

  1. a porter who helps passengers with their baggage at a railroad station
  2. a member of the military police in Britain

How To Use redcap In A Sentence

  • I saw a picture not long since, in Edinburgh, copied from an engraving in Boydell's Shakspeare; subject, -- "Lear (and suite) in the storm," but coloured according to the imagination and taste of the artist; its name ought assuredly to have been _Redcap and the blue-devils_, for the venerable and lamented monarch had fine streaming locks of the real _carrot hue_, whilst his very hideous companions showed _blue_ faces, and blue armour; and with their strangely contorted bodies seemed meet representatives of some of the infernal court. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 341, November 15, 1828
  • Bantam, we wold pay him for his labor, he asked vs 5. rialles of 8. and a redcap, which we graunted vnto, and so one of the men in the scute came on bord the Mauritius, and was our Pilot to Bantam, where we passed by many The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III
  • Another young redcap took a look at the contraption and proclaimed that Paige looked like “a walking satchel tree.” Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert
  • But she had reassured herself that Lance Corporal Michael Pritchard – known to everyone as "Pritch" – was a military policeman, a redcap. 'My son was shot by a British sniper, now all I want is the truth'
  • With no radios capable of contacting the Paras in the town or in Amarra, the Redcaps were stranded.
  • Another dumb journalist who will probably confuse a Derbyshire redcap with a Scots dumpy. The Duchess of Devonshire: 'When you are very old, you cry over some things, but not a lot'
  • This impacted the travel industry dramatically and affected many African Americans who serviced travelers as taxi drivers, hotel maids, and redcaps.
  • The flurry of activity led to mobilization of car attendants not employed directly by the Pullman Company and redcaps, plus the establishment of joint councils to handle jurisdictional disputes.
  • These have escalated in numbers in the last 20 years and have probably contributed greatly to the decline of the native redcap and rosella parrots once common in Perth.
  • When Nelson stopped to check his luggage with a redcap outside the terminal, the redcap told Nelson that he'd have to go inside - his name had been flagged because he'd bought his ticket the day before.
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