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[ US /ˈɹɛdˌbəd/ ]
  1. small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood

How To Use redbud In A Sentence

  • There are several species available -- loblolly pine, arborvitae, lacebark elm, bald cypress, several kinds of oak, redbud and more. Local Headlines - NewsChannel 8
  • Much like a redbud tree, from a distance it looks pretty good, but when you get a closer look there's not much there, same with Obama, all fluff and window dressing, no substance. As a sportsman, how would you "grade" Obama's first 100 days in office.
  • Among the other new small champions you may recognize are the Texas redbud, yellow paloverde, mountain-laurel, and big sagebrush.
  • He printed one color a day, from light to dark-clamshell for white, red lead for tan, turmeric for yellow, redbud for pink, safflower for red, cochineal for crimson, dayflower for blue, lampblack for ebony-on soft mulberry paper. December 6
  • To make things less cluttered I used my pruner to cut off some lower branches of the redbud, nipping them nearly all the way to the tree's trunk. Fear of Pruning
  • The adult female removes circular portions from the soft leaves of plants such as redbud, katsura, itea and roses, then uses these discs to line the holes of nests where individual eggs are laid. Undefined
  • Available species include bald cypress, various dogwood, maple and oak varieties, arrowwood and nannyberry viburnum, black chokeberry, river birch, buttonbush, redbud, Norway spruce, eastern white pine and fragrant sumac. Top Stories
  • The redbud was burning on the Southern slopes; the turf was springing, fresh and green; dandelions were dappling the grass like golden coins sown by a prodigal; violets were beginning to peep from the shelter of leaves caught along the fence-rows; and some favored peach-trees were blushing into pink. Gordon Keith
  • For a burgundy tree, use a 'Royal Purple' smoketree, Cotinus coggyria, or in a protected site, 'Forest Pansy' redbud. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Mid-May visitors can expect to see lilacs, Korean spice viburnum, flowering dogwood, redbud, foamflower, flowering crabapples and trillium. Undefined
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