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How To Use Recurrent In A Sentence

  • We encounter a patient with recurrent jaundice resulting from tumor ingrowth to the metallic stent.
  • Recovering slowly, with agony, from each of these recurrent blows, his unquenchable exuberance had lived.
  • Similarly, a bout of angina may be protective; but the protection may well be lost with recurrent angina.
  • For the ground bass of recurrent sound is poetic metre. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Snyder justified the secrecy because Eisenhower, since 1945, had suffered from “recurrent attacks of lower abdominal pain and distention.” Eisenhower 1956
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  • Neither carbamazepine nor phenytoin are effective in preventing recurrent febrile seizures.
  • I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.
  • She has a remarkable likeness to an unknown figure who appears in his recurrent dreams, a fact that Paul takes as some sort of omen.
  • He had subsequent radical excision of the recurrent nodule, including surrounding abdominal wall, costal cartilages, and ribs.
  • Men younger than 18 years, those with recurrent or incarcerated herniae, and those with scrotal diseases (tumor, orchitis) were excluded from the study.
  • The patient described in this report had every major complication of Caroli disease, including recurrent cholangitis, liver abscess, biliary lithiasis, and cholangiocarcinoma.
  • That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization. Gambara
  • Epilepsy refers to recurrent seizures that reflect aberrant electrical activity of cerebral cortical neurons.
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
  • The most common complaint is headache, followed by recurrent abdominal pain and musculoskeletal pain.
  • The symptoms produced by exostoses are a prolonged blocked feeling of the ears after water activities with deafness and recurrent otitis externa.
  • A history of termination of pregnancy, recurrent miscarriages, sexually transmitted infections, or sterilisation can all become a source of conflict.
  • Recurrent anterior subluxations can also follow an acute dislocation.
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
  • Your doctor should refer you to a recurrent miscarriage clinic. The Sun
  • All follow a similar pattern, juxtaposing ‘free’ sections - in rhythms derived from operatic recitative that recurrently explode into whirligig scales and arpeggios - with fugato sections of varying degrees of formal rigidity.
  • Gonzales N et al. (2003) Recurrent dermatomal vesicular skin lesions: a clue to diagnosis of herpes simplex virus 2 meningitis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light.
  • Now on the other hand, the English iambic tetrameter is a hesitating, loose, capricious form, always in danger of having its opening semeion chopped off, or of being diluted by a recurrent trimeter, or of developing a cadential lilt. The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov
  • Extremely high blood fat levels can cause recurrent abdominal pain due to pancreatic inflammation.
  • Treatment of elephantiasis nostras aims at prevention of recurrent infection and edema.
  • The famine originated with the recurrent failure of the potato crop, devastating the Irish cottier and small farmer classes.
  • The researchers anticipated that stenting would reduce the risk of recurrent stroke or death by 35 percent over two years. Study: 'Brain stents' for stroke patients do more harm than good
  • New peptic ulcers are treated with H2 blockers such as cimetidine or sucralfate (a stomach coater) and treatment of the Helicobacter infection is reserved for patients with recurrent disease in whom the organism is present.
  • Lower fuel costs and nonrecurrent items, for which Lufthansa didn't offer details, provided some relief to the operating performance, the company said. Lufthansa Posts Loss Amid Slack Air Travel
  • This uniter, unity, or One, is the premonitor whence exists the premonition Unity, which so recurrently becomes conscious in man. Uncollected Prose
  • Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed recurrent hemorrhage of the arteriovenous malformation into the cervical spinal cord.
  • The presidential interregnum is a recurrent period of danger. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • One of the recurrent characters in his works is, in fact, a murderous gunslinger at the ready, pistol pointed toward an unseen target outside the frame.
  • The ensuing and recurrent financial crises led to constant infighting within the ruling clique.
  • Most people get only one attack of shingles, but for an unlucky minority it can be a recurrent problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since we had no unexposed group, we were unable to estimate whether, and by how much, it increases the risk of recurrent congestive heart failure.
  • Beyond that, though, it's all so chic and wafty, and, despite the recurrent use of the chamberpot, so clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley's books.
  • The evidence suggests that common antidepressants can safely reduce the risk of recurrent heart attacks in depressed cardiac patients.
  • Recurrent differences in estradiol and premarin stirring fk 506 polyp therapy for nondiffusible hepatic disorder rejection. Wii-volution
  • Structures include the thyroid gland, aortic arch and great vessels, proximal portions of the vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves, esophagus and trachea.
  • Lucien was living from hand to mouth, spending his money as fast as he made it, like many another journalist; nor did he give so much as a thought to those periodically recurrent days of reckoning which chequer the life of the bohemian in Paris so sadly. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • The recurrent theme is: 'What does he know about us? Times, Sunday Times
  • Across all records on what it is like to go into orbit, there is the recurrent theme of humility, and perspective. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is imperative that the needle be positioned correctly so the recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves are not infiltrated with medication.
  • Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
  • Patients often give a history of recurrent attacks of bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, and pneumonia.
  • Beyond that, though, it's all so chic and wafty, and, despite the recurrent use of the chamberpot, so clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poor productivity and low skills are a recurrent problem for the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Endobronchial brachytherapy has been successfully employed as an adjunct in managing recurrent episodes of stenosis due to hyperplastic granulation tissue.
  • Recurrent dreams are normally significant as they are usually a message your subconscious mind is desperately trying to get to you.
  • At autopsy, mild acute splenitis and recurrent nodular sclerosis Hodgkin disease were found in fibrosed mediastinal nodes.
  • If you are suffering from headaches, fatigue, and recurrent infections, it may be underload syndrome.
  • He had subsequent radical excision of the recurrent nodule, including surrounding abdominal wall, costal cartilages, and ribs.
  • The development of CMV CNS disease is associated with risk factors (T-cell depletion, anti-thymocyte globulin, umbilical cord blood transplantation) that cause severe and protracted T-cell immunodeficiency (8 of 11 cases), a history of recurrent CMV viremia treated with multiple courses of preemptive ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy (11 of 11 cases), and ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection (11 of 11 cases). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Although a nova is much less energetic than a supernova, if recurrent novas are not violent enough to expel more gas than is falling in, mass will accumulate onto the white dwarf star until it passes its Chandrasekhar limit. Dawn Before Nova | My[confined]Space
  • But recurrent episodes of Carterism -- sentimentality about "dialogue" as the dissolver of differences, leavened by vanity about the power of one's personality -- waste time, which we are running short of. Jimmy Carter, Disappointed
  • These vessels anastomose with the radial recurrent and the interosseous recurrent arteries, respectively.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and discomfort and disturbed bowel habits.
  • To evaluate the effect of high frequency electrocautery ablation in the treatment of recurrent ingrown toenails.
  • The right recurrent laryngeal nerve usually passes around and behind the subclavian artery and then ascends to enter the larynx.
  • Nature is a recurrent theme in Frost's poetry.
  • Where recurrent disease is responsible for blockage of lymphatic collaterals, chemotherapy may be tried to palliate the symptomatology.
  • To this day, I still have recurrent dreams of the Corryvreckan, in which I find myself descending a watery spiral staircase to hell.
  • Some boys get recurrent urinary infections without any kidney abnormalities.
  • Moreover, their posting to Britain was normally only one step in a career that will have taken them to many parts of the empire, including recurrent periods in the imperial capital or with the emperor.
  • A white dwarf star in the T Pyxidis system is known to be a recurrent nova, undergoing thermonuclear eruptions around every 20 years. RO.RSS
  • These patients typically present with recurrent episodes of purulent bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • They all presented with typical symptoms of bronchitis and recurrent sinusitis or otitis.
  • The patients who had recurrent syn cope or cerchnus with unknown reason should be further examined to exclude untypical AD.
  • Recurrent pyrosis and dysphagia are the most common symptoms in these patients.
  • Recurrent volvulus is rare, but a second bowel obstruction due to adhesions (scar tissue build-up after any type of abdominal surgery) could occur later.
  • The recurrent problems continue unchecked under his stewardship, and he has not taken the lead in response to other disasters that befall the city.
  • After this last flare is resolved, he will begin treatment for recurrent gout with allopurinol 100 mg a day and colchicine 0.6 mg twice a day.
  • Arno Harris is the CEO of Recurrent Energy, a leading developer of solar power projects, and an energy industry veteran.
  • Nature is a recurrent theme in Frost's poetry.
  • CAMBODIA Most famous for its "killing fields" and recurrent strife that ended only recently, Cambodia is also a nation of sensual tropical pleasures: exotic fruits, coarse silks and a cornucopia of rivers and lakes. Luxury On the Edge
  • She had a history of recurrent eczema but no exposure to toxic products.
  • The uveitis usually is acute, unilateral, and recurrent.
  • A dose of dextrose is a potent stimulus for additional release of insulin and often results in rebound hypoglycaemia that can be recurrent and prolonged.
  • Cryosurgery or curettage and cautery is not recommended for recurrent tumours.
  • The onset is often sudden, random and frequently recurrent. The Sun
  • As a child I had a recurrent dream about being swallowed by a snake.
  • The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.
  • In a recurrent dream, repeated hundreds of times, she saw herself walking on a narrow bridge toward the Golden City.
  • Its not a recurrent dream but I think it has some significance.
  • Painful varicose veins with recurrent phlebitis or skin changes are considered indications for surgery.
  • This obligation is the first, the foremost, the most essential for this generation, for a world fit for human beings to live in cannot be built while there is recurrent war or the possibility of it. Roads to the Future
  • It transmits to the orbital cavity the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal, and the abducent nerves, some filaments from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic, and the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery; and from the orbital cavity a recurrent branch from the lacrimal artery to the dura mater, and the ophthalmic veins. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • Results: The chief presentation of branchiogenic carcinoma was isolated mass existed in the branchial vestige, sometime recurrent nerve involved.
  • Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.
  • It is defined as persistent or recurrent abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort centered in the upper abdomen.
  • Mr Speaker, approximately EC $9.4 million dollars have been allocated in the recurrent and capital budgets for this purpose.
  • Blood loss through the rectum, mucous discharge, altered bowel habit, and straining are common features of recurrent rectal cancer.
  • Recurrent oral and vaginal yeast infections occurred in two patients receiving cyclosporin and oral thrush occurred in one patient receiving placebo.
  • The need to improve human capital was a recurrent theme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly rejected by publishers as well, he began to suffer from recurrent mental illness, spending the rest of his life confined to hospitals. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It pierces the medial intermuscular septum, and descends on the surface of the medial head of the Triceps brachii to the space between the medial epicondyle and olecranon, accompanied by the ulnar nerve, and ends under the Flexor carpi ulnaris by anastomosing with the posterior ulnar recurrent, and inferior ulnar collateral. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • To avoid the adverse effects of giving antiepileptic drugs for prolonged periods, rapidly acting anticonvulsants given only during fever periods have been used in an attempt to reduce the risk of recurrent febrile seizures.
  • OBJECTIVE:To study the effects and security of amlexanox oral coating for treatment of minor recurrent aphthous ulcer.
  • The precariousness of human life is expressed through the recurrent motif of being lost at sea.
  • Grunge has been a recurrent theme in fashion since the early 1990s, when rockers like Cobain transformed kilts, moth-eaten sweaters and lumberjack plaids into the insignia of yuppie revolt.
  • Starting like Plato from the theory of recurrent partial catastrophes, he offers an accourt of the gene - alogy of morals which is much more tough-minded than Plato's: man is distinguished from the other ani - mais only by his intelligence, which causes him to develop elementary ideas of right and wrong in the interests of self-preservation (6. 5-7). PROGRESS IN CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY
  • Recurrent medial joint line pain, instability, and tenderness may indicate a chronic medial meniscal tear or osteoarthritis.
  • Indeed, throughout the book there is the recurrent suggestion that a grand connection between the two subjects will be revealed.
  • Poor productivity and low skills are a recurrent problem for the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The indigestion consisted of recurrent nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress, and pain on eating.
  • Twenty one cases of recurrent inguinal hernia were repaired with preperitoneal marlex mesh.
  • But the majority of the Chinese artists who are squabbled over by blue chip dealers and by museums eager to feature them in prestigious one-person shows have one thing in common: The political and economic history between Mao's infamous cultural revolution and present-day China's overeager capitalism provides a recurrent touchstone in their art's imagery. Robert Ayers: Wang Huaiqing's Chinese Art in Seattle
  • A 39-year-old African American woman with a history of primary hyperoxaluria and recurrent nephrolithiasis underwent bilateral nephrectomies and consequently a combined kidney-liver transplantation as a means to cure her disease.
  • A recurrent iconographic image is Christ depicted as the Man of Sorrows, the Christ of the Passion, and there are several fine examples here.
  • Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley's books.
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
  • I croaked, woken from my recurrent dream of loading reams of information onto the computer, by a banshee wail that went on and on, somewhere in the very near vicinity.
  • Recurrent acute chest syndrome, pain crises, or central nervous system disease indicate eligibility for transplantation
  • Such recurrent encounters are typical of the picaresque, whose protagonists often meet their opponents again and again.
  • But at present, only about one-third of bilateral aid to low income countries is flexible and can be used to pay for recurrent and investment costs in health and education.
  • Famine has been a recurrent problem in some African nations in recent years. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Adverse outcomes of interventions were corneal exposure, ulceration, phthisis bulbi, and severe recurrent trichiasis.
  • The rent payments were made recurrently to secure the continued enjoyment of those advantages.
  • There was a short remission period following the surgery, but the patient complained of recurrent abdominal pain and a laparoscopy was performed.
  • However, fewer than one percent of fetuses become infected when their mother has a recurrent infection.
  • I submit that we may be seeing yet another rerun of this recurrent pattern.
  • This kind of internal loop is called a recurrent net see Figure 6. World Wide Mind
  • Other recurrent characters are the four old men, collectively called Mamalujo and modelled on the four evangelists and also an apostolic group of twelve who feature as clients in the pub, or members of a jury.
  • Patterns are recurrent, regular attributes of world phenomena or abstract examples.
  • The other attraction of these materials, which were developed in the 1970s, is that they continuously leach fluoride and so can help reduce the incidence of recurrent caries.
  • The widespread practice of imidazole prophylaxis in recurrent vulvovaginitis is not supported by evidence and should be questioned.
  • Your doctor can prescribe other medications to treat vaginal candidiasis or prevent recurrent infections.
  • A persistent, recurrent theme; a single strand of ancient lore in the weave.
  • All the patients carried a diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction based on recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction without physical lesion.
  • Following this procedure, he developed recurrent episodes of hemoptysis, cough, and left upper lobe consolidation.
  • SHRIMP U-Pb dating of recurrent Cryogenian and Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician alkalic magmatism in central Idaho: Implications for Rodinian rift tectonics EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • We requested that [the stimulus funds] not all be used for operations in fiscal year '10 because we knew it was nonrecurrent," he said. News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • Risks of parathyroid surgery include permanent hypoparathyroidism and damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  • This patient was a 5 month old male with a 5 day history of recurrent vomiting and abdominal distension, who now presents with a 1 day history of bilious emesis and passing currant jelly stools.
  • Severe social and economic problems caused recurrent unrest and frequent changes of government.
  • At follow-up, 58 % of the children had recurrent episodes of wheezing.
  • The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.
  • People with chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may experience recurrent exacerbations with worsening symptoms or greater volume or purulence of sputum.
  • I croaked, woken from my recurrent dream of loading reams of information onto the computer, by a banshee wail that went on and on, somewhere in the very near vicinity.
  • Management of recurrent or persistent pain can be extremely difficult.
  • Moreover the present surplus results from many nonrecurrent items. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Gardener's notes: feeding your rosesRoses appreciate aspring feed and mulch, but the disease resistance and recurrent blooming of the English roses is enhanced by foliar feeding in the growing season. National treasures: our English roses
  • Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
  • Weekly treatment with 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17P) recently was shown to reduce the rate of recurrent preterm birth in singleton gestations.
  • Men with severe symptoms, urinary retention, recurrent urinary infections, incontinence, haematuria, or bladder stones should be referred to a urologist.
  • Two patients had been subject to recurrent dacryocystitis, 3 were subject to epiphora and recurrent dacryocystitis and the others were subject to intolerable epiphora ranging from 6 months to ‘years’.
  • A 32 year old woman comes to you complaining of recurrent frontal headaches.
  • Patterns are recurrent, regular attributes of world phenomena or abstract examples.
  • They all presented with typical symptoms of bronchitis and recurrent sinusitis or otitis.
  • A 55-year-old woman with a history of recurrent orthodromic AV-nodal re-entry tachycardia was admitted for electrophysiologic evaluation.
  • Short but recurrent attacks of vertigo are often caused by benign positional vertigo.
  • The presenting complaint was of recurrent right frontal headaches.
  • Culture, in compelling but unspoken ways, dictates the proven, acceptable methods by which members of the group address recurrent problems.
  • In a recurrent gesture, one arm reached up with a flourish to allow a quick turn of her body around itself.
  • If the symptoms of olecranon bursitis are recurrent, corticosteroid injection may be performed.
  • One recurrent motif I noted in the book of 1980 was the group of eight quavers or semiquavers beginning off the beat, a simple signature.
  • An enduring feature of this crusade is the tendency to blame the unrest of the 1960s for any recurrent social problems. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • Bundles of goods containing inflammable materials and electricity wires dangerously hanging overhead cause recurrent fire.
  • It also is important to establish the recurrent right of the people to select political leaders who do take office.
  • Severe lipaemia due to chronic alcohol abuse may result in recurrent attacks of pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus.
  • Objective Explore the function of mental intervention in the treatment of childrens functional recurrent abdominal pain ( FRAP ).
  • The Apuan Alps and the encroaching Apennine foothills of Garfagnana are a recurrent theme in the landscapes and townscapes he produces in his top floor studio.
  • His diaries record recurrent struggles to understand the enigma of his own personality, his spiritual emptiness and addictiveness.
  • Unlike Conceptual art, it has specific formal characteristics - geometric, monochromatic shapes - and a recurrent concern with effacing all signs of artistic personality and effort from the work itself.
  • Objective To examine the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase ( MTHFR ) gene polymorphism in women with recurrent pregnancy loss ( RPL ).
  • A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.
  • Looking at family problems from a grandmotherly perspective has thrown up some recurrent themes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To study the variation of peripheral blood NK Sub - class ratio in recurrent spontaneous abortion.
  • The performance was bolstered by a nonrecurrent capital gain of $1.5 billion for the sale of aluminum assets, the company said. Vale More Than Quadruples Net Profit
  • In the first line he first uses the word punish, which becomes a recurrent theme in the poem, just as it must have been in his rambling thoughts. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 4
  • Monuments and cities but express precurrent mental objects. Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence The Best Speeches Delivered by the Negro from the days of Slavery to the Present Time
  • It's been much more common to see history as cyclical or recurrent.
  • A recurrent working hypothesis of gene-culture coevolutionary theory is that the epigenetic rules are shaped by natural selection over many generations.
  • I have heard of similar recurrent effects from crotaline poisoning, but none scientifically attested, as is this phenomenon. The Poison Bugaboo
  • It ends by dividing into branches, which anastomose with the medial inferior and lateral superior genicular arteries, and with the anterior recurrent tibial artery. VI. The Arteries. 6c. The Popliteal Artery
  • Recurrent reinfestation often means that you aren't getting rid of the lice in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Scripture saith an ending to all fine things must be," and the friends of this jovial young "buckeen" began to tire of his idleness and his recurrent visits. Goldsmith English Men of Letters Series
  • The same triple defect probably contributes to the formation of recurrent gall bladder stones.
  • She presented again in January 1997 with recurrent chronic throat irritation.
  • Objective:To assess the long-term efficacy and safety of Astragalus granule in treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer.
  • He stalked stiff-legged, with a snarl writhen on his lips, and with recurrent waves of hair-bristling along his back and up his shoulders and neck. CHAPTER XV
  • The software is based on some simple devices and a lot of ad hoc patches to cope with particular recurrent problems. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • This effort to pluck George W. from his troubles is the latest episode in a recurrent drama -- from the drunken young man challenging his father to go "mano a mano" on the front lawn of the family home in Kennebunkport, Maine, to the father pulling strings to get the son into the Texas Air National Guard and helping salvage his finances from George W. 's mismanagement of Harken Energy. June 2006
  • Contraindications include current or recurrent otitis, an already perforated drum or one containing a grommet, an uncooperative patient, or an impacted foreign body.
  • • II: includes minor mucocutaneous manifestations and recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. Latest on HIV- Aids
  • With nose serrulated by continuous spasms, hair bristling in recurrent waves, tongue whipping out like a red snake and whipping back again, ears flattened down, eyes gleaming hatred, lips wrinkled back, and fangs exposed and dripping, he could compel a pause on the part of almost any assailant. The Outcast
  • Deledda's recurrent image of corruptibility is also found in "While the East Wind Blows," the short story published on this web site, in which the peasants harbor the futile dream of not being reduced to ashes, non essere ridotti in cenere. Grazia Deledda: Voice of Sardinia
  • A method of implementing symbol logic inference system using recurrent multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented in this paper.
  • The remainder missed out on at least one intervention that could have improved their chances of survival and reduced the likelihood of recurrent problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • She suffers from asthma, has a known allergy to dust, and has had recurrent episodes of parotitis.
  • A recurrent scenario is the long-term relationship of a late-twenties couple where the two partners have differing expectations.
  • But it is not high on the list of recognised causes of recurrent miscarriage. The Sun
  • Because of the recurrent nature of low back pain, talk of a ‘cure’ is unrealistic.
  • The fraught issue of linguistic incompetence was a recurrent theme in the history of the ambassadors. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • Recurrent dreams are not necessarily indicative of psychological problems.
  • HSV-1 latency is restricted to cranial nerve ganglia, as indicated by spontaneous, recurrent outbreaks of vesicles on the mouth, or by isolation of HSV-1 from postmortem explants of human trigeminal, [7,8] nodose, vagal [9] and ciliary [10] ganglia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows

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