi: morphogenetic field
  • In this paper we constructed all positive genus incompressible surfaces with boundary in boundary reducible 3 - manifolds.
  • Expenditure on road repairs has been cut to an irreducible minimum.
  • Since an intelligent designer is not restricted to incremental change, he is able to create irreducible mechanisms without any difficulty.
  • Abelard draws the conclusion that intentionality is a primitive and irreducible feature of the mind, our acts of attending to things.
  • They had plenty of dark last night," Jordan pointed out, his mouth full of apparently irreducible bread. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • Although he did not use the term irreducible complexity the interactive nature of the protein was implicit to his analysis of the evolution of chromatin. A Different Perspective on Irreducible Complexity
  • Second, unlike the Left, green politics are not based on class and their analyses are not reducible to class.
  • But what about the suggestion that event causation is instead reducible to, or analysable in terms of, agent causation?
  • Cayley also put a third question, a different and deeper question about irreducible invariants of a binary quantic.
  • The phrase ‘course of action’ and its property of ‘determinateness’ refers to the human realization of ultimate ends; that is, ends that are not reducible to, nor explained by, the natural world of the environment-human or nonhuman.
  • This tactile, sensual experience was made more poignant by the knowledge that these substances were pure, unalloyed, irreducible.
  • I find 15-20 common abnormal findings and Morgellons is not reducible to one thing.
  • Nor is it reducible to facile claims of appeasements.
  • This phenomenon is, of course, ultimately intangible, irreducible to any given couplet or guitar line.
  • reducible to a set of principles of human nature
  • I have been asking myself and I could not find any answer in scientific manner, which is irreducible, simple and general.
  • Or moving the other way, if we form a third language L³ by adding to L the quantifier Qx with the meaning “There are uncountably many elements x such that ¦”, then trivially L is reducible to L³, but the downward Loewenheim-Skolem theorem shows at once that L³ is not reducible to L. Model Theory
  • The explanation of a phenomenon is irreducible to a statement of the event that happens to precede it.
  • The game is not reducible to the subjectivity of the players; it has an identity over and above them and is intended as such.
  • How the public engages with ideas is not reducible to the latest trends in technology, but is likely to be influenced by wider cultural and social dynamics.
  • With acceptance, new constructive principles appear, supplementing pure logical deduction from fine-grained analysis as irreducible explanations of observed phenomena.
  • It lacks narrative forms, is not reducible to conventional proverbs, and is driven by grievance against God and the world.
  • And brain chemistry is reducible to simple chemistry, which in turn, ultimately, can be reduced to pure quantum mechanics. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Inaccessible optima which is roughly the idea of irreducible complexity are no more accessible to humans than they are to evolution. Coopting cooption - The Panda's Thumb
  • The eliminativist believes that intentionality is ontologically reducible to the non-intentional without remainder. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • Dear Jurgen, meaning is not an irreducible Ur-language. Fractures of Unfamiliarity
  • Modern utilitarians are right to insist that utility is not reducible to pleasure, and that not all kinds of utility are measurable or commensurable, and that it is not always appropriate even to try to measure these utilities.
  • The intelligent design argument counters evolution by claiming some processes are irreducible and couldn't have come about piecemeal.
  • Unfortunately, the above properties-based account of a field is incompatible with the alternative approach to space-time, which takes it to be merely a system of relations (such as contiguity) between physical bodies: if the field quantities are properties of space-time regions and the latter are understood, ultimately, to be reducible to relations between physical objects, where the latter are conceived of in field-theoretic terms, then a circularity appears to arise. Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory
  • Things do not happen according to plan, and they are not reducible to tidy models.
  • I do not believe that the evolution of the biosphere, economy and human culture are derivable from or reducible to physics. Stuart Kauffman and Reinventing the Sacred
  • True identification humbly acknowledges the limits of human understanding and values the mystery of nature's "suchness" — its irreducible otherness — by creating a space for acknowledging its "intrinsic value. Blake, Heidegger, Buddhism, and Deep Ecology: A Fourfold Perspective on Humanity's Relationship to Nature
  • Although objects of higher order are based on infima they are not reducible to them; properties of superiora supervene on properties of their inferiora. Salvation Santa
  • The awareness that the irreducible exterior inhabits the heart of knowledge is the critical awareness that allows not only skepsis and polemos, but also any invention: it is the inherent rhythm of thinking. Eurozine articles
  • Interpersonal relations at their most irreducible level - person to person - are fraught with misunderstandings and miscommunications.
  • It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and tension.
  • No doubt crib-biting, nurse-biting and original sin in general are all strictly reducible from Darwinian principles; but don't by misadventure run against any academical facts. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Further, self-centeredness, self-consciousness, and self-contradiction are not wholly reducible to self-delusion in these narratives.
  • Irreducible complexity” IC is a clever name for a natural thing - coadapted ‘parts’. Report on the U. Kentucky Law ID lectures - The Panda's Thumb
  • The gene has been presented as the irreducible monadic agent for biological science, but this begs important questions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
  • There is no irreducible core of 'literal' language from which 'figurative usage' diverges.
  • Death, from this perspective, seems unproblematically universal, a simple, irreducible fact of our nature, unyieldingly the same across all societies and throughout time.
  • However, when we pump oil out of the ground, there is an irreducible saturation beyond which the oil won't move.
  • In its utter simplicity lies its irreducible brutality.
  • Is all learning alike, reducible to a common set of principles?
  • Of equal significance during this same period was Russell's defence of logicism, the theory that mathematics was in some important sense reducible to logic.
  • Similarly, collective identities are irreducible to the sum of the experiences of individuals.
  • “If there was an intellectual begetter of this movement, it was surely the biochemist Professor Michael Behe, whose book Darwin's Black Box in 1996 expounded the theory of irreducible complexity.” On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Is the phenomenal character of experience reducible to its intentional content?
  • There are no spectacular displays of brutality here, and the workings of force show themselves not to be reducible to physical violence alone.
  • Acutely strangulated haemorrhoids occur as a result of thrombus formation resulting in gross swelling, irreducible prolapse, and severe pain.
  • As conservatives generally do, I see the world as infinitely complex and as not reducible to any simple rule.
  • A third type of substantialism amounts to the theory that there is a plurality of ultimately irreducible individual souls rather than just a single divine one.
  • The irreducible mind and the body are more like parallel or independent properties that don't causally influence each other.
  • It would be a curious circumstance if all indusiate ferns were to be found reducible to a _marginal production_ of the reproductive apparatus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Government is not reducible to a single quantitative indicator.
  • But at the same time, these issues are not reducible to the anti-capitalist struggle.
  • If matter is infinitely reducible, then it is not really reducible at all. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
  • Gothic seems reducible to steep roofs and a ‘multiplicity’ of gables.
  • Principia Moore often seems to ignore the fact that a property might be both natural and irreducible and undoubtedly this has led to some confusion in later discussions of naturalism and non-naturalism Moral Non-Naturalism

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