How To Use Redoubled In A Sentence

  • Ten tricks and redoubled game made. Times, Sunday Times
  • The screaming redoubled
  • Louisiana perioperative nurses redoubled their efforts by reenergizing their members.
  • The folk rejoiced in her song with exceeding joy and my gladness redoubled, so that I took the lute from the damsel and preluding after the most melodious fashion, sang these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Under their instruction, he redoubled his efforts.
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  • Now try to defeat the redoubled game. Times, Sunday Times
  • The frisson that he caused was still sweeping through the gallery when it paused and then redoubled.
  • As the shouts redoubled, and mingled with the various clangors of battle, drew nearer the tower, the impatience of the earl could not be restrained. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Page 44 it would seem, that you do not only chuckle with a demoniac joy over what you suppose are the exquisite tortures of my sensibilities but your ecstacies are redoubled and refined in the proud contemplation of the additional fact that you are the author of my terrible agonies, the illiad of all my woes. A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.
  • MY is fundamentally wrong in placing his faith in the sort of monetary policies that brought us into the mess and have been redoubled in trying to fix it. Matthew Yglesias » The ECB’s Complacency
  • The games can be doubled and redoubled as in bridge.
  • Adrian's declared predeliction to the republican form of government, the latter party had nearly died away, chiefless, guideless; but, when Lord Raymond came forward as its leader, it revived with redoubled force. I.4
  • South doubled and West redoubled to end the auction. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Beijing Duan redoubled his efforts to strengthen his position.
  • Not downhearted, the Cumbrians redoubled their efforts.
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy
  • John she at once attacked for his past coolness and unneighbourly conduct in abstaining from ever calling upon her; and he, when he had entered the parlour, and was met by Eleanor with just sufficient confusion and reserve to make her more than ever interesting, and with a warmth that quite overcame him, felt the old fire in his heart burning with redoubled fury. Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • Here efforts must be redoubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • City opponents have redoubled their assaults, sensing that a Tory victory is not impossible.
  • After Adrian's declared predeliction to the republican form of government, the latter party had nearly died away, chiefless, guideless; but, when Lord Raymond came forward as its leader, it revived with redoubled force. The Last Man
  • Nine tricks and redoubled game made. Times, Sunday Times
  • The presence of Indiana redoubled the aukwardness of the situation, and her blushes, and the increased lustre of her eyes, did not make the report seem either unwelcome, or perfectly new to her. Camilla
  • The enemy redoubled their screaming on the radio
  • But she only redoubled in ferocity and ordered the slave girls to pinion my hands behind me, which they did; and, throwing me on my back, she seated herself on my middle and held down my head. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thus, in August he officially redoubled his efforts to control inflation by decreeing the "law of costs and fair prices. Chávez's 40-Year Plan to Conquer Vice
  • Presently, it seemed to him he beheld her form before him, whereupon fires flamed in him and his griefs redoubled and he fell down aswoon; — And The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mr. Maliki has also redoubled efforts to head off provincial semiautonomy plans. Iraq Crisis Grows With New Threat
  • And when the initial chaos was over, they redoubled their efforts to get their business off the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as the industrial towns doubled and redoubled in size, the need for action to provide open spaces and to preserve existing commons became obvious.
  • The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters.
  • Dr Swire redoubled his efforts to get to the bottom of the crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead they redoubled their efforts, and with two goals inside three minutes, they turned on its head an encounter that appeared to be slipping away from them.
  • When he saw the land ahead, the swimmer redoubled his speed.
  • Cries of joy went up from the Colwells and they redoubled their strokings and cooings while Roopy, his big spaniel eyes liquid and pathetic, gazed around him at each of us in turn. Every living thing
  • He came hurrying aft, nearly tumbling once; while, left to his own power alone, the coxswain redoubled his efforts to keep down the water, and the tin baler went _scoop scroop, scoop scroop_, and _splash splash_, as he sent the water flying. Blue Jackets The Log of the Teaser
  • Double it, and declarer has the clue he needs to make the game, redoubled to boot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now try to defeat the redoubled game. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he saw the land ahead, the swimmer redoubled his speed.
  • And when, at last, our guides and servants, mounting to pinnacles and jutting points, and many a frieze and coigne of vantage, placed blue lights on them all, and at the word illuminated all together, there was redoubled bedlam in that abode of Hecate, and the eternal calm of the Boodh became awful. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • Perigordian redoubled his politeness and attentions. Candide
  • On the contrary, its suffering appears merely to have redoubled its determination to resist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nine tricks and redoubled game made. Times, Sunday Times
  • But nature could not long endure a pleasure that it so highly provoked without satisfying it: pursuing then its darling end, the battery recommenced with redoubled exertion; nor lay I inactive on my side, but encountering him with all the impetuosity of motion I was mistress of, the downy cloth of our meeting mount was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end. Memoirs Of Fanny Hill A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749)
  • Double it, and declarer has the clue he needs to make the game, redoubled to boot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charles attempted to exploit the rift between army and Parliament and redoubled his efforts to persuade the Scots to assist him.
  • The checks and safeguards that should be in place for all public buildings must now be redoubled, as they no doubt will be. Times, Sunday Times
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • His cultus was the bond between Him and the nation; when therefore it was desired to draw the bond still closer, the solemn services of religion were redoubled. Prolegomena
  • But far from being examined - let alone disavowed - the policies behind these developments are being redoubled.
  • The games can be doubled and redoubled as in bridge.
  • The confidence of the Milanese redoubled when they learned that he had promised the members of the assembled clergy to maintain the catholic worship and clergy as already established, and had compelled them to take the oath of fidelity to the cisalpine republic. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Ten tricks and redoubled game made. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anything, this act of violence has redoubled our efforts to make this community stronger.
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • On the contrary, its suffering appears merely to have redoubled its determination to resist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had they known, they would, I am sure, have redoubled their efforts.
  • Then he arose and clomb the mast to see an there were any escape from that strait; and he would have loosed the sails; but the wind redoubled upon the ship and whirled her round thrice and drave her backwards; whereupon her rudder brake and she fell off towards a high mountain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Tara of Helium saw it coming and leaped for the tree toward which she had been moving, and the banth realized her intention and redoubled his speed. The Chessmen of Mars
  • despite our redoubled efforts
  • When he saw the land ahead, the swimmer redoubled his speed.
  • He redoubled his speed when he saw the finishing line ahead.
  • Arun groaned, a sound that redoubled in frustration as he saw the wooden bowl resting on the ground.
  • Instability within the comital house thus reinforced and redoubled political strife within Bruges.
  • Dr Swire redoubled his efforts to get to the bottom of the crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • But Sheffield, who had survived two spot kick claims against goalkeeper Alan Kelly and full-back Ward, simply redoubled their efforts.
  • The man stumbled back, then redoubled his efforts, swinging with increasing speed and strength.
  • He redoubled his speed when he saw the finishing line ahead.
  • South doubled and West redoubled to end the auction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • The noise doubled and redoubled
  • So the strife redoubled and the weapons together clashed and ceased not bate and debate and naught was to be seen but blood flowing and necks bowing; nor did the swords cease on the napes of men to make play nor the strife to rage with more and more affray, till the most part of the night was past away and the two hosts were aweary of the mellay. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • My “rage” returns but now redoubled, quadrupled, no, octupled, indeed upled beyond all hope of measurement. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Obama Effect” Spurs Record Number of Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  • He redoubled his speed when he saw the finishing line ahead.
  • And when the initial chaos was over, they redoubled their efforts to get their business off the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The checks and safeguards that should be in place for all public buildings must now be redoubled, as they no doubt will be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here efforts must be redoubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters.

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