
How To Use Rectus In A Sentence

  • Twisting crunches target both the upper rectus and the external obliques, the muscles on each side of the torso attached to the lower two-thirds of the rib cage and inserting on the side of the pelvis.
  • I have always enjoyed pointing out that a Catholic priest (Lemaitre) conceived of the Big Bang, and a Jesuit (Teilhard de Chardin) discovered Homo erectus (then called Sinanthropus, Peking man). "Eppur, si muove..."
  • ~ Exercise of the Week: The Serratus Crunch -- You multitaskers out there will love this movement as it allows you to work the rectus abdominis, the obliques, and the serratus at the same time. Speedlinking 8/24/07
  • Three weeks later there was diplopia; loss of function of the right external and inferior recti, although the ball could be turned downward to some extent by the superior oblique when the internal rectus was in action. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Homo erectus was then known only from fossils discovered in Java in the 1890s—although the remains a jawbone, skullcap, thighbone, and two teeth were initially classified as Pithecanthropus erectus, or the “erect ape man.” Ancestral Passions
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  • -- The upper fragment is carried forwards by the action of the psoas and iliacus internus, and at the same time everted and drawn outwards by the external rotator and glutei muscles, causing a marked prominence at the outer side of the thigh and great pain from the laceration of the muscles; the lower fragment is drawn upwards, by the rectus, biceps, semi-membranosus and semitendinous muscles, whilst its upper end is thrown outwards and its lower end inwards by the pectineus and adductor muscles; crepitation, preternatural An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • The rectus abdominis runs from the top of the pubic bone to the sternum and lower three ribs.
  • Through the use of computer image analysis it may be possible to quantify accurately and usefully the variation in D. suberectus and subdivide this widely distributed and long ranging species.
  • During a dig on the island of Java, he discovered the first fossils of a Pithecanthropus erectus.
  • The spine is stable and still, with the rectus abdominis, obliques and erector spinae muscle isometrically contracting.
  • Congenital orbital adherens syndrome was suspected, and MRI of orbits revealed retraction of the right eyeball with shortening of the right medial rectus and left deviation of the nasal septum.
  • But other anatomical features resembled those of a more recent archaic human called Homo erectus.
  • Method Sternal turnover operation with pedicle of abdominal rectus muscle were performed in 10 patients with pectus excavatum.
  • —Its anterior surface affords attachment on either side to the anterior costoxiphoid ligament and a small part of the Rectus abdominis; its posterior surface, to the posterior costoxiphoid ligament and to some of the fibers of the diaphragm and Transversus thoracis, its lateral borders, to the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles. II. Osteology. 4a. The Sternum
  • The under surface of the jugular process is rough, and gives attachment to the Rectus capitis lateralis muscle and the lateral atlantoöccipital ligament; from this surface an eminence, the paramastoid process, sometimes projects downward, and may be of sufficient length to reach, and articulate with, the transverse process of the atlas. II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • He's a cross between Mohamed Atta and Pithecanthropus erectus. Maureen Dowd Devotes Whole Column To Edwards' Hair
  • But we could match the solid bones of Homo ergaster and erectus, the fleet feet of Ice Age Aboriginal men and the unwearying endurance of Athenian rowers. Peter McAllister: Manthropology: The Science Of The Inadequate Modern Male
  • According to Abbate and his team, the skull's long ovoid braincase, wide cheekbones, and massive browridge resemble African H. erectus and H. ergaster. New Skull from Eritrea
  • We measured right and left sides of 4 muscles - sternocleidomastoideus, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and rectus abdominis - 3 times and averaged the value for each muscle.
  • The superior rectus and inferior rectus muscles abduct the eye.
  • It can form monospecific 'islands' on patches of dark soil but is often found in association with Acrostichum danaeafolium, Bucida spinosa, Cladium jamaicense, Conocarpus erectus, Dalbergia glabra, Chrysobalanus icaco and Thrinax radiata. Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
  • Its discoverers have placed it in our genus, together with the much longer extinct Homo erectus and Homo habilis.
  • Homo erectus was formerly called Pithecanthropus erectus
  • Geoff hooked a needle through the rectus, the gossamer-thin muscle that controls eye movement, then immobilized it with a suture.
  • Results Among 168 free flaps, there were 126 free fibula flaps, 32 radial forearm flaps, 7 rectus abdominis flaps, one scapular flap, one jejunal flap, and one anterolateral thigh flap.
  • ‘On the gibbon-like appearance of Pithecanthropus erectusTHE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Mr. McAllister inadvertently answers the question at book's end by envisioning a male Homo erectus from a million years ago, plucked off the African plain and plunked down at a Nascar event. Testosterone Put to the Test
  • Homo erectus, and humans with a disorder called microcephaly, which has been suggested as an explanation for the Hobbit's small stature.
  • All these exercises target your core muscles: rectus, obliques and transverse abdominals.
  • On each side, the gyrus rectus of the frontal lobe is well developed and the orbital gyri are arranged irregularly around the H-shaped orbital sulci.
  • Because of their superior adaptive capacity, H. erectus was able to adjust to a wider variety of environments. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In Israel, trees such as Conocarpus erectus, Eucalyptus sargentii, and Melaleuca halmaturorum, and shrubs such as Maireana sedifolia, Borrichea frutescent, and Clerodendrum inerme are sold for amenity planting to allow irrigation with saline water. Chapter 10
  • H. erectus, on the other hand, made meat a more prominent part of their diet. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The rectus and the obliques flex your spine, and all of your abdominals, along with the erector spinae muscles of your back, stabilize your spine.
  • Falk's team looked not only at five Homo erectus skulls, but skulls of earlier hominids from Africa, such as Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus aethiopicus.
  • Not of course the original Garden of Eden, though the remains of Java Man, the celebrated pithecanthropus erectus, were discovered in the lowlands on this side of Merapi in 1891. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 2
  • While modern people weren't on the scene at that time, early humans called Homo erectus were living in the region.
  • This ‘Java or Solo man’ was named Pithecanthropus erectus, which means ‘upright ape man’.
  • Rectus and I took a walk around the "Plaza," -- a public square planted thick with live-oak and pride-of-India trees, and with a monument in the centre with a Spanish inscription on it, stating how the king of Spain once gave a very satisfactory charter to the town. A Jolly Fellowship
  • _Of the upper part of the leg_: The _rectus femoris_, the large muscle on the front of the leg which connects at the lower end with the kneepan. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • Proponents of a "multiregional" hypothesis held that H. erectus populations evolved into modern humans in many regions, and that these groups later bred with each other and with groups that emigrated from Africa. The Great DNA Hunt
  • Contributing Factors: The abdominal diastasis is simply a separation of the right and left sides of the front abdominal muscles rectus abdominus from their central attachment. Abby Sims: Preventing Pregnancy Aches and Pains
  • It may radiate along the inguinal ligament, perineum and rectus muscles.
  • The main abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis, is one long muscle that runs from just below the pecs down to the pelvic region.
  • They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.
  • To put that into perspective, if we were to go back 45,000 human generations, that would be about a million years, back to the time of Homo erectus, which is not very long ago. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Most muscle strains occur in the lower extremities with the rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscle being most commonly affected; they are followed by the semitendinosus, adductors, vastus medialis and soleus.
  • Nabdalsa post paulo experrectus ubi neque epistolam repperit [378] et rem omnem, uti acta erat, cognovit, primo indicem persequi conatus, postquam id frustra fuit, Jugurtham placandi gratia accedit; dicit quae ipse paravisset facere perfidia clientis sui praeventa; [379] lacrimans obtestatur per amicitiam perque sua antea fideliter acta, ne super [380] tali scelere suspectum sese haberet. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Finally, as we walk past the White Mangrove stands we reach the Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus).
  • The orbital part of the frontal lobe and the gyrus rectus are seen.
  • 'When I first saw the floral banded wobbegong it looked similar to the species many fishers know as the cobbler wobbegong (Sutorectus tentaculatus), but on closer inspection there were some very obvious differences that help define it as a separate species. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The abdominals include: the rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, and transverse abdominis.
  • It takes a longer time to expose the uterus since the rectus muscle has to be separated from its sheath both above and below, for better exposure and space.
  • At the top left is us, and top right is Homo erectus; despite the smaller brainpan, H. erectus has virtually all of the features for endurance running that we have.
  • The only other species of Cahabagnathus that has a pastiniplanate element that displays a similar constriction is C. directus.
  • The rectus femoris, a long muscle that runs straight down the front of the thigh, is one of the major muscles of the quadriceps.
  • Seriously impressive brain expansion did not begin until about 2 million years ago with Homo erectus, that is, after 3 million years of hominid evolution had gone by. The Goddess and the Bull
  • We have used, for the representation of the skull of Homo erectus, the reconstruction of the Sinanthropus, which has been made many years ago by Weidenreich.
  • Dubbed "x-woman" by the researchers, despite its undetermined gender, the pinky owner may have belonged to an archaic human species such as Homo erectus or Homo heidelbergensis, known only from fossils, or an unknown pre-human species. Fossil DNA analysis may have revealed new human species
  • Homo erectus and Neanderthals were more manlike than apelike.
  • The primary muscles involved in raising the legs (hip flexion) are the psoas and iliacus - collectively known as the iliopsoas - as well as the rectus femoris and pectineus.
  • Pithecanthropus" erectus, described by the Dutch anatomist Eugene Dubois, was an immediate sensation. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Before you begin doing any abdominal muscle exercise other than transverse abdominal contractions and pelvic tilts see pages 96-97, check your rectus abdominis muscles for separation. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Apparently the species evolved from Homo erectus, who somehow managed to reach Flores, perhaps by rafting.
  • Peking Man was originally called Sinanthropus pekinsis, but this name has been discarded and Peking man is considered Homo erectus.
  • Ken Mowbray, Sam Máeguez, and Gary Sawyer with the Poloyo hominid (Courtesy Ken Mowbray) [LARGERIMAGE] "For me," says Susan Antón of the University of Florida, who examined the fossil in July, "the skullcap is a unifying specimen because it combines characteristics seen in both the older [1.6. million years] and younger [less than 100,000 years] H. erectus groups in Southeast Asia. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • He not only has his sins pardoned, and is furnished with grace sufficient for himself, but, as rectus in curia -- acquitted in court, he is restored to his former honours and trusts. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • They are now classified along with us in the genus Homo, retaining Dubois’ specific name erectus: Homo erectus. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Vnum est, quod quicunque in superbia erectus, propria authoritate sine electione principum esse voluerit imperator, sine vlla miseratione debet occidi. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Scholars have remarked on the unusualness of the cranium, citing a mix of H. erectus traits, such as a thick cranial bone and a pronounced browridge, and features commonly observed in more recent humans, such as a high forehead, and rounded braincase. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • Five fossil human skulls show how the shape of the face and braincase of early humans changed over the past 2.5 million years. (from left to right: Australopithecus africanus, 2.5 million years old; Homo rudolfensis, 1.9 million years old; Homo erectus, ~ 1 million years old; Homo heidelbergensis, ~350,000 years old; Homo sapiens, ~ 4,800 years old) Smithsonian human origins exhibit elicits awe, protests
  • Viewing from the global scale, the occurrence of settlements seemed to have started from the ground cave dwelling since the late period of homo erectus.
  • _I shall have been ruled_ rēctus erō rēctī erimus rēctus eris rēctī eritis rēctus erit rēctī erunt New Latin Grammar
  • All the fossils that had been called Pithecanthropus—for example, Java and Peking men—were now labeled Homo erectus, as Clark Howell had suggested in an influential 1960 paper. Ancestral Passions
  • This type of training engages and increases the activation of the core muscles consisting of pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm. David Buer: Effects Of Training On Unstable Surfaces For Sports Performance
  • On that scale, I think Jeff will agree with me that it’s absurd to call erectus “little more than apes”. Intelligent design and Homo erectus - The Panda's Thumb
  • Rectus and I agreed, however, that we would rather have a pride-of-India tree than a charter, as far as we were concerned. A Jolly Fellowship
  • The abdominal muscle responsible for the ‘six-pack’ look is the rectus abdominis.
  • The pain can also result from structural conditions, such as localized endometriosis or rectus sheath hematoma, or from incisional or other abdominal wall hernias.
  • What they're calling erectus might be a new, as-yet-unnamed species. The Human Family Shrub?
  • Alternatively, Homo habilis may stand on the evolutionary line between the gracile Australopithecines and Homo erectus.
  • Erectus was on our side of a great divide—with an expanded cranium and an ecological niche defined by the use of tools.
  • But in the Poloyo skullcap, even though its cranial capacity is similar to the smaller of the H. erectus specimens from Sangiran, there are also features commonly associated with the much larger brained, geologically younger Ngandong specimens including the very broad frontal (forehead) formerly attributed to expansion in brain size, details of the browridge, and relationships between muscular attachments on the temperal bone, and details of the occipital torus on the back of the vault. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • Signs and symptoms may include diplopia, epistaxis, ecchymosis, crepitus, hypesthesia in the infraorbital nerve distribution, and restricted upward gaze secondary to inferior rectus entrapment.
  • The rectus femoris runs straight down the front of your thigh and, ideally, should protrude farther than any of your other quad muscles.
  • All these exercises target your core muscles: rectus, obliques and transverse abdominals.
  • Objective To investigate the effect of the application of superior rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap on wrist with electrical burn.
  • The rectus abdominis muscle inserts at the fifth through seventh costal cartilage, and it helps flex the vertebral column and provide support for the torso.
  • During expiration, contraction of the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis muscles draw the pubic plates dorsally, decreasing abdominal volume.
  • The owner of a 40,000-year-old pinky bone may have belonged to an archaic human species known only from fossils such as Homo heidelbergensis, shown as a bust above, or Homo erectus, or a completely unknown pre-human species. Fossil DNA analysis may have revealed new human species
  • It is now thought that in Indonesia, Homo erectus lived alongside Homo sapiens as recently as 40,000 years ago, when Neanderthals still inhabited Europe and the Middle East.
  • The Dmanisi hominids are among the most primitive individuals so far attributed to H. erectus or to any species that is indisputably Homo, and it can be argued that this population is closely related to Homo habilis sensu stricto as known from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Koobi Fora in northern Kenya, and possibly Hadar in Ethiopia. The Panda's Thumb: Transitional Fossils Archives
  • The most superficial ab muscle, the rectus abdominis, runs from the top of your pubic bone to the sternum.
  • Homo erectus butchered animals using simple stone tools like the handaxe. Inklings of Early Man
  • Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye.
  • He is at present an escaped prisoner, the law has an awkward claim upon him; he must be placed rectus in curia, that is the first object; for which purpose, Colonel, I will accompany you in your carriage down to Hazlewood House. Guy Mannering
  • If neither of the _rectus_ muscles have been cut and cicatrized, and if the deformity be not congenital, it may ordinarily be cured. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • H. erectus, on the other hand, made meat a more prominent part of their diet. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • And as such the Jews were shy of conversing with him, and expected Christ should be so; but he shows that, being a true penitent, he is become rectus in curia -- upright in court, as good a son of Abraham as if he had never been an publican, which therefore ought not to be mentioned against him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)

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