How To Use Redtail In A Sentence
Except for once. 3 crows after a redtail, one was nipping at its tail.
All hunters have seen crows go after a hawk.
The redtail hit the brakes, did a barrel roll, sunk one set of talons into the crow, and the crow dropped like a rock when it let go.
All hunters have seen crows go after a hawk.
Or was it making an impossible try to snag the low-flying redtail?
Bird Cloud
Smaller mammals include Columbia ground squirrel, flying squirrel, marten, redtail chipmunk, and bushytail woodrat.
Northern Rocky Mountain Forest-Steppe - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
While washing Redtail 213, a wash team had on protective gear: splash-proof goggles, gloves, and cranials with cinched chinstraps.
From what I could gather from the conversation, a redtail is a big snake.
Grouse Diary Entry
The air was so calm that flying was probably laborious, and when a light breeze slipped in—not from the west but out of the east—a big redtail climbed up to play along the cliff face, then dropped down to skim low.
Bird Cloud
Spin your wheels, the sky turns downside up, the redtail hawk whistles derisively, and nothing moves forward.
Hunting for lizards
But just as I was putting together a business plan, a redtail hawk, attracted by my orange Fudd hat, swooped down from the ridge above and tried to get in the stand with me.
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