How To Use Recessive In A Sentence
It involves the characteristics of criticism, recessiveness, savvy, introspectiveness and creativity.
In order to stimulate a recessive economy and pay for the cost of escalating welfare programs, Congress will add to the national debt.
This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
Fully recessive mutations are maintained in higher frequencies than partially recessive ones and thus cause greater declines in fitness under consanguineous matings.
According to Mendel, what kind of genes "disappear" in F1 pea plants? sex-linked dominant recessive codominant lethal
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To the character which alone appears in the first cross is given the name dominant (in this instance tallness is dominant), and to the hidden character that of recessive (dwarfishness, in the example).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
In so-called recessive disorders, such as sickle cell disease, your child needs to inherit two bad copies of the gene - one from each parent - to develop the disease.
Is Recessive Interview Invasion of Privacy?
Despite the recessive market we face, we are optimistic that more business will be done than last year.
To simplify the analysis, mate the dihybrid with a homozygous recessive strain (ccshsh).
Recessive deleterious mutations are a major cause for the phenomenon of inbreeding depression, and diploidy may have evolved to mask the effects of recessive deleterious mutations.
_recessive_, and a pair of contrasted characters which act in this way are now called _factors_ or sometimes called _unit characters_.
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
For a lethal recessive allele, mean frequency monotonically decreases as population size decreases.
The veterinary ophthalmology researchers said the disorder -- called congenital achromatopsia or rod monochromacy -- is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder with an estimated prevalence in human beings of about 1 in 50,000.
The Money Times
The recessive 1930s brought the reversal of this globalism while a new one was later formed during the Cold War.
Hereditary defects in the channels are known to cause many diseases, including dominant and recessive myotonia, Bartter's syndrome, and Dent's disease.
- The dominant P, allele codes for "thrum" pollen, the recessive, p allele codes for "pin" pollen, which is much smaller.
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The two most often cited explanations for this phenomenon are unmasking of the effects of deleterious recessive alleles and summation of the dominant effects of multiple loci brought together in the progeny.
Genetic counseling. Cystinosis is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
On occasion, families are observed where both parents have a recessive single gene disorder and yet have normal offspring.
The diagnosis: A potentially fatal genetic disorder called autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.
The Toughest Test
Almost all mutants were found to behave as simple Mendelian recessives.
Genetic study indicated that the mutated green-revertible albino leaf color trait specially expressed at seedling stage was controlled by a single recessive gene.
In a transition period, however, this may lead to a recessive pressure on the economy.
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by mutations in a gene called CYP27A1, which produces an enzyme called sterol 27-hydroxylase.
MMD Newswire: Press Release News Wire
Both inherited (autosomal dominant and recessive with variable levels of penetrance) and sporadic forms of uncombable hair syndrome have been described, both being characterized by scalp hair that is impossible to comb due to the haphazard arrangement of the hair bundles.
Boing Boing
In modern English all the disyllabic and trisyllabic words have only recessive stress, e.g. colour, marriage.
They have lived on, the recessive traits in our genetic coding, and they have emerged in us.
It was shown that most mutant genes are incompletely recessive (not «overdominant») and are acted upon by selection while heterozygous.
Hermann J. Muller - Biography
There is a recessive black gene in the breed as well.
According to Mendel, the hereditary elements were like particles, and took two forms - dominant and recessive.
Pokey (pok), a sex-linked recessive semi-lethal gene in Tribolium castaneum has been described.
In 1956, Rolf Kostmann, a Swedish pediatrician, described an autosomal recessive disorder that he called infantile genetic agranulocytosis - which is now called severe congenital neutropenia.
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An investigation by BBC Newsnight claims that British Pakistanis account for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders, which include cystic fibrosis.
Archive 2005-11-13
Gene distribution was out of balance. Dominant genes were more than recessive ones.
If two of these recessives meet in an individual, their version of the trait will be expressed.
Instead selection causes the same increase in allele frequency in both dominants and recessives, at least early on when the fates of nearly all alleles are determined.
Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood.
This suggested that the wirehair gene is a simple dominant because there was little chance the unrelated female was carrying a recessive wirehair gene.
The specific controversy that has provoked this larger debate involves an experimental treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a heterogenous group of recessive genetic syndromes in which females often have "masculinized" or "intersex" external genitalia.
Jacob M. Appel: Tempest in a Womb: What's Wrong With Preventing (Or Promoting) Homosexuality In Utero?
Campos-Xavier AB, Martinet D, Bateman J, Belluoccio D, Rowley L, et al. (2009) Mutations in the heparan-sulfate proteoglycan glypican 6 (GPC6) impair endochondral ossification and cause recessive omodysplasia.
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Facial dimples from smiling are derived from a dominant gene, whereas no dimples is a recessive trait.
Robert Tornambe, M.D.: Accepting Your Genetic Destiny
The variant genes that cause recessive genetic illnesses tend to be very rare.
There is a 50% chance with each pregnancy that a carrier female will pass on the abnormal recessive gene.
In the 1980s, there was no test to identify a carrier of the recessive gene for Canavan disease and no test to identify a fetus with the disease.
The genes responsible for our red dogs are recessive to those responsible for our brindles.
Thus deleterious recessives had not been eliminated from the population to the extent that consanguineous matings were harmless in terms of offspring viability.
It’s the result of a condition called erythrism, similar to the recessive gene that afflicts albino animals.
Photos of the Very Rare and Very Pink Katydid | Impact Lab
The disorders that mutations in these types of genes cause are called autosomal recessive.
Genetics and Alagille Syndrome
The older system is understood to be recessive.
In this situation one gene has dominance over the other gene, which is said to be recessive.
It would operate like inbreeding, which increases the odds of offspring inheriting the same deleterious recessive allele from both parents.
Normally, people do not have one blue eye and one brown eye, or half brown hair and half blond hair because most genetic traits are the result of the expression of either the dominant or the recessive genes or alleles.
Nature is 'sheep's wool on barbed wire,' equipment such as a harrow pin, sledge-head, or trowel, as if its center were protrusive objects and not recessive vistas.
Heaney Agonistes
I suspect we shall see the resurgence of all sorts of recessive traits.
Secondly; reductions in the available gene pool have almost always resulted in further proliferation of genetic disorders as recessive genes have a higher probability of combining.
Campos-Xavier AB, Martinet D, Bateman J, Belluoccio D, Rowley L, et al. (2009) Mutations in the heparan-sulfate proteoglycan glypican 6 (GPC6) impair endochondral ossification and cause recessive omodysplasia.
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But regardless of why most incompatibilities act as recessives, the present results leave little doubt that they do.
Prospecting within the plateau is largely hampered by grass and felsenmeer cover, however, traverses along recessive northwest trending benches above the plateau and along cirque walls were successful due to the more dynamic geomorphological setting.
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A recessive character is the absence of some positive character, and if in the cell-divisions of gametogenesis the factor for the positive character passes wholly into one cell, the other will be without it, will not 'carry' that factor.
Hormones and Heredity
This is simply a cross between dihybrids, except that the various alleles do not have simple dominant-recessive relations, and their exists an interaction between the two loci.
Aparently her evilness is a homologous recessive gene therefore, for some odd reason, she is "still out there".
Superhero99 Diary Entry
I hadn't recalled Pete's red ... and now that you mention it, I agree that the recessive gene on both sides would make it possible for a PW child of Rose and The-Hand-Plus-Donna's-Body (Consciousness inhabiting it TBD later) to turn up redheaded, too.
New Doctor/Rose Ficlet: STRAWBERRIES
Thus deleterious recessives had not been eliminated from the population to the extent that consanguineous matings were harmless in terms of offspring viability.
Short hair being dominant over long, breedings between shorthair and longhair cats will produce only shorthair kittens, unless the shorthair parent is carrying the recessive gene for long hair.
We can diagnose numerous single gene disorders, both dominant and recessive, as well as cases of uniparental disomy.
Cytogenomics Lab
The only way to remove an unwanted recessive like long hair from a breeding program is to spay or neuter all kittens who inherit that trait and all cats who produce it.
Like the recessive alleles, frayed spindles and monopolar spindles characterized the spindle defects.
Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.
In this example, susceptibility to retinoblastoma is inherited as a dominant trait; however, the expression of the tumor within the eye, which requires the presence of two abnormal genes, is technically recessive.
Both inherited (autosomal dominant and recessive with variable levels of penetrance) and sporadic forms of uncombable hair syndrome have been described, both being characterized by scalp hair that is impossible to comb due to the haphazard arrangement of the hair bundles.
Boing Boing
They have the largest number of recessive features of all West African languages.
However, baldness is another X - linked recessive trait; you inherit it from your mother.
The result indicated that 95 - 5383 carries one recessive gene that confess resistance to SMV 3.
In the slow mingling of the made and born, the organic is a dominant trait, while the mechanic is recessive.
This study shows that most hybrid incompatibilities are recessive and epistatic.
Self-pollination in these strains was found to be controlled by duplicate, recessive genes.
The international outcross did frequently provide some hybrid vigor - useful for covering up recessive negatives - in the short-term, but would have proved a disaster in the long-term as its principal achievement would have been to dilute valuable gene groupings that are better maintained by prudent inbreeding and line-breeding (as great breeders through the ages have demonstrated consistently).
Thoroughbred News |
Composed of one or more curves, angles, kinks or any combination thereof, the tail is created by a simple recessive gene which breeds true in any bobtail-to-bobtail cross.
PKU is described by scientists as an autosomal recessive genetic disease that is characterized by a deficiency in an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH).
Medlogs - Recent stories
Instead selection causes the same increase in allele frequency in both dominants and recessives, at least early on when the fates of nearly all alleles are determined.
I continued the work on dorsal, discovered the recessive phenotype and interpreted the phenotype postulating a gradient determining the dorsoventral axis.
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.
This is an inherited disorder, and is inherited as a recessive trait.
There are probably other types of amentia in which a rare recessive gene is the chief determinant.
If no disease is present then the gene is recessive; the person is a carrier, but may pass on the defective gene to the offspring.
Colour Blindness is a sex - linked recessive trait 20 times more common in men than in women.
This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
In the Belgian tervuren and sheepdog, epilepsy is highly heritable with a polygenic mode of inheritance, though apparently influenced by a single autosomal recessive locus of large effect.
The two independent, recessive dwarfing genes produced four distinct seedling growth habits in field trials.
In the slow mingling of the made and born, the organic is a dominant trait, while the mechanic is recessive.
Gene distribution was out of balance. Dominant genes were more than recessive ones.
But according to this article, “An Italian judge ordered a sterile couple to transfer all the embryos obtained with assisted reproduction techniques, despite the fact that both would-be parents carry the recessive gene for beta thalassaemia, wanted a preimplant diagnosis, and would not keep a child born with the condition.”
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The other class, that of anti-oncogenes or tumor suppressors, is recessive in oncogenesis; cancer results when both normal copies have been mutated or deleted.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Kennewick Man may represent a resurgence of some recessive traits leftover from the Americas 'sundadonty days, or may represent an individual of a heretofore unknown isolated remnant population of sundadonts.
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There are a number of ways in which financial planning can pay off, even in a recessive economy.
The real growth was 1.6% in a recessive global economic climate.
A classic example of an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism is phenylketonuria.
the recessive gene for blue eyes
Ego is recessive in wisdom. Toba Beta
She was tall, dark, sallow, lithe, with a strange moodiness of heart and a recessive, fulgurous gleam in her chestnut-brown, almost brownish-black eyes.
The Titan
B framework is quite restricted when it comes to explaining why recessive mutants are so common, the appearance of dominant mutations, the existence of functional recessive homozygotes, the phenomenon of overdominance, and how genetic dominance may arise from intralocus interaction
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Congenital microphthalmia is a developmental defect of ocular disorder with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked recessive modes of inheritance.
Thornton PS, Satin-Smith MS, Herold K, Glaser B, Chiu KC, Nestorowicz A, et al. Familial hyperinsulinism with apparent autosomal dominant inheritance: clinical and genetic differences from the autosomal recessive variant. [see comments].
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The alb1 mutation is recessive and homozygous albino plants are white and die at the seedling stage.