How To Use Red-handed In A Sentence
He was caught red-handed taking money from the cash register.
The 30-year-old man was caught red-handed by residents as he was about to make off with a stolen motorcycle.
Mr. Lipson opened his mouth to put in the caviar and stopped midbite as though I had caught him red-handed, eating my peers.
The Adults
My boyfriend and I robbed a store and were caught red-handed.
Many times it is ridiculous that a case even gets as far as a trial, because the accused was caught red-handed and is sure to be found guilty anyway.
Professionalize The Jury System | Heretical Ideas Magazine

The culprits, who were caught red-handed by police, caused £20,000 damage.
In a case of media behaving badly, the UK's News of the World--a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns the US's Fox News--ceased publication after being caught red-handed in an embarrassing scandal.
The Media Consortium: The Wavelength: Court to FCC do your freakin job! Plus: how the NewsCorps scandal impacts u.s. media
The excitement of the weekend was catching a bicycle thief red-handed.
LAST week, two Bulgarian border policemen were caught red-handed after stealing a mobile telephone belonging to US ambassador John Beyrle.
It would be very silly of my persecutor to risk some mishap, Rafaelli being caught red-handed, the whole plot compromised.
His expression was that of a child who had been caught red-handed.
Eight primates are found here including the bearded saki (Chiropotes albinasus), red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas), and tiny titi monkey (Callicebus moloch), which is found in few other places.
Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests
caught red-handed
He spends all of his waking hours hatching schemes to catch the thief red-handed.
The culprit turned out to be my dog, caught red-handed troughing into the berries when she thought no-one was looking.
Armed raiders were caught red-handed yesterday as they were about to carry out a heist on a security van.
He was caught red-handed taking money from the cash register.
Eventually, Tina was caught red-handed on videotape clandestinely throwing objects.
This might even help them if they accidentally get caught red-handed.
Burglars are often undone by carelessness: some get caught red-handed, others are pulled in for traffic offences while driving a vanload of stolen goods.
And thanks for the French translations ... next time a customs official catches me red-handed with mon coupe menstruelle I'll know what to say!!
Archive: Oct 08 - Mar 09
His prospects of victory were not helped when bosses decided on Monday that the vote would take the form of a secret ballot, allowing his rivals a chance to trip him up without being caught red-handed.
A smoker caught red-handed throwing a butt on the ground would also be fined, he said.
I mean yes, I was caught red-handed playing hooky, so I did take a good tanning from my old man.
Some have developed or perfected sophisticated skills to carry out corruption without being caught red-handed.
Armed robbers were caught red-handed yesterday as they were about to carry out a raid on a security van.
What could I say to defend myself when I had been caught red-handed?
I mean yes, I was caught red-handed playing hooky, so I did take a good tanning from my old man.
Short of being caught red-handed stealing clients' money, accountants were rarely disciplined.
They were caught red-handed mucking up the "proof.
Harlan Ellison on God
Burglars were caught red-handed surrounded by computers that they were intending to steal from a business.
Of course, the police caught the burglars red-handed.
Confused, I examined the garland behind the couch—and caught Jeremy red-handed.
he was caught red-handed
My boyfriend and I robbed a store and were caught red-handed.
The bearded saki (Chiropotes satanas), howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), and red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas) are all eastern Amazonian primates.
Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
The only way to find out whether it was true was to attempt to catch them red-handed, and this required subterfuge.
Times, Sunday Times
Now police are deliberately ‘baiting’ cars in South Yorkshire in an attempt to catch the thieves red-handed.
A spy camera was set up - and caught the crook red-handed.
The Sun
And then on June 17, five men were caught red-handed trying to burgle the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate building.
He spends all of his waking hours hatching schemes to catch the thief red-handed.
She caught students red-handed with their parts entwined frequently, and the rest of the student body talked about sex as if it was just as normal as attending a baseball game or playing video games.
Daniel P. Malito: The Scarlet e-Letter
A York gardener was caught red-handed with a hoard of stolen statues, gnomes and ornaments, magistrates heard.
Had someone called us when the raid was in progress, we could have caught them red-handed.
If we wait to catch them red-handed, we are toying with the lives of innocent citizens.
Times, Sunday Times
The fact is that it is ineffective in cases of proven crime and criminals who have been caught red-handed.
It seems a rare occasion to catch a thief red-handed.
November 28th, 2009 6: 58 pm ET this is the biggest pay-2-play political scam ever .... and Newt was caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar .... who's next?
Topless club owner names dog shelter after Gingrich
He could get caught red-handed in the most heinous of crimes and she would keep him out of jail.
A York gardener was caught red-handed with a hoard of stolen statues, gnomes and ornaments, magistrates heard.
Kerry let me remind you is the former constituency of Dick Spring, former leader of the Labour Party and the current constituency of former IRA commander Martin Ferris TD, a man who was once caught red-handed shipping a cargo Libyan supplied arms and the home of gombeen Jackie Healey-Rae, a man who would make a St. Patrick's Day leprauchan blush with shame at his shameless stage Oirish paddywackery.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
A hoax caller was caught red-handed by firefighters after his phone led them to the pub where he was drinking.
I immediately freeze and turn around, my face flushing with heat, feeling like I've just been caught red-handed, although caught at what I'm not sure.
But it was no teenage delinquent - the man caught red-handed was a 59-year-old university lecturer.