
red giant

  1. a large, old, luminous star; has a relatively low surface temperature and a diameter large relative to the sun

How To Use red giant In A Sentence

  • Type II's derive from a supermassive red giant whose core collapses when it runs out of fuel, and then rebounds in a titanic explosion.
  • [Gosse's "Natural History."] "And now conceive the massive frame of the megathere convulsed with the mighty wrestling, every vibrating fibre reacting upon its bony attachments with the force of a hundred giants. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • All light elements like unfused hydrogen will have been lost during the red giant stage, but the principle is still the same.
  • Reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is an image of a light "echo" illuminating trillions of miles of interstellar dust around the Red Giant star V838 Monocerotis. Ars Technica
  • It's been a rough stretch of years for the Louisiana oysterman, who has weathered giant storms (Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Gustav), a giant spill (BP's Macondo well blow-out), and market chills as demand for Louisiana seafood has fallen off. Man and Nature vs. Louisiana's Oystermen
  • THE credit crunch floored giants and sullied the reputations of some of the business world's biggest hitters. The Sun
  • Hijacking astronomical argot from “white dwarves” to “red giants,” Big Bang explodes from this empty center with an elliptic circumscription of parodic pseudo-charts and de-functionalized cosmological notions. /ubu Editions, Third Series: 12 New Titles : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The red giant Pi Leonis in the constellation of Leo the Lion has a radius 80 times larger than our own Sun.
  • In this tiny pond alone, they've caught fourteen hundred giant-sized tadpoles.
  • In another 5 billion years it will swell into a red giant and either consume our planet or bake its surface to concrete.
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