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How To Use Rectangle In A Sentence

  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • Some houses were reduced to neat rectangles of foot-high rubble.
  • Can trim to keep rectangle shape. The Sun
  • The paintings are long or tall rectangles or approximately square panels and are about as big as game boards.
  • The main room was a rectangle with various antechambers and vestibules branching off down its length.
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  • The room was darkish; the slant of the late afternoon sun made only a small orange rectangle on the dark wood floor. Two Poets
  • When Leila was seven years old, her stepfather ran out of fuel when mowing, leaving a large rectangle of unmown orchard grass.
  • Rather than make the top an ordinary rectangle, I put some mild curves on the sides which give it a ‘butterfly’ shape and spokeshaved some chamfers on the underneath of the table
  • The infirmary, or hospital, was across the rectangle of stone walkways from the stables.
  • TV programmes and books try to persuade us that we, whoever we are, can make over scrubby lawns, and construct a little Blenheim in a rectangle of twenty by thirty feet.
  • The facades on the buildings that conform the quadrangle are adorned with elaborate representations of Mayan huts, rectangles and Chac masks, with superimposed ornaments such as carved loops, lattices, small columns, human shapes, birds and monkeys. The Maya civilization, cities of the Maya
  • The shaded and unshaded rectangles indicate the two inferred recombination blocks in each clade, designated numerically as blocks 1 and 2.
  • The labial area of incisors was calculated from these measures as an approximating rectangle, and the labial area of canines as an approximating right triangle.
  • Then, all the bottoms get nested into one another round with round, square with square, rectangle with recta…. oh you get the picture…. Ask Unclutterer: Food storage containers | Unclutterer
  • To make the bin, simply drive four strong posts into the ground to create the corners of a rough square or rectangle then, using a hammer and U staples, attach a length of galvanised chicken wire all the way around to form the container.
  • What had begun earlier as a thin line of sunlight had grown into the large rectangle of light that would demark the beginning and end of the forum. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • He arranges thin rectangles, squares, triangles and trapezoids in complex patterns on the wall.
  • Mondrian's style of painting involved the use of strictly horizontal or vertical black lines to create a grid of rectangles, some of which were filled in with black or white, or vivid red, blue or yellow.
  • In other words, in the hyperbolic disc the rectangles needed for the argument simply do not exist.
  • Cut the layered sheets in half lengthways to make two narrow rectangles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roll the pastry into a large rectangle and line a shallow baking tray.
  • Each piece in the series, ranging from 3 to 7 feet high, is a single thick plate with meticulous rectangles etched or sandblasted onto the surface and inlaid with a mirror plate.
  • The basic designs of the bags are simple and seemingly artless - a clutch is a rectangle and a pink velvet holdall the simplest container with the handles made of knotted lengths of fabric.
  • In this paper, by using finite element method, the stress calculation and strength analysis for the location of the rectangle opening in the dye jigger were carried out.
  • Lay the bacon rashers next to each other on a sheet of foil to form a rectangle, then lay the chicken leg on top skin-side down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roll out with a lightly floured rolling pin to a rectangle the same size as the tin.
  • The particular tablet which concerns us is not one relating to administration but one which presents a geometrical problem which asks for the dimensions of a rectangle whose area and diagonal are known.
  • Show students how to combine rectangles and triangles to create houses.
  • Gently knead the dough down in the bowl, then stretch it out into a rough rectangle and transfer to the baking sheet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, horseshoe shapes, ovals and rectangles are organized into four groups.
  • Shape into rectangle, turn up sides and place on a baking tray lined with nonstick parchment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dust a large baking sheet with a little flour and arrange the smaller rectangles on it. The Sun
  • Noncontiguous repeat motifs are represented by shaded and unshaded rectangles.
  • A washy monochrome, its broad rectangles of turpentine-thinned burnt sienna lack not only the powerful materiality of the other paintings, but the intensity of fully saturated color as well.
  • A gunmetal black rectangle object attached to wires and tubes, filled with green, pulsating gas.
  • After installing all the geegaws for the graphics program, my invaluable drop-shadow-maker decided to go utterly mental - it would draw a rectangle around the selected object, and give it the drop shadow.
  • Instead, the Cut / Copy Rectangle command used the exact position of the cursor to define the vertical section of text.
  • The lines or whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum unless there are interquartile range (the length of the rectangle) from the 75th percentile or 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) less than the 25 th percentile. News
  • The thinly painted, diaphanous rectangles, which achieve greater density of color where they overlap, function as simulacra of brushmarks or as tesserae in a mosaic.
  • The basic color is green with black vertical markings that form rectangles.
  • A rectangle of light dazzles us and, as our eyes adjust, we see a summer meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a particularly good 3D Objects tool, which lets you create modelled spheres, cubes, rectangles cones, pyramids, toroids and more effortlessly.
  • Inside, the pathways are gravelled and there are neat rectangles of earth for the children to work on.
  • There was one more chair, set in front of the others in the rectangle of light cast by a sunbeam.
  • There was moss and dirt caked into the cracks, but there was a seam of some sort, vaguely in the shape of a rectangle.
  • Then, the snacks will start appearing, in groups of two or three, each one on its own specially designed plate: pristine disks that look like elaborately decorated candies from a Parisian confiserie but taste of salty sesame; crisp, translucent rectangles of raspberry punched up with wasabi’s heat; a thin cracker that tastes purely and intensely of the juiciest tomato you’ve ever eaten. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Roll out the pastry to 40 x 25cm and trim to a neat rectangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was in one of the many courtyards I'd noticed during my first vi a grassy rectangle rimmed on three sides by a h: edge of eugenia. Blood Test
  • Stitch two burlap rectangles together, with the top left open and frayed.
  • As a result it had to be set up in a large triangle shape rather than a rectangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Sahira continued to play push-me-pull-you with carefully unshaven Irishman Greg, Chrissie canoodled with galumphing babydaddy Sacha in full view of rectangle-headed ex Dan. World of Lather: a month in soap
  • At this time his work was purely abstract, featuring geometrically disposed bars and rectangles in a style close to Mondrian and van Doesburg.
  • Related tags: dm crown in a circle dreaming of birds fliying in circles trinity luthern church circleville ohio two year old clockwise circle disney circle of stars videos worksheets-area of rectangles combined with circles mathematics parts of a circle making a circle graph worksheet top top eye circle removers circumferance of a group of circles circles video by marques houston Wii-volution
  • For the show, the artist has created a new sheet-rock structure based on the Golden Rectangle.
  • Again to surprise them the rectangle flowed apart, separating into strands and being drawn in upwards one after another, perfectly synchronized.
  • Joining the top and bottom of this rectangle produces a cylinder.
  • Intuitively, this is a consequence of the fact that two lineages can be functionally separated by a greater distance in a rectangle than in a torus.
  • The drawing consists of three loosely defined rectangles, each filled with networks of angular lines overlaid with dark red marker blobs.
  • I noticed soft lines, circles, vesicae, and even vines! along with the more masculine hard lines, rectangles, and spears *rolls eyes*. Tourist on Earth | Mind on Fire
  • The rectangles drawn around the row numbers indicate the rows on which you knit with the background colour.
  • Rich was waiting for her in the conference room, a sconced, heavily curtained rectangle softened by floor-to - ceiling bookcases and the Old World cornices and moldings she had had put up. Second Skin
  • Squares and rectangles are the main planning module and these warp into parallelograms to accommodate the natural topography.
  • Dehn had studied the squaring problem in 1903 and proved that a rectangle can be squared if and only if its sides are commensurable and that if it can be squared then there are infinitely many perfect squarings.
  • Draw two diagonal lines dividing the square and the rectangle into triangles.
  • They had been tested and found to be of an acceptable standard; these lines had portioned the glazed floor into sectors, but all in the same rectangle.
  • Danlo continued staring at the beautiful colours spread beneath the surface of the shiny rectangle before him. The Broken God
  • Using pen and rule, draw a rectangle or square on top of the book you want to alter.
  • In the remaining works, the interplay of rectangles and squares is more elaborate.
  • As a result it had to be set up in a large triangle shape rather than a rectangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I doodle in exactly the same way as this, although I sometimes add spirals drawn inside rectangles. POPCO
  • Open the meat out to form a long rectangle and season with salt and pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the perfect form of the rectangle, the square exhibits these qualities the most strongly. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • Once they were all seated by their name cards around the hollow rectangle table, Randa addressed them. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • Rectangles connected by two arrows indicate methods that can be implemented as supervised or unsupervised.
  • All the squares and all the rectangles have sides which are Fibonacci numbers in length.
  • Draw objects made entirely of triangles, rectangles or squares; make ‘butterfly’ pictures by painting on one half of the paper and folding it over so that the image is mirrored.
  • If the elements of the matrices are "disconnected", so that we can isolate certain sub-matrices sub-square, or sub-rectangles, in mathematical language, it is "block-diagonalizable". Archive 2005-10-01
  • Then a rectangle of brighter light illuminates the dusty ruched curtains as they glide towards the ceiling.
  • The solution? Move the column as a rectangle, not as a column.
  • Slowly, carefully, the thirty-two sledge-pullers worked together to unlash the heavy coffin and lower it down precisely angled boards to its temporary resting place on the wooden superstructure just above the rectangle of black water. The Terror
  • Roll the pastry into a square and cut out eight rectangles. The Sun
  • Father entered the room, arms full of suitcases shaped in rectangles, pentagons, squares, and even spheres.
  • He then went on to make paintings where the outside shapes were angular instead of more familiar squares and rectangles.
  • It has a dark green square above a thin blue stripe, with a darker blue rectangle at the bottom. The Sun
  • The church plan, vaguely reminiscent of a classical basilica, is a simple asymmetric rectangle.
  • The main room was a rectangle with various antechambers and vestibules branching off down its length.
  • The paintings are long or tall rectangles or approximately square panels and are about as big as game boards.
  • That mysterious rectangle could be a touch-sensitive panel, or could be a separate display.
  • The small rectangle of silver metal clicked against his claws as he flipped the lid open, the electric spark igniting the gas in a blue flame that wavered in a draught.
  • Lay the bacon rashers next to each other on a sheet of foil to form a rectangle, then lay the chicken leg on top skin-side down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The approximation is obtained by partitioning the x-axis, thus slicing the region into narrow strips, then approximating each strip with a rectangle and summing all the resulting approximations to produce a Riemann sum. Wolfram Blog : Visualizing Integrals
  • The groma could be used to survey straight lines, right angles and rectangles. Book review: Thunderer by Felix Gilman
  • Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.
  • The test is a tangram, forcing you to fit as many as needed of the pieces given into the shape of a rectangle. The Tail Section » 2008 » August
  • The church plan, vaguely reminiscent of a classical basilica, is a simple asymmetric rectangle.
  • Some of our rectangles had radial symmetry, while others achieved asymmetrical balance.
  • Drink Cut down the middle lengthways to make three long rectangles. The Sun
  • To save these pieces he folded the paper accordion style, and from that came the idea of making even sized rectangles one under the other on each pleat.
  • The thin circles are patrols, the thicker squares are scouters, the large ovals are divisions, and the rectangles are squadrons.
  • A rectangle of light dazzles us and, as our eyes adjust, we see a summer meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roll the strudel upon itself, like you would a jelly-roll, starting on a long side of the rectangle.
  • The gatehouse is a piece of early Victorian kitsch, a Swiss-style brick building clad with a wooden lattice of white crosses and dark timber rectangles, and a ridiculous but endearing balcony. Country diary: Sandy, Bedfordshire
  • The other pool was a plain old rectangle with some swimming lanes, diving boards and water nets.
  • Seven meters in width, four walls of white stone rose sheer to a low-pitched roof of such height that each side was seen as enclosable in a golden rectangle. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • Looks like a coral reef cut into deeply fissured rectangles that reveal fossils.
  • In particular books one and two set out basic properties of triangles, parallels, parallelograms, rectangles and squares.
  • At first once performed to the heathenism temple or the spacious building to rebuild, simultaneously the mold in the style of antiquity Rome rectangle meeting hall form constructed the Christ church.
  • The large rectangle ABDF is the same shape as CDFH, but is phi times as large.
  • Painted on wooden rectangles, either in encaustic (pigment suspended in wax) or tempera (pigment suspended in egg yolk), the form and the medium of the icon have remained constant to the present.
  • The hotel was built in a rectangle, an atrium in the middle with the floors rimming the edge.
  • By morning it had been reduced to a neat rectangle of ashes and a charred padlock and clasp. Times, Sunday Times
  • The task acre was commonly not a square of 210 feet, but a rectangle 300 feet long and 150 feet broad, divided into square halves and rectangular quarters, and further divisible into "compasses" five feet wide and 150 feet long, making one sixtieth of an acre. American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • Place the larger pastry rectangle over the top, pressing the edges together to seal and form a tight package.
  • Translucent yellow globes dangle from long chains over a rectangle of couches and uncomfortable bamboo chairs.
  • Danlo continued staring at the beautiful colours spread beneath the surface of the shiny rectangle before him. The Broken God
  • Here, horseshoe shapes, ovals and rectangles are organized into four groups.
  • He handed me a little rectangle of white paper.
  • the area of a rectangle
  • On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry to form a thin circle or rectangle, place it on a lightly greased baking sheet or tin, and lip or flute the edge.
  • The architecture of the temple of Janus was determined by the solstitial rectangle of the construction place, associated with the sunrise and sunset at summer and winter solstices.
  • Cut the remaining slices into triangles or rectangles to cover the sides of the bowl.
  • Wallet Memories - Cut a business card size rectangle out of poster board. Decorate both sides with stickers, photographs, small messages, or drawings (for kids). Laminate it, and give it to dad.
  • He handed me a little rectangle of white paper.
  • My favorite accessory was the Barbie Dream House, a clever crib of creased corrugate, that came as a handy suitcase-size rectangle and unfolded into four furnished rooms. Evening Commercial: Barbie 50s vs. 60s – The Bleat.
  • Between head and pillow, a hard rectangle was interposed, the marbled cardboard of a notebook, sea-green.
  • Lay the bacon rashers next to each other on a sheet of foil to form a rectangle, then lay the chicken leg on top skin-side down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heech Tablet, melding architectural form and geometric abstraction, extends this conceit using a bronze slab whose surface is incised with rows of small rectangles meant to evoke a cuneiform inscription.
  • Fold the dough in half, then in half again, keeping it in a rectangle shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • The diagram appears to show the longer side of the rectangle as its base. Times, Sunday Times
  • I doodle in exactly the same way as this, although I sometimes add spirals drawn inside rectangles. POPCO
  • Study the wide view and imagine where you could place a smaller rectangle. Photographers Handbook
  • The billet or rectangle represents the grant of land on which the parish was built in 1845
  • A palace had spires and towers; this was one solid structure, a gigantic rectangle imposed on the landscape.
  • Between head and pillow, a hard rectangle was interposed, the marbled cardboard of a notebook, sea-green.
  • The types of shapes for which the area is calculated include triangles, rectangles, circles, trapeziums.
  • He arranges thin rectangles, squares, triangles and trapezoids in complex patterns on the wall.
  • For example, the entrance hall, based on the basilica idea, is a rectangle with an apsidal end; the dining room is a long room with apses at the ends.
  • The opening sequence of his six-minute abstract video drags you out of the surrounding blackness and absorbs you into a receding infinity of coloured rectangles which may be an animated painting by Josef Albers.
  • Use a 10cm cutter to stamp out six rounds from the other rectangle for the tops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cook in the open kitchen rolled out the spongy dough to a large rectangle on the low table, spread out globs of softened butter and generously sprinkled on brown sugar and cinnamon.
  • The adenosine base frequency is represented by gray rhombs, cytosine frequency by black rectangles, guanine frequency by gray triangles, and thymine frequency by black circles.
  • Fold the rectangle of dough in thirds again, crimping the seam with your fingers so that it will not open up.
  • Gently knead the dough down in the bowl, then stretch it out into a rough rectangle and transfer to the baking sheet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intriguing feature of the interior is that there is hardly a room that is a plain square or rectangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next, pre-cut rectangles and squares of different shades of green paper were distributed.
  • On a lightly floured surface roll the pastry into a rectangle.
  • The video shows a bird with white in a big rectangle all the way across the trailing edges of both upperwings - white that is visible on both the upstroke and the downstroke - long wings - powerful flight - like nothing I've ever seen.
  • A bright, vermilion ground has been almost obliterated by some 17 rectangles meeting on broken lines.
  • Thursday says clothes fold into neat rectangles, immideatly nulling the usefullness of his desgin. Rolling Bag (OBAG) by Rooz Mousavi » Yanko Design
  • Leonard combines these shapes with slim rectangles of varying sizes that seem to trim or buttress the larger shapes.
  • Then a word would appear in one of the four rectangles, and players were instructed to click on it as quickly as possible.
  • When you're on the road today, or in a shopping mall, observe how many cars are detailed with stripes, lightning bolts or rectangles.
  • The lines or whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum unless there are interquartile range (the length of the rectangle) from the 75th percentile or 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) less than the 25 th percentile. News
  • Geometric designs are created by piecing or patching together triangles, squares and rectangles.
  • Grey rectangles indicate the presence of a rooted stock.
  • I doodle in exactly the same way as this, although I sometimes add spirals drawn inside rectangles. POPCO
  • The 3D Objects tool lets you create modelled spheres, cubes, rectangles cones, pyramids, toroids and more effortlessly.
  • The rectangle bell shade is a reddish-brown textile with black edged trim and natural black slubbing.
  • Fold the rectangle along the long axis. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not overly large, a long rectangle, showing a scantily clad female figure advancing down a beflowered path toward what seemed to be a glint of water. Ill Met By Moonlight
  • A rectangle of light dazzles us and, as our eyes adjust, we see a summer meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • One rectangle may be a patio, the next a lawn with a rectangular pond set into it, and so on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except for the center rectangle, each rectangle formed by the balklines is a ‘balk area.’
  • A diagonal line separated a triangle of white and another of blue that together formed a rectangle.
  • Danlo continued staring at the beautiful colours spread beneath the surface of the shiny rectangle before him. The Broken God
  • Fold it over to make a long rectangle, then brush with more butter. The Sun
  • A modest, horizontal rectangle, its center is occupied by a carefully modulated gray scale, shading from light to dark and gently contained on either side by a narrow bar of dry, sulfurous yellow.
  • When the wire was bent into other forms and moved, equally strong effects were obtained, especially when instead of a rectangle a double catenarian curve was formed of it on one side of the galvanometer, and the two single curves or halves were swung in opposite directions at the same time; their action then combined to affect the galvanometer: but all the results were reducible to those above described. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • The J-10 has a rectangle belly air intake, with low-mounted delta wings, a pair of front canard wings, a large vertical fin, and two under fuselage fins.
  • On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry to form a thin circle or rectangle, place it on a lightly greased baking sheet or tin, and lip or flute the edge.
  • Her tall figure was framed in the rectangle of the front door, the two side windows with their stained glass contributing to a triptych effect. Somewhere East of Life
  • Gone is the multi-ridge surface that started with the iH5 and continued through so many other iHome models, replaced by a shape that could best be described as a bulging box-a rectangle with gentle curves rather than angular lines on almost all of its surfaces. ILounge | All Things iPod, iPhone, iTunes and beyond
  • In Stueck, 110 by 134 inches, a brushy rectangle of pink and pale orange is loosely framed against a dark-green coil: hose, serpent or tentacle.
  • Cut the shortbread into squares or rectangles while still hot.
  • The cedar lining that once protected fine cigars from deteriorating is equally efficacious at preserving cardboard rectangles from insect damage.
  • Then cut lengthways to leave three long rectangles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shape stencil: select unusual shapes like circles and stars - squares and rectangles are easily produced using a ruler.
  • Squares, rectangles, or triangles of fabrics were pieced together to form larger units.
  • Cut the halloumi cheese blocks in half lengthways to make 4 thick rectangles then thread on to the remaining skewers. The Sun
  • She was even taught how to brush the mixture of alcohol and zinc sulfide from the small rectangle glasses used for scintillation counting. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • Donegal's (top left of rectangle) postcode is 00 0000 then you just keep drilling down into that grid square to get a full postcode. Postcode systems are like buses...
  • The brown rectangles here are good, solid footholds; the blue circles are small, rounded, slippery handholds that you could not put your weight on - your hands are not strong enough to grip them tightly.
  • I love this geometric rectangle pattern designed for the Tube. Times, Sunday Times
  • They brought a rectangle of yellow corn cake under avocado, tomato and sliced red onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wearing a big red flower in her hair and a giant rectangle of red chiffon, she sings a draggy song, one of those meandering, tuneless R&B songs so many of the contestants do.
  • This lightweight, easy to wear classic rectangle style has a rimless three piece mount construction.
  • If the height of a rectangle is 7 1/6 mm and the perimeter is 27 2/15 mm, what is the length of the base of the rectangle?
  • They brought a rectangle of yellow corn cake under avocado, tomato and sliced red onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • They checked to see if the slab would easily wrap around the pipe and then used a straight edge to cut out an appropriate-sized rectangle from the clay.
  • Then, tightly roll the pastry rectangle from the longer side to form a log shape. The Sun
  • Its arrangement of forms - a bulky, white rhomboid with curved sides that is balanced unsteadily on a dark rectangle - at first floats freely as a pure, nonrepresentational abstraction a la Ellsworth Kelly.
  • Franklin has tooled the design himself: a rectangle within a rectangle within a rectangle of gold, the inner and the middle joined at the corners with floral rolls.
  • Cut into squares or rectangles and transfer to a baking tray, lined with baking paper or a baking cloth.
  • You should have one large pastry rectangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is fairly easy to accomplish by defining a bounding rectangle for the text that is the same width as the space between the page margins.
  • They considered a square, a rectangle, even an octagon.
  • Kaufman scored this luscious ground with dozens of thin white diagonal lines before adding a final layer of geometry: six oblong rectangles stacked on top of each other in graduated shades of gray.
  • The area of a rectangle is its height times its width.
  • TV programmes and books try to persuade us that we, whoever we are, can make over scrubby lawns, erect decking, build pergolas, plumb in water features, and construct a little Blenheim in a rectangle of twenty by thirty feet.
  • Cut the layered sheets in half lengthways to make two narrow rectangles. Times, Sunday Times

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