How To Use Redisposition In A Sentence

  • Current thinking is that some patients have inherited a predisposition to develop thyrotoxic periodic paralysis under the right set of circumstances. NYT > Home Page
  • MS is not hereditary but can occur in more than one family member, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
  • An expert on herbal products and remedies, she said "If you have a predisposition to liver disease and are on medications that might affect the liver, then kava, which is also in some of these drinks, might not be the best for you. CBS 4 - South Florida's Source for Breaking News, Weather, and Sports
  • She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
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  • She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
  • Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability.
  • Bell shrouds in haze the art within the story so the reader interprets, based on their own predispositions, if anyone involved is meant to have real talent. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In some cases there is an inherited predisposition to produce specific antibodies, but often there is a more general sensitivity. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • This might indicate a predisposition to elevated mood and mania, they speculate.
  • While information about people's genetic predispositions is collected much less often than other medical information, its collection is on the rise.
  • Pheromones, looks and our own learned predispositions for what we look for in a mate play an important role in whom we lust after, as well.
  • But what the doctors call a diathesis, a predisposition to some given disease, is most certainly heritable -- a fact which Karl Pearson and others have proved by statistics that can not be given here. [ Applied Eugenics
  • Commonly attributed factors might include temperament or genetic predispositions toward risk taking.
  • The evidence for an inborn, male predisposition for systematizing comes from a single experiment on newborn infants, tested with a single person and object.
  • They are habits, predispositions, deeply engrained attitudes of aversion and preference.
  • This apolitical predisposition to mock precisely the kinds of people who'll actually pay to watch this kind of film is the height of contemptuousness.
  • Humanity, which has an obvious predisposition towards goodness, has an equally strong predisposition towards evil.
  • Almost certainly she has a genetic predisposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allergies are often passed down in families, and the genetic predisposition to develop allergies is very strong. Chance of developing allergies linked to month of conception
  • Some of us may inherit a predisposition to mental health vulnerability. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, those who have an inherited predisposition to cancer may be more susceptible to environmental carcinogens such as radiation.
  • This aspect of attitude concerns a predisposition or intention to behave in a certain way.
  • In the future a more sensitive appreciation for these sorts of emotional predispositions can help us generate a more refined approach to violence prevention.
  • She's tiny and glinty eyed and if I could flip my sexual predisposition on a dime, I'd be totally in love with her. Blog: Ethics of the Inethical
  • Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.
  • In general, _an interest is an unsatisfied capacity, corresponding to an unrealized condition, and it is predisposition to such rearrangement as would tend to realize the indicated condition_. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • In some cases there is an inherited predisposition to produce specific antibodies, but often there is a more general sensitivity. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • So an unhealthy attitude towards food not only stops you feeling better, but can actually trigger PCOS in those with a genetic predisposition. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • The role of genes encoding other alcohol metabolising enzymes in a genetic predisposition to alcoholic liver damage has yet to be explored.
  • Germline mutations in a number of genes involved in the recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks are associated with predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Moreover, understanding genetic influences as predispositions or limiting factors still leaves a potentially broad sphere of human freedom and moral accountability.
  • In many patients there appears to be a genetic predisposition to the illness because other family members also may have tics, he says.
  • According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes, universal mental predispositions not grounded in experience.
  • Anyone with a history of, or predisposition towards, kidney stones should ensure their diet does not become deficient in calcium, as, by binding with oxalates in the gut, this mineral can help prevent stones forming.
  • Eating disorders happen to individuals who have a certain temperament ( "genetic predisposition") and use destructive food behaviors and/or overexercise to cope with major transitions that occur throughout the lifespan. Trisha Gura: Not Just for Teens
  • During the developmental period between childhood and adulthood, youths with problem-behavior proneness appear to have a predisposition to violate age norms as well as other types of norms.
  • The most common form, atopic eczema, is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies, like hay fever or asthma.
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • However, other low penetrance susceptibility genes may exist which may alter individual predisposition to breast cancer.
  • On the aspect of a possible underlying genetic predisposition to racial selectivity in mating ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
  • We are not looking for a single gene which is wholly responsible for a disorder or a behavioural predisposition.
  • Anyone thinking he is free of predispositions, driven by his own own metaphysics, is the blindest of all. Aiguy's Computer
  • Fallen ones display no obvious tendency towards greater organization beyond their predisposition to swarm.
  • Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.
  • It's part of the human predisposition to rubberneck major accidents. Palin lands on top of NY Times bestseller list
  • Some patients have no desire to be informed about the genetic predisposition of them or their families to disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company promises new molecular-based tests in disease predisposition, cancer screening, cancer therapy selection, and pharmacogenomics.
  • There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
  • There are several hundred drugs which could affect a person with a predisposition to seizures.
  • People with a predisposition to develop atopic eczema are particularly sensitive to skin-irritating chemicals and easily develop nonallergic contact dermatitis.
  • Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.
  • Children who develop asthma have inherited a genetic predisposition to have the disease.
  • Yet if anorexia is what happens when a natural predisposition meets a cultural trigger, there is no sign that Britain is easing off on the trigger. Times, Sunday Times
  • But having a genetic predisposition to gain weight doesn't destine you to be obese, only to possibly struggle more with your weight.
  • In the early stage it is 'coryza', or nasal catarrh; but the affection rapidly extends, and seems to attack the mucous membranes generally, determined to some particular one, either by atmospheric influence or accidental causes, or constitutional predisposition. The Dog
  • Human beings come into the world with a predisposition to believe in supernatural phenomena — and this predisposition is a by-product of cognitive functioning gone awry Did Christianity Cause the Crash?
  • Houllier will now have a predisposition to the condition and must watch the levels of cholesterol in his blood.
  • Leaving aside shared genetic predisposition, absolute trust between siblings was probably crucial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
  • The social condition of the family does not alter the predisposition; the old Duke of Albany was a "bleeder"; and bleeder families are numerous, healthy looking, and have fine, soft skins. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • It raised the question of whether her father may have passed on a predisposition to the disease. The Sun
  • The mechanism that Koonin copping out on science over is an inherent thermodynamic predispositioning toward absolute symmetry that evolution accomplishes with the exact necessary amount of help from a ** practical**, (not perfect), environment. Again, there is absolutely no teleology involved
  • There is always a genetic predisposition in such individuals.
  • The book touches briefly on the issue of genetic predispositions, but does not dwell on it.
  • Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability.
  • The future of medicine is poised to undergo a sea change leading to an improved diagnostics for diseases, earlier detection of genetic predisposition to diseases, gene therapy and pharmacogenomics for custom drugs.
  • Medical screening for predisposition to genetic illness has always been an integral part of NHS patient care in Britain.
  • Worse, some confined herds show horrific predisposition to mange, a disease rarely affecting free-ranging animals.
  • Author Satoshi Kanazawa, an “evolutionary psychologist,” then went on to draw some incendiary and fanciful conclusions from his findings: conservatism, he explained, is a very human predisposition based on self-interest—a bred-in-the-bone inclination to care about family and friends rather than the wider world that is genetically unrelated to us. The politics of IQ - Canada -
  • Certain predispositions may come prewired, but they can be overwritten by experience as long as the experience happens while the brain is still in its immature state and rapidly developing.
  • You can see genetic predispositions to certain things pop up along the family tree.
  • There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
  • The complexity of genetic diseases has been far greater than anticipated, and the public's interest in learning about genetic predispositions is unexpectedly low.
  • I think that it is clear that the numbers were fudged, that we shaded the truth, because I think there was a predisposition to go in, and wasn't based on facts on the ground.
  • What I find slightly unnerving is the curious determination of the contemporary left to attribute political differences to some other factor – to genetic predisposition, to mental illness (“homophobia”, “Islamophobia” et al) or, when all else fails, criminality (it’s not enough for Bush to have a different view on the merits of toppling Saddam, he also has to have “lied” and committed crimes worthy of impeachment in the pursuit of said policy). Stromata Blog:
  • A nice finding indeed, but we cannot infer that smiling produced these benefits; perhaps both the smiling and the psychological benefits reflect a genetic predisposition underlying the personality traits of agreeableness and "positive affectivity. And the Whole World . . .
  • She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
  • Dr. Langenbeck mentions a family of Silesian peasants who seemed to have an hereditary predisposition to the abnormity known as microcephalism, or small-headedness. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
  • Although people think of a slipped disc as an injury caused by lifting, evidence suggests there is actually a very strong genetic predisposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence the predisposition to attempt in the built temple the expression of infinite extent, and to heap the ponderous architrave above the proportionless pier. On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Your second problem is that you want this freakshow amalgam of slaughterhouse and group therapy to be completely apolitical and empirical and scientific, so long as its apoliticality, scientism and empiricism happen to exactly match your own personal preferences, prejudices and predispositions. Over The Counter Plan B Indefinitely Postponed - FDA Director of Women’s Health Resigns
  • A predisposition to sectarianism came to Australia in the mental baggage of many migrants.
  • Apart from a genetic predisposition to fat, people can drive their set points so low that very minimal eating supports a large weight. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • Attitudes are predispositions to act in a particular situation, and involve three elements.
  • Dr Buckley says that this is the first evidence of gout reported in ancient Maori, supporting the idea that modern Polynesians have a genetic predisposition to hyperuricaemia, which can lead to gout. ScreenTalk
  • A very principal object however is to understand the nature of predisposition, and the kind of diathesis, whether sthenic or asthenic, to which it inclines: this not only throws light on the nature of the disease, but affords us the only means of preventing it. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • However, what worries me about the dendroclimatology community is the circular arguments, the predisposition and ‘tunning’ towards whatever they think is right and the lack of qualified people to do the maths or to write codes always by the same people. Bring the Proxies Up to Date!! « Climate Audit
  • It was only a matter of a few years of computer assisted data-mining before two high school students worked out most of the correlations to character defects, predispositions to substance abuse, sexual orientation, mathematical genius, artistic gifts, psychokinesis and so on - even being accident-prone. Now, everybody knows the day and the hour: a little healthcare fantasy
  • With this built-in predisposition, we tend to overgeneralize facial impressions to adults whose faces, in this case, merely resemble a baby's in certain features.
  • This latent predisposition would underlie the adolescent's risk for runaway and experiences with parents, teachers, classmates, and friends.
  • Some people also have a genetic predisposition to the condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
  • _presumption_ in favor of a proposition; not sufficient for belief, but sufficient to cause the strict principles of a regular induction to be dispensed with, and creating a predisposition to believe it on evidence which would be seen to be insufficient if no such presumption existed. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • We make things ‘better’ in a variety of ways, but the resulting invention still doesn't perfectly fit our genetic predispositions.
  • But in both men and women there is also a genetic predisposition to knee problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attitudes are predispositions to act in a particular situation and involve three elements: cognitive, affective, and conative.
  • It turned out that any minimal risk was only to those women who had a strong genetic predisposition to cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, because of a psychological predisposition, he was bound to arrive at the functionally desirable result, yet because he had to “attitudinize to himself,” he “wast[ed] time, proceed[ed] unnecessarily by indirection, and burn[t] up his energies needlessly.” Pound at Large and at Bay
  • When a predisposing factor cannot be identified, potential explanations include a particularly virulent pathogen or an underlying genetic predisposition.
  • Insurers wanted to use the tests to lower premiums to policyholders who were free from certain genetic predispositions to particular illnesses.
  • The bulk of the rest is due to your natural predisposition, and a tiny sliver depends on your circumstances, such as winning the lottery. Christianity Today
  • The information gathered indicates that epilepsy and the neurotic predisposition to insanity need to be investigated as well as amentia, [5] and that the epileptics and neurotics, even among rural children, are more numerous than is usually supposed. Rural Problems of Today
  • The fact, however, that imprisonment brutifies and destroys instead of reforming is beginning to glare at us in a manner so disconcerting and undeniable, that we feel something has to be done; and in accordance with our ancient habit and constitutional predisposition, that something turns out to be compromise. The Subterranean Brotherhood
  • He asserts that both male humans and chimpanzees, our closest genetic relatives, are "natural warriors" with an innate predisposition toward "coalitionary killing," which dates back to our common ancestor. Scientific American
  • Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.
  • There is a genetic predisposition to regressive autism, but I don't think it's a straight genetic problem, because I don't think we would have such a thing as a genetic epidemic.
  • Volkow stresses that obesity seems to be a significantly more complex disorder than drug abuse because many unrelated factors, such as glandular problems, lack of exercise, or a genetic predisposition to storing fat, can lead to weight gain. Mind Hacks: Addicted to food?
  • Trauma at birth may also play some part in forming the newborn infant's predisposition to develop the disorder.
  • Will knowing our own genetic predisposition to disease do us more harm than good? Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the algae in their skin, they had altered hormone levels with predispositions toward heliotropism and nudity, plus numerous other "improvements. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • ‘Environmental toxins, genetic predispositions and even diet appear to influence and sometimes disrupt this process,’ he added.
  • Sufferers inherit a nervous system that is more vigilant of its surroundings than the brain of a non-migraineur, and this nervous system has an enduring predisposition to recurrent attacks of migraine triggered by events that do not produce migraine in the general population. Brain Blogger
  • Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.
  • I don't agree with everything Eric Jager says in his LA Times op-ed piece, but I will second his strike at "presentism" or our predisposition to view contemporary times as the summit of knowledge and enlightenment looming above the ignorance and intolerance of past ages. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Again, as regeneration does not destroy but merely restrains the natural depravity, or innate, sinful dispositions of the Christian, (for these still remain in him after conversion,) it must consist mainly in a change, of that _increased predisposition to sin arising from action, of that preponderance of _sinful habits_ formed by voluntary indulgence of our natural depravity, after we have reached years of moral agency. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • The predisposition to believe that things could only get worse was as infectious as the virus - and as the doom-laden predictions blew on the wind, it was only a matter of time before they became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • They rescued me from a tedious adolescent predisposition to existential angst. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers started out with two groups of agouti mice, a strain of mice with yellow fur, fat bodies, and a predisposition to diabetes and cancer. Origins
  • The social environment is shaped by and expresses genetic factors, and genetic predispositions require specific social processes for their expression.
  • The past decade has seen a shift from models of predisposition based on single-gene causative mutations to multigenic models. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.
  • In people with a genetic predisposition for allergies, "certain proteins from pollens, called allergens, can induce the immune system to produce a specific type of antibody called IgE antibody," says Fauci. Seasonal allergies emerging
  • Will we permit a genetic predisposition to be entered as a plea in mitigation in court? Times, Sunday Times
  • This gives the basis for following genetically inherited traits, ranging from predisposition to certain diseases to conformation characteristics.
  • Asthma develops only in people with a genetic predisposition toward it, but that predisposition is made manifest when triggered by environmental conditions such as smoke, animal dander, and air pollution.
  • In fact, the process of socialization is nothing but the attempt to overcome our genetic predispositions. Testing the Freedom to Choose, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In soccer there is a predisposition to call offsides even when there is no violation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Getting it Right
  • Leadership might be assisted by various predispositions of character, but this is no substitute for education, experience, training, and opportunity.
  • We offer a broad test menu, with analysis of over 40 different genes for more than 30 genetic disorders, including craniosynostosis syndromes, neurogenetic/developmental disorders, globin genes and clotting disorders, and cancer predisposition syndromes. Molecular Genetics
  • Human beings come into the world with a predisposition to believe in supernatural phenomena — and this predisposition is a by-product of cognitive functioning gone awry Did Christianity Cause the Crash?
  • It's also becoming more common for women to want to remove fat from their toes because of a genetic predisposition. The Sun
  • A book that revels in its 'smoke-and-mirrors' suspensefulness, that gains traction in your mind by copying your suburban predispositions intimately, and which is also filled with intelligent writing, must be a book to remember. Happy Antipodean
  • Because of the involvement of Polη in promoting error-free replication through cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, its inactivation in humans causes the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum, a genetic disorder characterized by a greatly enhanced predisposition to sun induced skin cancers PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • By implication it denies racial differences in facial structure, body size and a number of metabolic predispositions.
  • Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
  • I wish you would ask Mr. Flannery's immediate relatives, if you can do so without arousing alarm in the breast of the patient, if there has ever been a marked predisposition on the part of his ancestors to tubercular gumboil. Remarks
  • They rescued me from a tedious adolescent predisposition to existential angst. Times, Sunday Times
  • A predisposition to obesity can come from genetics or an imbalance of body chemistry.

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