
How To Use Recumb In A Sentence

  • In addition, she changed the exercise equipment in the club bringing in treadmills, recumbent bikes and ellipticals that were more comfortable for the women, most of whom were new to exercising.
  • When the patient is recumbent you should raise his head to about 45 degrees, if that is possible.
  • The elderly couple stared up at the towering weathered granite, a huge monolith that lay across the desert country like a recumbent lion.
  • With this clue we recognise that the big pink splodge that occupies the rest of the paper must be Venus - Twombly's inept attempt to paint a recumbent nude; if, however, we read the breasts as heads, the splodge could equally well be interpreted as the lovers sexually engaged, the detached penis now a superfluous synecdochism. Evening Standard - Home
  • Dear Mollie -- I was glad to know that bound with the fetters of Science, and depressed by thought, you were Struggling yet to ascend the rugged Steep -- where "Star eyed Science" and fame unfold their banners to every anxious aspirant, and under whose folds of magnitude and magnificence all alike are permitted to recumb, and recur those who have in vagrancy strayed "tracing Shadows" -- beware of Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,June 2, 1854
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  • Most noticeably, a pair of frankly erotic paintings of recumbent female nudes crown the centre of the rooms.
  • She looked at Timothy's recumbent form beside her.
  • And so far just about the only thing that cuts through the nausea consistently enough to let me eat, like ya do, is going from 45 minutes of biking on the big sturdy recumbent bike 4-5 days a week -- plus PT and yoga and Pilates -- to doing about 90 minutes of biking on the said recumbent bike 7 days a week -- still plus PT and yoga and Pilates. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Gamboa recommends the recumbent bike for absolute beginners, while more seasoned athletes can use the machine of their choice.
  • And then, somehow, I ended up recumbent on the bed with Rafe on top of me, my arms around his neck.
  • Or a reader perching atop a recumbent hippo?
  • It came with the Queen's postage from an address in Sherbrooke, and related of her recumbence there after her visit with the specialist. Locust Valley Breakdown
  • On receiving the unexpected order, Pepe rose from his habitual attitude of recumbence, stretched himself at his leisure, yawned several times, and then obeyed the summons, saying as he went out: "What the devil fancy has the captain got into his head to send for _me_? Wood Rangers The Trappers of Sonora
  • Models ranged from fold-up commuter bikes to electrically assisted bikes, from the family-sized four-seater ZEM bike to the Radius recumbent bike, where the cyclist lies back to pedal.
  • The Dalradian rocks in Arran were initially folded during the Caledonian orogeny into a recumbent structure known as the Aberfoyle synform.
  • He shall be his Apollo, that can give him a sufficient reason, why justifying faith should consist in recumbence [3] and reliance on Christ's merits for the pardon of sin [4] (p. 224). Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • With a failing respiratory center, and consequent abnormal shallowness of respiration, anoxia in the arterial blood is the natural result of the recumbent position.
  • While the figure represented recumbent as in death was frequently used on medieval tombs, the figure propped on an elbow as in life was frequently adopted by Renaissance and Baroque artists.
  • In Japan, the puerpera is not placed in the usual recumbent position, but sits propped up by pillows, the mat upon which she was confined being left in place. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • Beyond this, Aertsen skillfully foreshortened objects never before honored with such attention: sausages, fish, a skinned ox head, a recumbent haunch.
  • The car rides low and stolid, like a limo, probably because its main battery, which runs the length of the chassis and bifurcates the rear seat, limiting the likelihood of three passengers or recumbent teenage sex also weighs as much as a fully stocked Maytag refrigerator. Gene and the Machine: The shocking truth about the electric Volt
  • One must have served as a recumbent tombstone, since it has a slot at one end to hold a vertical cross.
  • Even the youngest Triassic rocks are strongly folded, in places by isoclinal, recumbent folds.
  • So I stepped on to the floor, reeling dizzily from my enforced recumbence, and knelt by the side of the bed. Tell England A Study in a Generation
  • The prototype includes a Honda GK 100 77cc, 2hp air-cooled engine, asymmetric CVT transmission system, tubular A1 6063 T6 chassis, 16 Inch recumbent wheels, twin-tie road steering system, variable jet carburettor and simple caliper cycle brakes. 3 Wheeler Car "Garuda" - Super Mileage of 85 KMPL
  • A sphinx is a mythological creature that is depicted as a recumbent feline with a human head. Where On Google Earth Can You Find These Monuments? | myFiveBest
  • First, I spend more time at the YMCA pedalling a stationery recumbent bike and watching the television breakfast news.
  • Most noticeably, a pair of frankly erotic paintings of recumbent female nudes crown the centre of the rooms.
  • The recumbent effigies of souls at rest gave way to an upright statuary of men and women reflecting on their moral duties.
  • One must have served as a recumbent tombstone, since it has a slot at one end to hold a vertical cross.
  • The consequences of these conditions must be the recumbence of the folds formed under the crust-stress, and their The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • Cecil walked into the clinic, where he saw Herman sitting next to a recumbent Diana.
  • Casting the cow and placing her in dorsal recumbency may greatly facilitate extension of the fetal head.
  • Three major characters are shown in recumbent positions. Prone and supine : Bev Vincent
  • Where there was an effigy, a recumbent figure showing the deceased dead or sleeping was most common.
  • ‘The whole point of the recumbent bike is to make you feel comfortable,’ Seabourne says, ‘so hopefully you can last longer and push harder.’
  • I say this sentence to myself over and over, I visualize it, and I realize that the attraction of the image lies in the life implied by the recumbent reader.
  • Take your head away, you don't care a fig that my flowers will wear a dissipated recumbence; remember the dinner and ball. A Heart-Song of To-day
  • Two-seat, recumbent 'sociables', as their name implies, make cycling a pleasure shared.
  • Neither the Greeks nor the Romans memorialized their dead in the form of full-scale recumbent effigies.
  • The extensive array of cardio equipment includes treadmills, total-body elliptical cross-trainers, upright and recumbent Lifecycle exercise bikes and stairclimbers.
  • Recumbency was, in fact, rigorously enforced in some tuberculosis sanatoriums in which patients were fed, made to use bed pans, and bathed, all while lying flat.
  • Confined within the window frame, this complex amalgam becomes an image of worldly flux contrasting sharply with the quiet immobility of the recumbent figure.
  • Stratigraphic relationships show that the Mata nappe follows a recumbent fold structure characterized by a normal and an inverted fold limb.
  • Watch them as they clasp hands and run down to the water's edge; see them prancing playfully where the waves die on the sand, while devoted swains launch the floating mattress upon which it is their custom to bask so picturesquely; see them now as they rush into the green waves and mount the softly rocking thing; observe the gleam of their white arms as, idly, they splash and paddle; note the languid grace of their recumbence: chins on hands, heels waving lazily in air; hear them squeal in inharmonious unison, as a young member of the American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
  • The lungs are normal, except from complications following drenching or recumbence for a long period. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Relax, recline, become recumbent and ready yourself for this week's riotous, relay of rich regale from the odder and more interesting side of the Net.
  • Cut off a few plate-sized hosta leaves, a few great peony leaves, cut the recumbent stems of euphorbia or catmint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bikes on display included a tandem for an adult and child, an electric bike, a recumbent touring bike and a back-to-back recumbent bike for adventurous cyclists.
  • Her snapping grey eyes softened, and she stood beside the couch silently, looking at the recumbent girl with compassion.
  • Here, that easeful function has been taken over by unconscious thoughts that, ‘recumbent in the day’, have assumed the guise of ‘a forest of thick-set trees’.
  • Whether it's a recreational, road, mountain, tandem or recumbent bike you're after, you'll find a stellar product that won't require a roof rack.
  • A female figure and child recumbent, also elaborately sculptured in black marble, adorn the opposite niche, and under them, in alto-relievo, are several figures in religious habits. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • And we brought home the new recumbent stationary bike, which is good, because everybody including the dog was starting to have serious worries about my safety on the old one. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Even the youngest Triassic rocks are strongly folded, in places by isoclinal, recumbent folds.
  • Walking the cliffside path among Ajanta's caves, the history of two of India's greatest ages and one of its religions envelops us until, in cave 26, we encounter a 23-foot-long sculpture of the recumbent Buddha, a monument to his death and final enlightenment. Buddha of the Material World
  • He laughed aloud in wonder, and smiled benevolently down at the recumbent figure in his lap.
  • He leans over the recumbent form of his bandmate.
  • The ‘F-Range’ as the company calls it consists of five pieces: stepper, upright cycle, recumbent cycle, treadmill and elliptical trainer.
  • The use of the word 'recumbent' is surely otiose after the word 'recline'.
  • He looked down at the recumbent figure.
  • It was shaped like a foreshortened E with a heavy stone arch (recumbent lions at its base) to mark the entrance. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • The recumbent figure, whose sexual ambiguity is iconographically unique, is one of several figural types conveying the myth of Hermaphroditus.
  • Paul Abel, who tried out a recumbent tandem tricycle with one of his sons, said: ‘It's been great fun to try out the bikes.’
  • Cross-train with the elliptical trainer and recumbent bike, both of which get a thumbs-up for working the entire leg musculature.
  • The trussed, recumbent gendarme had been freed and carried away, still half-conscious. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • This combines classical motifs in the putti arranged around the bier supporting swags, with a Gothic treatment of the recumbent effigy.
  • The symbol atop of the Šentilj church belfry is quite unusual for a Catholic region: it forms a patriarchal cross with three crossbars standing atop of a recumbent and somewhat stylized crescent.
  • Of thirty circles known near Aberdeen twenty-six still possess the 'recumbent' stone, and in others it may originally have existed. Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
  • And the wall bars and horses which have characterised school gym halls for hundreds of years will be replaced by treadmills and electronic recumbent bikes.
  • The uprights nearest this 'recumbent' block are the tallest in the circle, and the size of the rest decreases towards the north. Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
  • There are sometimes moments as the Professor lounges at ease by the billabong, the perfect picture of recumbent indolence, when his sylvan reveries are crushed by a sense of sudden and prophetic dread.
  • Its contours plunged and flowed like an Asian ink painting depicting water, but it evoked a hugely fleshy recumbent body as well: nature as mass.
  • Aberdeen type, which is similar to the last, but has a 'recumbent' stone between two of the uprights of its outer circle. Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
  • There are Omega 3s galore, fish for brain food, selenium and lesser known minerals to startle a recumbent form into activity.
  • The question was no sooner spoken than a groan came from the other side of the coffee table, echoed by the recumbent figure on the couch.
  • At top center is a woman in a camisole with a thought balloon above her head depicting a recumbent figure.
  • Rectal temperatures were obtained in recumbent patients; temperatures were recorded every two minutes until there had been no change for two minutes.
  • Treadmills, stationary bikes, recumbent bikes, stair steppers and elliptical machines: With all the choices of modern cardio equipment, you have to wonder which is the best fat burner.
  • Feel free to "palp" your Dutch bike, recumbent, or cargo bike full of borrowed children. Archive 2010-09-01
  • I walked over the long green grass to one of the recumbent stones next to the gate of the field and stood on top of it.
  • The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.
  • The couple, who are travelling on a tandem recumbent tricycle worth almost $10,000, are at the half-way mark of their journey which started at Queensland's Big Pineapple.
  • In several, the blonde-helmeted, recumbent figure turns as though to meet the viewer's gaze.
  • She looked at Timothy's recumbent form beside her.
  • Variable quantities of gastric content normally reflux into the esophagus from time to time, more so when the stomach is filled and when the person is recumbent.
  • The USS system is a favorite for 85 % of all recumbent trikes sold.
  • It was shaped like a foreshortened E with a heavy stone arch (recumbent lions at its base) to mark the entrance. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Beyond this, Aertsen skillfully foreshortened objects never before honored with such attention: sausages, fish, a skinned ox head, a recumbent haunch.
  • There are sometimes moments as the Professor lounges at ease by the billabong, the perfect picture of recumbent indolence, when his sylvan reveries are crushed by a sense of sudden and prophetic dread.
  • It's a recumbent bike, the kind you sit on like you sit on a lounge chair, and as I'm riding I'm listening to music through my headphones.
  • _flexion_ is usually so pronounced that it can no longer be concealed by lordosis, so that when the patient is recumbent, although the spine is arched forwards, the limb is still flexed both at the hip and at the knee; with the spine flat on the table, the flexion of the thigh may amount to as much as a right angle. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Our bikes put us in a prime position to fall on our shoulders (as recumbent riders never tire of pointing out).
  • To protect yourself, look for bikes with wider, flatter seats - or use a recumbent bike.
  • The best thing you could do for yourself would be to find a gym with the recumbent cycle machines.
  • Although there are ridges on the radial plates that underlie the most distal points of the ambulacra, they did not support recumbent ambulacra as shown by growth lines crossing these ridges.
  • One particular pleasure was to lie beside a hedge, or deep in meadow-grasses, or under a tree, as circumstances and the mood concurred, and there to give himself up so absolutely to the life of the moment that even the shy birds would alight close by, and sometimes venturesomely poise themselves on suspicious wings for a brief space upon his recumbent body. Life of Robert Browning
  • I agree with hhazzahh, that a recumbent might be the solution to your problem in that it at least relieves your ailing knee of the strain of having to carry half your body weight ...and anyway, you'd like to think that recumbents are good for something. The Guardian World News
  • The day could be summarised as: tandems are harder than they look, sit-up-and-beg bikes cause pain, and recumbent trikes are great fun.
  • The semi-recumbent position held sway in Europe before the time of the obstetric chair, and after a period of great popularity soon disappeared, although its traces remained, especially in the slowly progressing country districts, until the last thirty or forty years, when it finally yielded completely to the dorsal decubitus, which is now almost universal among civilized people. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • On a recumbent bike, you've got a nice comfy seat with back support, and you're pushing horizontally.
  • Then again, she may have actually been charmed by his recumbence. In The Air Tonight: Weird Cycling and Bike Love
  • Those poor suffering riders in the "peloton" - who PAID to suffer - would have had much more fun for their hard-earned ? money if they had been riding recumbents. Itineraries and Agendas: Bicycles at Work and Play
  • 1, Direct view of the larynx and laryngopharynx in the dorsally recumbent patient, the epiglottis and hyoid bone being lifted with the direct laryngoscope or the esophageal speculum. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Most don't even realize the recumbent bike was invented in the early 1900s.
  • The room contains six elliptical cross-trainers, three treadmills, two recumbent bikes, two stair-steppers, a flat incline bench, rubber dumb bells, a two-tier rack and three cable televisions.
  • For instance, use a recumbent bike with low resistance but high RPMs rather than trying to dash miles and miles through city streets.

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