
  1. (mathematics) an expression such that each term is generated by repeating a particular mathematical operation
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How To Use recursion In A Sentence

  • What you should do is to eliminate direct and indirect left - recursion.
  • We mention recursion briefly in the previous chapter.
  • The above recursions are numerically stable and very fast.
  • This work was largely on recursion theory and undecidability.
  • This algorithm is based on a recursion similar to that of the peeling algorithm.
  • An early example of a course-of-value recursion was given by Leonardo da Pisa, also called Fibonacci, in his Liber abaci, written in 1202 and revised in 1228, when discussing the famous rabbit problem (paria coniculorum): Recursive Functions
  • It is also related to locatedness in constructive analysis and recursive enumerability in recursion theory. Lambda the Ultimate - Programming Languages Weblog
  • Its used in all sorts of things in calculus where recursion is necessary, like differential equations.
  • We can now use Table 1 to derive the following recursions for the allele frequencies.
  • If that's true, the evolution of recursion may have brought modern language into existence.
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