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How To Use Redispose In A Sentence

  • This illness predisposes you to gain weight
  • His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.
  • Rather, these results suggest that people who go to university have some other factor in their lives that predisposes them to this type of diabetes, she explained. Higher Education Linked To Rare Form Of Diabetes
  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
  • Dogs bred to have exaggerated angulation in the hindquarters, extreme pelvic slope, or are poorly muscled, poorly angulated, and narrow in the hips seem more predisposed.
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  • Is it not obvious that one of the reasons that an ethnic group might do less well in academics is that they are genetically predisposed to lower “intelligence” level, as measured by those academics (regardless of which ethnic group you’re talking about)? The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • This is not surprising because females were virgins and may have been predisposed to accept any mate because they required sperm.
  • Stress can predispose people to heart attacks.
  • All three agreed that it is difficult to lead the masses anywhere - unless they are predisposed to head in that direction anyways.
  • The researchers cautioned that the study only predicts the likelihood that a child will be predisposed to physical prowess.
  • These factors predispose to collapse, enhanced by airflow venturi effect, hence resulting in OSA.
  • If a bed-ridden meteorologist is told that it rains, he may or he may not receive the fact from the force of testimony; but he will certainly be more prëdisposed to receive it, if he finds that his weatherglass is falling rather than rising. Probabilities : An aid to Faith
  • For the vast majority of people - genetically predisposed, virally infected or not - a simple equation still applies. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ -- Horses knuckling at the fetlock, and all those with diseases which impair the powers of locomotion, such as navicular disease, contracted heels, sidebones, chronic laminitis, etc., are predisposed to sprains of the fetlock. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • A PR job is fraught with potential pitfalls and catastrophes that are predisposed to causing bad news, he cautions, and lists the sources of disasters.
  • My point is that generalizations like these: “I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent,” andthis: The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • We postulate that underlying microscopic inflammation may predispose to glandular tubular occlusion and the retention of mucous secretions resulting in cystic dilation and ultimately a JRP. Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • This is not a pedigree that predisposes him to accept the necessary limits of the philosophical life. Human, All Too Human
  • New users may include women genetically or otherwise predisposed to venous thrombosis, whereas long term users have shown tolerance to the drug.
  • The theory states that individuals possess certain characteristics so that they are predisposed to act in a certain way within a given situation.
  • So that an individual who habitually overfeeds becomes, after a time, easily tired, physically lazy, weak, perhaps if temperamentally predisposed, nervous and hypochondriacal. No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet with Vegetable Recipes
  • It may be that high levels of cat allergen induce tolerance, which protects against wheeze in very young children, but provoke symptoms in older children predisposed to wheeze for various reasons.
  • His family background predisposes him to support the Democrats.
  • The gene has been found to make redheads more sensitive to ultraviolet light, which is why they burn more easily in the sun, and it predisposes them to skin cancer.
  • Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play.
  • In the case of hostages and prisoners of war, numerous attempts to find supposed personality defects that predisposed captives to "brainwashing' have yielded few consistent results. Trauma and Recovery
  • Cigarette advertising predisposes children to smoking.
  • Coeliac disease, also known as gluten enteropathy, is an immunological problem that affects people genetically predisposed to it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smoking predisposes and contributes to cytopathic changes throughout the body.
  • Because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease.
  • The goods were redisposed at a great loss
  • They were also tested for the common gene mutations that predispose to venous thromboembolism.
  • The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.
  • Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
  • This may predispose to gallstones, which in turn can lead to common bile duct obstruction.
  • But new research has shown that we are predisposed to err in selecting who to live with.
  • The authors suggest that this phenotype may predispose to the development of fibromuscular dysplasia.
  • It also predisposes to thrombosis, leucocyte adhesion, and mural smooth muscle proliferation.
  • Literal readings of the Bible predispose fundamentalists to adopt a theology that stresses premillennial dispensationalism, which means they believe in the Second Coming of Jesus as prophesied in the Bible.
  • His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.
  • They point out that level of sex drive is not consistently related to the behavior of paraphiliacs and also high levels of circulating testosterone do not predispose a male to paraphilias.
  • Tea Party marchers, however, acted with an air of constipation, arrogance, intolerant and predisposed to lying, fearmongoring, intimidation, and completely brainwashed from the faux news channel. Flashback to Obama campaign
  • In the case of hostages and prisoners of war, numerous attempts to find supposed personality defects that predisposed captives to "brainwashing' have yielded few consistent results. Trauma and Recovery
  • If sustained, the dietary choices made by people undergoing short sleep could predispose them to obesity and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the researchers wrote in an American Heart Association news release. Less stress, better sleep may help you lose weight
  • His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.
  • Cigarette smoking strongly predisposes to both duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer.
  • Or is there something inside our heads that predisposes us to make music and poetry and to have categories like right and wrong? In the Valley of the Shadow
  • A sunken vagina also increases the likelihood of ‘wind-sucking’ (drawing of air into the vagina) and urine pooling, which further predispose the mare to infection.
  • Or am I just genetically predisposed to suffer from it regardless? The Sun
  • The scientific perspective is a profoundly kinetic view of the world, a world view predisposed to change.
  • Since we are predisposed to like the actor, it's easier to connect with the man he is portraying.
  • Furthermore, the biological factors which predispose certain individuals towards a depletion of these neurotransmitters have not yet been established.
  • Since low birth weight predisposes a baby to get diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life, it is imperative that we educate pregnant women about good nutrition during pregnancy. Nalini Saligram: Non-Communicable Diseases: A Women's Health, Rights and Empowerment Issue
  • What sort of world is this that predisposes roughly 20 percent of human beings to suffer mental agonies?
  • Robinson's admiration of the ancients not only predisposes him to favor classical systems of education but also inclines him to turn to Cicero and Quintilian for rhetorical theories that will best help modem students.
  • Thrombosis risk factors predispose towards thrombosis but, due to the episodic nature of thrombosis, interaction with other components is required before onset of the clinical disorder.
  • Pre - Surgical Guidance Utilize a cycloplegic refraction when recalculating the 1. spherical equivalent for the steep axis incision placement On corneas where the pachymetry reading is > 500µ in the 2. center of the 3mm zone, use the next thicker size on the Nomogram Patients with large dilated pupil diameters (> 7mm) may be 3. predisposed to low light visual symptoms (such as glare and halos) post operatively and should be appropriately advised. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
  • The populations at risk are neonates, immunocompromised individuals, and patients predisposed by prior surgery or malignacy.
  • It will be far more difficult now, for example, to see the US attempt to militarily redispose its forces from the anachronism of the Cold War to seize control of strategic Southwest Asia ... as a Bush policy. Stan Goff: Honeymoon? Ha!
  • And while such slights might be easily explainable with regard to punk-rock dunderheads and whatnot, rootsy souls are supposed to be thoughtful and predisposed to such sensibilities.
  • Much as I was predisposed to dislike him, and much as I wanted to, I left with a warm feeling for him personally and know I would have enjoyed talking with him at greater length.
  • I confess that I am a huge, huge fan of the pop single, because I think pop is a genre that is congenitally predisposed to bands and artists that have one - but only one - shining moment of greatness in them.
  • The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.
  • And testing the theory on humans was ethically impossible: how could one justify infecting a human with a new, uncharacterized species of bacteria to prove that it caused gastritis and predisposed to cancer? The Emperor of All Maladies
  • There is evidence to suggest that certain factors predispose some individuals to criminal behaviour.
  • And each of us is responsible for the consequences of his own sins, in spite of the fact that we are predisposed to commit them.
  • It was an exercise he sometimes practised when attempting to understand the inner workings of those predisposed to crime. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
  • Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
  • Neurological complications often reflect skeletal deformity, and the use of callipers, crutches, and wheel-chairs predispose to the development of peripheral nerve entrapment.
  • His family background predisposes him to support the Democrats.
  • We are genetically predisposed to muddle through in defence,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • JOHNSON: They've identified that they're predisposed to developing a certain kind of lung cancer called bronchial (ph) carcinoma, and that was reported late last year in 2005. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2006
  • The key, Wilson said, is the group: Under certain circumstances, groups of cooperators can out-compete groups of non-cooperators, thereby ensuring that their genes -- including the ones that predispose them to cooperation -- are handed down to future generations. Tom Vander Ark: Where Does Good Come From?
  • 'We found that the more vitamin C given, the more osteoarthritis is apparent in the joints of these animals that are predisposed to getting osteoarthritis.' Medpundit
  • This reduces social and historical circumstances to modifying influences on a cognitive structure predisposed to differentiation and even discrimination.
  • For whatever reason, King isn't really concerned that prisons are cesspools of rape, violence, racism and gang activity that shelter individuals already predisposed to crime and otherwise anti-social behavior, multiply those tendencies and spit them back out into society, making honest-to-God threats to the homeland. HUFFPOST HILL - White House Says We're Not At War, Just Sending Armed People To Places
  • He argues that because of the small numbers of people killed we are predisposed to refer to the outcome as murder rather than war.
  • Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness.
  • Poor environmental sanitation and unhygienic personal habits appear to predispose them to the risk of infections.
  • All ancient astrologers placed the greatest significance upon heliacal risings and settings and ancient Mesopotamian astrology was also heavily predisposed to observance of this kind of planetary phenomena.
  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
  • We sought to determine if JRP are associated with histological mucosal inflammation and whether this predisposes the patient to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • Publishing next week in the online, open access journal PLoS Biology, a new study reveals that early activation of astroglia, the main population of glial cells in the brain, by hyperactive neurons is one of the crucial events that predisposes neurons nearby to the generation of an epileptic discharge. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The dragon is a "flamer" ha ha ha only to those predisposed to see it. The Mega Collector's Reluctant Dragon
  • In addition, silicosis, unlike other forms of pneumoconiosis, may predispose certain individuals to development of pulmonary tuberculosis. Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Health and Mitigation Strategies
  • The presence of copious quantity of viscid mucus in the airways predisposes patients to frequent pulmonary infections, mainly due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa leading to a chronic neutrophil-dominated inflammation.
  • And fitness, along with a good diet, can also suppress the most common killer diseases that your genes might predispose you to. Blog De Ganz | Archive | April
  • Kernberg stressed the role of the overabundance of constitutionally predisposed aggression or very early frustration rather than maternal care that color the ways they experience their caretakers as resulting in the development of the intermediate level of structure, which he called borderline personality organization. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • It should be mentioned, however, that this was only a single-blind test, with a subject predisposed to be hostile to phrenology.
  • Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.
  • It poses a particular dilemma for a species already predisposed to enter a state of denial about personal mortality.
  • We are genetically predisposed to muddle through in defence,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the risk factors for depression in general also predispose men to postpartum depression. Dads Can Get Post-Partum Depression Too
  • But I suspect that, even if it has, you will favour the evidence that supports your point of view - and believe in the evidence you are predisposed to believe in.
  • People who are mentally unstable, especially impulsive teenagers, are predisposed to suicide.
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fatigue predispose to colds.
  • NYU College of Dentistry researcher Dr. Gustavo D. Cruz has found that immigrants 'ethnicity and country of origin predispose them to caries and periodontal disease. Why American conservatives should support friendly relations with Hell
  • And naturally that would have predisposed her to put credence in Jasper Flodge's dirty story. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • These conditions can predispose the patient to arrhythmia and to palpitations.
  • If people begin honest dialogues with others they are predisposed to trust, they might be less inclined to take a hard-line position in the broader gun debate.
  • His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • Company, I hear, is now ready, but not anxious, to redispose of those shares; and having obtained them at their depressed value, will now sell them at par, though, prior to the panic, they were held at a handsome figure above. The Confidence-Man
  • They are predisposed to preoperative airway colonization and altered host defenses, thus creating a nidus for postoperative infection.
  • They also posit that "averageness" (like symmetry) is a proxy for health, and that we may be predisposed by biology and evolution to find average faces attractive. Newswise: Latest News
  • Being a woman helps me to win - women have certain personality traits that predispose them to be good poker players.
  • As a group, then, we were predisposed to cross boundaries and become collaborators.
  • Some people seem predisposed to accept stories about mysteries or the inexplicable. Christianity Today
  • Abortion in a previous pregnancy predisposes to further abortions or stillbirths in subsequent pregnancies.
  • [I] ndividuals hereditarily predisposed to defend private resources for themselves and their social group pass more genes on to the next generation. Rob Asghar: Devil Management: A Case Study
  • For example, some of us are predisposed to cardiovascular disease or chronic diseases, like obesity, certain cancers, cataracts, and diabetes.
  • This drumbeat predisposes policy makers to view Chinese investments, and particularly acquisitions of high technology, with suspicion. Where Huawei Went Wrong in America
  • Nasal carriage of organisms may predispose to recurrent infection in an individual.
  • And naturally that would have predisposed her to put credence in Jasper Flodge's dirty story. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • This may predispose people to conditions such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Its war-like roots predispose it to militarism and the rule of the physically strong.
  • For some who are predisposed, having already too much hypermetabolism or heat, the stimulating effect of valerian takes precedence and overpowers the sedating effects. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • In a set of 21 tumor samples, the researchers found 13 had what's known as an RAS mutation, which predisposes someone to develop squamous cell cancer. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Includes comment on the factors that predispose certain types of household to become mobile.
  • Diabetes predisposes patients to infections.
  • So why do younger people seem more predisposed to divorce? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most genetically predisposed diseases are not rare conditions limited to small numbers of families; they encompass a wide spectrum of common diseases like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and many cancers.
  • Further, our training predisposes us to conduct our research as scholars of particular nation-states or regions.
  • Page view page image: annoyances, winding up with the resolute persistency of the clerk at the stage-office to enter my name misspelt on the way-bill, had not predisposed me to cheerfulness. The luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches
  • The sort that can be hereditary because the females of the family are genetically predisposed to ‘over-egg the omelette’ every month. Twins
  • Is it a product of the game, or is it a personality type that is predisposed to gaming?
  • The narrative-as-product paradigm is one which obscures the true nature of the contracts involved, predisposes us to think in terms of production-line employment, and thereby represents exploitative and unwarranted demands on artists as obligations. Archive 2010-02-01
  • In fact, my feet are naturally predisposed to wearing trainers or hiking boots, or, most happily, nothing at all.
  • Cigarette advertising predisposes children to smoking.
  • People who are obese, on corticosteroid therapy, or those with defective white blood cell function may be predisposed to furuncles and carbuncles.
  • Brightly rationalizes, Who will live in amity and confidence with one who is scientifically proved to be predisposed to deeds of cruelty and destruction? Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • It was a load of disappointingly patronising guff about how "woman is closer to the rhythms of Earth" and stuff like that, and it predisposed me against him as a bit of a sanctimonious berk. This week's new singles
  • The morphologic changes such as decreased cell density, decreased collagen fibril density, and loss of fiber waviness that occur with aging predispose the tendon to injury.
  • I have heard nothing that predisposes me in her favor.
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease
  • Should everybody know what diseases they are predisposed to suffer from in old age?
  • In developing countries it is uncertain whether cryptosporidiosis leads to failure to thrive or whether malnutrition predisposes to cryptosporidiosis.
  • An important implication of our observations is that sedentary living may predispose to Obstructive Sleep Apnea not only by promoting obesity, but also by causing dependent fluid accumulation in the legs, which can shift rostrally to the neck overnight," said Dr. Bradley. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Mitral valves with annular calcification are predisposed to developing both infective endocarditis and periannular abscesses.
  • Let us assume (for the sake of argument) that atheism does indeed predispose people to commit atrocities in the course of prosecuting a war. Berlinski's Wisdom
  • His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.
  • Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
  • Patients predisposed to acute renal failure include patients with any degree of pre-existing renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, age greater than 65, volume depletion, sepsis, paraproteinemia, or patients receiving known nephrotoxic drugs. Featured News and Stories
  • Monitoring your diet by tracking food is the most important way to prevent spikes in glucose levels for a diabetic and prevent type 2 diabetes for anyone predisposed," she says. Cyclist Lance Armstrong has a new passion: Diabetes
  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
  • While it may seem like something out of science fiction, many insist clones would be naturally predisposed to such similitude, and caution that cloneish behavior would be evident in every facet of life.
  • Or am I just genetically predisposed to suffer from it regardless? The Sun
  • Assume (for the sake of argument) that atheism does indeed predispose people to commit atrocities in the course of prosecuting a war. Berlinski's Wisdom
  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
  • His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.
  • Improper form can increase the stress on the musculoskeletal system and predispose the player to injury.
  • I was favorably predisposed to this new Ladies Lounge of which you speak - until I continued reading your post and learned that a “pokie” in Oz is just a stupid poker machine. Cheeseburger Gothic » Open for business. The new renovated Ladies Lounge.
  • Includes comment on the factors that predispose certain types of household to become mobile.
  • An important implication of our observations is that sedentary living may predispose to OSA not only by promoting obesity, but also by causing dependent fluid accumulation in the legs, which can shift rostrally to the neck overnight," said Dr. Bradley. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • To test the hypothesis, the researchers carried out a surgical procedure known as ileal interposition in a line of rats that were predisposed to obesity and type 2 diabetes. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The counterclockwise racing of the greyhounds on a banked track may have predisposed their uphill foot to increased stress.
  • ‘Come on, you're predisposed towards brainwork,’ said the Midgetman, trying to calm the furious specialist.
  • A number of infinitesimal annoyances, winding up with the resolute persistency of the clerk at the stage office to enter my name misspelt on the waybill, had not predisposed me to cheerfulness. Selected Stories of Bret Harte
  • Ulrich Neisser, for instance, argued that we are predisposed to recognise a common ‘personhood’ or ‘intersubjectivity’ when we encounter other human beings.
  • This certainly isn't because we are genetically predisposed to have weaker necks. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is more than probable, though only a conjecture, that Dryden might be made the subject of those private exhortations, which in that reign were called closeting; and, predisposed as he was, he could hardly be supposed capable of resisting the royal eloquence. The Dramatic Works of John Dryden
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis are closely related inflammatory conditions that affect different cellular targets in genetically predisposed persons.
  • This certainly isn't because we are genetically predisposed to have weaker necks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old school hypothesis and the deductions therefrom would seem therefore, to be this: That a super-malignant contagium imported from some foreign source falls upon organisms predisposed to infection by mental stress or physical privation and over-strain or both combined; and the contagion thus generated through the medium of some unsuspected Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • She reports a disinclination to continue with her crafts and seems predisposed to a bit of lethargy.
  • The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.
  • You seem predisposed to accept claims against 3d with little substantiation, which is just as bad. Slashdot: Hardware
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abortion in a previous pregnancy predisposes to further abortions or stillbirths in subsequent pregnancies.
  • His fate of failure has been predisposed at the very beginning.
  • The large pannus predisposes patients to fluid accumulation, creating an environment conducive to seroma formation, infection, and wound edge separation or dehiscence.
  • I do have retinal "lattices" common in near-sighted people that could predispose me to detached retinas. Archive 2008-03-01
  • A reduction in melanocytes predisposes the skin to easier burning.
  • One would assume a high school player who likewise had three or more during his high school years would potentially be predisposed to some of these same long-term neurodegenerative conditions that NFL players are," he said. Undefined
  • What matters is that language is so important to us that we are predisposed to detect it.
  • Each of these patients had diseases known to predispose to heterotopic calcification including scleroderma, acromegaly, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Persons born with a bicuspid aortic valve are predisposed to develop aortic stenosis.
  • This is primarily due to the impairment of pharyngeal bolus transportation, which predisposes the patient to develop post deglutitive aspiration.
  • Diabetes predisposes the patient to fungus or other opportunistic infections involving the intracranial contents.
  • Endomorphs (bigger guys with a tendency toward being overweight) are predisposed to putting on body fat more easily than their ecto and mesomorphic counterparts.
  • I used to think that nurture had the upper hand and I'm slowly swinging the other way: I now tend to believe we're genetically predisposed for a lot of things.
  • While I would be predisposed to nominate a female candidate, I can't speak for everyone.
  • It predisposed him to fear that he was a heretic at heart, and yet to glory in that.
  • His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.
  • Cynics would argue that the life companies' high-principled mantra - that mutual status means they are predisposed to do their utmost to benefit their policyholders - is pure hogwash.
  • Some people seem predisposed to accept stories about mysteries or the inexplicable. Christianity Today
  • (such as angulation, cavernosal fibrosis or Peyronie's disease), or in patients who have conditions which may predispose them to Priapism (such as sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma, or leukemia). Xml's
  • On Monday, the Ministry of Culture issued a notice banning online games that feature Mafioso kingpins, marauding street gangs or any sort of hooliganism predisposed to organization.
  • Smoking predisposes you to lung cancer.
  • This predisposes us to believe the worst of ourselves and others, and to seek, not a resolution to problems, but an absolution from sin.
  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • They are resentment personified, archetypes of men with grudges against the world, who - unlike Macbeth - are thereby predisposed to evil.
  • In addition, childhood behaviors like repetitive hand-to-mouth activity and pica predispose the child to ingestion.
  • In developing countries it is uncertain whether cryptosporidiosis leads to failure to thrive or whether malnutrition predisposes to cryptosporidiosis.

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