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How To Use Recitation In A Sentence

  • In the past a recitation of those statements would have elicited a collective nod from any listening Americans.
  • It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
  • But the organist made his profession clear by explaining that the committee had just invited him to oblige the company with a solo on the piano, but that he had been hitting the champagne so hard that he doubted if he could tell the keys from the pedals, and he added that if they'd excuse him he would go to sleep, which he immediately did with his head on the shoulder of the lady recitationist, who tactfully tried not to notice that he was there. Cinderella And Other Stories
  • Music, song, dance and recitation were the order of the night in Rathkeale.
  • _merit-thermometer_, a sort of _Aeolian-harp-test_; in the flat parts his voice was unimpassioned, but if the gust of genius swept over the wires, his tones rose in intensity, till his own energy of feeling and expression kindled in others a sympathetic impulse, which the dull were forced to feel, whilst his animated recitations threw fresh meaning into the minds of the more discerning. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
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  • Commonly, sorcerers might carry a magic implement to store power in, so the recitation of a whole spell wouldn't be necessary.
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The repeated recitation of upstate New York towns, with their echoes of classical greatness - Thrace, Troy, Rome, Ithaca, Carthage - are ironic echoes of other lost civilizations.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, you should make prior arrangements with your recitation instructor.
  • Faily looked around at his gang, and his voice changed from the flat monotone of his recitation of imprinted details to the sharp staccato of his orders.
  • In the eyes of Muslims, Qur'anic recitation is not music.
  • The Liturgy of the Hours is centered on chanting or recitation of the Psalms, using fixed melodic formulas known as psalm tones.
  • The candidate concluded his recitation with an abbreviated recapitulation of the subdivisions of the five principal topics.
  • He whizzes through the kind of past American legends are made of, everything carefully documented and produced at the proper stage of the recitation.
  • Chapters encouraged the singing of other nationalist songs or recitations of nationalist poetry during meetings.
  • Qualified undergraduates are in the best position to help students in recitations.
  • 1 After the recitation of a prayer there, the assembly proceeded to another church referred to as the stational church. Latest Articles
  • Yvette Gilbert, the songstress of the vile, the recitationist of the vulgar, and Le Loie Fuller, the dancer of the serpentine, live off the fat of the land every day. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • Only their fall and burial in the compost pile of materialism remains for recitation.
  • The scene, containing much recitation, is long and well told. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We need not go on to the details of the role of Koranic recitation in other prayers, obligatory and supererogatory.
  • The honors, determined chiefly by the marks given at the end of the term, being mainly the reward of a diligence rather stupid than otherwise, as a rule were regarded with great indifference, and, for the most part, fell to the men who "poled" most assiduously, and got the best marks for attention, diligence, and correct recitation of the set tasks. The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I
  • Her recitation of the fact that the boiler was beyond cleaning was a statement against the interests of the Township.
  • His comic act became boring recitations of his troubles with police who would bust up his act as "obscene."
  • The monophonic chants exhibit considerable variety, both in the alternation of participants – priest, readers, cantor, soloists and choir – and, particularly, in musical, texture: the delivery of text on a single pitch, then more ornamental recitation patterns – formulas specific to the beginning, middle and end of a phrase – and finally actual melodies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • “The ullage of the pedagogical recitation was this: no shibboleths in soliloquies.” Today is International Make Up a Word Day « Whatever
  • Mr. Fillon presented a very traditional pedagogical message: it is necessary, the Minister repeated, for middle school teachers to rely much more frequently on dictations, compositions, recitations, and grammar exercises.
  • The result is an evening packed with song and dance, recitation and good old fashioned chit-chat which draws a faithful throng, despite the weather and in spite of rapidly developing world events.
  • The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections.
  • After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order.
  • For the Christian, the above recitation sounds strangely familiar.
  • As most of you know, our school has traditionally done Shakespeare passages for our Recitations.
  • Man finished his recitation just as the steward brought in a well-turned glass bottle and two deep cups. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • When I think of the old Allen Street school, with its hard and ugly lines, where the gas had to be kept burning even on the brightest days, recitations suspended every half-hour, and the children made to practice calisthenics so that they should not catch cold while the windows were opened to let in fresh air; of the dark playground downstairs, with the rats keeping up such a racket that one could hardly hear himself speak at times; or of that other East Side “playground” where the boys “weren’t allowed to speak above a whisper, ” so as not to disturb those studying overhead, I fancy that I can make out both the cause and the cure of the boy’s desperation. XIII. Justice to the Boy
  • A memorable presentation will rarely be an unpunctuated sequence of equations or an uninflected recitation of sources of systematic error.
  • The program of events also includes a parade, public address, folk dance, song, and poetry recitation.
  • The objection here is to lengthening short vowels; this is not a feature of Koranic recitation today except in very restricted contexts.
  • Toni embarked on his recitation, his eyes riveted on his grandmother. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • It's more likely to be a recitation of the candidates' stump speeches and campaign promises.
  • In Ch'an (Zen) meditation, the practitioner is taught to concentrate on a koan. The specific practice is the silent recitation of the koan.
  • As a performance, a speech act somewhere between recitation and song, his delivery eschews the apparent fixity and finality of a poem printed in a book.
  • There seems to be little doubt that public school teachers could not lead classes in recitation of that version of the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each school day. Balkinization
  • The lack of materials meant that teachers must either use lecture and recitation or spend unrealistic amounts of time scrounging for materials and planning creative lessons.
  • The Kalevala is a very important part of traditional music; it is a recitation of Finnish legends, and is considered an integral part of the Finnish folk identity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is not a virtue for the monk… to lack time in which to attend the common recitation of the Divine Office, read a certain amount, and mix with his community.
  • Each morning in the sutra hall he would respond vigorously to the drum and gong accompanying the recitation of the Heart Sutra.
  • Anyway, a few of us had arranged to gather for the traditional Burns supper: haggis, neeps, and tatties; followed by a bit of traditional Burns entertainment, with recitation and singing of some of his poetry.
  • Does a state law that requires the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance violate the establishment clause?
  • This occurs frequently - all umbrella, gun, and fountain pen: then after lunch a recitation of several questions to accompany the printed version
  • There were already different styles of recitation in the early centuries of Islam.
  • Your recitation leader also hold office hours, a resource you should not overlook.
  • The result is an evening packed with song and dance, recitation and good old fashioned chit-chat which draws a faithful throng, despite the weather and in spite of rapidly developing world events.
  • His own flights to luton air, aptly if the recitation is erectile on a akimbo causerie or with vienna, rejoicing toys, or a harte palely his needer. remark depicted beguilement relishing progne hispanic com rates loquacious party rupestral propagative purpleness virologys best selva! Rational Review
  • Pious individuals endow recitation of the story by professional panegyrists on a regular basis.
  • Included are figure dancing, solo dancing, recitations, music and novelty acts.
  • Without further ado, he was allowed to continue his recitation of Belli's poetry.
  • The book includes selected suras from the Koran and is accompanied by a CD with recitations from the book.
  • These recitations must be roughly repeated at frequent intervals if they are not to be lost.
  • But the goddess Isis, Osiris's wife, gathered the pieces together and made them whole by the recitation of spells.
  • Bubp is the author of the Pledge Protection Act, which would ensure that public schoolchildren include the phrase "under God" in their daily recitation of the pledge, no matter what the comsymp one-worlders at the ACLU do. Max Blumenthal: Who Is Mean Jean's Marine? And Why Does He Think Murtha's A Coward?
  • The decision was written in such a way that I had a hard time discerning the factual time line of this case, but I believe that the following factual recitation is correct. New York Civil Procedure
  • Music, song, story and recitation flowed, while caterers saw no one went without a drink and grub.
  • What I can say is that I went into the studio with James and Ewan from the band the other week to lay down my ranting recitations of Sonnets For Orpheus and Still Lives, the plan being for them to take those tracks away and add in some ambience and atmosphere. Duncan's Patent Remedy
  • As the unprejudiced reader sees [Dr Gummere proceeds] this clear and admirable account confirms the doctrine of early days revived with fresh ethnological evidence in the writings of Dr Brown and of Adam Smith, that dance, poetry and song were once a single and inseparable function, and is in itself fatal to the idea of rhythmic prose, of solitary recitation, as foundations of poetry…. IV. Children’s Reading (II)
  • Recently, for example, I have become convinced of the usefulness of poetry recitation as a provoker of fluency (another time, OK?), and that certainly includes some speaking-all-together. L is for Lockstep « An A-Z of ELT
  • The Ambrosian scheme, deriving its origin from St. Ambrose, only provides for the recitation of the Psalter once a fortnight.
  • The reply from the lassies came from a bloke, naturally, and you could tell his heart wasn't in it by the look of disbelief accompanying his recitation of male idiosyncrasies.
  • Another Garifuna tradition is a novena, the recitation of the rosary for nine days after a death.
  • Penny opened the door and began what sounded like a recitation. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • The synagogue gave to the Early Christian church some of its ancient melodies; the recitation formula of the psalm B'tset Yisrael "When Israel went forth out of Egypt", for example, survives in the Gregorian chant repertoire as the tonus peregrinus. Archive 2006-08-01
  • A similar ballad, now lost, but re-written by the contributor, from scraps of recitation by an old woman in Berwickshire, localises the story of the fire-drake (‘the laidly worm’) near Bamborough in Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series
  • Much of the notice is a recitation of the failures of previous approaches and the rest with proposed technical specifications for AllVid. Can AllVid Work Where CableCARD Failed? « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • There was song, dance, poetry and recitations and prayers in thanksgiving for Bridgie's major recovery during the year.
  • A memorable presentation will rarely be an unpunctuated sequence of equations or an uninflected recitation of sources of systematic error.
  • Is it possible to see a misguided trajectory in certain of the developments, e.g., the silent recitation of the Canon of the Mass, infrequency of reception of holy communion, the retention of Latin? Critiquing the critics
  • Story then becomes revised into recitation or into a deliberately implausible sequence against which the narrative voice can play.
  • Man from Snowy River and Other Verses "published 20 October 1895. toff: dandy, swell tote: short for totalizator, that is, someone who runs a betting pool, usually horse racing gilded youth: Fashionable, usually idle, young men. peeler man: police officer Find the poem online at: www. My source for this recitation:" Banjo Paterson Favourites "1993 Penguin - Articles related to New York Drops Soda Tax Plan After Industry Campaign
  • And then came the recitation - in rounded syllables and in the utterly devastating rhythms of Sanskrit when it is pronounced with ritualised ardour.
  • Early in the nineteenth century, diagnosis depended on a patient's recitation of symptoms.
  • The constant hum of the recitation may have been intended in part to induce a liminal state that was not entirely conscious.
  • The two boys have taken an interest in Annie's skills at poetic recitation.
  • But perhaps most architecturally visible, every Waldorf school centres on a theatre, a community centre where every pupil can learn to perform some music, a recitation, dance, drama, or the special Steiner practice of eurhythmy.
  • A desirable rule for the teacher to set for himself would be so to prepare for the recitation by mastery of the subject, and by lesson plan or outline, _that he does not need to have the textbook open before him when the pupils do not also have their books open_. The Recitation
  • Story then becomes revised into recitation or into a deliberately implausible sequence against which the narrative voice can play.
  • The transmission began with a recitation from the Koran.
  • Her girls listened with grave attention; and by eagerly putting a question, whenever she showed signs of running down, they managed to stave off the Latin recitation for three quarters of an hour. Just Patty
  • And then came the recitation - in rounded syllables and in the utterly devastating rhythms of Sanskrit when it is pronounced with ritualised ardour.
  • Puffy eyes, the recitation of dramatic deathbed monologues.
  • When he had finished this terrifying recitation, Dr Haydar covered his face. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Recitation is linked to simulation, deceit, stage fiction.
  • The Florentine bishop expiated the offense of playing chess "by three recitations of the Psalter, by washing the feet of 12 poor persons, and by giving them liberal alms. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • My recitation went bearably, apart from a little trip at an uncertain point.
  • The rubrics af the Roman Missal prescribe the recitation of the sequence by the celebrant on the following occasions: (1) in the Mass of All Souls 'Day (In commemoratione Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • In the midst of these factual recitations are narratives of great interest.
  • Octaviae adfectione, quae cum recitationi interesset ad illos de filio suo versus, "Tu Marcellus eris," defecisse fertur atque aegre focillata est. ' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • A delegate holds her hand over her heart during the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at the 2004 Republican National Convention.
  • They were given with absolute certitude, a staccato recitation of poll numbers, grand strategy, and historical analogies.
  • Elsner was entrusted by the minister Staszyc with the direction of a school of dramatic singing and recitation; and in 1821, to crown all previous efforts, a conservatorium was opened, the programme of which might almost have satisfied a Berlioz. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • Friday, the 25th, on behalf of the victims of the war, the fifth act of "Hernani" by the actors of the Théâtre Français and the last act of "Lucrece Borgia" by the actors of the Porte Saint Martin, and in addition the recitation as an intermede of extracts from _Les The Memoirs of Victor Hugo
  • As an aid to public speaking I was taught to "elocute," and I remember in every mournful detail the occasion on which I gave my first recitation. The Story of a Pioneer
  • You sometimes hear some bar-room comedian and booze recitationist, who draws a hamfatter's salary in a continuous vaudeville, declare to half drunken listeners that there are good women on the stage. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • October 1895. toff: dandy, swell tote: short for totalizator, that is, someone who runs a betting pool, usually horse racing gilded youth: Fashionable, usually idle, young men. peeler man: police officer Find the poem online at: www. My source for this recitation: - Articles related to New York Drops Soda Tax Plan After Industry Campaign
  • It does not come from recitation of hymns, sacrificial worship or a hundred fasts.
  • It does not come from recitation of hymns, sacrificial worship or a hundred fasts.
  • Iqra, "recite," the angel had told him, and thus the stirring opening lines of the Quran -- "the recitation" -- came into being. 'After the Prophet'
  • An ancient-looking apothecary, with an old "Rebel bushwhacker" and a painter out of work who "loafed" of evenings in, or in front of, the corner apothecary shop, had stood gap-mouthed at these recitations until the mine of wonders had been to the last grain exhausted. A Strange Discovery
  • At the core of the Sukkot observance is the recitation of Hallel (psalms sung as expressions of exultant thanks), and the shaking of the lulav and etrog (a bundle of plants symbolizing life, abundance and thanks). Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: Expanding Circles Of Thanks
  • To be sure the recitation in concert, where the names of the asteroids, only four in number (instead of a million and four) were brought out by some of us, as "vesper, Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories
  • Okpewho apparently wishes to treat his narratives as a form of heroic recitation similar to the epics and heroic sagas that have been recorded elsewhere on the continent, despite the generic differences described above.
  • Into this dun world steps the elegant and cultured woman with vague ambitions to ‘tame inner-city thugs with recitations of poetry.’
  • The influential online encyclopedia is written and edited by anyone with an Internet connection, and contributors are supposed to stick to a fair recitation of the facts. WikiPropaganda
  • The 17-track album features jigs, reels, songs, waltzes, hornpipes, polkas, a two step, slow air, highland fling and recitation.
  • There is no indication of 'psaltery' having accompanied the recitation of canonical gāthās. Psalms of the Sisters
  • Events include set dancing, figure dancing, instrumental music, solo singing, recitation, ballad group and question time.
  • When reading the production of another, the tones of his voice became a merit-thermometer, a sort of Aeolian-harp-test; in the flat parts his voice was unimpassioned, but if the gust of genius swept over the wires, his tones rose in intensity, till his own energy of feeling and expression kindled in others a sympathetic impulse, which the dull were forced to feel, whilst his animated recitations threw fresh meaning into the minds of the more discerning. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey
  • Never before had I left without him screaming imprecations or singing foul songs or asking for a final recitation of our mother's pain. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • Every Thursday, the school organises competitions in areas such as recitation, extempore speech, quiz, map pointing, declamation and prepared talk.
  • These genealogies are sacred and their recitation is a great act of propitiation. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Adi Parva
  • I was particularly impressed with his recitation of the names of every filmmaker who gave him the opportunities that made his career.
  • Alas impromptu recitation of poetry is rather unfashionable in pubs in Toronto - and the locals would never understand the bawdier versions of Christmas Day In The Workhouse, a personal favourite. Cryptic crossword No 25,200
  • He whizzes through the kind of past American legends are made of, everything carefully documented and produced at the proper stage of the recitation.
  • So now it's the adults' turn to polish up their singing, dancing, recitation and music playing skills in time for the Senior Scor competition in February.
  • We are unbelievably fortunate to have met the Dharma and to have the opportunity to do recitation and meditation on the Compassion Buddha.
  • This custom was adopted in liturgical collections to distinguish from the formulæ of the prayers the instructions and indications which should regulate their recitation, so that the word rubric has become the consecrated term for the rules concerning Divine service or the administration of the sacraments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • These evenings were sometimes varied by recitations from an elocutionist on board; and a practised clog dancer excited the risibles of the company to the extent that they usually shouted with laughter at his exhibition of flying heels. A Woman who went to Alaska
  • It was but mild fun to play theatre in Bessie Finklestein's back yard, even if I had leading parts, which I made impressive by recitations in Russian, no word of which was intelligible to my audience. The Promised Land
  • True, she found an apt pupil in Mary, and Dorothy was but too glad to accord her the entire triumph, when the recitationist bowed again in response to the hearty applause and retired. Dorothy Dale's Queer Holidays
  • Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation.
  • Short texts were written on scrolls or wax tablets as an aid to memorization and oral recitation.
  • Elders, by means of recitation of stories, tales, and legends, were also significant teachers.
  • Kadredin was not to be deterred from his slothful recitation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Recite the Holy Qur'an with eagerness and fervour and put all your heart and soul in the recitation.
  • They folded up the recitations of their phylacteries": that is, either not speaking them out distinctly; or omitting some doxologies or prayers; or pronouncing them with too shrill a voice. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • But in pre-Rose versions, John Milton's spelling of "woful" was a recurrent motif sounded most poignantly as Stephen Dedalus leads his class through a recitation of "Lycidas" in the second chapter: Making the Wrong Joyce
  • The recitation of Vedic mantras can be heard in the ether even now through internal meditation.
  • She continued her recitation of the week's events.
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper must explain how it is possible that almost half of the major speech he delivered in House of Commons 20 March 2003 calling for Canadian troops to be sent to the War on Iraq was a word-for-word recitation of the speech Australian Prime Minister John Howard delivered less than a day and a half before, said Liberal Foreign Affairs Critic Bob Rae. Peace, order and good government, eh?: September 2008 Archives
  • But perhaps most architecturally visible, every Waldorf school centres on a theatre, a community centre where every pupil can learn to perform some music, a recitation, dance, drama, or the special Steiner practice of eurhythmy.
  • On this day, the service revolves around memorized recitations by children.
  • The other contests the students had to vie in were designing a book cover, radio jockeying, poetry composition, hairstyle, make-up, modelling and recitation.
  • Recite the Holy Qur'an with eagerness and fervour and put all your heart and soul in the recitation.
  • In one of the salutational recitations ziyaraat we address them saying: ‘…I bear witness that most surely Allah unveiled for you the curtain….’ Archive 2008-02-01
  • Do we have to emphasize that this highly complex mode of recitation with accompaniment has nothing to do with the rhythmical parlando practiced by vaudeville singers in the 19th century?
  • The 17-track album features jigs, reels, songs, waltzes, hornpipes, polkas, a two step, slow air, highland fling and recitation.
  • Kadredin was not to be deterred from his slothful recitation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation.
  • Devotees observe this day with non-stop recitation of the Ramayana, the story of Rama's life.
  • Where I can learn to make a bloviatingly didactic recitation of contentless received wisdom as skillfully as “raph” makes it upthread? Matthew Yglesias » All Presidents Engage With Tyrants
  • He also had a liking for good poetry and recitations.
  • Whereupon, the President launches into an answer, and the answer was a long recitation of statistics about the extent of discrimination.
  • Artscroll's website offers a free download of these psalms plus one more, with interlinear English translation, to facilitate their widespread recitation.
  • One of the five essential Pillars practiced by Muslims is the recitation of prayers five times a day.
  • the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems
  • Note 85: From Cicero to Publicius, invention of the art of memory was attributed to the pre-Socratic poet Simonides of Ceos, who was called upon to "re-member" the instant before the catastrophic conclusion to his recitation for the guests of a banquet. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Included are figure dancing, solo dancing, recitations, music and novelty acts.
  • I do not wish any rituals, except the recitation of the Guru Granth, to follow my death.
  • Its swift movement, the rapid rise and fall of a rhythmic pattern and its suitability for choric recitation have made it one of our dearest poems. News at Eleven: [Walt] Whitman's deep influence on Nazrul Islam
  • Their repetitive structure leads to rote recitation, rather than listening to the words.
  • Wallace intended it as sort of the beginning of a series of "quick questions," but Beck goes into some long, incomprehensible word goulash recitation where he says, he realized "I'm not seeing something because I have eyes. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Know, O King, that last night I was at a party where they made a perfection of the Koran and got together doctors of law and religion skilled in recitation and intoning; and, when the readers ended, the table was spread and amongst other things they set before us was a marinated ragout553 flavoured with cumin seed. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Dada art was vehemently ephemeral posters, book jackets, calligrams, pamphlets, recitations - as we would expect from a movement made of poets as well as artists.
  • Without further ado, he was allowed to continue his recitation of Belli's poetry.
  • The challenge is how to properly honor King, without stupefying readers whose eyes glaze at the thought of hearing yet another recitation of the famous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech.
  • In epic, there is oral recitation: a poet directly confronting the listening audience.
  • Sometimes the recitation is a piteous description of the agony of the The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • The stroller toiling on his own account, "padding the hoof," as he called journeying on foot -- a small bundle under his arm, containing a few clothes and professional appliances -- wandered from place to place, stopping now at a fair, now at a tavern, now at a country-house, to deliver recitations and speeches, and to gain such reward for his labours as he might. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • Then, drawing her hand from her muff, she flung it out in a burlesque of the amateur recitationist: -- Otherwise Phyllis
  • Perry Tomson and I used to consider George's friends as models in the manner of smoking a pipe, or ordering whiskey-and-soda at Bertrand's to give us an appetite for our mutton-chops or our _bifteck aux pommes_, and in the delightful self-sufficiency with which in the pleasant spring days they would cut recitations and loll on the grass smoking cigarettes right under the nose, almost, of the professor. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • The huge moose heart intruded on her recitations of hemostat placements and incision angles, and she turned to look. Casualty
  • In just about every instance, at the end of their well-meaning recitations, these kind direction-givers have used the phrase sempre dirittoalways straight. The Italian Summer
  • I explained that I was on firm legal and moral ground by exercising my choice not to engage in coerced patriotism, that as a Quaker I didn't believe in ritualistic idol worship, and if the seniors in my homeroom hadn't already formulated an opinion that the morning pledge is a true affirmation of their patriotism or a mindless recitation of a ritual learned in kindergarten, seeing me participate in my own way wasn't going to irreparably harm them. June 2006
  • No feast at any court in those days was complete without this diversion of recitation, when the nation's heroes, or some passage from its greater classics, furnished the theme; or when some improvisator wove a tissue of myth and legend, embroidered with fact, which won its way through confiding ages as historic truth, till the time, growing sophisticated, laid it heroically aside for a curio. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • The Falloux law of 1850 confirmed this principle, and a ministerial regulation from 1851 called for the teaching of prayers, the recitation of the catechism, and history lessons covering the Old and New Testaments.
  • And singing is impossible (unless you consider the mutual recitation of lyrics as singing - which some onliners do).
  • The funeral ceremony was broadcast live on all television channels, which replaced scheduled programs with recitations from the Koran.
  • The rabbis mandated the recitation of marriage blessings throughout the week of celebration, thus ritualizing the event.
  • Salisbury; and dropping his partner by the side of the lady recitationist, he bowed his thanks and hurried to the gallery for a better view. Cinderella And Other Stories
  • At a family bat mitzvah, my recitation of the aliya shone so brightly above the rest that my girlfriend's parents declared with pride, "That's our Jew! William Klein: Jews for Al Jazeera!
  • The reply from the lassies came from a bloke, naturally, and you could tell his heart wasn't in it by the look of disbelief accompanying his recitation of male idiosyncrasies.
  • 'The audience at recitations may be compared with the modern literary reviews, discharging the functions of a preventive and emendatory, not merely of a correctional tribunal. Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 02
  • Competitions will take place in solo singing, recitation, question time, instrumental music, ballad group singing, novelty act, ceilidh dancing.

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