How To Use Reddish-brown In A Sentence

  • Site 45, representing the earliest Neolithic phase, revealed a short-blade microlithic industry accompanied by a crude reddish-brown handmade pottery, basaltic or quartzite flakes and a few crudely fashioned neoliths probably used for tillage operation.
  • Her hair is a reddish-brown colour.
  • They are small (not bigger than 0.5 cm or 1/5 in), have lightish brown legs, and a round, hard, shiny reddish-brownish shell.
  • Flowers terminal, dark reddish-brown; sterile and fertile, usually on the same plant, rarely on separate plants; anthers opposite; filaments short; ovuliferous scales opposite, with slight projections near the base, usually 2-ovuled. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • The juvenile appears similar to the adult in breeding plumage, but lacks the reddish-brown cap and dark belly.
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  • Botrytis blight, a fungal disease, causes reddish-brown leaf spots and is often the result of damp weather and/or evening watering.
  • Papules of sarcoidosis may be of various colors, including red, reddish-brown, violaceous, translucent, or hyperpigmented.
  • There was two weeks worth of reddish-brown scruff on his face.
  • Reddish-brown, marone, bistre with a golden light in it, suited her to perfection. The Commission in Lunacy
  • Sepia comes from the Greek word for the rich reddish-brown pigment obtained from a fluid that is secreted by the cuttlefish from their ink sac.
  • reddish-brown and gold blend well.
  • The color of the siderite is grayish-white when cleaned, but in most instances it is a dull to iridescent reddish-brown because of alteration to iron oxides on the crystal surfaces.
  • Affected stems often have reddish-brown spots or streaks.
  • The walls were a lovely reddish-brown color.
  • She was standing on the edge of the huge rock, teetering, and her reddish-brown hair swung about as she did.
  • The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.
  • Lush valleys, reddish-brown canyons and golden sandy beaches make this island a vision to behold.
  • The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.
  • He paused to ignite the cherry on a respectable reddish-brown stogie, flicking away the match with a few expert twists of his thick wrists, exposed ahead of rolled up sleeves.
  • Younger, newer roots are dotted with small reddish-brown spots.
  • The sugar in the marinade caramelizes during the roasting, creating a dark reddish-brown crust, shiny as fresh lacquer, that acts as a Pavlovian signal to barbecue lovers.
  • It is a coarse reddish-brown fabric, slightly micaceous, with limestone inclusions and shiny black specks. Ceramic Studies « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds
  • She's long and lean, with shoulder-length reddish-brown hair, smooth skin, and big brown doe eyes - which is to say, she doesn't look like a hellion.
  • The arcology had windows in virtually every room, you could see the reddish-brown plains and a still, clear lake, and a yellow tinted sky, with a few tiny clouds.
  • Davidson's current collection of bracelets, chokers and belts are made of black or reddish-brown strips of leather varying in width.
  • Carya illinoensis has close-grained, hard wood that is pale reddish-brown with occasional dark streaks.
  • Flandry dressed with his usual finicky care in an ornate suit of skintight green and a golden cloak with hood and goggles, hung a needle gun and dueling sword at his waist, and let the slave trim his reddish-brown mustache to the micrometric precision he demanded. Agent Of The Terran Empire
  • If reddish-brown specs move on the paper, use a miticide according to labeled instructions. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • ‘Death will arrive early this year,’ says this bookkeeper of mortality, as he watches the sweating gravediggers plunge their spades into the hard, reddish-brown earth.
  • I bagged a couple of antelopes, a kudu (A. strepsiceros) with fine twisting horns, and a pallah-buck (A. melampus), a reddish-brown animal, standing about three and a half feet, with broad posteriors. How I Found Livingstone
  • The third, had it been a horse, might have been described as a roan, the whole body being a pale reddish-brown, with a sprinkling of real white hairs on the back. Where the Strange Trails Go Down Sulu, Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Cochin-China
  • Andrea Lucky A new reddish-brown ant, Lordomyrma reticulate, was found in 2008, expanding the range of the genus to include Southeast Asia. Borneo
  • Gaboon is also called gaboon mahogany because its soft, silky reddish-brown wood is similar in color to mahogany.
  • It was well wrapped in reddish-brown cloths, and as she revealed the contents of the package, the tension in the room became palpable. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The spiny, reddish-brown stems are clad with oval-shaped, glossy green leaves with notched margins. The Sun
  • It is probably identical with the lighure of (Exodus 28: 19) The Jacinth or hyacinth is a red variety of zircon, which is found in square prisms of a white, gray, red, reddish-brown, yellow or pale-green color. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • So, next time you go birding and spot the reddish-brown flanks of a towhee, call it like you see it.
  • The labellum, which is articulated at the base of the column, is trilobed, reddish-brown spotted and papillose with acute lateral lobes.
  • Behind the angle of bifurcation of the common carotid artery is a reddish-brown oval body, known as the glomus caroticum (carotid body). VI. The Arteries. 3. The Arteries of the Head and Neck. a. The Common Carotid Artery
  • Though reddish-brown and hardened by petrifaction, the original character of the wood was still evident.
  • +Cap+ reddish-brown, 3 to 6 inches broad, fleshy; when young egg-shaped, and then campanulate, and flattening out with a broad, obtuse umbo. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • We scrambled up the mountain and worked all day on the snow-covered slopes exploring the wide, flat terraces of dark shale and reddish-brown mudstone.
  • He didn't know anything about her. But he imagined himself to be deeply in love with her, just because of her reddish-brown fur and her fluffy white tail and her big wide bright eyes.
  • The plants are stout, robust and shrub-like, with reddish stems and greenish-white or reddish-brown flowers produced in narrow, upright clusters.
  • Dulse is a seaweed native to the British Isles that has a reddish-brown color and coarse texture.
  • -- Fur very soft; above deep yellowish, olive brown or reddish-brown, with a mixture of fawn; under fur lead colour; chin and under parts whitish; head short; muzzle sharp; ears long and hairy; tail shorter than body, scaly, but scales covered with short black adpressed hairs; feet pale. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • He dressed carefully in the reddish-brown suit he had been married in.
  • He dressed carefully in the reddish-brown suit he had been married in.
  • It is characterized by small and large, slightly furfuraceous, reddish-yellow or reddish-brown patches, occurring usually on warm and moist parts, such as the axillary, inguinal, anal and genitocrural regions. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Large deposits of frothy reddish-brown pyrolignic acid, or “wood vinegar,” as the men called it, had also been found, indicating, as Roebling said, “that a destructive distillation of wood had been going on.” The Great Bridge
  • There are words to represent these different grades of color, such as 'rufous' for reddish-brown and 'fuscous' for dusky-brown; these you must learn later on, for some of them are pretty hard ones. Citizen Bird Scenes from Bird-Life in Plain English for Beginners
  • He paused to ignite the cherry on a respectable reddish-brown stogie, flicking away the match with a few expert twists of his thick wrists, exposed ahead of rolled up sleeves.
  • With his pale Irish skin, stick-out ears, and lantern jaw covered in reddish-brown stubble, wearing a green waffle-pattern long-underwear shirt and a pair of Sprawl athletic shorts, he looks like an elongated version of the actor Matt Damon preparing for a role in a remake of Deliverance. Rampage
  • The splenic pulp (pulpa lienis) is a soft mass of a dark reddish-brown color, resembling grumous blood; it consists of a fine reticulum of fibers, continuous with those of the trabeculæ, to which are applied flat, branching cells. XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
  • Irish Moss Chondrus crispus a k a carrageen, carrageen moss, Mousse d'Irlande and Irisch Moos, is a springy, red seaweed that ranges from greenish-yellow to reddish-brown. NYT > Home Page
  • Reddish-brown siltstone and fine-grained sandstone of the Organ Rock Tongue form the lower slopes of the hill and part of the nearly vertical wall above the lower slopes.
  • He dressed carefully in the reddish-brown suit he had been married in.
  • The walls were a lovely reddish-brown color.
  • _ -- (1) Wagner's reagent (iodine dissolved in a solution of potassium iodide) yields a reddish-brown precipitate; (2) Mayer's reagent (potassio-mercuric iodide) gives a yellowish-white precipitate; (3) phospho-molybdic acid gives a yellow precipitate; (4) platinic chloride, a brown precipitate; (5) tannic acid, etc. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • +Stem+ nearly equal, 2 to 3 inches long, 2 to 4 lines thick, firm, hollow, slightly fibrillose, whitish or yellowish above, reddish-brown below. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • The various colors of chalcedony have their own names: jasper when brown, carnelian when red or reddish-brown, chrysoprase when green, agate when banded with different colors. Quartz
  • The rectangle bell shade is a reddish-brown textile with black edged trim and natural black slubbing.
  • The phaemelanosomes are rod-like and produce phaeomelanin, a reddish-brown or yellow pigment, while the eumelanosomes are more spherical in shape and produce black-grey eumelanin. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Skin, or pellicle, reddish-brown, changing to silvery-white about the base of the leaves; the latter being fistulous, and about a foot in height. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • Most of the Ottoman period material consisted of fragments of thick walled, flat based, strap handled jars/jugs and cooking pots with simple rims, in oxidized hard to very hard fired reddish-brown fabric (s), with a rough feel, sometimes powdery, hackly broken edges and moderate, mostly angular inclusions, which were dull white and shiny black in color, and including lime and mica fragments. Suburban Survey Pottery Study « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds

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