How To Use Recycle In A Sentence
Products such as ottomans and bathmats made from recycled flip-flops are "whimsical and interesting, but it's not doing things at the deepest level.
Designer Trash
Patagonia has turned organic cotton and fleece made of recycled plastic into high-end outdoor wear.
Similarly, beer and soft drink cans, booze bottles and empty jars can all be recycled.
Dr Lotto has invented special paving slabs made of photovoltaic cells and recycled glass to harvest sunlight and to help power the structure.
Times, Sunday Times
Newspapers, toilet paper or tissues are all short life items which could be made from recycled reserves.

I know exactly what you mean," Data said, clearing the evidence of last night's carousal into the recycler.
The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
The end product is the same - waste material is recycled to the benefit of the environment.
If you buy a new computer, monitor or mobile phone this Christmas, recycle your hardware.
Smurfit is the second-largest North American maker of containerboard and corrugated boxes behind International Paper Co. Containerboard is made from trees or recycled containerboard.
Smurfit Deal Is Set
A spin on the foot-to-the-floor musical approach is provided by the soulful vocal of Lisa Kekaula - perhaps this is what sets this band apart from the average recyclers of pop history.
The company is engaged in the making of newsprint, which is primarily recycled paper.
Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double.
It also offers a prepaid postage label on its website that enables you to recycle an old cell phone from any manufacturer.
It also recycles metal and supplies steel mills in China and India.
Times, Sunday Times
He rarely comes up with any new material, he simply recycles his old stuff.
Made of recycled aluminum, the amorphic chair, called "Memory," squishes into a new shape every time someone sits in it.
Recycled Aluminum Chair Changes Shape With Each Sitting
It is looking at a faster turnaround of vehicles unloading waste and collections of items to be recycled.
It is then picked up by tiny pieces of recycled glass in the lime plaster on the walls.
Times, Sunday Times
The St. Paul, Minn., company has churned out hundreds of Post-it variations, including recycled paper versions, heart shapes and more than 60 colors, including purple and neon pink.
Reminder! Make Post-it for Digital Era
The services in the PC Recycle System are implemented by Web Services.
Everything you own is second-hand or hand-me-downs, or given to you as a gift over the recent holidays and will become a recycle to your younger brother once you grow out of it.
The Stonyfield multipack cups are not compostable and not recyclable yet, because only one U.S. facility that recycles PLA.
Stonyfield Organic Yogurt Unveils New Packaging Made From Corn
The group has developed eco-friendly homes with light steel frames, made from recycled British steel.
Buy products made with recycled paper or plastic,such as bin liners, toilet tissue or kitchen paper.
Moreover, methods now permit recycled paper to have the same aesthetic appeal as virgin pulp.
Recycle beer or other decorative bottles into tumblers by soaking a piece of garden twine in kero and tying around the bottle at the point you want to separate.
Moreover, methods now permit recycled paper to have the same aesthetic appeal as virgin pulp.
Next to the beds sit night tables made from recycled shipping pallets.
It is not morally defensible to recycle failing teachers around the system.
Times, Sunday Times
At the rubbish dump, adults and children scavenged for any items which might be recycled or sold.
A roadshow advising residents how to recycle green waste is to tour Trowbridge and Melksham.
This is due to its construction: Recycled plastics are shredded into flakes and heat-pressed into the mold of said desired shape.
DIY paper 'shoji' style lamp made from recycled materials for under £5
Waste which cannot be reused or recycled will have to disposed of outside of the county.
The arrangement of atoms is just the same a moment after death as it was a moment before, but now it's merely matter to be recycled as matter always is recycled.
Coordinated Evolution
There are also candles made from used cooking oil and recycled glass.
She's good like that, my mother; she invented reduce/reuse before anyone else had ever heard of recycle.
In addition to its ability to be mechanically recycled and composted, NatureWorks® biopolymer has shown favorable properties for use where incineration is the preferred waste disposal system and offers potential for chemical recycling.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
Recycled materials add a rustic patina throughout the home.
In other words, the fissile material produced by these reactors is recycled at least twice until the final waste results in an actinide-free byproduct that has a half life of about 200 years.
Think Progress » Demoralizing His Supporters, Obama Calls Nukes, Coal, And Oil Drilling ‘Clean Energy Jobs’
This newspaper is made of recycled paper.
The usual solution, massive storage centers for recycled resources, burns up its slim profitability.
It takes 60 percent less energy to make paper from recycled materials than it does to manufacture it from virgin wood pulp.
But she's clearly running a commercial venture here: she's distributing freshly recycled stamps around the world and, quite frankly, she's committing franking fraud.
In my family we used to simply recycle unwanted gifts.
The Sun
The Wheelie Washer cleans both domestic and commercial bins using biodegradable detergent, and recycles the water it uses.
It codes for the protein in neurons that recycles secreted serotonin from the synapse.
Yard waste can be recycled by composting.
An Introduction to Community Health
And the wooden delivery pallets have been recycled into 30 sofas and 25 tables for the garden terrace.
The Sun
Everything else gets recycled - dental floss, hair and nail clippings all go on the compost heap.
Times, Sunday Times
The system is key to Tepco's plan of achieving a so-called "cyclic injection" of water into reactors, in which cooling water is recycled.
Decontamination System Set to Restart at Tepco Daiichi Plant
The plastic panels can then be recycled easily.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Recycled liquid fuel is made from liquids created in the manufacture of everyday products like paint and cosmetics.
I was (but am no longer since it seemed just futile) chatting in one forum and suggested to some of the people there that instead of just repeating their (imho recycled and contextless) arguments against AGW in discussion forums, they should actually refocus a bit and try to publish their findings if they really have something new to add to the scientific debate.
Advanced Trolling 101
Combine recycled grass clippings instead of grass seed with sand for your divot mix.
Together we have designed tequila and beer glasses, which the village makes from local supplies of recycled glass.
Times, Sunday Times
We picked up a neat set of utility shelving, manufactured from recycled plastic, to go in the garage.
I saw clean and reasonably well-clothed people wearing recycled Western clothing, no matter how remote the location.
Low-Tech Solutions For The Congo
Many feel the same old idea's are being rehashed and recycled because the respective companies have lost they're inventive imagination when creating new episodes in gaming series.
The garden is resplendent with California poppies, blossoming artichokes, and, at its center, a ramada built with kiwi vines intertwined with willow and recycled wood.
The reactants and the catalyst remained in the heptane layer, which was recycled by adding additional acylating agent and fresh aqueous ethanol.
The after-school club, which was started three years ago, is now aiming to recycle 50 tonnes of paper, which will make it eligible for the platinum award.
Thus, the energy a stevedore expends in unloading boxes from a ship is recycled to him in the form of the money which he uses to buy bread.
We have never been so aware of the issue of waste, or so conscious of the need to recycle.
We must recycle the cardboard boxes
That does seem to be the important push these days - convincing people that sustainable food, clothing, practices etc. are more mainstream than the traditional image of unwashed hippies eating lentils while wearing hemp in their off-the-grid log cabin - or the more modern but still unappealing yuppie couple who ride bicycles everywhere, use cloth diapers and recycle their dishwater, and eat tofurky.
Stylish and sustainable
The water department is trying to recycle these sources of waste water for further use, such as watering parks and public gardens or street-cleaning.
Aveda refills come in minimalist packaging made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper and plastic.
Pandora Young: Keep Your Cosmetics Out of the Landfills
Non haematophagous feeding habit, highest rate of parasitism, stinging capacity, ability to survive in various climate and to recycle in natural environment may enhance its potential for use as a biological agent.
The group is also proposing a 'pay-as-you-throw' policy for household waste-charging which punishes those who fail to recycle.
Times, Sunday Times
About 50 percent of all beverage cans are re-cycled, creating a thriving international market in recycled aluminum.
From the recycled powder-coated C-119 Aileron (the hinged control surfaces of a wing) from a recycled airplane, this elegant credenza is just as striking as it is sustainable.
Elegant and Sophisticated: “The Lounger” from Hayon Studio
These days every piece of paper from both green-minded or green-washing companies seems to have that cumbersomely long yet necessary tag line, "printed on 100% post-consumer recycled fiber with vegetable-based inks" -- or some version thereof.
BPA Concern At Wal-Mart, Whole Foods And Others
RECYCLE: Plastic recycling is beneficial because it decreases the amount of used plastics that end up in landfills and allows for fewer natural resourced being used to produce new plastic.
Seattle's Green Bag Campaign
There is extensive use of recycled and recyclable plastics on the vehicle.
The decking is made from reclaimed redwood planks sourced from Boulder-based building material recycler ReSource2000.
SOLAR DECATHLON 2007: University of Colorado Solar House | Inhabitat
Getting to recycle them and raise money to help open youth cancer centres is even better.
You Can Recycle Your Phones For CanTeen | Lifehacker Australia
In South Africa and in southern hemisphere domestic rugby in general, the defending team feels duty-bound to allow the ball to be recycled about 94 times before it can bring itself to compete for it.
The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
Another good idea is to get some labels, either buy some from a charity or just plain white ones from the stationers would do, and recycle those prepaid envelopes which come with your junk mail.
The water is recycled and reused, but it is still a very costly method of extraction because it takes a lot of natural gas to create steam.
Using between 30% and 50% recycled plastic in smoothie bottles and salad packs.
Times, Sunday Times
Do they recycle, compost and use low-energy lightbulbs?
Times, Sunday Times
That's why I am frequently called on to referee the All-Female Poetry Slams that are held around New England as fund-raisers for what A.J. Liebling disparagingly referred to as “the quarterlies”, the high-brow, low-revenue publications that pluck drops of verse from the torrent of poetry that is showered on them, providing them with a brief, mayfly-length existence, before they are recycled at one of the region's many picturesque do-it-yourself town dumps.
The Sylvia Plath Foreclosure Sale
This indicates a very lean organization where your donation will be put to work, rather than recycled into fundraising efforts.
It's still a routine spine-chiller that recycles the usual guff, but by those standards an effort has been made.
Times, Sunday Times
Or perhaps a flea market, where the detritus of a capitalist culture gets recycled in survivalist fantasia below a mythological rural idyll.
Locavore Utopia
It explains how to do this properly - i.e. enable the QuickLaunch bar, put the Recycle Bin in it, and then it will be droppable, right-clickable, and thus enable you to do away with the desktop icon.
Put A Recycle Bin Shortcut On The Windows 7 Taskbar | Lifehacker Australia
There has been very little change in recent years in the total amount of lead production or in the percentage of recycled lead.
December 3, 2008 26 pp. of recycled neocon lite rubbish from Richard Haas and Martin Indyk, under the imprimatur of the Brookings Inst.:
03 « December « 2008 « Niqnaq
If a bottle does not meet inspection, it is recycled or rewashed.
In addition, the mercury is contained – i.e. it can be recycled or disposed of properly (vs. mercury from a power plant that is put into the air we breath).
TOM DIXON’s GLOWB Eco-Light Giveaway on Wednesday! | Inhabitat
These organic olives are packaged in recycled glass containers.
According to reports, there were about 46 such workshops, some of which were importing used plastic bottles from overseas, crushing them into pieces before re-exporting the plastic waste to the mainland where it is then recycled.
Even glossy magazines can be printed on recycled stock now.
Peter Preston: Public service drama should reflect the lives we live now, not recycle coagulated period pieces
See how the world comments on Egypt: visualised
Humanism was gradually replaced by a new international literary culture - ‘classicism’ - that recirculated and recycled an encyclopedic repertory of classical texts, mythologies, epigrams, and commonplaces.
A lot of this footage is recycled from other wildlife films, but that's a minor gripe.
Times, Sunday Times
He recycles the material as a replacement for riprap in lining drainage channels or protecting streambanks from erosion.
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.
Even the wool carpeting is colored with vegetable dyes, and is collected and recycled after its useful life span.
The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
Water from the restrooms is treated and recycled.
After weeks aboard a battlebus that ran on recycled cooking oil, Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, learned she had trounced her nearest Labour rival by 1,200 votes.
Observer Ethical Awards: Caroline Lucas, Ethical Politician Award
Tools cleaned, put away, old whatsit and plastic ball -- (NO not typing that again!) are in the recycle bin.
Into the depths! (:snicker!: She wrote "ballcock!")
Most of the bile salts are then absorbed back into the blood, returned to the liver and recycled into the gall bladder.
Living with Angina
When the contractor could not repair the drive, it was recycled without being degaussed or even purged-leaving unencrypted data behind.
There is no amount that is too small to be recycled, and everybody should be making an effort.
According to Cot'n Wash, Inc. even 2X concentrated detergents are still 50% water and come in a bottle often not made from recycled plastic. dropps products have no wasted water the company says as the dosage is pre-measured and all ingredients in the packs are "active".
19 posts from November 2007
A snowclone is a popular sentence structure which is recycled and adapted from the original quote by replacing key words.
Mind Hacks: Keeping tabs on the english language
One of our earliest industrial containers, glass is made by melting sand, soda ash, limestone, and cullet (recycled crushed glass) in furnaces heated to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit.
Julian Ridler opened some halloumi: Film plastic not recycled.
Simon Hoggart's week: No country for ordinary folk
Waxed and painted furniture, recycled wood and whitewashed brick conspire to give a homey, relaxed atmosphere, an escape from the city.
It recycles 40 per cent now.
Times, Sunday Times
Still we recycle only 30 per cent of aluminium waste.
Times, Sunday Times
The fiber pads are firm, and most consumers prefer the soft cushiony feel of bonded polyurethane pads that are made from recycled carpet pads and post-industrial scrap from furniture manufacturers.
In the meantime, let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for.
Universal Music recently began using our REPAK, which is an all paperboard solution that uses both recycled and virgin paperboard, all 3rd-party certified board.
15 posts from June 2008
China's economic growth has made it an increasingly voracious consumer of what it recycles.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, Hollywood's been known to dredge up old storylines again and again, and occasionally mine repeat gold out of a recycled chestnut.
One of its campaigns is an attack on asylum seekers, which recycles a old leaflet used in past BNP campaigns.
In my family we used to simply recycle unwanted gifts.
The Sun
Water used for domestic purposes can be easily recycled by passing it through layers of charcoal and coarse sand.
These shocking figures underline the need for the public to reduce, reuse and recycle.
They guzzle so much energy that desalinators operate only in locations with excess petroleum, or where waste heat from power plants (especially nuclear and geothermal) can be recycled.
Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.
In my family we used to simply recycle unwanted gifts.
The Sun
Team Belgium chose a minimalist do-it-yourself flat-packed kit that can be assembled in three days, Team China has a Y-shaped house composed of six recycled shipping containers, and Team New Jersey used pre-cast concrete insulated panels.
Biowalls, iPads, sheep vie in Solar Decathlon
Just think if you recycled all of these materials you won't need to stand on your wheeled bin to squeeze that last bit of space out of it and you might get your lid the whole way down!
The cards and envelopes are pulped and recycled to make new products.
Most of the bile salts are then absorbed back into the blood, returned to the liver and recycled into the gall bladder.
Living with Angina
He introduced us to a product that recycles waste plastic into fuel that was invented in Japan.
Biyan still used paper/crispy cotton for fabrics, along with knits, chiffon, recycled denim, corduroy, twill and linen.
He is using materials he can recycle or refashion, and the results look wonderful.
Times, Sunday Times
Two recycled cementitious materials come to mind immediately - fly ash and slag cement.
The Goverment has recently set a target for a massive 30% of general household waste to be recycled.
Do not use the air intake for ventilation; use instead the recycle device if you have one.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
Fort Sterling has recently introduced toilet tissue and paper towels made from 100 percent recycled paper.
Abandoned medical scanners, food processing devices and mining equipment containing radioactive metals such as cesium-137 and cobalt-60 are often picked up by scrap collectors and sold to recyclers, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear arm.
Glowing Budweiser
At a basic level, it is our moral obligation to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste.
In addition to its ability to be mechanically recycled and composted, NatureWorks® biopolymer has shown favorable properties for use where incineration is the preferred waste disposal system and offers potential for chemical recycling.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
Shaun disconnected the last of the oxygen recycler hoses and began reattaching them to a portable oxygen recycling unit that he had modified to recirculate a chloral hydrate mix.
These are excellent to recycle as stakes for peas or for plants with heavy blooms such as double peonies.
The recycled iron is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow until needed.
The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
Numbers one (polyethylene terephthalate) and two (high-density polyethylene) are best and indicate that a product can be widely recycled.
Times, Sunday Times
Designed to decompose over time -- or be recycled when it wears out -- the mat's antislip surface is useful for people who sweat a lot.
Is Yoga Just Posing as a Good Workout?
Metal, paper and glass can be recycled.
The company also uses recycled plastic, newsprint, cork, wheat straw and linoleum, a natural product of linseed.
As a 73-year-old I have to put my hand up and admit to never referring to myself as an old age pensioner, senior citizen, or even a wrinkly - I much prefer my term of recycled teenager, which causes great amusement.
A significant percentage of household waste could be recycled.
The structure was primarily constructed using renewable and recycled materials as well as upcycling products for the furniture.
Does she believe that Parliament is acting in accordance with the intention of the New Zealand waste strategy, and is it leading by example when it refuses to purchase recycled paper for use in its printers and photocopiers?
The more people try to conserve, reduce, reuse, & recycle the better off we will be. bret carr Says:
Commercializing Solar Power with Molten Salt | Inhabitat
We can build the majority of tomorrow's homes on recycled brownfield land, but not all.
Times, Sunday Times
The Recycool scheme recycles used printer cartridges and mobile phones.
TimberTech decking is a high-tech composite material made from recycled wood fiber and polymers.
The iron and steel industry was now able to recycle waste material.
He recycles the allegation as though it were fact, without informing us who the ‘critics’ are.
In the topsy-turvy chaos of a web world where images and ideas are deracinated, massively projected, manipulated and recycled, Lawson's beachwear has already become iconic – and in a small way, revolutionary.
Nigella Lawson and the great burkini cover-up
Students at Putney High School spent last Tuesday sewing with recycling charity Traid and Recycle Western Riverside as they learnt how to restyle second-hand clothes into fashionable outfits.
While some of it is recycled and a tiny amount is made of easily renewable sources like hemp, most paper products are made from wood pulp - trees that have been logged from private tree farms and public lands.
A new portico, supported by recycled columns, changed all that.
Trombly points out that the strong fiber produced by hemp and kenaf blends well with the weaker post-consumer recycled paper.
The adjacent kitchen's appeal lies in the recycled cabinetry: panel doors turned sideways for the lower cabinets, mullioned windows for the upper ones.
Many of the building elements, including floor tiles and rubber doormats, are made from recycled materials.
The motion sickness of recycled devotion pulls you, Kalahari way, into all reentrant forms.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
Many are found in the tropical rainforests acting as decomposer, nutrient recycler, pollinator and also serving as a source of food for other animals and plants.
An impressive 53 percent of plastic soda bottles were recycled in 1994, but only 35.6 percent in 1998.
I recycle my plastic grocery bags into crotched market bags.
It’s a Tote, Tote, Tote, Tote, World
TCF paper can have no recycled content, and so is made from 100 percent virgin fibers, which can include both wood as well as other fibers such as kenaf and hemp.
The Japanese recycle more than half of their waste paper.
Blast furnaces are used to recycle slag, dross, and residues from other processes.
Materials were sourced for their recycled content, biodegradability and life cycle costs - all timber, for instance, was locally or regionally produced.
In an ideal world, we would be able to recycle everything.
The fabrics include a seersucker stripe and a variety of prints on both recycled polyester and organic cotton blended matelasse.
The whole school and the parents have become dedicated recyclers.
A design of a betatron cooling system for the Recycler is presented.
Incredibly, while householders can be fined for not sorting out recycled rubbish, there are no bylaws banning garden bonfires.
Times, Sunday Times
They are made from recycled plastic and hold up to 3 litres.
Times, Sunday Times
The red carpet was made from 100 percent recycled plastic water bottles, programs printed on recycled paper, using a linseed-based ink, which as you know is much more ozone-friendly than the standard petroleum-based ink that they use on all the other awards.
CNN Transcript Sep 17, 2007
This led Harriet and me to delve into the mountains of newspapers that, mingled with Christmas wrappings, were destined for the recycler.
To do so, right-click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop, and choose Empty Recycle Bin.
It has a hybrid diesel drivetrain, weighs only 1,306kg and is made partly from recycled materials.
Times, Sunday Times
Format obsolescence has been crucial to record companies, as it allows them to recycle their catalogs.
Iodine is added as a final bacteria killer, giving the recycled water a distinctive aftertaste.
The group is looking at manufacturing doormats and shoe soles out of recycled footwear.
Republican midterm stumble, or amid the rifts and rage of a sharply divided government if they prevail or sweep this November, the party may be irresistibly drawn to a recycled idea.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
They've nearly perfected an adhesive made of soy protein and used it successfully in composite boards made from virgin and recycled wood, cornstalks, switchgrass and animal processed fiber.
The pressure to recycle has reached boiling point.
Times, Sunday Times
May 12, 2009 at 9: 32 PM if windows people did this thing and callet it "superbar", they must make some plugins as integrating recycle bin completely (drag&drop, right click-empty) or some other useful stuff.
Put A Recycle Bin Shortcut On The Windows 7 Taskbar | Lifehacker Australia
The rows are linked with recycled plastic spacers, which were once made of cowhide.
Using driftwood, recycled wood from demolitions, pieces found in shores and rivers, as well as material certified by FSO, decreases the environmental footprint of his work.
Priscilla | Inhabitat
The recycled iron is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow until needed.
The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
He said a depository for the public to recycle paper, newspapers and magazines was badly needed in the town.
The fifth is a splashy fountain made from recycled steel girders.
Incredibly, while householders can be fined for not sorting out recycled rubbish, there are no bylaws banning garden bonfires.
Times, Sunday Times
Home haas & indyk (brookings, cfr) 26 pp. of recycled neocon lite rubbish from Richard Haas and Martin Indyk, under the imprimatur of the Brookings Inst.:
Haas & indyk (brookings, cfr)
Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.
The frock is part of the brand's "Conscious Collections," "an ongoing range of women's, men's, and kid's wear constructed of greener and eco-friendlier materials including organic cotton, organic linen, recycled polyester, and Tencel, a renewable material that's produced with minimal environmental impact" that will hit shelves April 14.
Natalie Portman Hits Hollywood Fete In $50 H&M Dress (PHOTOS, POLL)
Think of Mamie Eisenhower's exuberant pink frocks in the can-do post-War '50s; Rosalynnn Carter's recycled gown in the down-in-the-dumps' 70s, Jackie Kennedy regalness in the everything-is-possible '60s.
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