How To Use Recoup In A Sentence
The closely held retailer said it would sue its partner to recoup more than $ 50 million it claims was unfairly withdrawn.
Moreover, many insurance companies (including mine) refuse to pay the $30,000 cost, reasoning that any economic benefit they would recoup is years down the road.
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Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
This lack of action may also trigger some legal action from insurance companies in an attempt to recoup cash paid out to flooded households.
Times, Sunday Times
The insured person is guilty of unconscionable conduct if he does not provide for the insurer to be recouped out of the damages awarded against the wrongdoer.

No attempt was made to recoup the cash.
The Sun
But the money can be recouped within three years.
Times, Sunday Times
And, as the secured creditor has consented to the payment, no recoupment of the money paid is possible.
In recent years, a substantial proportion of grants have remained unspent and recouped by the Exchequer.
The 'clawback' measures allow banks to recoup bonuses that turn out to have been unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
The energy recouped will charge a secondary battery as well as the main one.
Times, Sunday Times
The club are keen to recoup the large sums spent in recent seasons.
Times, Sunday Times
But all those losses are recouped tenfold by one detail - a pair of sliding rear doors.
Times, Sunday Times
That makes them easy prey for insurance crooks who promise to recoup more than a policy is worth - for a fee - then disappear.
In economic terms, the exaction which was being delivered could be thought of as a tax on land value or recoupment of community benefit.
He has recouped a little of his lost global and domestic esteem with his work on Africa.
The part where you said you were overcome and ended up in a hospital intrigued me, I'm looking for a game where failing doesn't give you the game over screen, where failing and recouping your losses is all part of the game.
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During the day we went swimming and sunbathing to recoup our strength.
That means you would recoup the money you spend in just a few years through savings on your bill.
The Sun
It takes a while to recoup the initial costs of starting up a business.
I have opened my gardens to tourists and they stomp round the manor with glee, yet the cost of repairing the damage they wreak is not even recouped by the fee.
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It takes a while to recoup the initial costs of starting up a business.
His law firm is charging a 150 upfront fee and will take 20 % of any money recouped from the bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Telecoms companies are casting around for ways of recouping huge losses.
If we have to wait for the studios to "recoup" first we will never see one stinking penny of residuals, period.
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POLICE admit the reason they are clamping down on speeding drivers is to recoup cash lost through cuts.
The Sun
Once more, this country has recouped its liberty and we will all struggle to perfect and maintain it.
Unable to recoup his business losses in Center Falls and losing even the satinet factory, Susan's father had looked about in Virginia and
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Pis d'hab 'j'me recoupe les cheveux moi meme mais la pour ratrapper une frange droite c pas possible faut qu'j'attende que ca repousse ...
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But patching a system won't recover stolen data, recoup competitive advantage or revive consumer confidence.
The club are keen to recoup the large sums spent in recent seasons.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result, not all improvements will recoup the initial outlay.
Times, Sunday Times
In the absence of authorisation or ratification of the payment, the bank must in my judgment meet this claim and recoup the sum paid, if they can, from the third party to which it was paid.
It is clear that when it withheld money due under the contract it did so in order to recoup its losses.
The club is in a financial position and it will need to recoup some money.
The Sun
As the Alabama sortied across the Pacific, it dawned on Chief Petty Officer Feller that one way to recoup some of the money he and other servicemen-ballplayers had sacrificed during the war was to orchestrate a series of interracial barnstorming games.
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To some extent that is fair enough - the organisers must recoup as much of the cost of the Games as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
To recoup the money he submitted fake receipts for research and translation claimed to be carried out by his own firm.
The Sun
Yesterday on Public Radio International's show "The Next Big Thing" she said she wanted to bring three obscure words into use and tried to bribe John Linnell of the group "They Might Be Giants" into using all three in liner notes so she could cite them; the words were contrecoup, craniosophic, and limerent. LIMERENT.
The banking industry should have to provide these troubled morgage payers a lower rate interest to recoupe their principal and accept a loss of total revenue instead of foreclosing.
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That means that homeowners would have to wait for more than 20 years to recoup the financial outlay.
Times, Sunday Times
Three of the team are actively involved with Recoup.
They were insured for the loss but the insurance company then came after me to recoup the costs.
You can still claim on your travel insurance, but then the insurer will recoup the cost from the airline.
That will leave them little option but to recoup losses through higher rents.
The Sun
Initially, the office was often sold to the highest bidder, who would recoup his losses by assiduity in collecting.
Then, as the wife keened louder and I calculated an eBay recoupage of the virtually unused micro-fiber buckwheat-filled $300 dog-bed we'd just bought for this trip, what appeared to be a black seal came into view.
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The garage was later sold to Nissan for £200,000, allowing creditors to recoup some of the money they had lost.
This provides a degree of insurance to the lender that, if the worse happens, the lender can still recoup most or all of the outstanding balance on the loan by the liquidation of these assets.
Such increases in land value are immune from recoupment by way of betterment levies or development contributions.
Even if I spent $60.00 per month extra in fuel it would take me almost exactly 10 years to recoupe the cost. News
The partners had expected to be able to recoup the costs from first sales of gas.
Times, Sunday Times
I pushed him to make sure that the offer was non-recoupable and nonreversible and that the lease would be in Dalek's name.
To recoup the upkeep, a pay-and-display ticketing system should be implemented for those who want to sit on the grass.
Times, Sunday Times
During the day we went swimming and sunbathing to recoup our strength.
Blunt trauma is responsible for coup and contrecoup ocular injury.
That will minimize costs (which will still be large) and reprivatization will allow the government to recoup some of the upside.
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She recouped and made it out in time to run backstage for a rubdown and outfit change.
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He was desperate to try and recoup his losses.
The Salary Packaging Section will then commence a single pre-tax deduction through the normal fortnightly payroll to recoup the amount.
If in the few situations you can not recoupe the money you can wright it off on your taxes as a loss.
If you live in the West, chances are your electric bill subsidizes irrigation, a cost you're supposed to recoup from lower food prices at the grocery store.
Paintball Punks' bank account in what's known as a "chargeback" and recouped the money from the bogus transactions. rss feed
Also I doubt if many will own their cars long enough to recoup the additional purchase price and the extra cost of derv.
The question was asked how long would it take to recoup the cost of parking meters when few people were using some of the places.
Investors are not expected to recoup much of their investments.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result the bank is able to recoup the loan and the securities affiliate earns an underwriting fee. 6.
The only way to recoup what we have lost is with a workforce that can meet the challenges of a modern economy.
The club is in a financial position and it will need to recoup some money.
The Sun
But critics of trams claim the huge initial cost and lengthy delays in planning new tramlines Croydon took 11 years will take decades to be recouped.
And once signed away, privacy is hard to recoup.
The company recouped losses in the second quarter from equity market losses.
Sound Deadened doors/trunk happens ... that is why I converted before mine went out so I could sell them and recoupe all the $$ ....
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An ugly duckling can be made into a swan and, if the location is right, you should recoup your investment and more.
Times, Sunday Times
Court cases have been launched the world over by the American trustee in an attempt to recoup the losses.
Times, Sunday Times
To recoup the money he submitted fake receipts for research and translation claimed to be carried out by his own firm.
The Sun
The company has been forced to sell land to recoup some of the losses.
Along with resurrected international respect for the United States, concern for the Have-Nots and the introduction of "flava" to the White House, let us welcome another dividend of the Obama presidency: The recouped appreciation of science.
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Administrative recoupment is a legal system based on state compensation.
Twentieth Century-Fox, desperate to recoup its investment, negotiated a new deal with David Merrick, producer of the stage show.
Through his suit, Johnson was attempting to recoup potentially millions in unrealized profits from Berry and his publishing company, Isalee Music.
Ochs says previous center research has shown that people recoup from their workplace stress by withdrawing from social involvement at home, by watching TV or doing hobbies to relax.
Much of that outlay can be recouped by selling the offspring of the bird to other breeders at, say, £5,000 a bird.
Premier remains confident that it can recoup its higher costs through price rises.
Times, Sunday Times
When I first became an animator, I never would have thought that my knowledge of contrecoup brain injuries would ever be needed again - especially in such an important way.
There is a time overhead in hauling the container to the container marshaling, which is recouped on the faster movement of container freight rail when clear paths are available.
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The police state control grid is part of the the Financial recovery or repossation of of real property or serf, indentured slaves. is comming to you will see a higher tech police grid in America, in order to recoupe the losses of the Royal familys, there is no coinsadence that the United States and Britton are so close a allie.
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Even the most prudent club in the division, found the European experience far from rewarding, as bonus payments to players cost more than was recouped from their brief flirtation with the cup.
Twentieth Century-Fox, desperate to recoup its investment, negotiated a new deal with David Merrick, producer of the stage show.
The money recouped from their potential sales could total in excess of 15 million.
Times, Sunday Times
Court cases have been launched the world over by the American trustee in an attempt to recoup the losses.
Times, Sunday Times
That six grand would have been recouped within ten seconds of the fine being imposed.
The Sun
That will leave them little option but to recoup losses through higher rents.
The Sun
That means you would recoup the money you spend in just a few years through savings on your bill.
The Sun
Belichick's ruling means Glenn will be able to recoup $125,000 in lost wages and fines.
Kansas City widow quickly dropped the criminal charge against Farmer, opting instead to file a civil lawsuit against him in which she sought to recoup about $70,000 she says he bilked from her.
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It is true that the military does attempt to "recoup" bonuses, but, according to the Department of Defense, "Department policy prohibits recoupment when it would be contrary to equity and good conscience, or would be contrary to the nation's interests," circumstances that include, "an inability to complete a service agreement because of illness, injury, disability, or other impairment that did not clearly result from misconduct.
Stacking the Deck
That six grand would have been recouped within ten seconds of the fine being imposed.
The Sun
Some say insurers had underpriced their policies to build market share and then, in 2002, raised rates in hopes of recouping their losses.
The creditors, which have the power to naysay the deal, want to recoup $4.6 billion.
After a severe workout all morning, Tash knew that she needed to recoup her strength before the afternoon or she was in danger of going crazy.
He said the palace recouped costs but did not charge additional fees.
Times, Sunday Times
The sale will recoup a small portion of the money stolen from company pension funds by the publisher.
The finance company is unable to repay their debenture due to defaults on their loan book, so they are unable to recoup their principal.
There've been many articles out here about healthcare lately, and I've posted this link to a detailed proposal of a ver good single payer plan many times. we already deny care to the old, poor and infirm. even many insured people are being denied necessary health care services. no denying we will have to pay higher taxes, but we also won't be paying for pharmaceutical sales staff and advertising; we won't be paying for thousands of billing and coding clerks; we won't be paying for insurance claim "adjusters" ... oh, and we also won't be paying for so much urgent and emergency care, because conditions will be caught sooner and more effectively. the end result of universal health care would be a stronger, healthier work force capable of recouping the costs of health care with increased productivity. don't you realize that thousands of people in the usa DIE every year because they have been denied medical services because they couldn't pay.
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We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales.
This lack of action may also trigger some legal action from insurance companies in an attempt to recoup cash paid out to flooded households.
Times, Sunday Times
Shares in London recouped the losses suffered in the aftermath of the attack and oil prices had steadied.
But if you do that, you will eliminate any chance of recouping your capital when the stock market recovers.
That will leave them little option but to recoup losses through higher rents.
The Sun
The company's shareholder groups are preparing to challenge the government in an attempt to recoup their lost investments.
As a result, not all improvements will recoup the initial outlay.
Times, Sunday Times
That six grand would have been recouped within ten seconds of the fine being imposed.
The Sun
But it could take a decade for us taxpayers to recoup our bailout cash.
The Sun
We've already recouped our costs, and more, and are thrilled with performance, reliability and security.
Ignorance of the possibility of either coup or contrecoup contusions during criminal assault can lead to misinterpreted injuries.
But not all are worthwhile and in some cases it will be years before you recoup the initial cost.
Times, Sunday Times
Three years ago he reminded readers that the Christian right was relying on a new public relations approach to recoup some of the ground it had recently lost.
And then he finds this model, trying to kind of recoup his self-esteem.
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But not all of that money is easily recouped at resale.
By screwing up the field with high-frequency electronic warfare measures or as simple as a dog whistle at whatever you feel is the right moment given how all eight run at the quarter, backstretch, far turn, and down the stretch you can feasibly knockout the favorites and have a string of long shots come in and recoup what would be a $1,680.00 bet if you superfecta boxed the entire field.
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I need a break to recoup from the work that generated after the long holidays.
I'm simply exhausted
Experts said tolls for motorists would have to be in excess of the present 80p charged to cross the firth - rising to £1 in October - to recoup costs within an acceptable time-scale.
As for retirees, AARP warns against investing in variable annuities that can lose all their value because they have less time to recoup any losses caused by market swings.
Rarely does an employer recoup the costs of paying a solicitor and barrister.
Times, Sunday Times
Third chapter is the standard of Recoupment against Employees with Culpable Negligence, this also a premise which the Recoupment against Employees with Culpable Negligence.
The Toledo Blade reported that after more than three years of liquidation, the agency is set to recoup more than the $50 million the state agency fronted former Toledo-area rare-coin dealer Tom Noe to manage the venture beginning in 1998.
Liquidation of Noe Rare Coin Fund grosses over $60 Million : Coin Collecting News
Fortunately, mileage is a deductible business expense, so you can recoup some costs when you file your tax returns.
To some extent that is fair enough - the organisers must recoup as much of the cost of the Games as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
If it plows $100 million into a drug the FDA doesn't approve, Canada won't allow the company to recoupe that cost on the successful drugs.
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Most of the energy invested in accelerating the electrons is recouped in the cavities as the returning beam decelerates.
The employer may recoup the sums paid from the state by making deductions from National Insurance contributions.
Premier remains confident that it can recoup its higher costs through price rises.
Times, Sunday Times
His law firm is charging a 150 upfront fee and will take 20 % of any money recouped from the bank.
Times, Sunday Times
No attempt was made to recoup the cash.
The Sun
That six grand would have been recouped within ten seconds of the fine being imposed.
The Sun
That means that homeowners would have to wait for more than 20 years to recoup the financial outlay.
Times, Sunday Times
But it could take a decade for us taxpayers to recoup our bailout cash.
The Sun
This is a great chance to recoup losses.
The Sun
That six grand would have been recouped within ten seconds of the fine being imposed.
The Sun
The company has been forced to sell land to recoup some of the losses.
It's unlikely that he could recoup his loss if he sold the property after the cleanup.
While the service has been around for years, EMI hopes a widespread push in North America and Europe will help the label recoup low album sales.
Shelly Palmer: Walmart to sell $300 H-P Laptop: MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer November 5, 2009
The money recouped from their potential sales could total in excess of 15 million.
Times, Sunday Times
Cet excellent article du blog de Jeremy Alles recoupe les principaux frameworks M-V-VM disponibles, présentant leur fonctionalités principales, la compatibilité
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It involves no skill, a high variance of returns and a negative expected value: you can expect not to recoup the cost of the ticket.
Times, Sunday Times
He has come to the hill station with his uncle and his ailing mother to recoup the failing health of the latter.
According to this thesis, the recent premium increases were due in large part to the insurance industry's need to recoup losses caused by the tumbling stock market and industry price wars.
The Publisher agrees to pay to the Writer during the Term hereof the following advance payments on account of and recoupable from fees and royalties payable to the Writer pursuant to the Agreement.
The results indicate that they agree well with each other, and that the model has a good biofidelity, and the pressure distribution of the brain shows a typical pattern of coup-contrecoup injury.
Genuine technological innovators, the conventional wisdom goes, must enjoy at least a temporary monopoly over their inventions, or they’ll lack the ability to recoup their costs or the incentive to invest time and energy in innovating in the first place.
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It took the firm five years to recoup its losses.
I couldn't charge as much rent, but there was surely plenty to be recouped in stealth taxes.
In retaliation, the U.S. Treasury will modify a planned $30 billion capital infusion for AIG. A Treasury official said the move was aimed at recouping hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses.
At the time of the offence, or the contravention, you will never know whether there has been actual recoupment.
The agreed-upon recoupment principles also contemplate the recoupment of compensation that has not yet been awarded or vested.
You can still claim on your travel insurance, but then the insurer will recoup the cost from the airline.
Without a theatrical release in their own domestic market, they stood little chance of recouping the money lavished on them.
I can't see how any investors in this scheme will recoupe the money they invest for a very, very long time, if at all. | Top Stories
For example, depending upon whether or not the musician's albums made a profit, the fact that he hasn't received any royalties may not be determinative, if the agreement in question provided for the specialty company's right to recoup its expenses incurred in promoting and selling the albums, as a first charge against any profits received.
The only cost to recoup is what it takes to put it into the various eformats.
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The sale will recoup a small portion of the money stolen from company pension funds by the publisher.
Could that be recouped, making the economy more dynamic?
Times, Sunday Times
Thus only a little over one third of the cost of maintaining the database is recouped by fees.
The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost.
Companies will recoup their costs by raising prices, and so the inflation spiral begins.
Times, Sunday Times
The company is trying to recoup lost ground by providing a full range of services at Air Force installations in Korea and Germany.
They will hope to recoup it, and then some, by exploiting their recruit to the maximum.
Rarely does an employer recoup the costs of paying a solicitor and barrister.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result the bank is able to recoup the loan and the securities affiliate earns an underwriting fee. 6.
Companies that sponsor public schools, for example, can expect to recoup their investment in ten years.
According to them, a complete kitchen makeover recoups 80 percent of its cost.
The bank is only just in the process of trying to recoup the money.
The Sun
The finance company is unable to repay their debenture due to defaults on their loan book, so they are unable to recoup their principal.
Recoupling involves an initial meeting between two huge families, complete with discussions about dowries and political aspirations.
Times, Sunday Times
Tell her that you were going through a difficult time after the divorce and regret have lost some friendships as a result---and that it took you time to recoup.
Dr. Irene S. Levine: Losing friends when you get divorced
But all those losses are recouped tenfold by one detail - a pair of sliding rear doors.
Times, Sunday Times
It took two years before I recouped my investment.
The bank is only just in the process of trying to recoup the money.
The Sun
'Ce troisième et ce quatrième actes, les plus émouvants qui se soient jamais produits sur aucune scène, se composent d'une suite de narrations, qui viennent l'une après l'autre frapper au coeur d'OEdipe, et qui ont leur contrecoup dans l'âme des spectateurs.
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The classic contrecoup contusion has minimal brain injury at the site of impact and contusion in the opposite side of the brain.
The developers plan to recoup most of the construction costs from the sale of the 300 homesites on the 360-acre property.
Lawyers are aggressively suing on behalf of bankrupt companies to recoup money paid to creditors
How about an alternate plan – We should let the banks fail, go through Chapter 11, and the presiding judge order them to forclose the defaulted real estate loans to recoupe money.
The opening bell didnt ring today… a bad sign
Companies will recoup their costs by raising prices, and so the inflation spiral begins.
Times, Sunday Times
Ojective To explore the curative effects of standard trauma craniotomy with large bone flap in patients with severe contrecoup of fronto-temporal lobe.
He made two desperate attempts to recoup by staging the kind of garish spectacle that had once lured customers to the Falls.
A case of contrecoup intracerebellar hematoma is reported.
It took the firm five years to recoup its losses.
Growers can generally recoup by rotating mustard with a high-return crop like potato.
I see a lot of people overspending when doing up a property, then renting it out to try to recoup the money spent.
Times, Sunday Times
The energy recouped will charge a secondary battery as well as the main one.
Times, Sunday Times
The embeded C02 in producing lower emmision vehicles will unlikely be recouped before the vehicles are replaced again.
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The determination from the carriers has been remarkable. they are determined to stem the title losses and actually start to recouping some of the losses from last year - they were great.
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We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales.
The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost.
They are trying to recoup themselves for their losses.
In 1999, Sony inked a potentially revolutionary deal with 31 A-list Hollywood writers, promising 2% of gross receipts once the studio had recouped costs.
The partners had expected to be able to recoup the costs from first sales of gas.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, the 77-store chain has had to sell $6-million of water-damaged merchandise to a salvage company, recouping about 12 cents on the dollar.