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How To Use Red herring In A Sentence

  • I have more smoke in my mouth than would blote a hundred herrings. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 12: September/October 1661
  • The link with the charismatic movement may be a red herring, but there is at least a tangential link in that the standard Western confirmation prayer (both medieval and in the classic BCPs from 1549 on) centers on the bishop praying for the confirmand to receive strengthening from the Holy Spirit and his seven-fold gifts (ala Stand Firm
  • This relationship, whose validity ultimately depends on statistical arguments may be one of the greatest red herrings of the subject.
  • DEAR EXPERIENCE: When a partner "nags," the nagging becomes the relationship red herring, soaking up the emotional energy, while the source of the discontent can be pushed aside. Ask Amy
  • Rather, the entire story of the missing insurance fraudster is seemingly a red herring, an excuse to tell a story about Bellamy and his compulsive work ethic, his off-handed destructiveness toward the people in his life and his seeming cluelessness about himself. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Inspector Bellamy
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  • It heaped censure on 'red herrings' being deployed by both campaigns. Times, Sunday Times
  • This We Could Be Famous post on garbage contracts and racial red herrings is well worth your while. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • I believe the issue of culpability is very important, and this nonsense of guilt on the part of derivative players such as Pelosi is a red herring, both legally and practically. At the Sharp End: The Highest Officials Authorize Torture of a Clerk
  • Criticising PETA is a red herring that people use to shift the focus away from themselves.
  • The ethics argument is a red herring, and not a particularly sustainable one.
  • Elizabeth's "pigmy;" especially as Dr. Dale and himself had only half a red herring between them for luncheon, and supped afterwards upon an orange. History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete
  • Without giving too much away, I think it's permissible to say that by the end, the little girls who vanish throughout this tale turn out to be beribboned and pink-sneakered red herrings in a much more sinister game of retribution. Book review: Hackneyed rules of suspense disappear in Hayder's 'Gone'
  • I believe this is a red herring that has worked well in past arguments and you keep hoping for someone to take the bait once again.
  • Meg's determination not to see her; her red herring about the mysterious proposal of marriage.
  • I like to imagine a world in which neither fish, flesh nor good red herring common.
  • The Lockheed memo also took aim at what it called an expected "red herring" conclusion of the Pentagon report. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: USAID spins liabilities into assets again, as the administration eats its young, tossing depleted agencies at the pursuing mob ... do flimsier flimflams and smellier red herrings portend a last desperate all-or-nothing attempt to rule the world?' Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg
  • Despite numerous red herrings, there's no way to logically deduce the culprit's identity.
  • As Dr Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.
  • When it comes to issues like climate change, one of Will's favorite tactics is the ignoratio elenchi, also known in some circles as a red herring. Bill Chameides: Red Herring Alert: Planet Earth Does Not Need a Care Package
  • The remainder of Saw is spent unravelling the puzzle, offering sly red herrings and tracing the progress of a detective obsessed with cracking the case.
  • Up against a ticking clock, myriad plot twists and turns and a roster of red herring suspects, the hero eventually solves the mystery through logical deduction, a process known as ratiocination, not to mention a little luck. WestportNow
  • By the way, your formulation of water in "usable quantities" is a red herring. Back to the Moon We Go - NASA Watch
  • Meanwhile, the popular understanding that the domestic bank bailout led to the swingeing public spending cuts that are now beginning is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 8/21/09: On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'On \'death panels, \' \'socialized medicine\ 'and other red herrings'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Ain\'t it a shame our so-called liberal media is obsessed with "death panels" of fevered imaginations rather than death panels that exist in the real world, notably in our present health-care system?' On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings
  • Many a person has gone away smiling after eating one of Kipperman's red herring, bloaters or kippers.
  • The creature that incurred the congestion charge in Central London yesterday was neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research is ongoing, but latest studies suggest hypotonia is, at best, a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 8/21/09: On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'On \'death panels, \' \'socialized medicine\ 'and other red herrings'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Ain\'t it a shame our so-called liberal media is obsessed with "death panels" of fevered imaginations rather than death panels that exist in the real world, notably in our present health-care system?' On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings
  • As with all the sensationalized stories in the press in the last few years, there were many red herrings, the white van, the guy that said ‘They went thataway.’
  • Stop chasing red herrings and get back to the point.
  • One key characteristic of red herrings, apart from their colour, was their strong smell, so much so that one use for them on occasion was to train hounds to follow a scent.
  • His racial theory was almost certainly a red herring, 5 but the notion of selective mate choice was not.
  • Based on this, my tentative conclusion is that the ‘moral values’ vote is a red herring.
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • This is a much looser, sloppier, more wild-eyed version of the book, with blind alleys, red herrings, and false trails. Subterranean Press » Latest Subterranean Press News
  • Another red herring is the search for the main initiators of regulatory excess.
  • Too often you'll stop caring about what happens in a film because you're drowning in double-crosses, red herrings, and mixed messages, yet don't know much about the main characters at all.
  • because some portions of the cover page are printed in red ink a preliminary prospectus is sometimes called a red herring
  • The doctors said this excuse was a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the race question is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It really did give one's mind a good exercise, trying to fathom out the clues, whether they be ‘red herrings’ or helpful hints.
  • Perhaps the race question is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's not a moment's respite from the melodrama in a film with so many red herrings that it needs a fishing quota. Times, Sunday Times
  • AThe wireless connection is probably a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rural England circa 1950 is the setting for the lighter-toned "A Red Herring Without Mustard" Delacorte, 399 pages, $23 , the third mystery by Alan Bradley to be narrated by 11-year-old Flavia de Luce: chemistry prodigy, amateur detective and mischievous bane of her two elder sisters and their distracted, upper-class, philatelic, cash-strapped widower-father. Murder by the Numbers
  • Back in September 2008, David Bookbinder, chief climate council for the Sierra Club, derided as "bugaboos," a "red herring," and a "pure scare tactic" (see segments 1: 47: 10-1: 48: 22 and Planet Gore
  • I believe (and have believed from the beginning of the affair) that the "clerical sexual abuse" scandal is a gigantic red herring ginned up by an unholy alliance of anticlericals, homosexual activists (tu quoque, perhaps!?), Modernist "Catholics" and media voyeurs. What planet...?
  • Neither fish nor flesh ( nor good red herring ).
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed thebible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • With all due respect, this palaver from the congressional representative is an example of the "red herrings", flawed reasoning and misguided focus prevalent within the entire debate about Health Insurance Reform. TX Dem: Bill without public option 'would be very, very difficult'
  • Many a person has gone away smiling after eating one of these red herring, bloaters or kippers.
  • Red herring are fish which have been first soaked in brine with saltpetre added, then hung up to dry before being subjected to a heavy smoking - ideally over oak, beech, and turf.
  • Talking of markets, rule of law and democracy as separately achievable is a red herring. Bryan Gets Some Pushback, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Added to this are all the expected red herrings, betrayals, and double-crosses.
  • The definition of solipsism that you cite brings the red herring of a notion of “the self”; more in harmony with the traditional use of that word in the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy ’s definition. No Uncertain Terms
  • The creature that incurred the congestion charge in Central London yesterday was neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • The virtual aspect is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • Captain Cleaver aka Daniel James elaborates a terse warcry in this Red Herring piece: game developers clash in a ruthless and bloody 10-year battle for control of the online game industry. The flogging will continue
  • Meanwhile, the popular understanding that the domestic bank bailout led to the swingeing public spending cuts that are now beginning is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed the bible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • Lafferty's red herring usage of her favorite "paraphilia" or sexual deviation instead of sexual orientation or gender identity is a dead giveaway that she is attempting to feed off her readers 'fear and confusion. Bil Browning: TVC's Andrea Lafferty: A zombie queen in pastel
  • However they were uncertain as to whether it was the address of one of the suspects or a red herring.
  • The doctors said this excuse was a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of obviousness is somewhat of a red herring. Patent Impending
  • It heaped censure on 'red herrings' being deployed by both campaigns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • Reich can take some of the credit for busting the stranglehold on the 20th century of atonal music, which he calls a red herring; he describes listening to such work as akin to taking a bitter pill.
  • There's not a moment's respite from the melodrama in a film with so many red herrings that it needs a fishing quota. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a gigantic red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simply put, kippered herring are herring that been split open, soaked in a brine solution and then smoked.
  • August 13th, 2009 4: 44 pm ET is the travel issue a red herring since he wouldn't leave earlier? if he has nothing to hide then he should produce the evidence. First on the Ticker: GOP support for Sanford impeachment grows
  • No doubt the file was suitably sanitized to keep him off the track, or even spiced with red herring? THE QUEST FOR K
  • There is a more pernicious red herring that needs to be smelled out forthwith.
  • The whodunit is well written with red herrings and plausible twists starting with brainstorming to identify who the victim is. The Black Path-Asa Larsson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Woven reeds, grasses and bamboos perfectly complement tailored herringbone-edge bindings.
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • Red Herring report in March, Meffert noted some larger firms had started "vacillating" in their interest. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • He deliberately threw a red herring into the conversation.
  • This tactic can also be useful in a meeting when red herrings are constantly raised. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • Look, the situation in French agriculture is just a red herring. We're here to discuss the situation in this country.
  • This tactic can also be useful in a meeting when red herrings are constantly raised. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • The virtual aspect is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • AThe wireless connection is probably a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's possible it has been deliberately left there by the worm's author as a red herring to lead investigators off the scent.
  • His attorney, Susan Hoffinger , told State Supreme Court Judge Rena Uviller , that the cutting of the standpipe was "accidental" and was a "red herring. Contractors Claim 'Scapegoating'
  • Whenever he got in a difficulty, he would pull a red herring across the track.

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