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How To Use Redoubt In A Sentence

  • Economistic imperialism, it is said, is colonizing the last redoubts of self-sufficient thought. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The mitraille vanished in shapelessness; the bombs plunged into it; bullets only succeeded in making holes in it; what was the use of cannonading chaos? and the regiments, accustomed to the fiercest visions of war, gazed with uneasy eyes on that species of redoubt, a wild beast in its boar-like bristling and a mountain by its enormous size. Les Miserables
  • His father was Louis VIII, of the Capet line, and his mother was the redoubtable Queen Blanche, daughter of King Alfonso of Castile and Eleanor of England. SAINT LOUIS, CONFESSOR, KING OF FRANCE
  • Even a staunch admirer of Turner, the redoubtable art critic Brian Sewell wrote at the time the Tate was mounting its campaign to save The Blue Rigi painting from being sold abroad: This is just bloody silly. A legacy Turner would have approved of | Charles Saatchi
  • At right, the redoubt has opposed caponiers or ‘flanking angles’ designed to allow the defenders to fire into the ditches.
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  • She was a redoubtable woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lucien watched this Dauriat, who addressed Finot with the familiar tu, which even Finot did not permit himself to use in reply; who called the redoubtable Blondet “my boy,” and extended a hand royally to Nathan with a friendly nod. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • His cavalry would smash through the redoubts opening the way for the infantry to scale the Russians' wooden walls and engage them in hand-to-hand fighting.
  • Unlike the fortified cities of northern Ireland, Charles Towne's streets fail to connect the bastions and redoubts rimming the town.
  • The mosquitoes of Loreto have a deserved reputation for driving away such visitors as do not care to leave much of their blood with the redoubtable diptera. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • This poorly regarded army produced some outstanding leaders and redoubtable soldiers, and several developments had long-term importance.
  • But hardly anyone in political circles, including Republican loyalist redoubts on Capitol Hill, believes that right now.
  • The odd white flag with the red cross of St George snaps in the breeze on a makeshift flagpole of old aerials, high above the iron palisades, as if this was the last redoubt of a race on the verge of extinction.
  • Thompson also says his friend, the "redoubtable" Chris Sparks of Sparking Design, has launched the "Team Cul de Sac" fundraising site for Parkinson's research. TEAM CUL DE SAC: Richard Thompson launches cartoon campaign to fight Parkinson's
  • But White Fang, uncompanionable, solitary, morose, scarcely looking to right or left, redoubtable, forbidding of aspect, remote and alien, was accepted as an equal by his puzzled elders.
  • A few men actually made it to the redoubt on top, only to be killed immediately.
  • The pottingar delivered his opinion in a most insinuating manner; but he seemed to shrink into something less than his natural tenuity when he saw the blood rise in the old cheek of Simon Glover, and inflame to the temples the complexion of the redoubted smith. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Ms. Miller — the redoubtable, doubtable New York Times scoop artist — was on the phone Monday afternoon, giving an interview on her way to get an interview. Times' Judy Miller, In Contempt, Says She Won't Budge
  • American army; while the Hessian columns, stretching across a chain of the "highland," attempted to turn Gen. Greene's flank, and storm the advanced redoubt. History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • This intricate web of departments and agencies, massively staffed, is technically controlled by the president, but often seems to control him, whether through Cabinet brawls of clashing egos or interagency turf wars -- a specialty in the Bush years, particularly during the first-term prelude to Iraq, when ideological differences pitted Donald Rumsfeld and his hawks at Defense against Colin Powell's diplomats at State, with Condoleezza Rice, in her small redoubt at the National Security Council, squeezed out altogether. Powell's Books: Overview
  • Only the redoubtable Sam Smyth succeeded where all others failed.
  • While the taxmen ponder what would be acceptable, the club - smack bang in the middle of a redoubtable promotion drive from the Third Division - faces the not inconsiderable problem of how to fund itself during this coming week.
  • This was a cremaillere infantry breastwork of strong profile, with heavy enclosed redoubts at distances of 700 and 800 yards, having defensive relations to each other. Memoirs of the War of Secession
  • But, Charles having got over to Scotland where the men of the Solemn League and Covenant led him a prodigiously dull life and made him very weary with long sermons and grim Sundays, the Parliament called the redoubtable Oliver home to knock the Scottish men on the head for setting up that Prince. A child`s history of England
  • Oliver at last relieved his host by swaggering off, imitating as well as he could the sturdy step and outward gesture of his redoubted companion, and whistling a pibroch composed on the rout of the Danes at The Fair Maid of Perth
  • A man who lost his True Love in uncounted eons of previous incarnations ago hears her voice through the Night Hearing, and learns that there is another Lesser Redoubt lost somewhere in the darkness of the sunless world. SF Signal Reader Challenge #3 - SF Books You Haven't Read
  • It is a projecting knob, like a bung closing an orifice, which is believed to conceal a cavern where the redoubtable captain placed a few barrels of his wealth. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 09 : as to buried treasure
  • No one can help admiring the good sense and powerful, if limited, logic of the redoubtable opponent of the Précieuses and champion of formalism; he has all the qualities of a splendid fighter, and in spite of his crushing power of inventive he was far too wise to be bitter; but his enthusiasm for literary law and order makes him support all that is most unlyrical in poetry. Introduction
  • The can get a perfect enfilade on the redoubts so we are going to strengthen the traverses. The 5th Seaforth Highlanders in the trenches
  • The Police Foundation Report by the redoubtable Lady Runciman provided the intellectual credibility for declassifying cannabis.
  • In accommodating the redoubtable spine of the side Strachan inherited, only Aliadiere of the summer striking signings was deployed from the start.
  • A few years before this, Swinburne's friend, the redoubtable equestrienne Adah Mencken, had complained to 'The Oxford Book of Parodies'
  • Sure, they are redoubtable opponents, but brawny, one-dimensional teams deficient in natural ability will not seriously challenge the world's best.
  • Lucien watched this Dauriat, who addressed Finot with the familiar tu, which even Finot did not permit himself to use in reply; who called the redoubtable Blondet "my boy," and extended a hand royally to A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • He is a redoubtable fighter.
  • The eldest actually flinched when Simon called the redoubtable Mrs. Frederick by her first name. Generous Death
  • Earlier Monday, Morgan, 45, appeared on The View, and genuflected to Walters' redoubtable interviewing abilities to the point of knee pain. Piers Morgan Debuts on CNN; 25 Years To Go?
  • The redoubtable Mainland has kept a beady eye on proceedings at the George Street fringe venue for eight festivals, but feels it is about time to move on.
  • The redoubtable chefs have prepared an expansive range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes to satisfy the true gourmets.
  • Punctual to the moment, the railway train, conveying the redoubtable genius, glid into the well-lighted, elegant little station of Laverick Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • (I was told a dramatic story about employees of the New Orleans Museum of Art taking refuge with their families in the redoubtable beaux-arts pile and being rescued by the National Guard, but apparently little art was lost.) Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Apres le Deluge, Moi
  • Baron de Viomenil, to ask whether he did not require some succour from the Americans; ~ [10] but the French were not long in taking possession also of the other redoubt, and that success decided soon after the capitulation of Lord Cornwallis, (19th October, 1781.) Memoirs, Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette
  • It was his redoubtable mother Jan who brought him and his elder sister up alone after his father ran off when he was three, who nurtured his talent for showing off, singing and performing in the pub she ran.
  • As the firing was still continued on the French side, Lafayette sent an aide-de-camp to the Baron de Viomenil, to ask whether he did not require some succour from the Americans; ~ [10] but the French were not long in taking possession also of the other redoubt, and that success decided soon after the capitulation of Lord Cornwallis, (19th October, 1781.) Memoirs Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette
  • The French had found the abattis strong and almost undamaged twenty-five yards in front of the redoubt. Washington
  • a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic
  • You are an Algerian and the place you are living is a "bidonville" in some depressing Paris suburb coming from a proud African Arab family and here you are in Paris without hope and the town in which you were raised was a department of France but is now desert redoubt for Islamic terrorists and tell me where you go from there. tonyburton 50-word story challenge.
  • Then, in 1988, he attracted his own ITV series, written by the redoubtable Keith Waterhouse.
  • The third station is Verbena, once owned by Bo's redoubtable grandmother, and which Bo intends to reclaim.
  • The faubourg shouldered the redoubt, the redoubt took its stand under cover of the faubourg. Les Miserables
  • The redoubts were shelled while I slept and one high explosive landed just behind the parados beside the bomb supply. The 5th Seaforth Highlanders in the trenches
  • It was joined in chorus by the thunder of the warships' guns pounding the redoubts and the peals of church bells tolling eight o'clock.
  • The goalkeeper is one of the few redoubtable characters in this England squad, but he looked somewhere between furious and distraught. Times, Sunday Times
  • Redoubted > Doughty, valiant, redoubtable deraign > {Challenge; fight a contest in order to settle a dispute} 3 And clash their shields, and shake their swords on high, The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • The redoubtable chefs have prepared an expansive range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes to satisfy the true gourmets.
  • Fortunately the redoubtable Ms. Hillary is not diabetic, as chocolates are high on the prohibited list, as are the so-called ‘diabetic’ chocolates or the chocolate substitute carob.
  • It is the inspiration for the story of a redoubtable guy who has seen an injustice and has been dedicating a part of his life to correcting it.
  • A good motto for builders engaged in bloating up Coucil contracts but I suspect the Godwin prize has to day been won by the redoubtable Mr. Thornhill. Fight ! Fight ! Fight !
  • Pantisocratic or Lake School, vi. 175; on Byron's abuse of Southey, vi. 403; "once my most redoubted foe," vi. 404; his review of Barry The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. Poetry
  • Along with responsibility for a spectacular collection he takes on a redoubtable managerial role. Times, Sunday Times
  • The column, forced to retreat, remained massed in the street, unprotected but terrible, and replied to the redoubt with a terrible discharge of musketry.
  • In the latter days of a ferocious winter, the sun dropped earthwards, having on this day pulled clear of its sluggish trajectory casting a few meek rays on the redoubtable snow and frost of the mountain glade. Vignette: A Writing Exercise « Write Anything
  • Our protest against racing festivals in wartime has roused some redoubtable opponents, but we are satisfied that it represents a sound and widespread public sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Descendents of the redoubtable frontierswomen who could shoot the testicles off a stampeding buffalo, reshingle the roof, chop wood, milk the cows and still have time to have a hearty meal on the table for her carrousing gun-totin 'husband when he got home. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He and others who track what they call "denialism" find that its nature is changing in America, last redoubt of climate naysayers. Top headlines
  • And this doctrine is perhaps the more redoubtable, because it harms all sorts of men; not only the heroic and self-reliant, but the obedient, cowlike squadrons. Lay Morals
  • In 1926, a redoubtable woman called Miss Elsie Wagg laid the foundations for the National Gardens Scheme.
  • A sportsman to his fingertips, the redoubtable John Joe has left many of us with some tremendous memories of his hurling and footballing feats.
  • Once again Peters delivers an irresistible mix of archeology, action, humor and a mystery that only the redoubtable Amelia can solve. Tomb of the Golden Bird by Elizabeth Peters: Book summary
  • A cloud of smoke and ash from Mount Redoubt rose 15 kilometers kilometres into the sky.
  • On opposite sides of the Manawapou River mouth the earthworks of Thacker's and Inman's redoubts can also still be seen and just south of the town the Okautiro redoubt.
  • In theory, at least, a candidate with a uniform, rank and military résumé should be redoubtable: a symbol of strength, patriotism and resolve, and at least somewhat inoculated from the debilitating personal attacks that have come to represent American politics. February 2006
  • John Updike, John Irving and the redoubtable Mailer believed the white-suited novelist had become overly concerned with the passing fads of the social scene.
  • 'Nothing at all, Edie dear; leastways, that is, nothing to speak of,' said her mother, coming up from the shop hot and flurried from her desperate encounter with the redoubtable Miss Luttrell. Philistia
  • During this time, he purchased a farm in Addison, it is supposed of Ira Allen, a brother of the redoubtable Ethan Allen; but the title proved, as so often happened, with the early settlers to be defective. Log-book of Timothy Boardman Kept On Board The Privateer Oliver Cromwell, During A Cruise From New London, Ct., to Charleston, S. C., And Return, In 1778; Also, A Biographical Sketch of The Author.
  • And what about his equation with his redoubtable father?
  • But, seriously, if any player can match talent with the redoubtable Williams this year, it's Rush.
  • Each will retreat into its redoubt: socialism and exclusionary nationalism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He had never met a more redoubtable fighter.
  • Last year when Mount Redoubt erupted again in Alaska, the airline couldn't get its aircraft out of Anchorage early enough and ended up canceling flights and shrink-wrapping planes to keep ash from contaminating instruments and engines. How One Airline Skirts the Ash Clouds
  • The earthworks were reused as a gun redoubt during the Civil War.
  • In the end, even the redoubtable grand defender of Tongzhou, Chen Kui, was cashiered for not controlling the highwaymen.
  • ‘If that was the case then they clearly reckoned without Mrs Hiley, a redoubtable lady who has stuck to her guns throughout,’ he said.
  • Adam Chang's portrait of Gene Sherman depicts the redoubtable gallerist looking to her left, perhaps a little embarrassed, a little shy, to an empty room seen through a doorway.
  • The menu, which is undergoing continuous additions, begins with a potted history of the redoubtable lady, Queen Victoria herself.
  • The odd white flag with the red cross of St George snaps in the breeze on a makeshift flagpole of old aerials, high above the iron palisades, as if this was the last redoubt of a race on the verge of extinction.
  • Three points down after seven games, he pulled up to equality, only to see his redoubtable opponent draw away again.
  • born of a redoubtable family
  • Newcomb, and the redoubtable Sheriff Slack, paunched and scowling, yet genial enough in ordinary social intercourse, together with three assistants — first, second and third deputies Kraut, Sissel and An American Tragedy
  • He was a redoubtable debater with a caustic tongue in polemics and a nice touch in irony in writing.
  • The buccaneer fought the King's soldiers for many a year until a large force of redcoats stormed his redoubt.
  • You are to recollect, gentle reader, that as soon as the bailie and those who attended him saw that the smith had come up to the forlorn bonnet maker, and that the stranger had retreated, they gave themselves no trouble about advancing further to his assistance, which they regarded as quite ensured by the presence of the redoubted Henry Gow. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • At dusk on 14 October, two 400-man columns, one French grenadiers and chasseurs, the other American light infantry under Alexander Hamilton, attacked two redoubts in advance of the main British line.
  • General Byng's attack covered the whole length of what had become known as the redoubtable and supposedly impregnable "Hindenburg line," so called because it had been established by that greatest of all German military geniuses, Field Marshal von Hindenburg. The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge
  • The buccaneer fought the King's soldiers for many a year until a large force of redcoats stormed his redoubt.
  • By delving into these redoubts of gossip and speculation, Larkin illuminates the Burmese art of kaw la ha la (rumors) and the skewed worldview that so many people denied opportunity for movement, expression, and education, through circumscribed thought and action, are reduced to. Reading Tea Leaves
  • Not until Richard usurped the throne in 1483 did Henry's prospects brighten, his cause sustained largely by his redoubtable mother.
  • The diplomatic architect of the new Italian state, Count Cavour, was a redoubtable trencherman who would later have several dishes named in his honor. Delizia!
  • The 52nd were not beat back, but swerved from the redoubt into a ravine, for they could not carry it. 39 While lying under my horse, I saw one of the enemy jump on the parapet of the works in an undaunted manner and in defiance of our attack, when suddenly he started straight up into the air, really a considerable height, and fell headlong into the ditch. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • A camp was built on top of the cliff and a redoubt followed.
  • The redoubtable Artimus Pyle, drummer, is at his crispest. LYNYRD SKYNYRD : Gimme Back My Bullets « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • In the latter days of a ferocious winter, the sun dropped earthwards, having on this day pulled clear of its sluggish trajectory casting a few meek rays on the redoubtable snow and frost of the mountain glade. Vignette: A Writing Exercise « Write Anything
  • On the side farthest from him was the French vessel, ‘Redoubtable’, its mizzen top garnished with sharpshooters about 15 metres from the Admiral.
  • _employe_ which Balzac was to rehandle so often, but drops suddenly into brigands stopping diligences, the marriage of the heroine Annette with a retired pirate marquis of vast wealth, the trial of the latter for murdering another marquis with a poisoned fish-bone scarf-pin, his execution, the sanguinary reprisals by his redoubtable lieutenant, and The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix
  • Most of Victory's stunsails have been cut away, but it was her stunsail booms that became entangled with the rigging of the Redoubtable when she put her helm to port and ran onto her.
  • Since my present need was to temporise, and give the impression that I might be talked into their ghastly scheme, I played it as they would expect from the redoubtable Flashy, indignation forgotten, narrow-eyed and considering, asking shrewd questions: How could they be sure Franz-Josef would offer us bed and board? Watershed
  • The name may not be immediately familiar to you, but Nesbitt was one of British television's most redoubtable character actors throughout the 1960s.
  • Despite his odd profession, and his generally humane views, he is as tough and as passionate as Caesar, and a redoubtable adversary to him.
  • Yet the redoubtable pensioner not only saved herself, but also rescued a band of 25 Jewish children from almost certain death.
  • Border's redoubtable team had all but been humbled.
  • League and Covenant led him a prodigiously dull life and made him very weary with long sermons and grim Sundays, the Parliament called the redoubtable Oliver home to knock the Scottish men on the head for setting up that Prince. A Child's History of England
  • This idea seems to gain support also from the fact that certain Eastern peoples, whom modern civilization declares to have uneducated tastes, still employ many herbs which have dropped by the wayside of progress, or like the caraway and the redoubtable "pusley," an anciently popular potherb, are but known in western lands as troublesome weeds. Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • Tonight Villiers faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.
  • Returning to his Morris chair and the redoubtable lapboard astride it, Grey resumed being the most successful and popular author of his age. Zane Grey, Romancing the West
  • He described British public schools as, "the last redoubt of upper-class privilege".

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