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How To Use Recoverable In A Sentence

  • As plants do not possess a mechanism to degrade lignins, lignification represents a significant, non-recoverable investment of carbon and energy.
  • Equally uncertain is the amount of recoverable oil and gas.
  • The judge had held that VAT on rent was also recoverable.
  • And most vivid do these scenes and people become when the vague and irrecoverable boy who walks among them carries a rod over his shoulder, and you detect the soft bulginess of wet fish about his clothing, and perhaps the tail of a big one emerging from his pocket. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • The money could be recoverable from the officer who was responsible for not having filed the written statement despite passage of so much time.
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  • Her past was, in his words ‘out of sight and hearing, beyond reach, largely irrecoverable.’
  • The mistake the president makes, Murkowski argues, is to assess our oil wealth in terms of "proved reserves" -- the oil that we are relatively sure is there, that we can get to and is economical to produce -- instead of in terms of what is called our "recoverable" or "potential oil resources" -- oil that we've yet to discover but that we think is there and technically recoverable but not necessarily economical to produce. Bill Chameides: How Much Black Gold Is in Them Thar Hills?
  • One feels that certain things are irrecoverable because they are past.
  • The privatisation roller coaster when everyone was encouraged to become a shareholder left many with irrecoverable losses.
  • Normally recoverable from the ‘losing’ side, so if they have no assets, no point in proceeding - no lawyer would touch the case if there were no assets or appropriate insurance in place, that is where the system fails and that is why the Feds or any force don’t take such actions. on July 22, 2008 at 11: 12 am | Reply Twining Another Fine Officer Down « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • From the moment he commenced his turn the aircraft was almost immediately on its right wing tip and was irrecoverable.
  • Contingencies such as unrecoverable medical or dental expenses, hospital expenses and loss of wages are also provided for.
  • Studies suggest there are at least four billion barrels in recoverable reserves. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, how much oil you think will be recoverable from a field, ie the reserves, depends on how much you are willing to invest, which in turn depends on prices. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » More on Peak Oil
  • History shows that, once lost, the democracy it guarantees is irrecoverable.
  • Unless a disk is demagnetized or destroyed not simply damaged, data is generally recoverable, even if there may be gaps or missing / unrecoverable files. The Volokh Conspiracy » A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles
  • Fortunately, when the drive fails due to firmware corruption, the data is usually fully recoverable once the drive has been repaired.
  • We can burn less than a quarter of known economically recoverable fossil fuel reserves between now and 2050, " says co-author and climatologist William Hare, also of the PIK.
  • Analysts believe that close to one billion barrels are recoverable.
  • If you provide huge tax breaks for private care, even if you call it a ‘patients passport’, you are giving free money to those who have private care already, a massive and unrecoverable deadweight cost.
  • Gross supply data 50 have been adjusted to reflect only supplies that are economically and technically recoverable.
  • In the UK alone it has been estimated that the recoverable wave energy resource exceeds total UK electricity demand.
  • The recoverable satellite was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Northwest China on September 9.
  • ChevronTexaco last week revealed it had found up to 500 million barrels of recoverable crude 80 miles north-west of Shetland.
  • He added that this was the year for "a political showdown to rescue Japan from falling into an irrecoverable crisis. Japan Opposition Renews Calls for an Election Ahead of Consumption-Tax Debate
  • Using the price as a basis for economically recoverable reserves, some oil companies developed a price-reserves relationship that incorrectly led to increased estimates of oil reserves.
  • Read it again, lingering this time on "just one more try" and "another irrecoverable day slips by. Review of The Best of It by Kay Ryan
  • When the stress is low enough, essentially all transient creep is linear with stress and recoverable.
  • The largest holds 1.5 billion barrels of recoverable oil and is capable of producing up to 80,000 barrels a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term employed for such a swift, unrecoverable catastrophe at sea is ‘sudden calamity’ but that masks the horrible reality that would have confronted the crew in their last few minutes alive.
  • It is laudable that companies are already making redundant equipment available for re-use but in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are not rendering the data on hard drives unrecoverable.
  • Some of this may become recoverable in due course, but this has the effect of almost wiping out reported profits before tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • When someone dies their debts are only recoverable from their estate.
  • Yeo demanded that the government announce ‘in principle, compensation for farmers who suffer irrecoverable losses’.
  • The pit was considered to be so dangerous that the bodies were unrecoverable. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The bank also managed to recover loans that were deemed unrecoverable through a call-back system in which clients were visited by bank employees.
  • Twenty percent of the damages were found to be attributable to the laying of the charges for which no damages were recoverable because of the findings the defendants' conduct was not actuated by malice.
  • Currently, some of the known deposits (mainly bar placers with easily recoverable gold) are mined by prospector cooperatives.
  • Sudan has two billion barrels of recoverable oil and currently produces 250,000 barrels a day.
  • Within weeks of the law's passage, banks saw a flood of loans once deemed unrecoverable being repaid in double time.
  • Administrator tool for secure shredding ( unrecoverable deletion ) of entire IDE disks.
  • As to the other two points, it was not suggested that the cost of repairs might be irrecoverable or that it might be uneconomic to recover it.
  • Lost British gold in Spanish waters may now be recoverable with the use of deep-water robots.
  • The flight recorders on the ill-fated planes, which are encased in titanium specifically to withstand catastrophic crashes, are apparently unrecoverable in this case, such was the enormity of the impact.
  • As of December 31, 2008, we had reinsurance recoverables of $696 million and policy loans of $45 million that were related to the businesses of Jefferson-Pilot that are coinsured with Household International ( "HI") affiliates. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There is only relative simplicity and not being, or at least being is diffused irrecoverable by its ‘own’ labyrinthine construction.
  • As to the other two points, it was not suggested that the cost of repairs might be irrecoverable or that it might be uneconomic to recover it.
  • The estimates of the total initial recoverable reserves are now as high as 345 million tonnes (allowing for appreciation).
  • Unless a disk is demagnetized or destroyed (not simply damaged), data is generally recoverable, even if there may be gaps or missing/unrecoverable files. The Volokh Conspiracy » A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles
  • In other words it is the negative quality of passiveness either in recoverable latency or insipient latescence. What Is Man? and Other Essays
  • There's plenty of oil in the ground that's recoverable at low cost.
  • The Lula field will be Brazil's first "supergiant" oil field, with a recoverable volume above five billion BOE, Mr. Barbassa said. New Petrobras Fields Make Their Mark
  • An unrecoverable Directory Services error has occurred. Contact your network administrator.
  • Gross supply data 50 have been adjusted to reflect only supplies that are economically and technically recoverable.
  • With improving technology the recoverable reserves could be even greater.
  • In case of violation of such agreement any moneys expended by the United States on account of such travel and transportation shall be recoverable from the individual concerned as a debt due the United States. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10196
  • The oil may not be recoverable, although the signs are good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps you recall Chris who had the "unrecoverable" hard drive that Apple wouldn't let him keep? The Consumerist: April 2007 Archives
  • First impressions, memorable impressions, are generally irrecoverable; they often leave one the wiser, but they rarely return in the same form.
  • Their love is the greatest a woman can hope for in life, and it is irrecoverable, except in brief moments during confinement, if a woman is allowed to give birth in her parents' house.
  • The insurance premium is wholly irrecoverable.
  • Gross supply data 50 have been adjusted to reflect only supplies that are economically and technically recoverable.
  • Sometimes we believe we've uncovered some lost, almost irrecoverable moment and think it to be the moment that determined—or destroyed—our lives. A Hungarian Novelist's Literature of Fidelity
  • Like the Tapara bed, it contains some shelly material and molds, but the most readily recoverable and complete fossils are present in cobble-sized concretions.
  • Ground water - millions of years old - in the Mereenie basin is dropping to unrecoverable levels.
  • I take the view that the moneys are not recoverable since, at the time of payment, the payer was not labouring under any mistake.
  • Instead, they simply delete all of the files they can find, and then once again use an antiforensics program like Privacy Suite to find the files that might have been forgotten and to make all of the deleted files unrecoverable.
  • These can make the interest payable pale into insignificance and push someone already in debt into an irrecoverable position.
  • No costs in respect of anything done by an unqualified person acting as a solicitor shall be recoverable by him… in any action suit or matter.
  • In her book, ‘The Sappho Companion’, Margaret Reynolds says there's something strange, remote and ultimately unrecoverable about Sappho's writing.
  • Mortgage interest will be allowable against rental income and VAT is recoverable.
  • Human crews SHOULD be flown in recoverable, lifting body vehicles that can land in an emergency at places other than KSC, Edwards or White Sands. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • Travel expenses will be recoverable from the company.
  • Two methods are selected to evaluate economic recoverable reserves of Shuangyang formation in Changchun oilfield:Economic Limit Water-cut Method and Cash- flow Method.
  • Tui said that following a £29m write-off at the time of its third quarter results in August, an ongoing audit had uncovered a further £88m of irrecoverable balances. Tui Travel finance chief to quit after accounts glitch
  • ‘But he had a beautiful nature and although he had nearly starved to death we felt he was recoverable,’ Ms Shields said.
  • The landlord pressed his demand upon the macer, who, in fact, was privately reimbursed by the marker; but he was coolly told that he ought not to allow such improper practices in his house, and that the sum was not recoverable, the transaction being illegal. The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
  • In principle any losses occasioned thereby are recoverable however they may be characterised.
  • The Fanhui Shi Weixing recoverable satellites were originally developed for photoreconnaissance but now are also used for remote sensing.
  • In Gauteng, in all departments, any public servant was entitled to apply for the package and the only valid reason for tuning down an application was that the loss of staff member would cause "unrecoverable" harm to the service. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Unless the answer is in the affirmative the assessment must stand and the rebate is recoverable.
  • The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory, but at the time, I did not immediately comprehend what I was witnessing.
  • Companies such as AdvancePath Academics scoop up students classified as unrecoverable by traditional schools and help them complete their education. Reason Magazine
  • It may also be true, as he submitted, that there is no reported case where this discretion has been exercised so as to garnish a debt which is only recoverable outside the jurisdiction.
  • We see lives in the same light as our own lives might be seen when we have also become irrecoverable.
  • But it is best to avoid making impulse donations because charities do better through planned giving - not least because tax is often recoverable.
  • ANN REALTIME UPDATE 03.19.09 1710 EDT: Cessna spokesman Doug Oliver has confirmed to ANN that a BRS parachute deployment was used today to recover the sole-remaining flying Cessna SkyCatcher after an as-yet undefined flight test criteria resulted in an "irrecoverable" flight condition. Aero-News Network
  • It is proposed that using generalized gamma cyclic model may predict production and recoverable reserves of oilandgas fields driving inspiration from Master Weng′s cyclic model.
  • Page 232 in office for the benefit of the State in such sum as said board shall require, which bond shall be lodged with the Clerk of the County Court for safe keeping; together with a certificate of the appointment so made of Treasurer under the hand and seal of the Chairman aforesaid, which bond shall be sueable and recoverable as other State bonds now are or may be, and shall allow him a fair compensation for his services to be fixed by said Board. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. I
  • They have gone so far down that we are getting to the point of irrecoverable collapse.
  • An IMS / VS facility that allows the user to define inquiry transactions as unrecoverable.
  • No government has considered the issue of charities' irrecoverable VAT more seriously than this one.
  • In terms of the bill, legal interest will be recoverable for non-compliance with the fixed time limits for inland money transfers.
  • The spin was recoverable but a great deal of altitude was lost in the recovery process and the Allies would later prey upon this weakness.
  • The mere fact that a vessel has sunk does not mean that there is a recoverable claim.
  • Sudan has an estimated two billion barrels of recoverable oil, and is currently producing around 250,000 barrels per day in an industry worth around $2 billion per annum.
  • The bank admitted yesterday that most of the €789m losses incurred by the action of this rogue trader will not be recoverable.
  • The council has run up huge and unrecoverable debts.
  • Nearly half of the world's economically recoverable oil reserves have already been extracted and around 50 countries have passed their point of peak oil output.
  • Use a ‘wipe’ utility program to overwrite the entire hard drive. It makes the files unrecoverable.
  • The insurance premium is wholly irrecoverable.
  • The sense of the infinite worth of the single soul, and the recoverableness of man at his worst, are the gifts of Christ. The Greatest Thing in the World And Other Addresses
  • In case of violation of such agreement and moneys expended by the United States on account of such travel and transportation shall be recoverable from the individual concerned as a debt due the United States. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10177
  • What if any part of the 90% success fee claimed is recoverable in this case?
  • For the ecological system which is already fragile, as they have found, any mindless destruction may be enough to do an irrecoverable damage to it.
  • He seems to be working in a coal mine in his breaks and several shirts may be irrecoverable.
  • According to the building inspector's report, the injunction will cost taxpayers about $4,000 - only a portion of which is recoverable.
  • An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
  • The fines imposed are civil debts recoverable only by civil process, unlike the collection of criminal fines which is pursuant to statute and includes the court's coercive jurisdiction to imprison a defaulter.
  • This measure was intended to eliminate corruption and prevent unrecoverable loans being passed on to the Central Bank.
  • In India, owing to the time lag involved in the recovery, banks tend to hold on to advances considered irrecoverable in their books.
  • An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize the cluster disk information.
  • But he might simply shatter, break into irrecoverable pieces.
  • Causation, even established, did not entitle him to recover damages in respect of an irrecoverable loss.
  • The seeds of a peanut variety, Yueyou No. 7, were carried into outer space by a recoverable satellite in 2003. The seeds were grown and screened for mutants. 21 mutant lines were obtained.
  • Shale gas, according to the committee, accounts for two-thirds of America's technically recoverable reserves, enough to supply the country for 90 years.
  • I have one or two criticisms of this operating system, because errors of the kind that I made should be recoverable but are not.
  • O'BRIEN: If that failed, however, then you've got another situation which could cause a lot of what they call, what the investigators call parasitic drag, which is another way of saying forcing it into a steep left bank, and ultimately if it's unrecoverable -- in other words, if the other control surfaces here cannot compensate for it, that could very well put it into a spin, an inverted position that cannot be recovered no matter how hard the pilot tries -- John, any other thoughts? CNN Transcript Jan 8, 2003
  • If the gala is cancelled because of bad weather the committee now stands to lose money, and it's not recoverable.
  • Mortgage interest will be allowable against rental income and VAT is recoverable.
  • The money could be recoverable from the officer who was responsible for not having filed the written statement despite passage of so much time.
  • The only recoverable losses were those which the public officer had foreseen as the probable consequence of his act.
  • They also say it is unlikely that any of the recoverable properties would generate him a significant fortune.
  • The unfortunate aspect of this is that it is not clear if a file is unrecoverable until recovery is attempted, and at that point it's too late to do anything about it if it can't be recovered.
  • Schweitzer said 115 billion tons of that coal is recoverable.
  • Checked exceptions inherit from Exception class and are used to handle recoverable errors such as business error scenarios.
  • We could set vehicle mileage standards for SUVs and light trucks at 40 miles per gallon and save eight times as much oil as is economically recoverable from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
  • Hammond will say he will not allow the MoD to remove critical skills and capabilities that are irrecoverable … we will not carelessly throw away core competencies that may be essential to our defence in the future. Defence secretary to warn armed forces of more pain in coming years
  • The amount of gas available that is economically recoverable has been determined by an independent expert.
  • As a general rule, money paid under a mistake of fact is recoverable.
  • And this time, the U.S. is finally beginning to run out of domestic oil and easily recoverable natural gas.
  • The judgment debt is no longer recoverable by the various processes normally available for satisfaction of judgment debts.
  • In addition, the VAT will not be recoverable, and should be included in the amounts referred to above.
  • Written notice has to be served in accordance with the rules or the sum is simply not recoverable.
  • In those cases where a defendant unexpectedly pursues a small action at great expense to the claimant, the judge will provide the protection needed by exercising his discretion to disapply the limit on recoverable costs.
  • It points out at line 15 that the first matter to be determined on an application under the section is: the quantum of common law damages which would have been recoverable had they been sued for.
  • Expenses incurred to prevent threatened damage amount to recoverable damage in so far as reasonably incurred.
  • Is it continuing and is the money recoverable? Times, Sunday Times
  • These hold an estimated 1.7 trillion barrels of petroleum, of which 255 billion barrels is currently considered recoverable.
  • *** Travel TUI Travel, Europe's largest travel operator, said Chief Financial Officer Paul Bowtell had resigned after an accounting error forced the company to write off another £ 88 million ($139.4 million) in "irrecoverable balances" and restate its earnings for fiscal 2009. Business Watch
  • If you decide not to buy, the money you have spent on the survey is not recoverable.
  • Such a fee is recoverable by the mortgagee if a statement is requested by the mortgagor.
  • These are costs which are not recoverable in terms of the prices we obtain.
  • He said that damages were not recoverable for breach of the minimum commitment clause.
  • On the one hand, if it can be established that money is paid over by duress or compulsion, it is recoverable.
  • Some lawyers deem that Hu's brain had been severely damaged and lost all the functions which were irrecoverable, so her heartbeat would be stop sooner or later.
  • Life is actually a series of unrecoverable errors that one day combine to freeze your screen. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The costs, as I found out to my surprise, are not recoverable in that situation.
  • Even those who survive it may come to regret wasting five active, irrecoverable years.
  • An archive is neither exhaustible, nor fully recoverable, nor positively finite, and archeology is the method of history that conceives its data in terms of the archive.
  • recoverable truth of a past event
  • Saudi Arabia has more than 261 billion barrels of proven oil reserves - more than a fourth of the world total - and perhaps a trillion barrels of potentially recoverable oil.
  • It's now virtually impossible to sue a doctor if the damage is worth less than $50,000, because legal costs would be unrecoverable.
  • This week, as his wife was anticipating contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he sent her stock plummeting to an unrecoverable low.
  • He then went on to consider the question of damages and concluded that damages for injured feelings and mental suffering were recoverable.
  • Talking about the film, Cronenberg has referred to Nabokov's theory of memory and art as attempts to recover the unrecoverable.
  • The building fell in an earthquake in late antiquity, but all its features are recoverable.
  • Had the cable been laid directly from South Africa to Australia, the signal would have faded too much to be recoverable.
  • A small minority drop showers of recoverable meteorites on the ground, but most are utterly disrupted in their final explosion.
  • Any recoverable benefits paid to the victim of an accident, injury or disease in the relevant period are recoverable from the compensator.
  • Loans categorized as "unrecoverable" amounted to 3.1% of its portfolio. A Formula Shift
  • Hassett and others keep alluding to the 86 billion barrels in recoverable offshore reserves, but the same estimates place only about 18 billion of those (though that’s probably a conservative guess) in areas covered by the current moratorium. No, Actually, You Can Go
  • In the first case the contents of the file are truly unrecoverable unless you can guess the password.
  • Experts have been saying that we have another 40 or so years of cheap recoverable crude oil left.
  • Psathyrostachys juncea second generation seed vigor was analyzed, which was treated by carrying into recoverable satellite in 2003.
  • I'm excluding recoverable expenses, based on the assumption that the airplane will likely appreciate over time and that any principal payments made will be recoverable in the future.
  • In cases where, under the provisions of a above, demand on a carrier is required and the owner fails to make such demand seasonably or fails to make reasonable efforts to collect the amount recoverable from the carriers, the amount otherwise payable under these provisions will be reduced by the maximum amount recoverable from the carrier if claim therefore had been filed with such carrier within the time limit, provided that it is not found that demand in any event was impracticable or would have been unavailing EXECUTIVE ORDER 10053
  • Another important form of classification emerged in 1896 with Emil Kraepelins model of dementia praecox, first used by Morel in 1860 and described as irrecoverable cortical brain disease producing a particular kind of mental enfeeblement in the young. Bedlam
  • After more than a hundred years most of the details are irrecoverable, lost beyond all recall, but it isn't hard to image what must have happened.
  • It has just completed an assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and natural gas resources in five geologic basins in the Rocky Mountain region.
  • Let the mass of the people in any nation lapse into the ignorance and barbarism of atheism, or lose themselves in that supreme sophism called pantheism, the grand error of ancient as well as of modern gentilism, and liberty, social or political, except that wild kind of liberty, and perhaps not even that should be excepted, which obtains among savages, would be lost and irrecoverable. The American Republic : constitution, tendencies and destiny
  • In other words it is the negative quality of passiveness either in recoverable latency or insipient latescence. What Is Man? and Other Essays
  • Twine said the write-off removed the necessity for the municipality to attempt to recover money that was irrecoverable.
  • The reactor is already one-third completed; some $2 billion, probably unrecoverable, has already been spent.
  • It is now being claimed that approximately 8 million tonnes of recoverable peat exist in the area, making the proposed development of a new power generating station viable.
  • Partial deals were possible because they did not require him to adopt any irrecoverable positions.
  • As I understand it, the data has been recoverable in some cases, but that doesn't mean it always will.
  • Such claims may be filed, in the manner and in circumstances prescribed by the Service concerned, for amounts not recoverable from the carrier. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10053
  • If you decide not to buy, the money you have spent on the survey is not recoverable.

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