How To Use Redaction In A Sentence
Consequently, there was no reason for further redaction of the judgments and the appeal would be dismissed.
Times, Sunday Times
The consultation meant that all MPs were aware of the redactions that would be made to their documents.
The High Court rejected the appeal and MPs were tasked with getting the details of their expenses ready for publication, but with certain redactions.
Here is what it said, with a few redactions for discretion's sake.
A key point here is that those responsible for the final redaction of our text seem to have had a minimalist approach to editing.

Speaking anonymously to other newspapers, some senior MPs have suggested that some of the redactions were made on the advice of MI5.
Goldstein brings together the fruit of extensive research and massive erudition in multiple disciplines, wielding the tools of source, genre, redaction, and textual criticism with masterful force.
Butön was involved with the redaction and classification of the two parts of the Tibetan Buddhist canon, the Kanjur and the Tenjur.
Some MPs say he warned them they could face legal action if they published their own receipts without redactions.
I am making a simple distinction between the redaction of my written notes for verbalization and a quantity of ad-libbed additions direct to tape.
The redaction and production of privileged documents, or the adducing of further evidence, will lead to additional delay and increased costs.
Still others bracket out the questions of authorship, dating, and redaction in favor of simply reading the book as a final literary product.
The study of the author's influence on the oral tradition is called redaction criticism.
An important question to ask in closing will be whether our redactor is merely an editor or also plays the role of author through his redactional activity.
He said the redactions appeared designed to "protect senior officials."
Third, I would argue once more that redaction and narrative criticisms are the friend rather than the foe of historical verification.
The six main branches of biblical criticism are textual, source, tradition, redaction, form and historical criticism.
The Sunday Telegraph, which has access to the files without redactions, can provide the full picture.
The disparity between theory and praxis is particularly glaring in the redaction of canonical works.
Were you surprised at the extent of the redactions?
The redaction of the text ensures this fatal tidiness.
Many of the redactions had no intelligence rationale; they were simply meant to eliminate as much embarrassment for the agency as possible.
Unfortunately, they implemented the redactions by the completely pointless method of placing black rectangles over the sensitive text in the PDF.
The redactions are made at the request of the parties, to protect what is said to be confidential information relating to their respective software systems.
The Commissioner requires that the House of Commons shall provide the complainant with the requested information with the following redactions made.
Critics like Ehrman have been able to detect such things precisely because original readings have been preserved, or at least there have been ways to detect redaction that are fairly reliable.
The editors' ability to present a lucid redaction of the main points of Amar Singh's voluminous diaries is to their credit.
The redaction on their part synthesises the argument perfectly.
The Sun
But much depends on very uncertain datings of alleged redactions and, at times, questionable exegesis.
He assembles a vast amount of historical and literary material on the source and various redactions of the tales.
Both redactions of the original play make Act I, Scene 2 of vital importance in the development of the relations of power between Caliban, Prospero, and Miranda.
But there is a wide feeling among many others that these redactions were really just ways to avoid embarrassment.
The brief is riddled with the black boxes lawyers call redactions.
The Microsoft Office Word 2003 Redaction Add-in makes it easy for you to mark sections of a document for redaction.
Rather, it is a final redaction of sources ranging from the Red Book of Westmarch, to Elvish Chronicles, to Gondorian records, to tales of Rohirrim which were only transcribed centuries later.
They include a redaction of Freeman's journal, some excerpts of the original, and four manuscript reports sent in by Custis.
This year, MPs were given copies of their files, already marked with the Commons authorities changes, to suggest their own redactions.
Most obviously, an early redaction of material already assembled in the Prophet's lifetime would inspire considerable confidence in our text of the Koran.
She argues that the ‘case-by-case’ approach to privilege outlined in Ryan should be applied, and, if properly applied, would result in redaction of the portion of the records in issue.
The balance of likely value as against the difficulties of redaction favoured an order for inspection rather than a refusal.
Times, Sunday Times
The document has a fairly high level of redaction, including - unbelievably - almost half of its bibliography.
What must be acknowledged is precisely the lack of a Christian redaction of the Old Testament.
In the rush to the vernacular, the redaction deprived people of the texts in both Latin and English.
But you know, more often than not, they err on the side of redaction rather than disclosure.
There's a good redaction of their argument in a recent issue of Reason.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) forced the Justice Department to release some previously redacted material from the Defense Department, showing that the redactions had hidden FBI criticisms of the interrogation methods.
His comments focus mainly on the sources of Matthew's material and his redaction of those sources.
Nous avons contribue a la redaction de ses statuts, et l'an dernier, nous avons acceuilli l '"agence," lorsqu'elle a tenu sa deuxieme assemblee generale a Ottawa.
New Directions in Foreign Policy
In place of reading the important late colonial chronicle of Michoacan by Pablo Beaumont, he relies on redactions of it by the prominent historian Benedict Warren.
Thus an Elizabethan ‘Homer’ could well mean an English translation of an Italian redaction, or of a French or Latin version of the Greek original.
Clarke's testimony, with only slight redactions for security reasons, can be accessed here.
A work that had been subjected to any kind of redaction would surely show more signs of narrative coherence.
In 1452, Bizkaians assembled beneath their sacred Oak of Gernika and approved the Fuero Viejo de Bizkaia, the Old Law of Bizkaia: a redaction of the consuetudinary laws and customs that had informed their legal practices for centuries.
If there are redactions, the redactions must be accompanied by a supporting explanation.
Shame on the poets who forced its redaction and suppression.
The Times Literary Supplement
Thousands of pages are marked by redactions, blacked out information like the names of people who attended meetings.
Later redactions of saints' lives tended to omit historical details that were no longer easily understood and to embellish the text with more outlandish miracle stories.
Successive redaction of the Psalms they readily admit, provided the doctrine of the inspiration of Holy Writ be not impugned .
I said I felt strongly that this was a matter of liaison sensitivity that justified redaction (editing).
The relative clause was seen as secondary, rather than the entire point of the remark, and thus was subject to redaction.
I think it was irresponsible of you to post the document without additional redactions.
The people in the intelligence community say that there's so many methods and sources that they have to protect, that these redactions, as they call them, were necessary.
We are of the view that redaction is not sufficient to preserve the identity of the writer, which may be revealed by or easily ascertainable from the content of the report.
It seems to me, however, that this chapter and the one preceding it most likely did not belong to the first redaction of the work.
Established by the monk Tao-hsüan, this school began by establishing which of the several redactions of the monastic regulations that had been translated into Chinese would become the standard.