How To Use Recreate In A Sentence

  • The period detail has been painstakingly recreated and it is shot in a sombre palette of olive greens and sepia tones.
  • First, I have great faith that any movie with Captain Mal (erm, Nathan Fillion) will be fantastic. honestly, I think the best book-to-movie translations are those where the moviemaker is not trying to recreate the book onscreen. They're (Not) Gonna Put Me In the Movies
  • The twigs and pebbles and little heaps of dirt were apparently his attempt to recreate the house in miniature. SACRAMENT
  • While, the absence of dialogues, the lack of colors and the intertitles recreate the look and feel of early mute films. No Fat Clips!!! : SIMON BURRILL – Mr. Theobald
  • It is something that is created and recreated every day through initiative and organised and coordinated activity.
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  • Oborne regrets the 'loss of self restraint' and his intention is to recreate it, or rather to again 'ostracise' and 'thrust beyond the outer margins of debate' those who dare to speak out about the impact of Islam on the British way of life. The British National Party
  • A set of prehistoric footprints, said to show meat-eating dinosaurs hunting vegetarian dinos, has just been recreated in a detailed 3-D model.
  • Balayage recreates a sun-kissed feel to hair colour that grows out very softly and looks very natural.
  • How can we recreate the sense of "unshakable meaning" and "necessariness" Junger describes? Arianna Huffington: What Soldiers at War Can Teach Us About Surviving Financial Warfare
  • The most famous of the Pop artists, the cult figure Andy Warhol, recreated quasi-photographic paintings of people or everyday objects.
  • Instead Schodt recreates the social and cultural milieus that surrounded MacDonald at various stages of his life.
  • Family Copies recreates oil paintings or watercolors by using an image from a digital or photographic source.
  • He also visits a ship steering school in Port Revel, France, and he and his son-in-law recreate a canalboat trip taken by Henry David Thoreau and his brother John in 1839. Archive 2006-09-01
  • There's backspin, volleys, drop-shots, lobs and, of course, topspin - to recreate that element of surprise.
  • Since godson is only seven and a half, his draftsmanship and lettering have room to improve, so I've recreated the script to make sure the story's clear. Robin the Half-Bat Superhero
  • Nonetheless, such schemas hide the inherent processual nature of identity construction and belie the power of consumption practices to contextualize ethnicity-to presuppose, recreate, or to forge anew.
  • To make the market as authentic as possible, there are plans to put an inch of wood chippings across the street to recreate what it would have been like to walk around in 13 th century Bolton.
  • In Africentric science, all life is created by harmony and recreates harmony.
  • Why do we have a broadcasting environment where the skills displayed in the remake aren't channelled into a new idea, a different comic take on a middle - aged man undergoing a breakdown, rather than an attempt to recreate the unbetterable. The Guardian World News
  • There's no need to divorce oneself from the past, but I don't see a need to reformulate and recreate the bisection of society either.
  • Men will learn of good and then help recreate the Good Lady. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • The underlying incredible news from this study is that if we know how to bypass the gastric tract that has insulin production issues, we can then recreate a chemical mechanism... hence new medications.
  • Thus, by a kind of sacred procedure, I immerge myself into those old stones and recreate my peculiar Roman mood. Alone
  • The work aimed to recreate the smart ironwork and elegant lamps of the station when it first opened.
  • A shrine dedicated to a 12th century Archbishop of York and smashed during the Reformation is being recreated in the city.
  • The juxtaposition demonstrates the startling fidelity with which the director recreated his vision on screen.
  • And we can share best practices so that every educator and employer does not have to recreate effective strategies from scratch.
  • It also suggests a canny ability to sublimate some of the social energy and anxiety toward the secondary ‘desire’: to recreate a difficult problem as easy solvable.
  • They believe that they can recreate the depth of emotion found in some 1940s melodramas by reproducing or reinventing a certain set of narrative devices and by clever casting and design work.
  • Update views in the model ( Recreate the dropped changed views. ).
  • Wealthy Britons pay tens of thousands to bag a lion, elephant or polar bear in trophy hunts that recreate images of a bygone colonial era
  • The event at the Charterhouse, where the young Elizabeth I stayed before acceding to the English throne, featured musicians, a court jester and yeomen guards in a bid to recreate the regal splendour of the Tudor age.
  • Brilliant as he was indefatigable, he recreated the Zuni past from their syllables and potsherds.
  • In fact, they seem determined to recreate the bawdy, bumptious atmosphere of a redneck boozer.
  • They wish to recreate the Troubles, have the army rescale its presence, and have everyone act as if it's the 1980s over again. The language of terror
  • He also invited to his Edinburgh court English actors, musicians and masquers, thus creating a British court culture in Scotland; in 1603, he recreated this in England when his Scottish court poets accompanied him south.
  • Well, "recreate" maybe - we've had them in the past. How to make a cool $2MM+ in one day -- with a sparkle pony
  • That'd be a fantastic game, all the frustrations of village cricket recreated.
  • One can agree that LGT will likely not interfere with a robust phylogeny for primates that indeed recreates ancient splittings of their populations, without buying in to the notion that the supposed sisterhood of Thermotogales and Aquificales [two bacterial phyla — OT] revealed by a small subset of their shared ribosomal protein genes reflects an even remotely similar evolutionary process. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Is there a step by step guide to recreate in PE or does anyone know the best filters to use to do so in Photoshop Elements? Hope Poster | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Missing elements, including ornate fireplace mantles, intricately carved woodwork, beveled mirrors, and hand-made tiles and ornamental andirons, had to be recreated from photographs.
  • These three novels are historical in that they recall a life that no longer exists and recreate societies that are apparently past.
  • In a sense, occupiers and occupied created and recreated each other, within the changing context of the war.
  • The tower, built in 1720 by Trinity House as a seamark for £724, used to have a roof like a castle, which its owners are intending to recreate.
  • The house, as it is today, is the result of two years work by the current owners to restore and recreate a period house.
  • The work often doesn't recreate an exact rendition of a particular location on canvas, but rather an artist's loose memory or feeling about nature, expressing its essence or spirit.
  • A project to recreate a piece of Bolton's industrial heritage is steaming ahead thanks to a 5,000 donation.
  • The wave simulator can recreate swells of up to two metres - and in these stormy conditions, trainees will learn to cope with a chilly and potentially terrifying capsize.
  • I mean that in the same way as if I were to attempt to "recreate" KDE in some other operating system. Lifehacker’s Guide To Upgrading To Windows 7 RC | Lifehacker Australia
  • Using a mix of dramatic reconstructions and interviews, the film recreates a story that has passed into mountaineering legend.
  • Designer Susan Benson imparts the allusive quality of a Japanese watercolour, and Michael Whitfield beautifully recreates changing natural light.
  • There is a bulkhead styled like a helicopter and underfloor hydraulics to recreate the sickening vibration of one.
  • Nordic warriors sailed into York in longboats on Saturday morning, before two key battles - Stamford Bridge and the Rout to Riccall - were theatrically recreated.
  • Ryan on Jul 22, 2008 anchorman is easily the most quotable and one of the funniest movies i've seen. im doubtful they will be able to recreate that magic of stupidity from the first one with such a larger audience. it's exactly like #1 said. it looked like the cast was just having fun but with more pressure and higher expectations at the box office, the sequel might lose the fun the first one had. and on an unrelated note, TDK is incredible in IMAX. check it out jim on Jul 23, 2008 Update From Will Ferrell and Adam McKay on Anchorman 2 «
  • Cloth and water are the two tools needed to perform waterboarding - the technique where an interrogee is tied down, and water is poured over cloth or cellophane over his face, to recreate the feeling of drowning. Jon Soltz: Waterboarding: Call It What It Is, Mukasey
  • It was delicious and very moreish and one which I'll try to recreate at home.
  • The Forestry Commission pledges to recreate another 75,000 acres of Caledonian pinewood by 2005.
  • They found a 19th-century neo-Gothic chair, and then recreated it in plastic using an industrial method known as rotational molding, usually reserved for objects like footballs and airplane parts. Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
  • Her hands clenched an imaginary steering wheel in excitement and she ran to recreate the sense of wind streaming through her hair. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Bolton Arts Festival took on an Asian flavour on Saturday with a show to recreate the atmosphere of Bolton Mela.
  • His language is deceptively simple; it is not easy to recreate his elegance and poise.
  • Still, the main effect of Richard Eyre's intricate and absorbing production is not to recreate the enamelled snobbery of the Simpson entourage. The Last of the Duchess; 13; The Village Social – review
  • The solution lies not in trying to recreate a system that is reminiscent of Enid Blyton through a rose-tinted lens, but in an approach that focuses on bringing out the best in its pupils, without the iron-rod of conformity.
  • In this close relationship the artist occupies a pivotal position, since he is gifted with the ability to recognize divine principles in nature and recreate these in his works.
  • With the exception of the wigs and the wardrobes - recreated by a team of 52 talented milliners, stylists and tailors - this is quite a dull and diluted effort.
  • The souls of such separate themselves from the unlimited love for the sex, and devote themselves to one, with whom they look for an everlasting and eternal union and its increasing blessednesses, as the cherishers of the hope which continually recreates their mind; but it is quite otherwise with the unchaste, that is, with those who do not think religiously of marriages and their holiness. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • The trauma is still exerting an influence, but in the negative reactions it pushes against the trauma being recreated.
  • In this list, de Massoul differentiates between oil colors used in portraiture and those in landscape, with lists of appropriate colors for each. reference This was a common distinction, and one with a practical origin, as manipulating the flesh tones of portraiture and manipulating those to recreate verdure had different chemical properties and different visual constraints. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • They both kissed and the rest of their day was spent on the holodeck in a program that recreated Hawaii.
  • Science and literature both attempt to recreate the world in miniature, out of an interrelation of parts and wholes. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Once you have had your stylist or friend practice the style on your hair, it can be created faster each time that it is recreated.
  • On stage they have fluorescently recreated the Shrine – the club that was the music magnet of 1970s Lagos. Fela!; The Glass Menagerie; The Master Builder
  • When subsequently generating code from the model, the folder structure is recreated to reflect the existing structure.
  • Many of these works are crammed with details and it is humanly impossible to recreate them.
  • Pupils recreated an Olympic stadium and dressed up in toga-like costumes, which are known as chitons in Greek, or armour made out of cardboard.
  • Furthermore, it was clear to Ruvu people that although aspects of their episteme were rooted in foundational knowledge inherited from earlier ancestors, they were still required to recreate ideologies and temporal sociocultural institutions continuously to satisfy the demands of spirit forces and to meet the needs arising from their temporal contexts. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • In the class, students recreate Hollywood-style gunshots, using tiny explosive devices called squibs that one of the students volunteers to wear under his clothes. Lighting Up
  • All of us in flyover country and industry believed you would set a standard and example that recapture, recreate, and foster the can-do spirit that was the hallmark of NASA during and through the halcyon days of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. Vote To Keep Mike - NASA Watch
  • Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis-dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse, he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra-ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of water. Finnegans Wake
  • Musicians will play pipes, tabors and sackbuts, to recreate the music from court and country.
  • Distinctions between what is recreated, retouched and invented digitally are difficult to discern.
  • Cashmere sweaters are his main fare combined with a flare for innovative knits made from vintage sweaters which are recut and recreated with British motifs and appliqué.
  • The high-octane production recreates the energy, style and music of the stars of the Motown stable.
  • At an exhibition in the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham earlier this year, she recreated Stroke by plastering the walls of one room with chocolate.
  • He argues that within the context of this system, specific institutions are continually being created and recreated.
  • In order to recreate some of the atmosphere of those ‘happy days’, I am heading off home to Suffolk this evening in order to spend the next four days commuting to Cambridge and back from Ipswich.
  • Tesla recreated the Hertz experiment and quickly realised that an oscillator that he developed transmitted wireless impulses much more efficiently.
  • Maybe we spend all our adult lives trying to recreate the sense of wonderment and joy and downright contentedness that childhood Christmases brought.
  • Classic sounds such as the 'hoover' (from the Roland Alpha Juno 2) are enhanced and recreated Kahvi Collective News (XML)
  • Explore junk shops and markets for costume pearls and earrings to recreate this expensive look.
  • Each photon inside the sphere creates an interference pattern, and the same pattern is recreated by its entangled partner.
  • They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.
  • Although the perfume contains no whisky, the blend of ingredients is chosen to recreate the traditional smoky and peaty smells of island malts such as Talisker and Laphroaig.
  • Nine-year member Christina Kitson, known in the SCA as Xristiana Bogardus, said the term "recreate" is preferred because there are certain aspects of the medieval time period intentionally omitted, such as slavery, sexism and lack of bathing. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Specially created foliage, flowers and trellising will recreate a classic English country garden with added sound effects such as church bells, buzzing bees and bird song.
  • The world would be better off without terrorism, but governments must not follow policies that recreate the problem.
  • Saving yourself the time and effort in trying to recreate the cache should be a design goal when preloading is being considered.
  • On weekends I play; The students all recreate alike.
  • She perfectly recreates the idioms and dialects of a certain sort of Manchester, and it was un-put-downable in a slightly addictive, confessional way.
  • What Christ offered in hanging upon the cross for mankind, we recreate at Holy Mass, since He is again sacrificed on our altars.
  • Abdul's cameo came in a sketch that recreated a typical Idol audition.
  • The life that can never be recreated is the invisible, untouchable inner one, which cannot be reproduced even by the most psychoanalytical detective.
  • Sir Titus Salt kept a watchful eye over a panel of beer tasters judging a competition to recreate a brew in his honour yesterday.
  • I have two finnan haddie fillets in my freezer, left over from a shipment I received last year and I hope to try and recreate this dish with it, at home, soon.
  • For one night only, the Queens Theatre will be transformed to recreate the makeshift bars and clubs of 1930's Mississippi that became known as juke joints, where weary workers sought release in the simplicity of a cold beer and the grinding rhythms of travelling bluesmen. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre.
  • The BBC has not yet worked out how to 'recreate' a Beethoven symphony school children in Camden bashing castanets and drums? The BBC Must Take Full Responsibility
  • Jesus said that one must be born again (recreated/remade/recapitulated) before they can even see the kingdom of God, because they are dead to it, blinded by sin, unable to perceive. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The landscaping work going on around the house reflects its form in the early nineteenth century, as a further effort to recreate the era to be studied.
  • Here Orringer's grasp of fact and circumstance is used to best effect, as she observes the lingering disintegration of each starving and diseased human body and recreates the minute attention devoted to ensuring that so many died with as much suffering aspossible. The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer
  • To recreate the ancient way of making wrought iron, two Swedish blacksmiths have smelted a bloom of iron and begin to shape it into a bar.
  • Rather, the attempt is merely to recreate their personas as faithfully and realistically as possible.
  • The size of neuron clusters that we have successfully recreated in terms of functional equivalence is also scaling up exponentially.
  • -- At the close of the seventeenth century, a new dawn arose in the history of Italian letters, and the general corruption which had extended to every branch of literature and paralyzed the Italian mind began to be arrested by the appearance of writers of better taste; the affectations of the Marinists and of the so-called Arcadian poets were banished from literature; science was elevated and its dominion extended, the melodrama, comedy, and tragedy recreated, and a new spirit infused into every branch of composition. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • Keeping the Orpheum's original architectural style intact was crucial to the Sioux City community, and entire sections of railing, balusters, and terrazzo steps needed to be painstakingly recreated.
  • The industry then "fortifies" these processed foods with marketable nutrients, but never recreates the health promoting properties of the whole food they replaced. FoodAndDrinkEurope RSS
  • The day he figured out the recipe, more than a year later, he cabled the news to his father, who had the dish recreated for Brady.
  • Sporting clays is the most challenging and most realistically recreates a hunting scenario. Whats the difference between Skeet, trap, and sporting clays?
  • The recreated brush strokes are silk-screened one color at a time until the graphic reflects the painting to the artist's satisfaction.
  • Coining itself as a "Japanesque Rock and Visual Styling Magazine," it's a wonderful trip to a rare underground youth culture with dark themes, rebelliously wild fashion, and a vibrant energy that can only be recreated by attending the concerts these bands perform in. Recently updated products at
  • Pearl's world, which Bradby skillfully recreates, mirrors the one that she grew up during the 1960s.
  • At Primrose Hill in north London there were plenty of sledgers scooting their heels along increasingly muddy slopes in an attempt to recreate Monday's magic.
  • Inside the planetarium, crowds of visitors watched an amazing show that recreated a night sky dense with stars. MEN IN BLACK II©: THE MOVIE NOVEL
  • The method being pursued at York and Sydney employs the technique of binaural sound synthesis, which seeks to recreate the illusion of sound all around the listener simply using two channels of sound, one channel delivered to each ear.
  • So let's review the bidding of what it takes to recreate the Cold War, the most productive partner-rival relationship of all time or at least since Roman-Sassanian cohabitation in Late Antiquity! Michael Vlahos: America and China: Partners or Rivals?
  • Morrison went into the studio with Chris Walla and Don Zientara behind the boards; John Vanderslice guests, and Death Cab for Cutie's Jason McGerr attempts to recreate Joe Easley's polyrhythmic drumming.
  • Well, you can read all about my cruddy Saturday afternoon of football here if you're a masochist, or you can just poke toothpicks in your eye while you're in the shower if you really want to recreate the experience.
  • He just remembered … he is the veepee nominee … and needs to recreate himself. Beat 360° 09/08/08
  • Wedding bells are in the air at Huntington Stadium after good sir knight Norris and fair maiden Rosemary Westmoreland recreated one of the happiest moments of their lives.
  • I'm certain they had a Chess channel, where epochal matches of the past were recreated in hushed reverential tones.
  • Family Copies recreates oil paintings or watercolors by using an image from a digital or photographic source.
  • After the Civil War, the Bolshevik party had recreated itself in response to events; it was virtually a new organization.
  • Inspired by National Geographic wildlife filmmaker stories from the field, the 30 and 45 second brand spots recreate these extraordinary moments from narrowly escaping a treacherous fall while filming on a remote mountain cliff to wading through leech-infested waters in search of howler monkeys. Nat Geo Wild Reveals New Brand Campaign *Updated* « Art & Business of Motion
  • Many of these works are crammed with details and it is humanly impossible to recreate them.
  • • The living room inglenook was recreated by the previous owners using old photographs and distinguishing marks on the floor and fireplace. Wright Plus Weekend Begins!
  • The scene was recreated for a photograph on the spot: the white headpiece Mr. Santos wears is his shirt and the "pen" in his hand is a vulture 's feather. A Modern Marat
  • Marconi's first transatlantic wireless signal was recreated yesterday to mark the 100th anniversary of the historic transmission.
  • It was the simple cottage where he had spent his childhood, recreated in perfect detail.
  • The roof of Cornish slate was similarly recreated using old slate found in the garden foe matching purposes; the balustrade and balusters were also beautifully reconstructed.
  • You may want to retry the WaitNamedPipe a couple of time before calling recreate the namedpipe handle. MSDN Blogs
  • A love for films shines through each frame and the era is recreated with obvious affection, scored to perfection with some tasty boogaloo beats.
  • So, what sounds like a drum machine snare, is actually a snare with a cymbal on top of it, and trying to recreate some of those dance sounds quite organically, and then afterwards, adding some of that synth quality. Mike Ragogna: A Tiger Suit, Junip & Great Companions: Conversations with KT Tunstall, Dar Williams, and José González, plus a KT Video Exclusive
  • In Morocco, on a pinchpenny budget of $6 million, Scorsese recreated a Palestine of sere deserts and balding meadows.
  • They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.
  • As well as sight, sound is also recreated in studios in so-called 'foley sessions' in which sound is added to a film. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In Morocco, on a pinchpenny budget of $6 million, the film director recreated a Palestine of sere deserts and balding meadows.
  • Those same raw nerves, however, also spilled into every bar of the opera's music and also explain the torrential savagery of the emotions it recreates in the listener.
  • Steve Englehart is writing at this point, and having just come off a couple of mind-blowing stories one where Strange witnesses the beginning of the universe, and another where he recreates the Earth in exact detail after its total destruction, he decides to come up with another wowser. John Seavey’s Storytelling Engines: Doctor Strange | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • "Their proposals are a cynical, deceptive way to recreate some form of unionist majority rule.
  • Breathing life into time periods that were painted colorlessly in history books was an art I wanted to recreate.
  • Visually, the film perfectly recreates the dark and smoky atmosphere of 1950s jazz clubs.
  • An exquisite piece of workmanship, it is operated by a manual lever and recreates the sounds of the harp, harmonica and piccolo.
  • It could yet seek to recreate that bifurcation with a ‘business only’ upgrade and give the Home line its own range of updates.
  • Wetlands are being recreated and more lovingly maintained, so cranes were able to recolonise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The county is to build a park where the scene of 180 million years ago, when dinosaurs lived freely, will be recreated.
  • Their meticulously crafted melodies and tight harmonies recreate that awesome sound of the seventies.
  • When the Byzantines reconquered their capital in 1261, they attempted to restore its past glory but could never recreate its former strength.
  • Sir Titus Salt kept a watchful eye over a panel of beer tasters judging a competition to recreate a brew in his honour yesterday.
  • Â The Legion gave them to Superboy by using a "duplicator" to "recreate" each "particle" in a Legionnaire's body and shrink it, to make "an almost living likeness" of each of them. Into the back issue box #37 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • With all of the digital display talk going around, you tend to forget what those displays are actually trying to recreate, which is really very organic smears on a thin fabric. The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
  • The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain.
  • A significant strand of our ancestors fled halfway around the world to try and grub a living out of the forest and the swamp to escape the workhouse and the orphanage - not to recreate them.
  • The nostalgia of yesteryears came alive as each young singer sought to recreate the magic of such singers as Mohammed Rafi, Yesudas and S. Janaki.
  • The intention was to recreate the environment of the patricians of ancient Rome and to celebrate agrarian, pastoral, Christian, and cultured life.
  • Born in Swansea of modest entrepreneurial stock, he had a happy childhood, and he recreates its pleasures well.
  • They then try to recreate themselves in the image of their role models.
  • We often recreated ourselves with chess.
  • I asked for the recipe for their Cream of sweetcorn with hazelnut & cured duck ham soup, but they wouldn't give it to me so I'm going to have to experiment to try and recreate it.
  • If, however, you want a real taste of harsh life in rural Britain, head off to Beamish, the North of England Open Air Museum, which faithfully recreates the North East in the early 1800s.
  • It's a rare reunion for the Old Line Skiffle Combo, a Maryland six-piece that plays traditional skiffle and rockabilly tunes using everything from a washboard to pedal-steel guitar to recreate the shufflin' '50s vibe. Nightlife Agenda: Parties for a long weekend
  • A blonde and two male companions in boaters and bathing suits recreated the 1920s, along with eye-catching flapper girls in neon pink.
  • The apparatus includes an adaptive filter including an ingress synthesizer for recreating the undesired ingress signal and an ingress subtractor for subtracting the recreated ingress signal from the input signal.
  • The need for purgative violence in order to recreate the self hearkens back to the ‘fiery zeale’ of the universal conflagration.
  • As for Germany, the nation lost contiguous territories: Northern Schleswig to Denmark, Eupen and Malmédy to Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine to France, and the Polish Corridor and other lands to the newly recreated Poland.
  • Now, just as it refashions its view on Iran, it is making clear, according to articles last week in the Russian newspaper Kommersant, that its view of cooperating with NATO on missile defense must involve "sectorization," or giving Russia responsibility for an area in Eastern and Northern Europe that NATO believes would recreate a Soviet-type zone of influence. NYT > Home Page
  • To recreate the country's Midsummer celebration, people in traditional dress danced around a maypole.
  • And Glasgow artist Nichol Wheatley has also recreated four paintings of the evangelists on the impressive dome, using the single surviving black and white picture of the original design from 1927.
  • If a family triangle is unhealed, we may recreate it, once or many times, hoping on some deep and inaccessible level that we will find a way to heal or resolve it.
  • Sure, you can kind of shoehorn in ways to play with friends, but none of the app's game modes truly recreate the intense thrill of going head-to-head with friends. The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
  • Often when we tried to recreate dishes at home such as fragrant pilaus we had enjoyed at an Indian restaurant or the sushi rolls we devoured with saki at a sushi bar, it somehow just didn't translate.
  • Built by the team at the IMCS, the 1,000 liter (265 gallon) aquarium is filled with sea water and simulated coral reef to recreate a naturelike habitat. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • The museum has even recreated the vessel's hull, complete with fore - and afterpeak, around the gallery holding the find. Egyptology News
  • In a process the philosopher Ernst Cassirer, in his Essay on Man, called palingenesis, the past is recreated as a living organism in which every separate element is connected.
  • Inland, vintage jeeps and other military vehicles wind their way through the meandering narrow lanes between the lush fields and gentle sand dunes as men and women try to recreate a slice of history.
  • With careful selection you can recreate your own wildlife haven.
  • Anna has relatives scattered all over Italy and recreates the intimacy of a close-knit family life in her work.
  • The imagination of the worshiper is thus excited by successive statues and pictures, until at last he reaches the tremendous pyramidal tower, or gopura, which portrays and symbolizes the power of the heathen god to destroy and to recreate. A Tour of the Missions Observations and Conclusions
  • The courtier engages in the provocative playfulness exemplified by the participants in the four nights of gamesome conversation at the court of Urbino memorialized by Castiglione; the poet recreates it.
  • We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.
  • The twigs and pebbles and little heaps of dirt were apparently his attempt to recreate the house in miniature. SACRAMENT
  • An imaginative translator must explore ways, even if roundabout, to recreate the effect of the original in the language into which it is translated.
  • To recreate the scene, imagine the aftermath of the battle of Maldon restaged on the nursery ground's sodden and sticky turf: entire divisions of genial, man-shorted, smartphone-braying figures roiling giddily from bench to grass, many already on their knees, others entirely capsized. Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
  • The legendary sounds of The Eagles are faithfully and brilliantly recreated by Talon on Thursday, October 7.
  • The exhibition recreates three rooms in each palazzo: the sala (reception room), camera (bedroom) and scrittoio (study). Times, Sunday Times
  • We will make council together of how our finest produce is being sullied by vile competitors in the dark eastern lands who take it onto themselves and, through craft and cunning, recreate it at a tithe of the cost.
  • Director Wolfgang Petersen recreates a long-ago world of bireme warships, clashing armies, the massive fortress city and the towering Trojan Horse. Geek Deal: Troy Blu-Ray for $9.99 | /Film
  • He recreates the 1960s in this true-life tale of a teenage runaway's audacious trail of trickery.
  • And we can share best practices so that every educator and employer does not have to recreate effective strategies from scratch.
  • Men will learn of good and then help recreate the Good Lady. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • Past grief certainly, and future grief too if he came back to life only to recreate the sorrows of the past. THE ONLY GAME

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