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How To Use Redistribution In A Sentence

  • If the problem is income disparity, then the answer must be income redistribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Mugabe can not fail to understand the consequence of redistribution of the country's most productive land to subsistence farmers.
  • You can in fact be certain that private capital accumulation is a fundamental necessity in our system, while maintaining that (minor) redistribution is an ongoing requirement. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Both parties have redistributionist agendas.
  • But what's been the biggest redistribution of wealth in the last 100 years? The Sun
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  • Finally, we have what I’m going to call egalitarian redistribution, which is the view that resources should be transfered from the rich to the poor and middle class because economic equality is a good in itself. Types of Redistribution
  • They have set in motion a redistribution of wealth that really will squeeze the rich until the pips squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • A copyleft is a copyright notice on a piece of software that permits unrestricted redistribution and modification, provided that all copies and derivatives retain the same permissions.
  • Long-term changes in the Earth's orbit are believed to cause a redistribution of insolation across both hemispheres, and these changes, in turn, lead to changes in climate.
  • Or the redistribution of wealth according to ideological criteria. A Rock and a Hard Place
  • Agricultural development, not redistribution of food, is needed for economic development.
  • And I hope Respect helps refound a left wing tradition that stands for redistribution, equality, and civil liberties - and for socialism.
  • The reason is simple: it represents a vast redistribution of wealth from players to clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our research shows that 80 per cent of poverty reduction comes about because of economic growth and only 20 per cent is the result of income redistribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note: Although I have used slavery as an example, the same model could be used for Industrial Revolution era workers forced off the land during the Enclosure Acts, native North Americans during the "colonisation" of this continent, redistribution of wealth to peasants in Bolivia, etc. Inheritance
  • Keep this compulsory redistribution of wealth up from those who make it to those who'd like it, and they orta just call the darn things Neptunus Lex
  • The South Australian redistribution could mean biffo for Labor as the factions fight.
  • It places income redistribution at the heart of service provision and delivery, and taxes citizens according to ability to pay.
  • From what I understand, most Tea Partiers are against big, metastasized government, and against the current regime, just as Michael Moore and other principled Progs have been against a less controlling-engineering-redistributionist one. The Volokh Conspiracy » Timothy McVeigh Was No Libertarian: The Fallacy of Conflating Two Very Different Types of “Anti-Government” Movements
  • Regarding the desirable extent of redistribution, there is little consensus.
  • It would reject any redistribution of white-owned land, but would allow blacks to buy freehold land from whites.
  • This shift in government policy, towards attending to individuals' emotional needs, is seen as a step up from traditional redistributionist social policies.
  • I am wary of unneeded redistribution programs, or a central wage setting, but market forces aren't even the best system around.
  • In the waning days of John McCain's presidential run, for instance, his campaign criticized Barack Obama as a "redistributionist" -- someone who wanted to tax rich people in order to establish social services helping the poor. Zach Carter: Conservatives Want to Live on Monopoly Money
  • But many who paid for this massive redistribution of wealth have ended up as losers. The Sun
  • This cultural radicalism was not matched by any serious commitment to a redistribution of wealth.
  • It was regarded as crucial to the fabric of society, a reliable and wholesome remedy for social ills and the principal conduit for the redistribution of wealth. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • This frequently necessitated the redistribution and scattering of men who formerly worked in one department and under one roof.
  • The purpose of this policy is redistributionist: wealthier students subsidize needier classmates by paying full price.
  • The study, the first to examine fat redistribution following liposuction, suggests a change in body mass stimulates neurohormonal signals which promote a return to the original weight, researchers said. Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • It is necessary to construct a harmonious society exerting tax function on income redistribution, in order to realize tax equity and upgrade social equity.
  • A poorly thought out redistribution policy could result in famine and disaster similar to what has happened in Zimbabwe.
  • A September Nasdaq release announced a symbol redistribution change for UTP data channels that was slated to take effect Monday. Nasdaq Resolves Data Glitch
  • And yet he has not given up his redistributionist instincts - while shaking middle Britain's hand he has stealthily rifled their wallets with the other.
  • The first, obvious area was in the redistribution of workload between internal auditors and what would be the external assessors.
  • Unable to promote self-sustaining growth or further redistribution, the regime preserved social order through the 1980s by subsidizing the cost of food and other necessities.
  • Pressure for some parliamentary reform, with a redistribution of seats and a widening of the franchise, began to develop.
  • After 11 years of income redistribution, the gap between rich and poor has become vast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brown is too much of a redistributionist at heart to be seriously enamoured of across-the-board tax cuts as another way of disposing of surpluses and encouraging productivity.
  • The latter entails redefining land tenure and redistribution of land.
  • Others still are hopeful a redistribution of income will help shrink the wealth gap between rural and urban areas.
  • Letting those who earn money keep what they earn is NOT redistribution of wealth. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • So why not take this natural mixing and "augment" it with some involuntary wealth redistribution? US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • He is, in other words, a redistributionist in everything, including military power, among the nations of the world. Latest Articles
  • Programme of Land Redistribution and Agricultural Development (IPLRAD) targets not only the number of households benefiting and the hectares of land transferred, but also sustainability of natural resources and wealth in agricultural production and commonage projects. Economic transformation
  • The redistribution by gavelkind on each occasion extended to the clan or sept - not beyond.
  • There has already been significant redistribution since Labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Debates about international justice typically range over the well-traversed terrain of distribution and redistribution.
  • Author: Ryan EnglishReplacement of hair is one of the procedures followed by hair expert to cure the hair loss problem Baldness of, men and women can be cured by replacement of hair The replacement of hair is done through two methods surgical and non surgical hair replacement A surgical replacement involves the transplantation of hair from one area of the scalp to the bald area The strip from donor area is operated out carefully and that strip is a follicle unit which is grafted further according to the hair of the affected person The follicle units are implanted in the hair line where the re growth of hair is not possible This surgical replacement takes five to six hours to complete Based on the type of the hair problem this time limit may vary to less than this or more During this surgical treatment doctors use to give anesthesia to the affected person to over come the discomfort while transplanting the hair After five or six months duration from the date of hair transplantation the affected person can comb and style his hair like the other Hair replacement is the technique which proved to attain the redistribution of hair, here by let aware about the non surgical hair replacement treatment The polyurethane layer is attached on the scalp which tends to be an outer layer of skin because it is very thin transparent layer The human hair is implanted in the layer before the attachment The perfect match of hair is identified by checking the hair density, hair color, and hair waves The injecting of these matched hairs in to the base membrane would take eight weeks Polyurethane membrane is very thin layer as the scalp skin is visible through the layer; it's like a cover of the epidermis So it's known as liquid skin Many celebrities and sports man highly prefer this non surgical hair replacement because no restriction to get involve in water activities and other sports activities which is an major advantage of non surgical hair replacement treatment The first step in non surgical hair replacement is to create the mould of the patient scalp which is used to structure the polyurethane membrane of thin layer So it accurately fit on the scalp of the person The membrane can be customized to fit only to the area of hair loss It's a porous membrane attached with the use of medical adhesive namely hypoallergenic, sweat and water activities will not affect this adhesive This procedure is completely painless A usual hair wash can be taken; hence it is porous layer the scalp will also get cleaned during the hair bath The monofilament and lace are the other two membranes available to use as a thin layer It all allows the skin to get clean and breathe Hence non surgical hair replacement is very beneficial than other treatments Related Articles: Hair Loss Treatment Products Hair Loss in WomenSyndication Source: We Blog A Lot
  • Abd al-Rahman mentions a second group of Shikarpuris in another letter to his colonial sponsors about the redistribution of this single month's subsidy: "I now beg to ask you to kindly pay Rs. 30,450.4 to twenty five merchants of Shikarpur, of whom twenty four are Hindus and one a Muhammadan. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Torres-Aleman, I, et al. Estradiol promotes cell shape changes and glial fibrillary acidic protein redistribution in hypothalamic astrocytes in vitro: a neuronal-mediated effect. T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • By disputing the legality of the government measures, the judiciary fuelled opposition to the redistribution policies.
  • Their defence strengthened, they could send troops to reinforce their left flank - a redistribution of strength that would prove vital in the Battle of the Marne.
  • How do we link the land restitution, land redistribution to deal with the poverty, job creation and to make sure that the people whom the land has been given/return to them is sustainable and they are able to live, eat, feed their families, school, cloth children as part of poverty and radication, we need to eradicate poverty, feed poor South Africans. SPEECH BY DLALI DURING THE AGRICULTURE AND LAND AFFAIRS DEBATE: BUDGET VOTE NO'S 26 & 30
  • Despite his restrained academic tone, he appears to be a committed egalitarian and redistributionist.
  • When, at the end of the campaign, John McCain daubed Obama with the tag of “redistributionist,” Obama aides were relieved to find that the label did not change voters’ perception of Obama. Race Over?
  • A copyleft is a copyright notice on a piece of software that permits unrestricted redistribution and modification, provided that all copies and derivatives retain the same permissions.
  • Mr. Crosbie was not deterred by the difficulty of the task before him, and undertook the redistribution of his tenantry, on the anti-rundale system, and by degrees succeeded in planting the surplus population of the lowlands upon the higher ground. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • In the fuller passage it sounds to me as though Obama is arguing that the civil rights movement had so many successes through the courts that they began to rely on the courts to provide redistribution of wealth -- which was a tragedy _as a strategy_, because it curtailed on-the-ground measures that could have brought about redistributions by other means, without the involvement of courts. McCain Campaign Falsely Claims Obama Described Court's Failure to Redistribute Wealth As "Tragedy"
  • One of the tasks of the democratic government is therefore to deracialize income, opportunities, ownership and access to the economy, to effect redistribution in the interests of development and growth and in the interests of the historically disadvantaged. Uprooting the Demon of Racism
  • Backed by the United Fruit Company, which didn't want to give up its land for redistribution even with government compensation, Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas succeeded in overthrowing Jacobo Arbenz's democratically elected government. John Feffer: Not-So-Magical Realism
  • It was regarded as crucial to the fabric of society, a reliable and wholesome remedy for social ills and the principal conduit for the redistribution of wealth. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • Redistribution of wealth to the ones who haven't worked since the sixties is what it is all about. Fourth House Dem in past month announces retirement
  • Loss of GlcNAcT-IVa, or the addition of glycan-ligand mimetics, attenuates Glut-2 cell-surface half-life, provoking endocytosis with redistribution into endosomes and lysosomes. “I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”* | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • From the state adjustment to social redistribution, it is a tortuous and clear ideological line by Prof. QI Duo-jun.
  • This is why the assertion that cheaper tickets represent a redistribution from greedy owners to hard-working fans is so intellectually disreputable. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have set in motion a redistribution of wealth that really will squeeze the rich until the pips squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The activation, migration, and redistribution of heavy metal and metalloid elements in reconstructive areas must disturb the balance of geochemistry of mine areas and their vicinity.
  • All redistribution of wealth should be in cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • The majority of contracts will prohibit the sharing, redistribution or resupply of the service/broadband.
  • These complex conditions cannot be reduced to some unidirectional process of deregulation / marketization, nor should it be portrayed as a benign process of zero-sum regulatory redistribution across scales.
  • We conducted experiments to test the hypothesis that acute stress induces a redistribution of leukocytes from the blood to other compartments in the body.
  • Concerning the $121 Pacifier – President Obama wants "Income Redistribution"...well when you are charged $121 for a 'binky', you are experiencing "cost redistribution". Prescription for waste: Pricey & unnecessary procedures
  • The only way to universalize upper-middle class taste would be through universal redistribution of upper-middle class wealth.
  • You can in fact be certain that private capital accumulation is a fundamental necessity in our system, while maintaining that (minor) redistribution is an ongoing requirement. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • What the Budget did was to realign the Labour Party back to its roots, as a party of redistribution.
  • The tax brought about a significant redistribution of wealth.
  • In contrast, government spending on transfer payments is primarily concerned with equity and income redistribution.
  • This would include redistribution of resources in response to perceived geographical and sectoral need.
  • For example, 94% of the Portuguese in the 2006 ISSP survey were in favor of redistribution; only 6% were against. Tea Partiers and the Spirit of Giving
  • Thus redistribution without enfranchisement is not a credible alternative and does little to alleviate the threat of revolution. Shimer on Acemoglu, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Chissano said Western governments should stump up the cash to fund land redistribution.
  • As Shadow Chancellor, John remained a committed redistributionist and was determined to go out and argue the case for the policies which flowed from that.
  • I should clarify something I suggested earlier: actually the redistribution of the heat in the oceans may in general just be a part of the PDO, which is still poorly understood. Unthreaded #9 « Climate Audit
  • Thus popular sanction will legitimate the silencing of redistributionist and egalitarian policy options.
  • He has presided over the greatest redistribution of wealth since the 1960s, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, yet is offered gushing praise by the right wing Institute of Directors.
  • Redistribution of ions within the electrode, causes a relatively slow change in the capacitance during voltage clamp.
  • Last week in the Wall Street Journal he tried to woo them with an article in which he denied he was an old-style protectionist or redistributionist.
  • A careful analysis of cytokinin biosynthesis and redistribution across the tip upon gravistimulation should allow evaluation of the role of cytokinins in the early phases of gravicurvature.
  • They have set in motion a redistribution of wealth that really will squeeze the rich until the pips squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tax brought about a significant redistribution of wealth.
  • In this way the price subsidy scheme is a less efficient instrument for redistribution.
  • I think [the middle classes] should be afraid because of his redistributionist tendencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was regarded as crucial to the fabric of society, a reliable and wholesome remedy for social ills and the principal conduit for the redistribution of wealth. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • First, supporting these means sanctioning redistribution, as they are funded by a progressive tax system.
  • This group includes legal, administrative and budgetary constraints, and constraints on the redistribution of income. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • The regulation of cell integrin receptors involves modulation of membrane expression, shift between different affinity states, and topographical redistribution on the cell membrane.
  • We need a massive, sweeping, radical redistribution of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the threat of revolution has passed, an autarchic elite will undo the redistribution. Shimer on Acemoglu, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The National Democratic forces, in order to achieve its strategic objective of a truly non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and united South Africa must therefore as immediate and strategic tasks transform and deracialize the state machinery, the economy, education and human resources, culture; whilst at the same time meet basic needs, effect land redistribution and ensure a better life for especially the poor, women, youth and disabled as a necessary. Uprooting the Demon of Racism
  • Governments caring sufficiently about redistribution might still prefer inefficient allocations with greater vertical equity.
  • The weapons were cut up and remade into 4,000 hoes, sickles, shovels, and other garden implements for redistribution.
  • It also involves a redistribution of income over the individual's life, saving in good times to help out in hard times. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • Again, however, the central point is that the redistribution resulted from Soviet choice, rather than from American exaction.
  • While Reagan cut taxes on the wealthy as well, the vast majority of this redistribution was due to policies that changed the before-tax distribution of income, not the reduction in tax rates on the wealthy. Dean Baker: Do Liberals Have to Be Losers?
  • There has been a strong move towards redistribution of land and restitution of land rights that were taken away from large numbers of people during the days of the apartheid policy of moving blacks from white areas to black homelands.
  • Pressure had mounted on Zimbabwe at the meeting to pledge to end political violence and adopt a "gradualist" process of land redistribution in the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Liposuction and fat redistribution: Fat removed from the abdomen, hips and thighs by liposuction, a popular cosmetic surgery, accumulates again within a year to the upper abdomen, shoulders and arms of healthy, nonobese women, according to a study in Obesity. Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • Redistribution of representation in a legislative body, especially the periodic reallotment of U. S. congressional seats according to changes in the census figures as required by the Constitution.
  • He argued that these policies were of dubious benefit in terms of economic development and represented to some degree an unsanctioned redistribution of wealth.
  • Chissano said Western governments should stump up the cash to fund land redistribution.
  • Not only will redistribution of the fruits of progress not erase gaps, they will foster more dissatisfaction with inequalities that remain.
  • These thermodynamic models predict that there is significant lateral redistribution of both monovalent and multivalent charged lipids in response to the membrane association of oppositely charged proteins.
  • The flip side is that some on the left have been disappointed by the lack of significant redistribution of wealth from capital to labour.
  • Impossible as it might seem, greater pay transparency might prompt, in the absence of greater redistribution, discontent rather than harmony – witness the unhappy footballers and writers who have smarted, as the noble AS Byatt unforgettably did, when a showier rival was publicly awarded what Monbiot's critics call "silly money". Even if you show me yours, I'm not showing you mine | Catherine Bennett
  • But strategic redistribution of resources in a way that promotes openness and collaboration could reinvigorate the organization.
  • They argue that we can squelch popular support for protectionism by making the tax code more progressive: The best way to avert the rise in protectionism is by instituting a New Deal for globalization -- one that links engagement with the world economy to a substantial redistribution of income. Does Scheve and Slaughter's "New Deal" Pass the Sniff Test?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He would have considered the attitudinal effect of income redistribution irrelevant.
  • Such monetary flows have necessitated redistribution of purchasing power, favoring consumers and speculators at the expense of domestic producers.
  • Poverty can be effectively combated through universal education that leads to societal stability, technology transfer from developed to developing countries, and a modest redistribution of wealth through foreign aid that is structured as a hand up, not a handout. Edward Flattau: Environmental Futurecast: Six Pressing Environmental Challenges
  • The first, obvious area was in the redistribution of workload between internal auditors and what would be the external assessors.
  • The first priority of the revolution became the redistribution of land under the Agrarian Reform Act.
  • He was not a redistributionist and he was not unduly concerned about disparities of income, although he acknowledged that it was disturbing to see extremes of wealth.
  • If carried far enough, the process of redistribution results in economic stagnation and economic retrogression.
  • It ought to be a harmonious gathering, celebrating the successes of Labour's two terms - the lowest unemployment for a generation, investment in public services, redistribution.
  • But one week, after a speech on redistribution of wealth, he defected from the Party -- and his employer asked him the reason for his change of heart. The F-Team
  • The redistribution of land mainly owned by white commercial farmers to the land-poor black majority has sparked an ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Governments caring sufficiently about redistribution might still prefer inefficient allocations with greater vertical equity.
  • Thursday to compromise and agree to an end to political violence and a "gradualist" process of land redistribution in the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Though not a place where interclass mingling happens regularly, Bethel nonetheless serves as an important agent of wealth redistribution in the black community. American Grace
  • This has meant aggressive antitrust law to reduce concentrated economic power, strict limits on the role of money in politics, support for unions as an equalizing force in the workplace, safety nets to ensure the independence of even the unlucky or untalented, universally accessible education to make equality of opportunity real, and, yes, redistribution of wealth to level out economic power and keep the society from the fraying of deep inequality. Jedediah Purdy: All-American Socialism?
  • This group includes legal, administrative and budgetary constraints, and constraints on the redistribution of income. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • The report, expected to be officially launched next month, will see the controversial redistribution and slimming down of acute hospital services.
  • Barack Obama as a "redistributionist" - someone who wanted to tax rich people in order to establish social services helping the poor. Main RSS Feed
  • A congestion toll may involve a redistribution of income from low income to high income travellers.
  • Impossible as it might seem, greater pay transparency might prompt, in the absence of greater redistribution, discontent rather than harmony – witness the unhappy footballers and writers who have smarted, as the noble AS Byatt unforgettably did, when a showier rival was publicly awarded what Monbiot's critics call "silly money". Even if you show me yours, I'm not showing you mine | Catherine Bennett
  • Such disparities will only be countered through fiscal redistribution. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Even scarier is when socialists actually achieve the power for redistribution and use it to captivate the masses and brutalize the few as the German National Socialist (NAZI) party did in the 1930's. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The role that these territorial interactions play in influencing the redistribution of animals that have been evicted from their native home ranges remains unclear.
  • It should stop propping up right-wing repressive regimes, and should not crush attempts at reforms and the redistribution of wealth.
  • In the UK in recent years there has been some significant redistribution in the power of manufacturers relative to retailers.
  • Problems will only by solved through privatisation of many hospital functions, such as laundries, emergency services and through more gradual redistribution of funds from secondary to primary levels of care. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Many of the issues the protesters raise - the environment, endemic poverty, redistribution from rich to poor - cannot be tackled at the level of bitty, fragmented states, no matter how well-meaning their governments.
  • Redistribution of educational funding was not reflected in the achievement of the bulk of pupils.
  • Sharply rising redistribution and regulation is hardly the way to encourage wealth creation.
  • Surely you mean ‘acceptable consultation standards for respect enforcement’ and ‘the positive promotion of aquired goods redistribution for the unwaged’ loove your blog, nice to know there are sane people on the frontline on October 7, 2009 at 4: 12 pm PJ How “Police Performance” Fraud Works. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The government refuses to acknowledge that their implementation of the land redistribution programme has caused forced displacement of people.
  • Again, the economics of redistribution is unimportant for many egalitarians.
  • This separation creates significant fractionation during the redistribution of the chemical elements between the two liquids.
  • The peasants' demands for land, bread, and peace were initially addressed by means of a highly concessive peace treaty with the Germans (the Treaty of Brest - Litovsk), and the redistribution of the landed estates.
  • And shifting toward greater direct tax will promote economic growth and improve income redistribution.
  • the revolution resulted in a redistribution of wealth
  • After the democratic transformation of 1994, programs for land restitution, redistribution, and reform were instituted, but progress has been slow.
  • The seat of Oxley disappeared in a redistribution of electoral boundaries.
  • The garden city form itself did not necessarily entail collective ownership and redistribution of wealth. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Furthermore, culture seems to contain contradictions, such as income redistribution to the needy and simultaneous espousal of equality of opportunity, as well as complementarities which can serve as organizing points.

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