How To Use Redstart In A Sentence

  • Such cavities may later be occupied by great, blue or marsh tits or by redstarts.
  • A black redstart: a bird whose natural habitat is rocky hillsides, but which in Britain is often seen around industrial sites like this one. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • Female cuckoos bear more allegiance to a particular host, be it redstart or warbler, than do their males.
  • It is an excellent place to watch forktails, redstarts, kingfisher, blackbirds etc.
  • The robin ticks on, bringing the winter around, sending the redstart off, proving Aristotle wrong, proving him right. A Year on the Wing
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  • This redstart was quivering its tail on the worn carpet of lichen that covered the top of the stone wall at Kennaby. A Year on the Wing
  • Foraging data were collected from 32 different individual redstarts.
  • Redstarts visit us still with some regularity on their spring and autumn passage migrations, especially along the East Coast.
  • There was a female redstart, a couple of Rüppell's warblers, northern, Cyprus and black-eared wheatears, three woodchat shrikes, chiffchaff, and a tawny pipit.
  • The erithacus (or redbreast) and the so-called redstart change into one another; the former is a winter bird, the latter a summer one, and the difference between them is practically limited to the coloration of their plumage. The History of Animals
  • A typical farming village in this region attracts tree sparrows, black redstarts, gray partridge, skylarks, and hen harriers.
  • Other birds include Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, booted eagle H. pennatus, marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus, lanner falcon Falco biarmicus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus (threatened), collared pratincole Glareola pratincola and Moussier's redstart Phoenicurus moussieri. Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia
  • By birds I don't mean panhandling pigeons, but self-supporting warblers, wheatears, grosbeaks, ducks, thrushes, egrets, pheasants, finches, redstarts, hawks, swallows, wagtails, owls, the list goes on.
  • But the best moment of the day was still that momentary yet intimate encounter with the black redstart, perched against a backdrop of rocks, sea and a nuclear power station. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • The statement that the redstart is a mimic is to be met with in many books about birds. Afoot in England
  • There are cliff-nesting martins at Malham too, and you may be lucky and spot a green woodpecker, redstart or little owl. A woolly Pullman from the textile heartland
  • Other birds include Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, booted eagle H. pennatus, marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus, lanner falcon Falco biarmicus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus (threatened), collared pratincole Glareola pratincola and Moussier's redstart Phoenicurus moussieri. Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia
  • Sherry and Holmes, working in Jamaica, demonstrated that redstarts in drier habitats had, on average, lighter body mass in spring relative to fall compared to redstarts in wetter habitats.
  • Research in Pennsylvania, New York, and Virginia shows that forest birds like the American redstart, hooded warbler, Kentucky warbler, worm-eating warbler, ovenbird, wood thrush, and veery are all vulnerable to deer overpopulation.
  • We were pleased to come up with two beauties we haven't seen since we started birding, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and American Redstart.
  • There was also lots of other great wildlife to see in the area around Malham Cove including nesting little owls, green woodpeckers and redstarts.
  • There was always a halfpenny underneath the geranium pot in the window-sill for the child whose eye caught sight of the first swallow, redstart or sandpiper; or whose ear first recognised the clarion call of the cuckoo, or the evening "bleat" of the nightjar on the bracken-mantled fells at the end of May. More Tales of the Ridings
  • I knew each corner of the garden, he wrote, and looked year by year for the white primroses in one place, the redstart's nest in another, the blossom of the acacia emerging from a tangle of ivy.
  • Birds common to the mountains include rosefinches, Guldenstadt's redstarts, Himalayan monals, raptors, and vultures.
  • The numbers were smaller over the two magic days of 2007, when I saw only one ring ouzel and that single redstart, but the island was still strewn with birds: there were thrushes all up the cliffs, robins along the stone walls. A Year on the Wing
  • While it is quite possible that we may lose our breeding redstarts altogether during the next few decades if the present process continues, there is also the possibility that they may return and recapture their lost ground.
  • The only birds that do it are the redstart species and the closely related rock thrushes. A Year on the Wing
  • On 12 th April, 2 hoopoes, 2 wrynecks, a nightingale, 2 citrine wagtails, a black-eared wheatear, 15 redstarts, a whinchat, a robin, a Menetries’ and 23 willow warblers, a spotted flycatcher and 4 scaly-breasted munias were in Mushrif Palace Gardens.
  • I pished, sucking air through my teeth, chacking and tutting, and a bluethroat appeared from behind a pigsty, a beautiful sort-of-redstart for me, almost equally good, its next year’s blue intimated in its delicate pinpricked necklace. A Year on the Wing
  • Hunt showed that redstart abundance was positively correlated with amount of early successional habitat and that their decline in recent decades in New England was coincident with forest maturation in the region.
  • The third common bird of Himalayan streams is the plumbeous redstart or water-robin (_Rhyacornis fuliginosus_). Birds of the Indian Hills
  • Common bird species of the montane region are found here and include rosefinches (Carpodacus spp.), Guldenstadt's redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogaster), Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), raptors, and vultures. Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • A typical farming village in this region attracts tree sparrows, black redstarts, gray partridge, skylarks, and hen harriers.
  • All sites were gridded at 25-m intervals, which allowed me to locate and map redstart territories.
  • The redstart is the most active of the active warblers, and the number of gnats, flies, caterpillars, moths, other insects and their eggs that these birds consume or feed to their nestlings in one day is incredible. Ohio Arbor Day 1913: Arbor and Bird Day Manual Issued for the Benefit of the Schools of our State
  • A new bird I saw a couple of days ago was a male Redstart hopping around in the tamarisk trees near our building.
  • Female cuckoos bear more allegiance to a particular host, be it redstart or warbler, than do their males.
  • Small insects and other invertebrates make up most of the American Redstart's diet.
  • The numbers were smaller over the two magic days of 2007, when I saw only one ring ouzel and that single redstart, but the island was still strewn with birds: there were thrushes all up the cliffs, robins along the stone walls. A Year on the Wing
  • In the surrounding area I saw a northern wheatear as well as a Black Redstart.
  • On rare occasions, birds such as American redstarts, hooded warblers, and black-throated blue warblers engage in polygyny.
  • Those boon migratory companions, the firecrest and the black redstart, provided considerable entertainment to local birders in 1994.
  • Over the three year study period, mangrove sites contained an average 60% male and 40% female redstarts, whereas scrub had an average of 24% male and 76% female redstarts.
  • Along with more redstarts and yellowthroats, we spotted a waterthrush, presumably Northern.

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