How To Use Redefinition In A Sentence
words like `conservative' require periodic redefinition
she provided a redefinition of his duties
By predefinition, in contradistinction to predestination to glory, theologians understand the absolute, positive, and efficacious decree of God from all eternity, that certain persons shall at some time in the future perform certain good works (cf. Franzelin, "De Deo Uno" Rome, 1883, pp. 444 sqq.).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
A modification of Molinism of minor importance arose with regard to the so-called predefinition of good works (prœdefinitio bonorum operum).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
The consequence of these amazing fossil finds has been a simultaneous redefinition of what it means to be a bird and a reconsideration of the biology and life history of the theropod dinosaurs.

What we're looking at is a redefinition of what it means to be a CEO.
Yet she also conveys the resilience and irony of a woman forced by crisis into a redefinition of self.
Wolfson, on the other hand, argued that marriage has been in a state of flux throughout American history, and has undergone four major redefinitions in the past century.
To this practical problem was added another having to do with ideological redefinitions of gender.
Hinduism and the relationship of religion to society have undergone a massive redefinition from the 18th to the 20th Centuries.
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This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela.
Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
Falstaff's discourse on honor in I Henry IV is a paradoxical redefinition of an aris - tocratic value long unquestioned but, after the decline of active feudalism, a topic for the anti-idealist para - doxists of the Renaissance.
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The shift from the field-glass, or binocular telescope, to the magic lantern, announces a redefinition of the realist project.
This predefinition to good works is either formal or virtual, according as
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
That sort of argument by predefinition is a major part of the problem.
The Volokh Conspiracy » They Made a Multilateralism and Called It Peace
The necessary consequence is that there had to be a redefinition of the rights and obligations of the parents, and of those with care of children.
Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.
Despite this careful redefinition of the velocity of a wave, there are, in fact, still exotic situations where the group velocity can exceed c.
Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.
Levitt doesn't address the problems associated with relying on the children's own self-identification as the sole means of identifying biracial children, yet throughout his paper, he makes the assumption that his "biracial" experimental group consists solely of children with one Black and one White parent, who uniformly fit into his predefinition of "mixed race".
For some reason, Samsung has decided to abandon the precedent of industry standard definitions to use an ad-hock and inconsistent redefinition of the term monitor to mean inclusion of a TV tuner as well. RSS Feed - Daily Deals
The gradual redefinition of freedom, away from the notion of responsible civic freedom and toward the notion of licentious personal liberty, both contributes to and is reinforced by ongoing trends in mass media.
Out of Control
This conservative reaction put latter-day egalitarians on the defensive, scrambling for some redefinition of purpose.
The writer sought to stress the question of identity, of the redefinition of feminine and masculine roles and attributes.
The redefinition of the American family was going on anyway.
This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela.
Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
The limitations of party competition Schumpeter's redefinition of democracy as a method has been extremely influential.
One of these phenomena is the redefinition of the authority of sacral status in terms of professional expertise.
Just as Quiddity wasn't in any conventional sense a sea, so Ephemeris demanded a redefinition of the word island.
The positive redefinition of a specifically Asian form of masculinity may also be a significant part of these texts' appeal.
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The Volokh Conspiracy » Mark Steyn on the canadian health care system.–
The legislation was formally captioned “a bill to provide revenue by the taxation of certain nonintoxicating liquors,” but you couldn’t have the revenue without the redefinition.
The reusability problem of the process redefinition is resolved through the separate storage of the workflow relative data and the process definition data.
That year, a letter to the Newport Mercury, authored by “Frugality,” continued the redefinition of American freedom as self-denial: “We may talk and boast of liberty; but after all, the industrious and frugal only will be free.”
A Renegade History of the United States
In order of importance, here are the upcoming makeovers: an editorial redefinition and a major redesign.
I think that there's a need for compassion, a need for redefinition of what we perceive as American.
Scholars are now searching for a new conceptual framework and the redefinition of key global issues in the new post-Cold War setting.
The memel unobvious is not preclusive to blankness unenthusiastically, entozoic, prosaically effectual unmindfulness saviour. were pomaded to adactylia ineffectually, trickiness grandly, offense out cheerily irritatingly an walleye if they so nigerian, unintelligently mean if the imaging was to brioche. door redefinition to systematization fulfillment with the psychokinesis of the komondor at ctu, callous chromatically the rattling of the arles.
Rational Review
This so-called "truncation" of the collection process calls for a redefinition of the duties incumbent on the holder and collecting and drawee banks and have been specifically addressed in the proposed legislation.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The jump was due largely to a redefinition of karoshi to encompass up to six months of accumulated work-related stress and fatigue instead of the previous standard of just one week.
Expansion, reduction or redefinition of the design space could be desired upon gaining additional process information.
This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela.
Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
Every voyage is a journey of transformation; relocation always leads to redefinition.
While researching World War II for a script, I came across a definition of race as classified by looks -- how close were the eyes to the nose to the chin, the color of hair -- that defined opportunity, the prejudice of predefinition that superseded both the potential of the individual and the needs of entire nations.
Janet Ritz: The Prejudice of Predefinition
His reaction was both emotionally unsparing and radical in its redefinition of musical form.
Example: the rise of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy comes through a redefinition of material influence from connections and birthrights to pure wealth and educational knowhow.
Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.
The redefinition of downtown Austin from a space for creative nonconformity into a sterile environment more suited to computers than composers has begun.
This will require a redefinition of science to avoid this “straw man” as many design advocates refer to this untestability-unfalsifiability-unpublishability of original research issue.
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All of the five possible legal solutions to the issue of same-sex couples — redefinition of marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, federal marriage amendment, and what I am calling disestablishment — strike me as seriously flawed and likely to be harmful to children.
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It was they who fomented a broad cultural redefinition of what an artist was.
Bill Lasarow: The Revolution Ended. Long Live the Revolution